About Konstantin

Konstantin Schönros C.V 1970-72 studied art history at Stockholm University. Took lessons in sculpture (most abstract) by prof. Albert Jusui at the Art Academy of Stockholm. 1970-73 In parallel studies, attended lectures at the School's Key, ABF, Arts and the school's advertising Beckman. 1974-80 Spent most of those years in Indonessia to study art, practice of various batik techniques, and woodcarving (Java Solo, Yo-Jakarta & Bali); these parallel with Wushu (and other Asian martial arts, sorinji kempo, muai-taj plus QiGong ( several different types of QiGong: Some of the: Xing Sheng Zuang,BU-jung, Iron Shirt, Tao Healing, Six Healing Sounds, Fusion of the FiveElements, Ba Gua Zhan). (including the: Fumie Tanaka, Mantak Chia, WangJi, David Sheng in Asia - Lui Linn in Stockholm) - Ashtanga, Raja, HathaYoga. 1980-82 sold their own creations (mostly prototypes), in both jewelry ("artitan")and clothing (WEARABLE ART). Since he was mostly in southeast Asia, he advanced in the esoteric martial arts (Tai Chi, Pa-qua and Tao healing,Qigong). 1982 Started the "Bird of Paradise" both, as show-room, shop and businesswith his talented designer and life partner Rose Marie Samuelsson Schönros., The volcanic island of Santorini in the Greek Archipelago. Both landscape and ruins (Ia & Akrotiri), has been the major source of inspiration for the creation of the warm earth colors of the batik & pressure, which was later engraved for some years to come, most of the "Bird of Paradise” profile. 1988 "Artitan" Exhibition in Oslo Norway at "Norway Designs' Gallery. 1989 "Art on Silk & Titan" Exhibition on ("Kulture Huset") in Stockholm, along with some other Swedish-Greek artists. 1990 Various arts and crafts mission abroad and Qi Gong instructor until 2004 1986-93. Rose-Marie and Constantine opens his own business inc. atelier in Stockholm (Södermalm) 1993-now Wushu Academy, with legendary SIFU Lui Linn 1991-95 Training in CAD design, information line, marketing. organized by theCulture AF. 1991-1997 Kompedium "The Tao of Green Gourmet" and cooperation with the Swedish Veg.Society and Health Promotion 1994-95 Single Mission on Textile & Batik (Nitor). 1995-2002 A): Renovation & Style Called "Interiorigin" (paintings, decco,gilding, marbling, carpentry, mosaic etc), apartments, houses, museums, only organic paints and solvents options! B) Silk Screen suitable for individual motives for roads, cabinets, etc. 2002 Special Education in Medical Boards (massage) 2002 Development of "HYDROBICS" & "HYDRODYNAMICS"; research Hydrotherapia, Dolphin & Vibration therapy from Asclepios doctrine, which was taught in various cities: Cos (Head Quarter), Samos, Cnidus, , Effesos). Asklipios School was estbl. At 12.th century BC). Hippocrates studied 435 f Kr. at Asclepios School. Since 2003 main subject, for Konstantin was to studie & research more about Asklipios & Hipocrates, - the whole knowledge - integrating T.C.M, with Western medicine & nutrition, as a part of the quantum physics together with Dolphin therapy, parallel with physical exercises mainly Hydrobics, QiGong, TaiJi quen, Yoga etc, depending individually. Innovations into the "Green Gourmet" To eat wholesome is not enough! To enjoy, is very important, as well (By R-M Schönros)


The ancient Greek language is a MATHEMATICAL MASTERPIECE that wè`ll try to approach.
The beginning of everything is the same as the Ancient Greek alphabet (which of course we did not get it from someone else as we shall see, because factually not possible). The letters of the Greek alphabet as a whole was 33 and as many vertebrae, the last five vertebrae (playing the role of the antenna) directly related to the brain and corresponding to the last 5 ineffable letters which only the priests knew * one of them It was the right (or Gammadion) which in Latin became swstika and the Nazis stole and name Swastika. This symbol is the life-giving Sun (Apollo), the Nazis reversed it to symbolize the opposite of life-giving Sun, ie dark death.
There were also some letters which over time abolished as Digamma (F, Qoppa (Q), stigma (S ‘), Saba (ϡ)


May be an image of text that says 'Το Ελληνικο Αλφάβητο είναι ένας ύμνος προς το φως.'


XH(Chi), ΨY(Psi), ΩΜΕΓΑ(OMEGA) (=O-great) .



.The TOOL processes the object and trains the user’s brain! The ancient Greeks do the same as a tool..! …H E R E: AN EXAMPLE OF AN I D E N T I C A L- C L A S S I C A L VARIATION OF A STANZA….. A WHOLE MEANING..., …………….

*********J U S T…………..V O W E L S !!!*******

(—————-A N C I E N T G R E E K // SPARTAN)———-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^















What does the Greek language mean??

Few of us know it...



The English language has 490,000 words of which 130,257 words. is from the Greek language..
“Greek with its mathematical structure is the language of IT and the new generation of advanced computers, because only in it are there no limits.”
(Bill Gates, Microsoft)
Greek and Chinese. they are the only languages with a continuous living presence from the
same peoples and…..in the same place for 5,000 years.
“All languages are considered hidden Greek, with rich borrowings from the mother of languages, Greek.”
(Francisco Adrados, linguist).
The Greek language has words for meanings that remain unexpressed in other languages, such as rival, warmth and philotimos. Only the Greek language distinguishes life from life, love from love. Only it separates, maintaining the same fundamental theme, accident from accident, interest from interest.
The amazing thing is that the Greek language itself constantly teaches us how to write
correctly. Through etymology, we can understand the correct spelling of even words we have never seen or written.
“Pirouni” for example, for someone with basic knowledge of Ancient Greek, it is obvious that it is written with “ei” and not with “i-n” as we very wrongly write it today. The reason is very simple, “fork” comes from the verb “piero” which means to pierce-pierce, precisely because we pierce with this food to catch it.
Also, the word “concrete” cannot of course be written “concealed”, as it comes from “krimenos” (one who has been judged) and certainly not from “krymonos” (one who has hidden). So having several letters for the same sound (e.g. η, ι, υ, ε, etc.) should not only not make it difficult for us, but on the contrary it should help us to write more correctly, as long as we have a basic understanding of our language.
In addition, the spelling in turn helps us in the etymology but also in tracing the historical course of each word. And what can help us understand our everyday modern Greek language more than anything else, is the knowledge of Ancient Greek.
It is a really shocking feeling to speak and at the same time realize what exactly you are saying, while you are speaking and mouthing each word at the same time thinking about its meaning.
It’s a real shame that Ancient is taught in such a horrible way in school to make you dislike something so beautiful and fascinating.
In language we have the signifier (the word) and the signified (the concept). In the Greek language these two have a primary relationship, as unlike other languages the signifier is not a random sequence of letters. In an ordinary language like English we can all agree to say the cloud car and the car cloud, and once we agree it holds true. In Greek, such a thing is impossible. For this reason, many separate Greek as a “conceptual” language from the rest of the “semiological” languages.
In fact, the great philosopher and mathematician Wenner Heisenberg had noticed this important quality about which he had said “My term in the ancient Greek language was my greatest intellectual exercise. In this language there is the most complete correspondence between the word and its conceptual content”.

