Trancedermal Nutrition Therapy & Nutritional Cosmetics – Mastic of Chios & Collagen

Mastic of Chios


  • On June 29, 2014
Μαστίχα Χίου: οι θεραπευτικές της ιδιότητες.    



A) Intake: 

Mastic 60%, Inulin 5%, Camu-camu 5%, MSM 10%, Sunseed Lecitine 5%, Allohe Vera 5% Probiform 10%; in Double as much destilled water volume

B) Application external:

Our skin is the biggest organ in our Body. Clean Spring Living Water even externally.

The ULTIMATE method is :

  1. )To distill the tap water: 

  2. ) to Vortex it in a magnetic field (of 15thn Gaus for approx: 9 minutes/ NIKKEN “Pig Mag” is recommended) . Image result for PiMag nikken

  3. )to Loadit with Oz3 Image may contain: indoor

  4. ) Put in Masaru Emoto´s into Fibonacci  carafes – Knowledge based on PYTHAGORAS. Image may contain: indoor

  5. )To enrich it with minerals

Mastic 8%, Seabuck Thorn Cold Pressed oil 15%, RoyalJelly 10%, Camu-camu 5%, MSM 5%, Sunflowerseed-Lecitine 10%, Vanilla poweder 5%, Cold Pressed Coco`s oil 15%, Manuka honey 22%, Probiform 5%.

C) Beauty (& Antiarthretic) Application:

 Mastic 8%, Seabuck Thorn Cold Pressed oil 10%, RoyalJelly 10%, Camu-camu 5%, MSM 5%, Sunflowerseed-Lecitine 5%, Vanilla poweder 5%, Cold Pressed Coco`s oil 10%, Manuka honey 5%,  Sear Butter 7%, Hyaluronic Acid 20% &  Aloe-Vera 10%.

The word mastic is derived from the Greek verb, (μαστιχειν –mastihein = “to gnash the teeth”, which is the source of the English word masticate.[1] The word masticis a synonym for gum in many languages.

Imitations and substitutes

The rarity of mastic and the difficulty of its production make it expensive. As a result, imitations in the form of other resins appear in the market, sold as “mastic,” such as Boswellia or gum arabic. Other trees, such as Pistacia palaestina, can also produce a resin similar to mastic. Yet other substances, such as pine tree resin and almond tree resin, are sometimes used in place of mastic.

Mastic is a natural resin that comes from the trunk of the mastic tree. The color is whitish – yellowish and translucent transparent up. The mastic tree grows only in southern Chios. It takes the full development of 40-50 years and lives about 100 from the 5th to the 6th year gives the resin after the 15th produces 60-250gr and in rare cases 400g. The exclusive production of the island of Chios due in accordance with temperate climate theories in the area and underwater volcanoes and limestone soil. Attempts have been made to cultivate the mastic mastic tree and in other parts of Greece and other countries, but without success.

The properties of mastic had been discovered since ancient times. The first reports from Herodotus in the 5th century BC .. Many ancient authors refer to the therapeutic properties of mastic as Pliny, Theophrastos, Dioscorides and Galenos. The medicinal properties were known to Hippocrates. In ancient Rome they used toothpicks of mastic to whiten their teeth. In ancient Greece chewed the dried resinous liquid that flowed from the bark of the mastic tree. Also found prescriptions which seems mastic used in various diseases. The mastic production is from June to September. The flavor of gum chewing in the beginning is rather bitter but then disappears and the special scent adds a special flavor. The hardness is due to many factors such as temperature, exposure time of mastic and size of your tear.


researches alleged that Chios mastic extract reduces the disintegration of COLLAGEN

  What Does Collagen Do?

May help to maintain Arthros & joints problems, healthy hair, skin and nails.It is thought that from the age of 25, your body loses collagen at a rate of 1.5% per annum, so by the age of 35, your body will have lost 15% and by 45, 30%. This is when you really start to notice a change in your skin’s elasticity and texture. 

Collagen naturally contains glucosamine and chondroitin which may help to support healthy joints by attracting fluid back into the joint space to cushion the bone and by rebuilding cartilage.

  • Kollagen är den viktigaste struktursubstansen i bindväven och därmed viktig för hudens elasticitet och densitet, men är även av avgörande betydelse för ledfunktionen. Antioxidativ, naturlig vitamin C från Acai & Camu-camu bär skyddar cellerna mot skador från oxidativ stress.

