We are ancient Pelasgians! It is a great honor for us because our forefathers were the most dynamic generation in history. Although we bear various names according to gender (Achaeans, Ionians, Aeolians, Arcadians, Minoans, Mycenaeans, Macedonians, etc.) there were three main general names of the Greeks:

Pelasgians (from Pelasgos), Greeks (from Greek) and Greeks (from Greek) = Πελασγοί ( εκ του Πελασγού), Γραικοί ( εκ του Γραικού ) και Έλληνες ( εκ του Έλληνος ) And it would be unnecessary to emphasize our origin if the “well-wishers” did not proceed to the savage dismemberment and mutilation of our glorious Race, with the aim of annihilate numerically and make it a toddler in age….


He was the son of ZEUS and NIOBE, native grandfather of THESSALY And NOT an “Indo-European” from nowhere, or from Asia and Africa as some ignorant or malicious BARBARIANS claim]

The etymology of Pelasgos comes a/ from palai +gegaa = /α/ εκ του πάλαι +γέγαα =γίνομαι παλιόςto become old b/ from “Pelion Argos”= /α/ εκ του πάλαι +γέγαα =γίνομαι παλιόςold of old men (hence Argos Pelasgikon) c/ from stork=traveler d/ from perao= γ/ εκ του πελαργός=ταξιδευτής δ/ εκ του περάω= δ/ εκ του περάω=περνώ θάλασσαν (μετανάστης, θαλασσοπόρος )περνώ θάλασσαν (μετανάστης, θαλασσοπόρος )to cross the sea (immigrant) , seafarer ) e/ from plazo= ε/ εκ του πλάζω=περιπλανώμαι δια θαλάσσης( λαός της θάλασσαςwander through the sea (people of the sea) f/ from pelas= στ/ εκ του πέλας=πλησίον+άγω(οδηγώ, ηγούμαι μεταφέρω στους γειτονικούς λαούς)near+ago(lead, lead carry to the neighboring peoples) All the etymological elements of the name Pelasgos lead to the ancient, restless and daring people of the sea that migrates and travels (like Odysseus the polyglot)/

The first Pelasgians were Arcadians who survived the Deluge and rushed from there to the neighboring coasts (Italy, Asia Minor, Mediterranean etc.)


He was a pre-cataclysmic hero, son of Thessalus and great-grandson of Pelasgus who flourished before the Cataclysm of Deucalion. It is derived from “graios = old man or old man from the earth + flow or earth + era”[ The Const. Oikonomou from Oikonomon in “On the Authenticity of Pronunciation” p. 335 writes:

“A Greek is a man whose body is solid, strong, and whose genus is old, that is, old, ancient, ambassadorial and old” For the Greek he writes that he is from ela, eli, sun, saddle always mean the fast-moving and versatile light, However, our cradle is Thessaly with Mount Olympus as its focus.

***E L L E N

He was the son of Deucalion and is an evolution from the generation of the Pelasgians and Greeks “Greek, I was born of Zeus, because of Deucalion” And the country inhabited by the Greeks was named Hellas, “formerly called Pelasgia” [Herod. B! 56] Etymological versions a/ Hellas = the luminous chair, (sel+hellas) b/ Hellas= the luminous stone (sel+las)

According to Aristotle, it got its name from Dodoni in Epirus, where the Selloi lived and what were then called Greeks and now Greeks. The Parion Marmaron writes: “Greeks were called, before Greeks were called”

The name Pelasgians is general and includes a wider group that started from the same area centered on the Aegean Sea (the Greek Peninsula and the surrounding Aegean coasts) but spread throughout the Mediterranean basin, in Europe and in the whole world and over time it took on different names. And it is no exaggeration to say that the Pelasgians under various names are scattered in every corner of the planet.