The 520 different proofs of the PYTHAGORAS THEOREM and the THREE  


The letters in the Greek language are NOT sterile SYMBOLS. UPRIGHT, UPSIDE DOWN, with special INTONATION, WERE the TOTAL of the 1620 SYMBOLS used in HARMONY (Mousike in New Greek). Their MOST important property is that EACH letter has a NUMERICAL  VALUE /AMOUNT, EACH LETTER IS A NUMBER, SO BY EXTENSION, EVERY WORD IS A NUMBER. 


The letters of the Greek alphabet in total were 33 as many as the vertebrae, the last 5 vertebrae (which play the role of the antenna) have a direct connection with the brain and correspond to the last 5 unspoken letters which only the priests knew* one of them it was Sostika (or Gammadion) which in Latin became swstika and the Nazis stole it and called it Swastika.
This symbol is of the life-giving Sun (Apollo), the Nazis reversed it to symbolize the opposite of the life-giving Sun, i.e. dark death.
There were still some letters which over time were abolished such as Digamma (F), Coppa (Q), Stigma (S’), Sambi (ϡ)
Pythagoras informs us about the 3 levels of the Greek language which are the following: 1. Omilon 2. Signifier (a. sign, b. signified) 3. Crypton (a. intervals b. vibration c. lexarithm d. tonarithm)
– The first is speech
– The second is the relationship between the sign and the signified which we will analyze below
– The third is space (distance & time), vibration (which awakens the brain through eigenfrequencies from the created pulses
– Athena Pallas) the lexarithm (relationship of letters and words with numbers) and the tonarithm (relationship of letters and words with musical tones) Each letter corresponded to a number, but also to a musical tone so letter=number=tone (musical), which shows that in our language behind the letters-words there are numbers (lexarithms) and musical sounds (tonarithms).
The 4 sister sciences according to Pythagoras were: 1. Numbers (mathematics) 2. Shapes (Geometry) 3. Music (Harmony) 4. Astronomy
These sciences are interrelated and lie within each other like Russian baboons. Now combine the alphabet that encloses numbers and musical tones with these 4 sciences.
tip1: Astronomy= astar + law, a-star = that which is not supported, so astronomy= the universal laws that govern that which is not supported somewhere, which have to do with music (harmony), shapes (geometry) numbers (mathematics ) and all this with the Aether which surrounds the heavenly spheres.
tip 2: Pythagoras heard the harmony (music) of the heavenly Spheres
So we speak a language that has to do with the flow of the universe. The Greek language is the only one that can be used for PCs due to the mathematical and musicality not only of the Alphabet-words, but also of the mathematical concepts that are born e.g. the word THESIS becomes: synThesis, apThesis, kaThesis, hypoThesis, exposure, proThesis, preThesis, assignment, disThesis, antiThesis, etc., etc. if we now translate these words into English, they are completely unrelated to each other.

That the Greek Alphabet cannot be copied from somewhere else is shown by the fact that in the years 2300 BC. Homer already has at his disposal 6,500,000 primary words (first person present & singular) which if we multiply them by X72 which are the calls, we will get a a huge number which is not the final one, because let’s not forget that the Greek language is NOT sterile, GENNA.
IF we now compare e.g. the English language which has 80,000 words of which 80% are Greek as the University of Wales informs us, and measure that this barren language evolves for 1000 years, we can easily draw the conclusion that Homer receives a language which has depth in the time 100,000 BC? 500,000 BC? Who knows…
HOWEVER, the absolute proof is its mathematicality itself, which does not exist in any other language on the planet. Let’s not forget that the Creator uses mathematics to create, so our language is necessarily related to the source (root-0/1).
But before “Krypton” there is “Meaning”, i.e. the connection of words with their meanings. They said earlier that foreign dialects were defined by agreement, that is, some agreed that such and such an object would be called “X”, which makes languages sterile, so they can’t give birth to new words, so there’s no mathematicality, so they can’t describe new ones concepts that exist in nature, with the result that since the brain cannot describe new concepts through the new words, it remains in the dark, so the neurons of the brain do not generate new ones in contrast to those who use Greek.
How could e.g. English or French or X, Y with a word that has 10 meanings to accurately and therefore clearly describe a deeper meaning? let alone the multiple sides of it? it can’t, so here’s why it all started here.
So the Sign is the connection of the sign with the signified, i.e. the word itself is created in such a way that it describes the meaning enclosed within it. Example: the naming of the word KARYON (Walnut) comes from an observation of nature (like all words), i.e. when two horned animals (rams, goats, etc.) collide with their horns, the “crack” is heard or “kar”, this sound gave the name “keras” (horn) the horn gave the name krata or kara (head) and its diminutive Karyon (small head).
The Carrion (walnut) bears a striking resemblance to the human head and its interior with a brain. Y is the root of the verb ΙΟ (to rain) where there is Y there is a cavity (or convexity) i.e. it feminizes something, the rain (liquid element) enters (feminizes) the earth.
The musical-numerical alphabet creates musical-mathematical words which describe corresponding concepts, which come from the observation of the nature i.e. of Creation and therefore by extension of the Creator himself, but the question is how many millennia it might have taken to create this perfect mathematical complex where the letters are numbers and at the same time musical tones and the words i.e. the set of numbers and musical tones hide within them apart from complex musical harmonies, concepts which are not random at all but after extensive observation of nature?
Antisthenes therefore reminds us “The principle of wisdom is the visitation of names”



 “ΑΛΦΑ” (ALPHA, ‘Α’) = 1 +30 +500 +1 = 532 => 5 +3 +2 = 10 => 1 +0 = 1

“EN” (ONE) = 5 +50 = 55 => 5 +5 = 10 => 1 +0 = 1

“ΟΜΙΚΡΟΝ” (OMIKRON, ‘O’) = 70 +40 +10 +20 +100 +70 +50 =360, AS MANY, AS THE DEGREES OF THE CIRCLE. 






2) SIGNIFIER (a. signal, b. signified)

3) KRYPTON  (a. intervals, b. vibration, c.). 



-The FIRST is the speech.