Medicine:People in the Mediterranean region have used mastic as a medicine for gastrointestinal ailments for several thousand years. The first-century Greek physician and botanistDioscorides, wrote about the medicinal properties of mastic in his classic treatise De Materia Medica (“About Medical Substances”).Consumption of mastic has been proven to absorb cholesterol, thus easing high blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart attacks. Mastic oil also has antibacterial and antifungal properties, and as such is widely used in the preparation of ointments for skin disorders and afflictions. It is also used in the manufacture of plasters.In recent years, university researchers have provided the scientific evidence for the medicinal properties of mastic. A 1985 study by the University of Thessaloniki and by the Meikai University discovered that mastic can reduce bacterial plaque in the mouth by 41.5%. A 1998 study by the University of Athens found that mastic oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Another 1998 University of Nottingham study, claims that mastic can heal peptic ulcers by killing Helicobacter pylori, which causes peptic ulcersgastritis, and duodenitis. Some in vivo studies have shown that mastic gum has no effect on H. pylori when taken for short periods of time. However, a recent and more extensive study showed that mastic gum reduced H. pylori populations after an insoluble and sticky polymer (poly-β-myrcene) constituent of mastic gum was removed and taken for a longer period of time. Further analysis showed the acid fraction was the most active antibacterial extract, and the most active pure compound was isomasticadienolic acid.Mastic is a natural resin that comes from the trunk of the mastic tree. The color is whitish – yellowish and translucent transparent up. The mastic tree grows only in southern Chios. It takes the full development of 40-50 years and lives about 100 from the 5th to the 6th year gives the resin after the 15th produces 60-250gr and in rare cases 400g. The exclusive production of the island of Chios due in accordance with temperate climate theories in the area and underwater volcanoes and limestone soil. Attempts have been made to cultivate the mastic mastic tree and in other parts of Greece and other countries, but without success. & Antiarthritic Remendies

Dioscorides (1st century AD.) “Father of pharmacology”, physician and botanist from Cilicia, had a pharmacy for 35 years and classify drugs into 5 categories. His work “De Materia Medica” I did not overcome until the 16th century. Dioscorides praises the healing properties of Chios Mastic indicating that helps in cases of indigestion, the reproduction of blood in chronic cough, while acting as a sedative drug. It also found that chewing mastic than oral hygiene and gives pure and fresh breath. In another reference to the fact he speaks of a mastic, the essential oil of mastic, which as stated variously applied for diseases of the uterus, as mild heating, astringent and emollient agent. Chios Mastic (natural rubber)