Herodotus writes (Clio 58) the following: “I believe that the Greek peoples spoke the same language, but weakened after their separation from the Pelasgians, and starting at first from a small nucleus, they reached the enormous numbers they now represent by incorporation of various foreign nations, among whom were the Pelasgians. I do not believe that the Pelasgians, a barbarous people, ever became numerous or powerful.’ However, the difference of nation according to Herodotus means a difference of race rather than nation as we consider it today.

And I copy another passage from him (Clio 56) which confirms the truth of the statement: “Investigations showed that the Lacedaemonians were stronger than the Dorians and the Athenians than the Ionians. These two, of whom the first came from the Pelasgians, while the others from the Greeks”. But who believes that the Lacedaemonians did not belong to the Greek nation? According to Herodotus, the Athenian nation was Pelasgian, and the first Arcadians and the inhabitants of Croton and Troy and other cities were Pelasgians.

The division of the Greeks into several races (Dryopes, Leleges, Pelasgians, Kaucones, Thracians, Televoes, etc.) is due to their deep geographical separation, which even today creates communication problems at certain times of the year. Therefore, neither did they come to Greece from the north, nor are the Greeks Slavs who were Hellenized – as Falmereyer previously claimed – nor did they come from England, nonsense that Lord Bulwer Lytton expressed in his “novel” in 1842, and argued with them German scientist Muller. Exactly the opposite happens.

Europeans are descended from the Aegean Pelasgian Proto-Greeks, but this is not tolerated by the egoism of those who want at any cost to participate in the most brilliant civilization that man has made so far. It is unlikely that the Greeks had a foreign origin because before the glacial periods, as mentioned above, the whole of Northern Europe, beyond the Danube and beyond the lower Rhine and the Alps, but also the East – not even northern Persia and the Indies excepted – covered by glaciers.

But even after the melting of the glaciers, the lowlands were covered by water and mud. Therefore, it was impossible for the supposed IEs or Arians to live, and even more so to create civilization in the regions of Central Europe and later to transplant it to the Aegean Pelasgians. Because the latter had the privilege of living in the most temperate region of the world, “swimming” in the Mediterranean Sea and communicating with all the peoples of the then known world. And then, of course, today’s energy sources did not exist to support the northern civilization, as is the case today with the establishment of technological civilization.

The well-travelled Pelasgians

Pelasgus is so old that he is treated, according to mythology, as the son of Poseidon. This symbolism is consistent with the maritime origin of the Greek nation and the seamanship of the Greeks. But also Inachos, the “first man of the Peloponnese”, was the son of Oceanus and the sea goddess Tethys. There were no other advanced people at that time, who traveled not only by sea but by land north or east of the Danube. But how did the Ancient Greek Aegean Pelasgians learn to travel?

After the sinking of Aegis they found themselves cut off from their tribe and relatives on the islands and they desperately wanted to escape this isolation. This is how they learned to sail, first on tree trunks and then on ships. The Greeks have been closely associated with the sea since ancient times and literally thresh the Aegean and the Mediterranean sea.

From the Aegean and Asia Minor coasts, they progressively and radially penetrated – in a kind of fan – to the north, east, south and west and depopulated the underdeveloped tribes, when the climatic conditions allowed it. Back then sea travel was relatively easier and safer compared to land travel. After the sinking of Aegis, it is natural that the nomads around the Aegean moved north and east to find pastures for their flocks. They entered the drained plains after the waters receded.

Such reciprocating movements – unknown how many – certainly occurred during the millennia under the pressure of the needs of the populations of the time. But the main stream of migration was consistently oriented from the region of the Aegean and the Aemos Peninsula to the north, south, east and west, because the settlers were looking for new empty and virgin lands, initially for livestock and later for their agricultural exploitation. On the other hand, this trend towards immigration continues to our time (immigration waves to America, Australia, etc.) However, at the beginning they lived a nomadic lifestyle, just like the Sarakatsanaeans of Pindos, who we can say are the most authentic and ancient Proto-Greeks. Europeans”, descendants of the Pelasgians.