-The SECOND is the relationship between the MARK and the signified which we will analyze BELOW. 






he earliest numerical notation used by the Greeks was the Attic system. It employed the vertical stroke for a one, and symbols for“5”, “10”, “100”, “1000”, and “10,000”. Though there was some steam lining of its use. The (IONIAN)) Greek system of enumeration was a VERY SOPHISTICATED one, Like the ATTICA SYSTEM it was also DECIMAL Its distinguishing feature is that it was alphabetical and required the use of more than 27 different symbols for numbers plus a couple of other symbols for meaning. This made the system somewhat cumbersome to use. However, calculation lends itself to a great deal of skill within almost any system, the Greek system being no exception. ” Greek Enumeration and Basic Number Formation First, we note that the number symbols were the same as the letters of the Greek alphabet. symbol value symbol value symbol value ! 1 ” 10 # 100 $ 2 % 20 & 200 ‘ 3 ( 30 ) 300 * 4 + 40 , 400 – 5 . 50 / 500 6 0 60 1 600 2 7 3 70 4 700 5 8 6 80 7 800 8 9 90 900 where three additional characters, the (digamma), the (koppa), 1°c 2000, G. Donald Allen Greek Numbers and Arithmetic 2 and the (sampi) are used. Hence, &62 = 287 Larger Numbers Larger numbers were also available. The thousands, 1000 to 9000, were represented by placing adiacritical mark ! before a unit. Thus ! ‘&62 = 3287 In other sources we see the diacritical mark placed as a subscript before the unit. Thus ! ‘&62 = 3287 The uses of a M was used to represent numbers from 10,000 on up. Thus 9! = 50: 000 9″#&62 = 120: 287 Alternatively, depending on the history one reads 9 – = 50: 000 9!% ¢ &62 = 120: 287 Archimedes, in his book The Sand Reckoner, calculated the number of grains of sand to fill the universe”. This required him to develop an extention the power of Greek enumeration to include very large numbers. Fractions In the area of fractions, context was crucial for correctly reading a fraction. A diacritical mark was placed after the denominator of the (unit) fraction. So, $ ! = 1 2 ;<= +$ ! = 1 42 but this latter example could also mean 40 ! ” . More complex fractions could be written as well, with context again being important. The numerator was written with an overbar. Thus, .! 6* = 51 84 Numerous, similar, representations also have been used, with increasing sophistication over time. Indeed, Diophantus uses a fractional form identical to ours but with the numerator and denominator in reversed positions. 2The reader may ask, ”What universe?” It was the universe of Aristarchos the so called ‘ancient Copernicus’ because he proposed a sun centered universe with the earth and other planet orbiting it. More on this later. Greek Numbers and Arithmetic 3 # Calculation The arithmetic operations are complex in that so many symbols are used. However, as you can imagine, addition amounts to grouping and then carrying. For example 5+7= – + 2 = %$ = 12, not terribly unlike what we do. Multiplication was carried out using the distributive law. For example: &62 ¢ $ = (& + 6 + 2) £ $ = (200 + 80 + 7) £ 2 = 400 + 160 + 14 = 574 = /3* 

(ALPHA – ΑΛΦΑ = 1 + 30 + 500 + 1 = 532 => 5 + 3 + 2 = 10 => 1 + 0 = 1

EN = 5 + 50 = 55 => 5 + 5 = 10 => 1 + 0 = 1

OMIKRON – ΟΜΙΚΡΟΝ = 70 + 40 + 10 + 20 + 100 + 70 + 50 = 360, as there are degrees of the circle



A vast knowledge locked-coded into words because of mathematical values ​​they have. One of the pioneers on the matter was maximum Pythagoras.

The numbers, shapes, harmony and the stars have something in common, so respectively mathematics (numbers) geometry (shape), harmony (music) and astro-nomy (one star = a-choris- bracket + natural nomoipou govern ) were sisters sciences by Pythagoras, which in this series we discussed was the ladder to development (= ex -tou- helix, DNA) of mind-soul to the Creator.

A Creator who created based on these four disciplines. 27 symbols-figures in numerical value make up the Greek Alphabet, 3 groups of 9 numbers-symbols each group, totaling each group 45, 450, 4,500.
ALPHA = 1 + 30 + 500 + 1 = 532 => 5 + 3 + 2 = 10 => 1 + 0 = 1
EN = 5 + 50 = 55 => 5 + 5 = 10 => 1 + 0 = 1
OMIKRON = 70 + 40 + 10 + 20 + 100 + 70 + 50 = 360, as there are degrees of the circle

To be able to understand the meanings of the concepts of words of ancient Greek tongue should first know a little about the actual Greek language.

The ancient Greek language is the only one that is not based on the fact that some people just sit and agreed to call an object “x” or “y” as all other sterile world languages. The ancient Greek language is a MATHEMATICAL MASTERPIECE that wè`ll try to approach.

The beginning of everything is the same as the Ancient Greek alphabet (which of course we did not get it from someone else as we shall see, because factually not possible). The letters of the Greek alphabet as a whole was 33 and as many vertebrae, the last five vertebrae (playing the role of the antenna) directly related to the brain and corresponding to the last 5 ineffable letters which only the priests knew * one of them It was the right (or Gammadion) which in Latin became swstika and the Nazis stole and name Swastika. This symbol is the life-giving Sun (Apollo), the Nazis reversed it to symbolize the opposite of life-giving Sun, ie dark death.


There were also some letters which over time abolished as Digamma (F, Qoppa (Q), stigma (S ‘), Saba (ϡ)
Pythagoras inform us about the 3 levels of Greek language which are:

1. Talking
2. Signifier (a. Signal b. Signified)
3. caches (a. Time b. Vibration c. Lexarithmos d. Tonarithmos)
-The First is the speech
-The Second is the relationship between the mark and the signified that we will analyze below.
-The Third is the interval (distance & time), vibration (which awakens the brain through resonance frequencies of the created pulses  – Pallas Athena) the lexarithmos (relation of letters and words with numbers) and tonarithmos (relation of letters and words of tunes )

Each letter corresponding to a number, and a musical tone so letter = number = tone (musician), which shows that in our language behind letters-words are numbers (lexarithmoi) and musical sounds (tonarithmoi).

The four sisters sciences by Pythagoras were:
1. Numbers (mathematics)
2. Shapes (Geometry – γεωμετρια); from: geo+metria=earth measure, meter.
3. Music (Harmony)(nine muses..)
4. Astronomy (Astro+nomia from nomos=law)

The above sciences are interrelated with the Ancient Hellenic Language and are into each another like Russian bampouskes. Combine alphabet enclosing numbers and musical tones with these 4 disciplines.

1.Astronomia = + astir law, a-Justice = is not supported, so astronomy = the universal laws that govern what is not based somewhere, who have to do with music (harmony),shapes (geometry) numbers (mathematics ) and all the ether that surrounds the heavenly realms.

2. Pythagoras heard the harmony (music) of the celestial Spheres thus speak a language that has to do with the flow of the universe.


This theory:

1. Completely rejects the theorem that the Greek language came from another language (the so-called “Indo-European”!!!), since it is PROVEN to be the only NON-conventional language of the world. In other words, the only language where a relationship betweenthe “word” (as a form) and the “meaning of the word” is established.

2. Consequently, it is proven that Greek is the first and only created language of the human species which provided the basis for all “conventional” languages, as are all the other languages of the world (where there is no causative relationship between the form and the meaning). These other languages are a corrupt form of Greek.

3. This theory proves, without a doubt, that the alphabet was created by the Greeks so that the 24 or 27 code letters would aid in attributing the meanings of the Greek words (and only of these).

4. Comparatively, this theory shows that the symbols of the Phoenician writings and their nouns, e.g., “alef” = ox, “beth” = hut, “gimel = camel, etc., not only do not contain coded meaning, but are also associated or refer to [the] primitive animal conditions – [one would expect in a culturally backward society].