·                          Chios Mastiha

What is Mastiha?  Mastiha is the natural and rare tree resin of the pistacia lentiscus var Chia tree. Scientific research has shown that this resin has anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory qualities.  It has been documented from antiquity for its health benefits, its use as the first natural chewing gum and as a cooking spice. Today, it is still chewed as well as used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and in the culinary world.  Chios Mastiha contributes to a healthy gastrointestinal system and has beneficial effects for both oral hygiene and skin care. Chios Mastiha is protected by the European Union as a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) product.  This distincion recognizes the name of a specific region or country where a specific agricultural product originates exclusively due to the geographical environment.  This includes the natural and human factors and production, alteration and processes which take place in the delineated geographical area.  All PDO products bear the EU symbol designating them as such. Chewing Chios Mastiha is a truly unique experience.  To create your own natural piece of gum, select a few medium pieces of the resin, or combine a small piece with a large one.  The larger pieces tend to be softer than the small ones, so it is recommended that one chew a mixture rather than chew only the small, hard pieces.  Before chewing, let the pieces moisten in your mouth. Mastiha may taste a bit bitter at first, but that taste fades into a light herbal flavor.  Begin chewing and Mastiha becomes a white silky color.  The resin keeps its hard texture indefinitely and this is precisely why it is recommended for gum health and amazingly clean teeth!  Keep chewing the gum for a half hour in order to gain all the therapeutic benefits. For more information on Chios Mastiha, click on the informational brochures below. Chios Mastiha Overview Chios Mastiha Medical and Scientific Reports Chios Mastiha Guide to Beauty Care De första rapporterna om mastix och mastix identifierats i antiken and essentially derived from Herodotus (484-420 BC), who shall state that in ancient Greece chewed the dried resinous liquid flowing from the bark of the mastic. In medical texts late antiquity found wealth recipe, main ingredient putty, which is beneficial to human health and assigned many properties. Usually used in combination with other natural materials to treat many diseases. In fact, due to the strong impact of antiflegmonodous eleanolikou and oleanolic acid (3-oxotriterpenio) works mastic vulnerary lysis inflammation starting from specific organs periodontitis, esophagitis, gastritis, duodenal ulcer and colitis until hemorrhoids. Also prevents the stagnation in these areas prevent symptoms like indigestion or flatulence. In addition, the digestion is facilitated by reflex secretion of saliva and gastric juice by chewing gum. The fact is that the mastic is still used today to soft tumors of the anus, breast, liver, parotid, spleen, stomach, intestine, esophagus, also for diarrhea in children. Moreover, it is considered an analgesic, antitussive, orexigenic, aphrodisiac, astringent, erythropoiesis, diuretic, expectorant and haemostatic. Mastic is mentioned as the traditional antidote to abscesses, acne, cancer, ulcers and tumors, malignant vesicles kardiodynias, warts, inertia, gingivitis, bad breath, white discharge, mastitis, lace and atherosclerosis. Recent medical studies at the University of Nottingham said that even in minimal doses (1 mg daily for 2 weeks), putty heal ulcers, which is responsible for the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori, due to its antimicrobial action, while important and its effect on liver function , and activates detoxifying activity. In this way absorbed cholesterol, whose concentration in the blood decreases, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Still, out and diuretic properties, while important is the inhibition of leukotriene synthesis by the action of mastic. Another modern scientific research that led to the isolation and identification of ursolic and oleanolic acid, revealed and confirmed that many of the pharmaceuticals business putty, such as cancer, liver protective, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, antimicrobial (against many pathogens such as Staphylococcus and Salmonella) anti-hyperlipidemia and antiviral actions, mainly explained that ursolic acid, and isomer oleanolic acid. The second most common use of mastic in connection with the care of the oral cavity. It is suitable for making toothpaste (Epitomae 2.26), provide clean breathing and release excess moisture in the mouth (Aëtius 3141). In fact it has been found that the addition of natural gum paste in toothpaste, wash solutions and fresh breath leads to strengthening the immune system of the tissue between the teeth and gums, which acts against the formation of plaque and other periodontal diseases. The mechanism involves the reaction of the components of the gum polymorphic cell nuclei in the region of the oral cavity and causes accumulation of white blood cells. Of particular interest is the fact that the mastic used for trimming. It served as a sunscreen to avoid burns from the sun (Oribasius, Ad Eustathium 6.53), while an important ingredient in the manufacture of soaps and beauty cream (Aëtius 8.14). In modern cosmetics, putty, because of ursolic acid and its isomer, oleanolic acid, is used in preparations intended to improve hair growth and protection from irritation of the scalp. In addition, corporate cosmetics and perfumes using mastic, such as essential oil in the manufacture of perfumes and face creams, as ursolic acid, among other things, establishes structures of collagen and elasticity of the skin and thereby reduce the aging time. Nevertheless, the glue that is used in confectionery as an additive in the production of large amounts of candy, confectionery and bakery flavor while cooking adds a distinctive flavor to meat, cheese, or as a condiment. In the beverage industry, serves to produce liqueur ouzo, such as by adding rubber drink gets its taste and reduces the harmful effects of alcohol. Finally, it is putty ideal food preservatives, because it prevents the growth of harmful microorganisms in them, such as Salmonella enteritidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas fragi, Candida albicans, and so on. The biological activity of Chios mastic gum has been evaluated in several in vitro studies related to the ability to inhibit the oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol), where it has the highest antioxidant activity compared to other plastics and rubbers, and thus increased protection for the cardiovascular system. Resin of the mastic Chiou contain substantial amounts of various polyphenols compared with other natural products, in combination with other components (such as terpenoids) acquires beneficial health properties. Among these properties, has an important role played by the general antioxidant. Antioxidant activity Protection of LDL (bad cholesterol) by oxidation which leads to a reduction of cholesterol deposited in tissues and thus a reduction in the production rate of atherosclerotic plaque, reducing the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. In addition, polyphenols exhibit and other protective physiological effects, good for health, the most important of these are summarized as follows:

Reduce blood sugar and blood cholesterol

Protection of epithelial cells in the respiratory tract

Increase levels of HDL (good cholesterol) and lower levels of LDL (bad cholesterol)

Anti-tumor activity (in colon cancer cell apoptosis)

Antimicrobial and antibacterial activity

Antiallergic properties (inhibition of platelet aggregation)