From Aegis the Culture

From Aegis all those peoples started, who appeared later in the surrounding areas of Asia Minor, the Caucasus and the Mediterranean as far as the Danube under various names, carrying their culture with them. It is, of course, impossible to determine how many years passed after the sinking of the Aegis, until these various groups which were saved on the shores or moved inland were formed into tribes. According to the testimonies of the Egyptian priests of Sain to Solon, as mentioned by Plato in “Timaeus”, they took their culture from the Ancient Greeks of the Aegean. This is evident from their performance in navigation, but also in the arts (advanced Cycladic statuary art). The propaganda fictions about the arrival of Phoenicians and others (“Black Athena”, Bernal), apart from lacking logic and sufficient documentation, have been scientifically debunked, since he himself admitted that his motive was profit and attracting attention.

The much-advertised story of the Mesopotamian Gilgamesh, which they wanted to present as proof of the ancient spiritual development of the various peoples of Mesopotamia, is a much more recent and shoddy construction, based on Greek traditions and myths. It is indeed a bad copying of what is mentioned about the flood of Deucalion, which, let it be noted, is older than the flood of Noah, if it also happened of course. Because everything written about Noah’s flood is monstrous, unscientific and suitable only for people who had no idea about the sea and navigation.

Contrary to the Orphic texts about the Ogygus flood, it is certified that no other ancient people has earlier memories and scientific evidence and has not recorded spiritual manifestations and other interesting findings (e.g. astronomical observations 11,000 years BC) like these contained in ancient Greek texts. As Erman Dils informs us [“Prosokratiki”, Ch. Orpheus, p. 3] the Aegean Ancient Greeks wrote down their observations several thousand years ago on thin boards, stones or shells (writing of Dispilios, Iuros, Alonissos, etc.), a fact that testifies that they were heiferous people (Homo Sapiens). The question that arises is why the younger supposedly “wise” researchers of the West had ignored or set aside such serious evidence?

It is certainly not a coincidence, because Greek Prehistory is on fire and they prefer to ignore it, put it aside and when it accidentally comes to the surface to silence it or even fake it. Because this area was inhabited not by 10, 20 thousand years ago – as the well-known Phoenicists claim for Mesopotamia or 35-40,000 years ago by the Afrocentrists – but 100, 800,000 years ago, but also millions of years ago, as proven by the investigations of Petraloni, of Triglia and Ptolemais, under the anthropologist-archaeologist Mr. Aris Poulianos. Therefore, the American research in the Frachthy cave of Ermioni, which brought to light elements of the civilization 25 thousand years ago, came to prove the existence and continuity of human development in the Greek area. The gaps that exist today in long periods of history do not mean a negative existence of life, but rather a lack of systematic research in this area.

The Culture of the Romans

The civilization is ancient and goes back to the time of the Etruscans and Tyrsines. But the main civilization of the Romans before they began their imperial course began mainly after the conquest of Greece (180-120 BC), i.e. from the time of Caesar. Previously the tribes of Central and Northern Italy were relatively primitive and uncultivated, did not know writing and even practiced cannibalism and human sacrifice in earlier times. Therefore, all Europeans owe culture and writing to the Pelasgians and Cretans. The Latin script is also Greek (Chalkidic alphabet) and the Roman Civilization is a copy – often a misprint – of the Greek Civilization. This proves the ancient common origin of the inhabitants of Northern and Western Europe (Teutons, Gauls, Swabians, Saxons, Iberians, etc.) from the Aegean Proto-Greeks.

These peoples still retain names of certain gods of Ancient Greece, words or word roots of their original mother tongue, or rather of their linguistic idiom which belongs to the Greek (Indo-European) homolingualism. Because over time they mixed with other peoples, but also due to different climatic and cultural conditions, it was necessary for them to diversify and move away from their original cultural cradle, the Aegean. Others of them in their new homelands were barbarized or assimilated in order to survive and remained undeveloped, as we find them later in the historical period, scattered in various countries of the north in tribes (Cimmerians, Scythians, Getae, Arimaspi, Gelones, Massagetae , Boudinii, Agrippai , Isidones, Sarmatians, Dacians, etc.). They later evolved under the influence of the Byzantine Empire and created the well-known nations of the north and east. Those who entered further east and beyond Lake Baikal, we later find them as Hyperboreans (or Gilaks).