”Τό πού, πόθ’ όπερ κρίνεται τού χρόνου” !!!(ancient Greek=” Where, what is it that is judged by time ”)

(Χρυσό ενεπίγραφο φύλλο μυρτιάς ή δάφνης, τέλος 4ου αι. π.Χ./ Από το ανατολικό νεκροταφείο της Πέλλας/Φέρει στικτή επιγραφή σε τρεις στίχους: ΦΕΡΣΕΦΟΝΗΙ ΠΟΣΕΙΔΙΠΠΟΣ ΜΥΣΤΗΣ ΕΥΣΕΒΗΣ/Εφορεία Αρχαιοτήτων Πέλλας)

(Gold engraved leaf of myrtle or laurel, end of the 4th century BC / From the east cemetery of Pella / It has a dotted inscription on three lines: FERSEFONHI POSEIDIPPOS MYTIS EYSEVIS / Ephorate of Antiquities of Pella the capital of ancient Macedonia)

Silver ampulla with a gold wreath from the Kingdom of Macedon‘s royal tombs at Aegae (Vergina)

Late 4th-century BC Hellenistic gold oak wreath, including gold cicadas and a bee Funerary gold oak crown from the royal tombs at Aegae (Vergina)(British Museum)

Funerary gold oak crown from the tomb of Philip II of Macedon (r. 359–336 BC) in Aegae (Vergina)

The beautiful Macedonian dialect of the Spartans.

It is proven and known to all that the Macedonians are a Doric race. Herodotus mentions that the Macedonians are a Greek race, identical with the Dorians, which originally inhabited Pindos (Herodotus, history, 8.137 , Herodotus, history, 1.56.3O

The Macedonians themselves considered the Heraklides to be their ancestors and the Macedonian royal dynasty, the Argeades, traced its origin to the first Dorian king of Argos Timenos.

That it is mixed with the Dorians is complex in history because of a charm that characterized the Laconians to consider themselves and those living in Sparta the most privileged subset of the rest of the Dorians, of course and the superior of all Greeks. (Baby, are we all Dorians, after all? This is funny, so we don’t get confused) Nevertheless, the language of all Dorians in Greece is more or less the same.
Thus the Macedonians initially had their own identical Doric dialect.

In the excavations of Pella in 1989, an inscription in an idiosyncratic Doric dialect which is considered to be a Macedonian language, the “Katadesmos of Pella”, came to the surface.

The Katadesmos of Pella is a curse (ara) or magical poem written on a sheet of lead and dates from around the beginning of the 4th century BC, it should be noted that Alexander was not born yet, nor even his father Philip.

What is the binding of Pella?

It is a love magic poem by a woman, probably named Dagina, whose Dionysophane lover was to marry Thetima (“she who honors the gods”).

In the Attic dialect her name should be Theotimi. She invokes “Macron and the demons” (parakattisthema makroni et tois daimosi, [Attic. parakatatisthemai) to convert Dionysophant (the light of Dionysus) to marry her instead of Thetima, and never to marry another woman unless she unwraps him binding. Look at the magic

Overwhelming evidence that one of the most important discoveries in the history of civilization is Greek ,a deception that usurps and distorts Greek History and Civilization. It is of utmost importance that the truth be restored not only for modern Greece, but also for the whole of humanity.The deception that alphabetical script was discovered by the Phoenicians is a long-lived one.For the past 14 years [the Greek scholarly magazine] Davlos has published numerous articleson this problem. This prompted K. Katis to ask that we submit a relevant article for hismainstream daily so that this important issue would become known to a wider audience.

This article summarizes the strong evidence against the “Phoenician Deception,” and proves that the greatest discovery in the history of civilization is Greek. We believe it necessary to republish this article in [this issue of] Davlos exactly as it appeared in the daily.


According to linguistic theory, an “alphabet” is defined as “the sum of symbols following a specific sequence and order used to ascribe the essential utterances of a language, under the condition that each utterance represents only one symbol and vice-versa”. Consequently, in alphabetical script (as an example, in the writings of the people of Europe, America,Australian, as well as the other parts of the world) each letter represents one essential sound.This is not true for the imperfect alphabets expressed through syllables where each symbol represents a syllable (with two or more voiced sounds). For example, in Greek Linear A and B, there is a symbol that represents the syllable ko (k + o), a symbol that represents the syllable po (p + o), etc. In Phoenician writing (which has only consonants and no vowels), this situation is even worse, as far as we can tell from the small amount of existing samples.

In Phoenician, each symbol is not equivalent to one specific syllable, but to a variety of syllables, and thus the reader can use his imagination when attempting to decipher the sounds. For example, there are consonants which can be read as either ba, bou, be, bi, bo, etc. Others  is not an alphabet, it is a less advanced form of writing that can be read as gou, ga, ge, go, and so on. Consequently, Phoenician script does not constitute an alphabet, and is not even an advanced form of syllabic script nearing the perfection of the equivalent Greek syllabic writings. It is truly amazing to think that, in the academic world of the past 150 years, the almost contradictory term of “Phoenician alphabet” has been established, which, in reality refers to a type of writing that has nothing to do with an alphabet. It is even more unbelievable to think that the scientific dogma that Greek came from Phoenician has been enforced. Not only the Phoenician is not an alphabet, it is a less advanced form of writing than Greek Linear A and B.



a) Archaeological Evidence The theory that the alphabet is a Phoenician discovery has been maintained through the argument, among other things, that certain symbols of Phoenician writing are similar to the letters of the alphabet. For example, the Phoenician alef is the reverse or sideways Greek “A.” This argument was a strong one until about 100 years ago, when linguists and historians still maintained that the Greeks did not know how to write before 800 B. C.! Around 1900 A.D., however, Arthur Evans excavated the Greek Minoan Crete and discovered the Greek Linear writings, whose symbols corresponded to 17 of the 24 letters of the Greek Alphabet. Given that (A), the most ancient evidence of the Greek scripts (Linear A and Linear B) that were later discovered in Pylos, Mycenae, Menidi and Thebes — but also in more northern areas up to the Danube river as well — were dated to before 1500 B.C. And (B), that the Phoenicians and their writings appear in history no earlier than 1300 BC, Evans was the first person to express doubts about the theory that the Greeks received their script from the Phoenicians. He put forward the scientific suspicion that it was probably the other way round. The doubts pertaining as to who was first — the Phoenicians or the Greeks — in discovering writing, became a certainty when French professor, Paul Fore, an internationally acclaimed specialist on Prehistoric Archaeology, published a report in Nestor (an American Archaeological Journal of the University of Indiana — 16th year, 1989, page 2288). In this report, he submits and deciphers plates with Greek Linear writing found at the cyclopean wall of Pilikates, in Ithaca, dated, through the use of modern scientific methods, back to 2700 B.C., The language of these plates was Greek, and the decoding by professor Fore resulted in the following syllabic text, expressed phonetically: A]RE-DA-TI. DA-MI-U-A-.A-TE-NA-KA-NA-RE (ija)-TE. The phonetic equivalent of this is translated, always according to the professor, as: “Ιδού τι εγώ η Αρεδάτις δίδω εις την ανασσαν, την θεάν Ρέαν: 100 αίγας, 10 πρόβατα, 3 χοίρους” [Here is what I, Aredatis, gives to the queen- goddess Rea, 100 goats, 10 sheep, 3 pigs]. (See, “Davlos” magazine, issue 107, November 1990, page 6103). Thus, Fore proved that the Greeks were writing and speaking Greek at least 1400 years before the appearance of the Phoenicians and their script in history. But, the archaeological excavations in Greece during the last 15 years have given us many more great surprises: The Greeks were writing using not only Linear A and B, but also a type of writing identical to that of the alphabet since at least 6000 B.C. In fact, at Dispilio, in the lake of Kastoria, in northern Greece, professor G. Houmouziadis discovered a plate with writing very similar to that of the alphabet, which was dated, using radioactive Carbon- 14 and visual photothermal methodology, back to 5250 B.C. (see Davlos, issue 147). Three years later, N. Samson, a curator of the Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities Department, discovered shards of vases (“ostraka”) with letters identical to the present Greek alphabet while excavating at the “Cyclop’s Cave,” on the deserted island of Yioura, near the inhabited island of Alonnissos, in the Northern Sporades island complex. These vases were dated to5,500 to 6,000 B.C. with the same methods (see “Davlos,” issue 185, May 1997). The same archaeologist, while performing excavations on the island of Milos, discovered vessels of the proto-cycladic period (mid-3rd millennium B.C.) with letters identical to the Greek letters:

“X,” “N,” “M,” “K,” “Ξ” [ksi],”Π” [p], “Ο,” & “Ε.” (See N. Samson’s interview in Davlos,issue 204, December 1998, page 12749.)

It is apparent that these archaeological discoveries have given a “comical’ character to the so-called “Phoenician Theory” on the discovery of writing. In addition, these archaeological discoveries have revolutionized chronological dating of Greek history as it is taught today, as well as the world history of civilization itself. (See also the book by Con. Koutrouvelli, “Re- establishing the Chronology of Prehistoric Times based primarily on astronomical information from Ancient Writers,” Davlos Publishing, 1999.)

b) The somewhat mathematical proof

While the house-of-cards which provided “proof”‘ of the so-called “Phoenician alphabet” was being torn down by archaeological discoveries, another overwhelming piece of evidence surfaced. This evidence was offered to us by the 20-year long discreet and timid research of the Greek Language and Writing by a great researcher, Elias Tsatsomoiros. Unfortunately E.Tsatsomoiros passed away on December 19th 1991, after having, however, completed his revolutionary work, History of the Genesis of the Greek Language-from the hunter-gatherer to the time of Zeus-the Deciphering of the Greek Alphabet. The undersigned [writer of this article] had the honor of publishing and editing this work (Davlos Publishing, 1991), but also the honor of having worked closely with the researcher for more than a decade. We had long discussions on the numerous problems arising from the research, and we had published a series of articles in Davlos magazine. This memorable researcher proved in a remarkable way that every letter of the Greek alphabet contained a consistent code meaning, which is literally introduced either exactly or metaphorically within the general meaning of the Greek word it belongs to, as a partial meaning. Consequently, every (ancient) Greek word is basically an acronym (similar to D(imosia) E (picheirisi) H(lektrismou) [=ΔΕΗ in Greek, or as U(nited) N(ations), in English], where every letter provides a significant or less significant notional element, and then, they all together provide the logical definition of the meaning expressed bythe word. The “significant difference” of each word’s meaning is usually provided by the firstletter. Obviously, there is not enough space in this article to present the code meaning of the letters of the Greek alphabet as a whole, as they are analyzed in this revolutionary volume of research in the field of human speech. As an example, I will choose only one of the now days 24 letters (orinaly 27) of the Hellenic alphabet, “Ypsilon” = “Y” or, small case, “u” (pronounced, long-e “eepsilon,” the 20th letter of the Greek alphabet, and familiar to us as “Y” in the so-called “Latin” alphabet– which is nothing more than a variationof the Greek “Chalcidean” alphabet). Ypsilon, therefore, as its shape indicates, has the code meaning of “a cavity” οr, if reversed, of a “convexity.” This meaning is introduced into the words containing this letter, and sometimes, by extension into the meaning of liquids (which, through their natural flow end up filling the “cavity”). I will quickly mention some of the names of vessels and liquids (such as the amphiconical κ-Υ-πελλο which is dated back to 2700 B.C. and is displayed at the Heraklion Museum). One may add to the words mentioned there, many others, such as kot-Y-li, go-Y-ttos, tr-Y-blion, p-Y-xis, amphore-Y-s, b-Y-tion, l-Y-chnos, procho-Y-s, ske-Y-os, etc, all having the meaning of a curvedobject. Also, some other words such as k-Y-hsis (rounding of the stomach ofan eng-Y-os [pregnant] woman); k-Y-ma (curving on the surface of the ocean); cr-Y-pti (curving of the ground); the preposition [h-Y-po] Y-po (meaning under a certain level); h-Y-per (preposition meaning above acertain level); Y-psos =height; and all of the hundreds of words that have h-Y-po or h-Y-per as a prefix, as well as thousands of others. This discovery, which unfortunately has been officially ignored, is a continuation of the forgotten Platonic approach to the problem of language (see Plato’s Cratylus ).


As Antisthenes used to tell us, “The beginning of wisdom, you visit the names”. For example, the “archon” is the one who has his own land (here = land + οχεν). And really, even nowadays it is very important to have one’s own land / own house.
“Helper” means the one who runs to the call. Scream=voice + see=run. Aster is the star, but the word itself tells us that it moves, it does not stand still in the sky (a + ster from isthimi meaning to stand).
What is really interesting is that many times the word describes properties of the concept it expresses, but in such a way that impresses and gives food for thought.
For example “envy” is etymologically derived from the verb “fhtino” which means to decrease. And really envy as an emotion slowly diminishes and destroys us. It “diminishes” us – diminishes us as human beings – and even diminishes our health. And, of course, when we refer to something that is so much that it never ends, what do we call it? But, of course, “plenty”.
We have the word “nice” derived from “hour”. Because for something to be beautiful, it has to come on time. The fruit is not nice when it is unripe or rotten and a beautiful woman is not someone at 70 or of course at 10. Even the best food isn’t nice when we’re full because, in that case, we can’t enjoy it.
We still have the word “freedom” for which the “Etymological Mega” is extended “in spite of eleuthein where era” = to go where one loves .. So based on the word itself, you are free when you have the possibility to go where you love. What an interesting interpretation!!!
The statue is etymologically derived from agallomai (thanks) because when we see (in the initial phase the Gods) a beautiful ancient Greek statue our soul is pleased, rejoices. And from this sight comes the rejoicing. However, if we analyze this word, we will see that it is composed of agallomai + iásias (= medicine). So, to summarize, when we see a beautiful statue (or anything beautiful), our soul rejoices and we are healed. And really, we all know that our mental state is directly linked to our physical health.
Parentheses: and since the “conversation” brought it, the Greek language also tells us what is ugly. From the negative “a” and the word shape we can easily understand what. Think about it for a moment.
At this point, we can only dwell on the corresponding Latin word for statue (which alone is not Latin). The Latins called the statue, statua from the Greek “isthimi” we already mentioned, and they called it so because it stands still. Note the vast difference in philosophy between the two languages, what in Greek means something so deep conceptually, to the Latins it is simply an immovable thing.
The relationship that language has with human thought is obvious. As George Orwell says in his immortal work “1984”, simple language means simple thinking. There the regime tried to limit language to limit people’s thinking, constantly abolishing words.