In conclusion, we can say that the daily chewing gum of Chios, mainly in raw form (crystals or “tears” putty) and fine-grained, candy (gum) or Mastich oil, in addition to beautiful natural taste and freshness attributes, has significantly resulting in protecting and preserving our health through different effects on our body. Finally, it is understood that the cement product is unique, both for its properties and for the exclusive origin, since the glue tree grows only on the island of Chios. Home »Health» The healing properties of mastic The healing properties of mastic mastic. Since ancient times was already known beneficial properties of mastic and mastic oil for health. Mastic called aromatic resin, extracted from putty or mastic tree, which grows only on the island of Chios and in no other part of the world, because all efforts, the growth of plants in other parts of Greece and then failed. Minimum rain, lots of sun and calcareous soil type is the perfect environment for the success of the plant. The putty is considered to be a product of really great features for medical, confectionery, orthodontics, etc. Surveys show that mastic has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Mastic works healing, inflammation cure specific diseases: periodontal disease, esophagitis, gastritis, duodenal ulcer, colitis and hemorrhoids. Clinically, mastic accepted particularly beneficial for the treatment of duodenal ulcer, because it can inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori, which lives in the gastrointestinal mucosa in 90% of patients with duodenal ulcer and 60% of patients suffering from gastric ulcer, which causes changes in cellular structure. Recent studies have demonstrated the presence of polyphenolic compounds that are known for their strong antioxidant activity, and protect tissues and cells of the organism in the presence of free radicals. Other positive properties of mastic, which, is as follows: Lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Protection of the airway epithelial cells. Increasing levels of HDL (good cholesterol) and decrease LDL (bad cholesterol). Antikarkiniki action (in colon cancer cell apoptosis). Antimicrobial and antibacterial activity. Antiallergic properties.

As mentioned above the aromatic resinous substance derived from the trunk and branches of the mastic tree. Its use is known from ancient times. It has been used in traditional and practical therapeutic for various conditions such as abdominal pain, dyspepsia and peptic ulcers. In modern times the scientific community, in a correct and scientific way, is to document the beneficial properties of Chios mastic. Be noted here that the systematic use of chewing can cause significant inhibition of bacterial growth in the oral cavity, while reducing the formation of plaque on teeth. Chewing also helps dressage gum, with all its beneficial effects on the health of teeth and because of the special taste and hardness, causes secretion saloiy, resulting in a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. It is 100% natural product and for this reason may contain a very small percentage of impurities. It consists further washing with water. POWDER MASTIC CHIOY (food preparation) Nutritional composition with Chios mastic powder and inulin, a unique combination that helps KALLI functioning and healthy digestive system. Inulin is a natural fiber that is isolated from horseradish roots and demonstrably contribute to the growth of beneficial gut bacteria (bifidus). It is proposed that additional preparation in the daily diet, once daily at a dose of 3.2 g (teaspoon each) mixed with water or beverage, preferably before breakfast. Please note that the product is partially soluble in water (suitable for diabetics). Mastic (natural aqueous gum flavor) It is naturally flavored water that carries the authentic flavor mastic and some of its beneficial properties. Is 100% natural extract containing a low amount of the essential oil of mastic while transporting all of the soluble components that exhibit beneficial properties. The Mastic, taken from the mastic, through simple distillation with steam, so synapostazei with mastic oil (essential oil), and then separated from it by the simple process of phase separation. Use morning and night as a moisturizer and toner offering freshness and natural glow to the skin. Same time can be used for deep cleaning and perfuming the skin of the body. Kosmitologikes studies suggest that extracts Chios Mastic reduce apoiodomisi collagen. The mastic is dermatologically tested. In clinical trials conducted at University Avenue, proved that the mastic is safe for the skin, as contact with the skin of healthy volunteers induced no irritation problems. SCENTED OIL SOAP Mastic The soap combines the beneficial properties of olive oil with antibacterial and regenerative properties of Chios mastic and mastic oil. Produced from 100% natural ingredients with no chemical additives and pigments. In this soap has enhanced feature, fragrant aroma of Chios mastic. Spread HONEY Mastic Unique in flavor and quality honey pine scented Mastic Chios. The fir honey is considered one of the best and aromatikoteres honey varieties. Is particularly thick and due to the high concentration of trace elements has high nutritional and biological value. The mastic is known for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and is beneficial to the health of the digestive system. The spread with honey mastic is the ideal combination of two natural products that promote health and ideally complements a healthy and balanced diet. (ideal for the energy they need in their breakfast children) CHEWING GUM IN TABLETS WITHOUT SUGAR 15% Chios MASTIC. It is the innovative new gum of Chios Mastic Growers Association in tablet form. Produced by a novel technique involving proporiaki simply compressing the ingredients in tablet form. By avoids heat or other stresses incurred most of the chewing gum commercial. Safeguarded so the utmost naturalness and properties of mastic and transported safely to the consumer the benefit of actions. Unlike common chewing gum, contributes to the soothing treatment of xerostomia, and due to her particular taste and causes greater relative hardness drooling, resulting freshness and cleanliness. Made from pure, natural materials and thus the taste, appearance and mouthfeel may differ.