A white race arrived in Japan time immemorial, the Ainu (=Ionians), while we meet scattered white races in Asia and the Far East. [See Vol. “PEOPLE OF THE EAST” “General Introduction” as well as “General Introduction” to the Second Book of John. Passa “THE ORPHICS” and the comments on the “Hymns of Orpheus”]. The Turks are a mosaic of peoples in the majority of indigenous peoples who have lived in the area since ancient times. The Turks are a small minority who came as nomads from the highlands of Central Asia, from the Altai region, to the Mediterranean. The latter are of Tatar-Mongolian origin and have remained untouched and uncivilized since their settlement in Asia Minor until today. This tribe was the ruling class of Ottoman Turkey, but also of today’s Kemal Turkey.

The Origin of the European Peoples

According to Athan. Stageritis [“OGYGIA”, Vol. B of Athan. Stageritis, Ed. Vienna 1808] the origin of all races – and of course the newer Nations of Northern, Western and Eastern Europe, as well as the whites of Russia and Central Asia – come from the Aegean, and specifically from the Greek cultural space, and not from the non-existent Indo-Europeans [See Diod. Sikeliotis, Bibl. A, Strabo, “Introduction” and Syre “The Great Mysteries”, Carlyle “The Heroes” (Odin) and Charles Berlitz “Mysteries from Forgotten Worlds”]. Examining the so-called Arian languages, as they are actually spoken today, they possess numerous Pelasgian elements, which undoubtedly come from their Pelasgian cradle, the Balkans, Lower Italy and Asia Minor.

When the same root is found in all languages, or in most of them, we must conclude that the object signified by that root was common to their ancestors, who once had the same culture. [For example, the word “Axon” exists corrupted in all the so-called Aryan languages, because these peoples all knew the wheeled carriage. Some improved it and put spokes on it over time, while others kept the traditional tree trunk wheel. So they diverged. Thus, with the addition of new words, the differentiation of the language and the identity of the peoples begins]. This is how the tribes gradually became differentiated from their original origin. In the end, common descent remains a myth. The myth of Atlantis, which is related to the ancient activity of the Greek race, as the various findings show, was once a reality. But not the artificial “myth” about the Indo-Europeans either.

The Myth of the Indo-Europeans

The descent of tribes from the North and East to the Greek Peninsula, in order to civilize the supposedly untouched Aegeans, is not justified either scientifically, or from a logical point of view, because the Aegeans were demonstrably a seafaring and highly civilized people who traveled, from the dawn of Prehistory , not only in the Mediterranean, but also in the Oceans. If we accept the beliefs about “Indo-Europeanists”, then their traces, their superior culture, their language and finally the historical spiritual monuments that they would leave behind in their original cradle should normally have been found somewhere. But such a thing has not been found. Nothing at all confirms their existence.

On the contrary, new overwhelming proofs and evidences from the Greek area and outside it – in the countries he traveled – are constantly coming to light, which confirm that the Aegean Proto-Greeks were the first to transmit their culture to all the peoples of the then known world. Of course, all these anti-scientific and dogmatic theories of the past have long since fallen, but they come back each time with a new wrapper in the news from the “scientific” establishment of international power. Because this myth is convenient for the perpetuation of their power.

Today we are in an upsurge of this phenomenon. Everywhere they seek to reduce the value and contribution of the insurmountable Greek factor in the creation of world Culture [See “PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY”, Vol. “GREECE” of Encyclop. “SUN”, by Ioannis Koumaris]. It is enough to repeat that “when the ancient Greeks were building the Parthenon, the ancestors of today’s English lived in caves or in virgin forests, while most of them and other northern peoples were still cannibals or made human sacrifices” [Stravo, book VI , pp. 226, 21] [Always the courageous and restless British nation behaved arrogantly and like a conqueror in Greece, imitating the supposedly blond Indo-European colonialists and civilizers]. Even in our neighboring Italy, even during the classical era, children were sacrificed on the feast of the Compitalia and Laralia, and it was not until the reign of Brutus that this custom was abolished. Stageiritis, B. Vol. p.480].