All the Greek writers who mention the alphabet (they called it “grammata”) consider it a very ancient Greek invention (by Prometheus, Palamedes, Linus, etc). The theory of the Phoenician alphabet was always, and is still, based on an exception to this general rule. Thisexception is an excerpt from Herodotus, that he himself presents as his ‘personal opinion’ (“ως εμοι δοκεει” = “as it seems to me”). This opinion was formed based on the sayings of others, as he himself mentions in the previous paragraphs (“αναπυνθανομενος” = taking information from others). Let us have a look at the Herodotus’ excerpt (History, E 58): [58. As far as the Phoenicians, they, who arrived with Cadmus, including the Gefiraioi, had lived in many other places and introduced also arts (new and unknown) to the Greeks; in fact, and also (some) writing, whichhad not been known to the Greeks before that, as I think, first this writing which was used by all the Phoenicians. With the passing of time, however, the Phoenicians changed this type of writing along with their language.]

The most important thing about this excerpt is that in the critical phrase “… ama tin foni metevallon kai ton rhithmon ton grammaton,” it is disclosed that the Phoenicians-Gefiraioi that went to Viotia with Cadmus brought some form of writing with them. But, as the Phoenicians “changed their language” (they learned Greek, in other words), they also changed their writing (they started writing, therefore, with the existing ancient Greek writing that already existed in Viotia). Although this statement was made by Herodotus, the translators, subsequently, provided the translation [meaning] that the local Greek Viotes and not the Phoenician emigrants changed their language and writing and adopted the Phoenician! This generally incoherent reference to the alphabet, as it has been saved, has been obviously altered and meddled with, who knows by whom and when. Let us look at the suspicious continuation of the text, as it has arrived to us:

Around them (the Phoenicians) lived at that place during that year (year of Cadmus) Ionian Greeks, who received through contact or through teachings by the Phoenicians their writings, changing their own writing which they used little. When using this writing and since this writing had been introduced to Greece by Phoenicians, they called it Phoenician.

Ionian Greeks living around the Phoenicians received the Phoenician writing and, using a few of its letters, since they had altered them and since it was just, they called it Phoenician-to pay tribute to the people who brought it to Greece, is a striking contradiction. Consequently, one can assume that this is a forged paragraph, hypothetically explanatory, which aims to reduce the previous statement “…as they changed their language, they changed their writing,” to an unimportant statement. This is how the “Phoenician Theory” was substantiated and is maintained as an obvious forgery.


The “Phoenician Theory” was established in Europe during a time, when, as the renowned British classical scholar, S. G. Rembroke (The Legacy of Greece, Oxford University Press, 1984) wrote, “The Phoenicians were given an intermediary role “that is not based on any historical information”. A role, in other words, of the transporter of wisdom and civilization from the “chosen” people of Israel to the “uncivilized” nations, and specifically the Greeks. This, of course, could be forgiven, since this was established around THE END of the Medieval Ages, when religious fanaticism and backwardness had reached such a point that the daughter of Agamemnon, Iphigenia, is presented as the daughter of Iephtha; Deukalion is presented (centuries later & copied & twisted,..as…”Noah”(!!)???!!!. Appis is a consul of Joseph? Apollo, Priamos, Tiresias, and Orpheus: of Moses?… the story of the of the Israelites from Egypt to Palestine, and other similar distortions IS A VERY BAD & TWISTED COPPY of the Argonauts is the crossing. The above are noted by Rembroke.

And we conclude: At the time, Hellenism was in comatose spiritual condition regarding national and historical awareness, and therefore totally unable to defend its history and civilization, and for this reason could not react and did not react. Today, it is with ourtolerance that our language is deemed “Indo-European,” and our writing “Phoenician,” our Athena and our Socrates are presented as “Blacks,” and our civilization as “African.” What spiritual situation are we in now? [i.e., What’s our excuse this time?]

 Notes: On page 13745 of this article, is a picture of a piece of shard [pottery] dated to 6,000 B.C., found on the islet of Youra of the North Sporades island complex with Greek alphabetical writings. One can see the letters “A,” “Y,” & “D” [alpha, eepsilon, and delta ], almost identical to the Greek letters of the classical alphabets. This finding proves that the Greek alphabet is older than the Greek Linear writings. This finding also completely and definitely disproves the false theory that the Greeks got their alphabet from the Phoenicians, who made their historical appearance around 1300 B.C., in other words about 4,500 to 5,000 years after the creation of this plaque at Youra. On page 13747 are shown letter-symbols from the Proto-cycladic vessels of Milos (mid-third millennium B.C.). One can distinguish the [letter] “X” [chi] to the left and the [letter] “N” to the right. These letters are written just as the letters of the Greek alphabet are written today.

  The speech and clear confession of Alexander the Great(Alexandros o Megas) to both Athenians and Persians.

-Had I not greatly at heart the Common welfare of Greece I should not have come to tell you; but I am myself Greek by descent, (“te gar Hellên genos eimi tôrchaion“) and I would not willingly see Greece exchange freedom for slavery. …If you prosper in this war, forget not to do something for my freedom; consider the risk I have run, out of zeal for the Greek Cause,….I am Alexander of Macedon‘

Another cited excerpt makes it even more clear that Alexander  the First was proud of his Hellenic identity. While speaking to Persians:
Tell your king who sent you how a Greek man, viceroy of
the Macedonians (“anêr Hellên – Makedonôn hyparchos”)has received you hospitably

Firstly we intend to examine the ancient evidence on the way the Ancient Macedonians were defining themselves in reference to their own identity. Concerning their own beliefs about themselves we shall review the available evidence coming from the ancient sources, both Literary and Archaeological.
A. The Literary Evidence
The first available evidence comes from the
Macedonian king Alexander during his speech to Atheneans. Essentially we have a clear confession that Alexander considers himself a Greek.
-Had I not greatly at heart the Common welfare of Greece I should not have come to tell you; but I am myself Greek by descent, (“te gar Hellên genos eimi tôrchaion“) and I would not willingly see Greece exchange freedom for slavery. …If you prosper in this war, forget not to do something for my freedom; consider the risk I have run, out of zeal for the Greek Cause,….I am Alexander of Macedon‘1

Another cited excerpt makes it even more clear that Alexander I
was proud of his Hellenic identity. While speaking to Persians:
Tell your king who sent you how a Greek man, viceroy of
the Macedonians (“anêr Hellên – Makedonôn hyparchos”)has received you hospitably… “

What the word EUROPE means?

  1. ..THEN one knows..What the word ΕΥΡΩΠΗ (EUROPE) means!!! ..Here: Europa being abducted by Zeus disguised as a bull, detail from an Attic (Attica was – & still is the county of Athens) krater(, 5th century; in the Tarquinia National Museum From the (ΛΕΞΙΣ)-LEΞΙΣ(=Word) ops(ωψ)… …comes the unknown maybe complex ευρωπός (Europe = WIDE+ViIEW), but also well-known to us bottleneck (στενωπός – steno+opos = the narrow passage), and: πρόσωπον–prosopon(= person), ενώπιον – enopion= before etc.

After all this opens the way to and from … Europe, as an element of beauty, which etymologically is only the female of “euryopa” we saw in the beginning.

