100g Tempeh (eco)
100g fresh or 60(when is dry) Ramson leaves (wild garlic Leaves)
200g basil leaves
50g Pumpkin seeds
200g Pine nuts
50g walnuts.
Olive oil, seasoning Umesu
Take a large handful of fresh, young Ramson leaves and wash thoroughly. Take a handful of fresh basil and place both in a blender. Cover with olive oil and mix until smooth. Add 200g finely grated pesto and stir until it is evenly mixed in. Add some coarsely ground pine, wainuts nuts & pumpkin seeds
This pesto is very versatile – you can move it in freshly cooked pasta,for home made ravioli, stir in a mixture of “Bio Cottage cheese” &Tempesto” c to create a tasty bread spread, or whatever you want .
Ramsons (Allium ursinum)

Domain: eucaryotes
The word formed from the Greek εὖ (EU, “good”, “true”) and κάρυον (Karyon, `Head`, `main ‘,` walnut’, `beloved ‘, core ‘) which refers to the cell nucleus-
Known sice the anciet times from both Hippogrates & later Dioskuridis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naples)
Family: Amaryllidaceae.
Studies have shown that aqueous extracts of wild garlic has a strong antibacterial activity and is considered as a natural antibiotic. Usage is to cure colds, prevention of atherosclerosis, as a means against flatulence and the countering of blood clots. Use plant part is the whole plant.
Wild garlic has a very strong flavor, which is why it is best to mix it with other herb. Basil works well, because the two complement each other well. Other herbs that you can use is chickweed, dandelion leaves or lamb quarters. Oil Marinated dried tomatoes also makes an excellent addition to this pesto recipe.is a drug and dietary plant species with a long tradition of use. This mini-review summarizes current knowledge of Phytochemistry and pharmacological properties of this valuable plant, with particular emphasis on antimicrobial, cytotoxic, antioxidant and cardio-protective effects.
But studies on its composition and pharmacological activity is quite recent and scarce. The purpose of this review was to summarize the most important aspects related to A. ursinum and gives an overview of the phytochemical and pharmacological properties of this relatively poorly known plant species in the Allium genus.