Lentil soup à la Constantine

Lentil soup in Constantine

..For six people.


400gr. Puy lenses ………. (echo from Pieria`s).

C: 15gr. Dried Shitake mushrooms (eco from Pieria`s Livs).

Six to eight. Lagerblad (Very important in lentil soup!)

About ten pieces fermented (With Probioform best!) * Dried Karl Johan & Kantareller (from Pieria`s Livs).

One large red onion and five garlic cloves.

A medium sized echo sweet potato (Available on Ica).

Three tablespoons organic cold pressed coconut oil *.

5st normal sized echo carrots.

Cayene pepper, chilli and pepper (eco from Gryningen).

One and a half tablespoons of “Naturata” vegan echo Bujong (Yeast and sugar free from Gryningen).

Four dl. cold pressed eco olive oil from Lesbos is available at Piera´s *

“UME-SHISO” (fermented plum vinegar with shiso flower! – echo from Gryningen (Very important in lentil soup!)

Do this:

a) Boil first about: 8 minutes fast lentils.

b) Pour the water through the strainer, rinse and put in new water (2 L), lentils and Shitake, boiled in medium temperature for about 10 minutes, then it is time to put in the sweet potato (in small pieces), the coconut oil, the bay leaves, Cayene pepper, chilli and pepper.

After about a quarter, it’s time for the red onion.

boil further for 10 minutes, then time for: Herb spices, garlic and fermented chanterelles and Karl Johan and broth.

Let it cook for about minutes, then it is time for the carrots in about 5 minutes, pull the saucepan from the stove and leave it until it becomes NEXT cold – ALWAYS with the lid on!) .. Then it is time for Olive oil and Ume -Shiso (one tablespoon for each serving = Tasty meal