Therefore, such blatant falsification and perversion of the History and Prehistory of the Greeks is unacceptable and infuriating. Dodonaia the Cult of the Druids. According to earlier archaeological discoveries, it was discovered that during the Minoan period Cretan seafarers brought “Tin” to the Mediterranean from England. But they did not go there empty-handed. They transmitted to them their superior Cretan Minoan culture.

Recently, prehistoric Greek installations have been discovered in England, which show that the primitive and backward peoples of England accepted the influence of the Greeks and over time became civilized. Thus it is proved that the ancient worship of the Druids in Britain is of Greek origin, from the Oracle of Dodoni, and was brought there time immemorial. Greek Prehistory indeed presents an amazing mystery and a fascinating challenge to the one who will try to decipher it and delve into it.

The autochthony of the Greeks has been proven with eighty proofs by eminent anthropologists, such as John. Koumaris [See article “Physical Anthropology” Ioan. Koumari, A. Meros, Volume “GREECE”, Encyclop. “SUN” and Alexis Sinou “The Geographical Unity of the Greek Mediterranean Region” Part A. Pg. 94-95, Part B. P. 179-182 etc].

The European “Archman” of Petraloni

Unshakable evidence of the native origin of the Greek was recently brought to light by the internationally renowned anthropologist Aris Poulianos with the discovery of the “European Archman of Petralona of Chalkidiki” and the “Elephant Hunter of Ptolemais”, which we will talk about in another chapter. Orpheus says: “as far as Egypt, I expounded the sacred word”, that is, in Egypt and Libya, I taught, (expelled=expelled) the sacred word [“Argonautica” of the “Orphic” verses. 42-44 and 102 Ed. Leipzig TAUCHNIZIT 1829]. [It may be understood that “indoctrinated” does not mean “taught”, as undisciplined and ill-disposed writers have claimed].

Therefore, this proof blows to dust every other old and new dogmatic theory, the originators of which do not even bother to substantiate them with evidence. It is known that during the 8th millennium BC. there was a transport of Obsidian Stone by ships from the island of Milos in the Aegean Sea to Argolis, as evidenced by the finds of obsidian stone in the cave of Fraghtis of Argolis. So the Aegean people have been sailing since then. But also in the area of ​​Anat. The Proto-Hellenic Minoans and Mycenaeans have dominated the Mediterranean since time immemorial. [Ancient Achaean Cretans and Cypriots, the ancient Phoenicians and the Philistines and “Palaisati”, crossed the Mediterranean to settle in Palestine].

Isocrates proclaims that: “We are indigenous. We did not drive out others who were here, nor did we come from elsewhere to occupy it desolate of people, nor are we mixed and mingled with other nations, but we come from a good and genuine nation, so that we were born in this land, possess it and live all the time Cairo. Irrespective of whether throughout the 20th century the international power intrigues against Hellenism and by using Turkey as a “sieging battering ram” seeks the eviction of the Greek Nation from its ancient ancestral homes (Asia Minor, Cyprus, Aegean, Macedonia, Epirus). [The international power and its servants and handlers here want to mix us up and turn us into a wretched mess so that we lose our national identity. Some “Greeks” also allegedly contribute to this.

Source: diogeneis, conspiracyfeeds and diadrastika

https://arxaia-ellinika.blogspot.com/2021/12/pelasgoi-dynamikotero-genos-istorias.html?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0_b9pBg8y3t2Ii0QweABYgQIN_HLcRHtsx8c1i9zuMTMT82z4zTWEeINs_aem_xu5IJrEIKaPqhOZJdz3MvQ&m =1