The isolated word is  “ευρύοπα” – “evryopa” meaning one who has wide eyes, with whom supervise everything, that perform as the “Pantepoptes”(=Total controlers)..

In our mind now comes the Kyklop(s)-Κύκλωψ (κύκλος+ωψ) – kyclos=circle + ops) = one who has a round eye.Ex: Optic etc.

And that in turn reminds us of the Modern Hellenic the Word: presviops – From: πρέσβυς =(=γέρον=geron=elder, as geriatric ) + ωψ-ops  [=sight, up vision)] = one who suffers from (πρεσβυωπία)-presbyopia, ie. By inability to clearly distinguish near objects, which is common in the elderly, and the SA (Ancient) myopic (who constricts eyelids to public).The surprises continue as it is clear from the myo (= close lips) produced another series of words, such as the little-known myzo (= drink with closed lips, suck, suck), which we find among others, Xenophon (Snooze . 4,5,27):


The above sciences are interrelated with the Ancient Hellenic Language and are into each another like Russian bampouskes. Combine alphabet enclosing numbers and musical tones with these 4 disciplines.

1.Astronomia = + astir law, a-Justice = is not supported, so astronomy = the universal laws that govern what is not based somewhere, who have to do with music (harmony),shapes (geometry) numbers (mathematics ) and all the ether that surrounds the heavenly realms.

2.The Pythagoras heard the harmony (music) of the celestial Spheres thus speak a language that has to do with the flow of the universe.

The enormous importance of music for the Pythagoreans

 <<<<<<<<PYTHAGORAS AND MUSIC>>>>>>>

So it said that Pythagoras, and practice once, with the help spondiakou State played a piper, extinguished the rage of an intoxicated young Tafromenitou, who during the night attacked with loud voices against his mistress at the door of his rival by drawing to set fire to the house. And so, being in a tizzy and he is steady due to the Phrygian melody lumen. This passion has rapidly healed Pythagoras, who happened at that moment, at an inappropriate time, to deal with the laws governing the stars. Then said the piper to turn the Phrygian melody spondaic, with which the young man, having calmed down, returned immediately and decency in his house, and just now not only tolerated by Pythagoras or admonition, but with fury and insults He had refused to meet him.

Ancient Greek Language is the only one that is not based on the fact that some people just sit and agreed to call an object “x” or “y” as all other sterile world languages. The Ancient Greek language is a mathematical masterpiece that will try to approach

Written text 7270 YEARS THAT FOUND IN KASTORIA overturns ALL!


Once again  is the Phoenician Deception Revealed!

The MYTH about the … “Phoenician … Alphabet” !!!
The first written text in Europe – In 1998 Professor. G.. Hourmouziadis said the publication of the text is impossible!

It is evident that any official publication would upset the entire history of discovery on scene of writing, imprinting the articulate voice of man with letters (and not ideograms) and even in the territory of Greece, in the territory of Europe.

It overturned ie the theory that the Greeks were they, light from the east (from Babylonian, Sumerian, palm trees, etc. !!) And we had to fill the big gap of four thousand years, ie when the Eastern peoples expressed by ideograms The Greeks wrote with syllables as today. It is obvious that indicates early stage thought and culture.

According to today’s theory – taught in Greek schools – the Greeks learned writing around 800 BC “by the …..Phoenicians”(!!).

What they can NOT explain to us how the Ancient Greek language may have 800,000 entries, first language on the planet, when the next has 250,000 entries.

How can the Homeric epics were written around 800 BC ie when they learned to write Greek?

Suddenly encountered the ancient Greeks on the historical scene in the 8th century BC, with the language of hundreds of thousands of entries, which is required to create linguistic prehistory least 10,000 years (according to official American linguistic exposure).

The English language is 1,600 years old and has 48% Greek words with a total of 240,000 entries. The German is 1,700 years old and has 250,000 entries with Greek words 46%.

What troubles the historians, or because they were not lost in the dust of history and the Greeks as the Canaanites, the Sumerians, the Babylonians, the Phoenicians, etc .;

The oldest organized written text found in the land of Europe and dates from before 7254 years (!) Today revealed the lake of Kastoria.

It is a wooden plaque engraved with an unknown message from a Neolithic fisherman or dealer limniaiou prehistoric settlement in dispilio, written two thousand years before the written findings of the Sumerians and four thousand years before cretomycenean clay tablets of linear writing. The shocking announcement made yesterday during the archaeological conference for this year’s excavation work in Northern Greece Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Mr. George Hourmouziadis, the document revealed during excavation last summer.

The wooden sign with the inscription dated accurately by the method of carbon-14 in the “Democritus” in 5260 (!) BC, at the end of the Middle Neolithic period.

Mr. Hourmouziadis scientific arguments concluded that the engravings of the inscription, which is organized into verses should not be decorative, but “letters” that can be integrated into the palaioeuropean system.
Linear B tablets from Pylos. Used by Ventris to decipher language as Greek. 13th century BC

Tip: Astronomy = astir + Law, a-Justice = is not supported, so astronomy = the universal laws that govern weometry) numbers (mathematics ) and all the ether that surrounds the heavenly realms.

Tip 2: Pythagoras heard the harmony (music) of the celestial Spheres
So to speak the Ancient Greek language that has to do with the flow of the universe.
It`s is the only language, that can be used for H / Y due mathimatica and musicality not only the alphabet-word, but the mathematical concepts generated eg The word becomes THESIS(=Position: Synthesis, assault, filing, hypothesis, Exposition, Addition, prothesis, anaThesis, available Antithesis etc  if now these words to translate in English are totally unrelated.

That is not the Alphabet to be copied from somewhere else seen from that in the year 900 before the beginning of the Christian dating, Homer already available to the 6.5 million primary words (present tense and first person singular) that if the multiply CH72 which calls will draw a huge number which is not the final, because do not forget that the Greek language is not sterile, born.
IF we compare now eg the English language has 80,000 words, of which 80% are Greek as we inform the University of Wales, and measure that this sterile language evolves 1000 years, we effortlessly draw the conclusion that Homer receives a language which has a depth in time 100,000 years ago, 500,000 years ago? Who knows…
But the ultimate proof is mathimatikotita itself of which does not exist in any other language of the world.
Do not even forget that Creation uses mathematics, so our language is necessarily related to the source (root-0/1). Also the same mathematics have not been anywhere else as you read the following article by clicking HERE
But before the “crypt” is the “means”, ie the connection of words with meanings. We said earlier that foreign dialects defined by agreement, ie some agreed that the subject of so and so will call it “X”, which makes the languages ​​sterile, so they can give birth to new words, so there mathimatikotita therefore can not describe new concepts that exist in nature, resulting in the brain where it can not describe through new words new meanings remain in the dark, so the neurons of the brain does not generate new as opposed to those who use the Greek.
How could eg the English or the French or the X, Y with a word that has 10 concepts to describe accurately and therefore clearly a deeper meaning? Especially the multiple aspects of this? Can not. Here’s why it all started here. It means then is the connection between the mark and the signified, that the word itself is created in a way that describes the meaning esokleinei inside.
Example: the naming of the word curry (Walnut) comes from an observation of nature (as all words), ie when two horned animals (Rams, goats etc.) tra.kar.oun with their ker.ata hear the “crack” or “fem”, the sound he gave the name “horn” (horn) the horn gave the name hold or skull (head) and the nicknames of this curry (small head). Curry (nut) looks amazing to the human head and the interior of the brain.
Y is the root of the verb YO (rain) where Y is concavity (or convexity) that mates something, rain (water element) enters (nest) into the earth.
The musical – numeric alphabet creates musical – mathematical words that describe relevant concepts, which are derived from observation of nature ie of Creation, but the question is how many millennia may be needed to create this perfect mathematical complex letters are numbers and yet musical tones and words that all the numbers and music tones hide inside Except for complex musical harmonies, concepts which are not random at all but after extensive observation of nature?
Let’s analyze grammatically the word  ΕΡΩΣ (“EROS”=”LOVE”)
Ε= Εκπορευόμενη Δύναμις (του φωτός)  = emanating Force (light)
Ρ= Ροή πρωτίστως Φωτοενεργειών, = flow primarity    Photoenergy
Ω= Ο πλανήτης – γήινο πεδίο The planet = The Earth Field
Σ= Το εσωτερικόν θεώμενον = The inner being viewed

The word ΕΡΩΣ – EROS O + S is the flow of the power of light (life-knowledge) from the universe to the earthly plane and into the depths of ourselves.
In Hesiod’s Theogony the update is one of the three authorities (Chaos, Gaia, Eros). Light encloses the knowledge, life, beauty, beauty, serenity, happiness, goodness, love, harmony, etc ..

Eros is not only that which exists between a man and a woman if CHAOS EROS GAIA preexisting human. EROS between the universe to the earth, harmony of nature eg rain and vegetation, even in combination with the human element, eg a man and a beautiful evening sunset or generally anything that offers harmony and therefore bliss.
One aspect of Eros is also the harmony between man and woman which yields the holy genesis. The harmony stems from the duality of 0/1, Masculine (1) and the Feminine (c). The 0/0 or 1/1 not create because it is cosmic disharmony. The word then “Eros” means nothing aphrodisiac (sexual) but a higher spiritual state, do not forget that the word priest comes from there.
Arguably, therefore our Antisthenes recalls “PRINCIPLE OF WISDOM The NAMES EPISKEPSIS”.

The Greek alphabet became the basis for the creation of the Latin alphabet. Indeed, the Latin alphabet comes from the Etruscan alphabet which in turn, and in line with the prevailing view today, based on the Greek.

The development of the alphabet
The Alexandrian grammar classifying sixteen letters in the first Greek alphabet: A, B, C, D, E, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, R the S, T and Y. Later followed the I, P and X. By adding the letters G, O, D, H and Z was born the Ionic alphabet. In ancient Greek inscriptions found three variants of the alphabet: the Aeolian or Dorian, the Attic and Ionic.

The wind and the Doric alphabet is found in inscriptions of Thera, Milos, Peloponnese, Boeotia and Great Greece, in Sicily and Southern Italy. The Attic alphabet (the Attic letters) we find the inscriptions in Attica before the era of Euclid (402 BC). The Ionic alphabet is found in inscriptions in Ionian Sea and in Asia Minor.

Other uses
The letters of the Greek alphabet used in Greek numerals. The Greek alphabet is widely used as a symbol tank for use in science or as internationally agreed symbols (eg: π=3,14) or for any suitable use.
Like the Latin alphabet, the Greek used for the count (especially when you are interested in our series), eg All 24 rhapsodies of Odyssey numbered with small letters of the alphabet, while the Iliad to uppercase. Particularly in Astronomy the Greek alphabet used to count the stars, ie alpha Centauri is the brightest star of the constellation Centaurus, while Omega is the 24th in brightness. After the end of Greek letters follow Latin and then followed by Arabic numerals.

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Xenophon Zolotas

Prof. Xenophon Zolotas is a well-known Greek economist. The speeches that follows were given to a foreign audience, at the closing session of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, on September 26, 1957 and on October 2, 1959. Prof. Zolotas held the positions of the Governor of the bank of Greece and the Governor of the Funds for Greece, at that time.

“I always wished to address this Assembly in Greek, but I realized that it would have been indeed Greek to all present in this room. I found out, however, that I could make my address in Greek which would still be English to everybody. With your permission, Mr. Chairman, I shall do it now, using with the exception of articles and prepositions only Greek words.”

First speech


I eulogize the archons of the Panethnic Numismatic Thesaurus and the Ecumenical Trapeza for the orthodoxy of their axioms, methods and policies, although there is an episode of cacophony of the Trapeza with Hellas.

With enthusiasm we dialogue and synagonize at the synods of our didymous Organizations in which polymorphous economic ideas and dogmas are analyzed and synthesized.

Our critical problems such as the numismatic plethora generate some agony and melancholy. This phenomenon is characteristic of our epoch. But, to my thesis, we have the dynamism to program therapeutic practices as a prophylaxis from chaos and catastrophe.

In parallel, a panethnic unhypocritical economic synergy and harmonization in a democratic climate is basic.

I apologize for my eccentric monologue. I emphasize my eucharistia to you Kyrie, to the eugenic and generous American Ethnos and to the organizers and protagonists of this Amphictyony and the gastronomic symposia.”

Second speech


It is Zeus’ anathema on our epoch for the dynamism of our economies and the heresy of our economic methods and policies that we should agonise between the Scylla of numismatic plethora and the Charybdis of economic anaemia.

It is not my idiosyncrasy to be ironic or sarcastic but my diagnosis would be that politicians are rather cryptoplethorists. Although they emphatically stigmatize numismatic plethora, energize it through their tactics and practices.

Our policies have to be based more on economic and less on political criteria.

Our gnomon has to be a metron between political, strategic and philanthropic scopes. Political magic has always been antieconomic.

In an epoch characterised by monopolies, oligopolies, menopsonies, monopolistic antagonism and polymorphous inelasticities, our policies have to be more orthological. But this should not be metamorphosed into plethorophobia which is endemic among academic economists.

Numismatic symmetry should not antagonize economic acme.

A greater harmonization between the practices of the economic and numismatic archons is basic.

Parallel to this, we have to synchronize and harmonize more and more our economic and numismatic policies panethnically.

These scopes are more practical now, when the prognostics of the political and economic barometer are halcyonic.

The history of our didymous organisations in this sphere has been didactic and their gnostic practices will always be a tonic to the polyonymous and idiomorphous ethnical economics. The genesis of the programmed organisations will dynamize these policies. I sympathise, therefore, with the aposties and the hierarchy of our organisations in their zeal to programme orthodox economic and numismatic policies, although I have some logomachy with them.

I apologize for having tyrannized you with my hellenic phraseology.

In my epilogue, I emphasize my eulogy to the philoxenous autochthons of this cosmopolitan metropolis and my encomium to you, Kyrie, and the stenographers.”

Mr Xenophon Zolotas


The word “Macedonia” is of Greek origin. The etymology is: The resident of the ancient area “Makednon” in ancient Greek called “Makednos” (eg, see. Herodotus’ Histories, Book 1, §56: «Makednon kaleomenon”). The root “Mak-” comes from “makos”, the Doric type Atticus “length” (which is the modern Greek word). In short, the “Makednos” meant “tall man”. In the new Greek the word “long”. The same root is the source of the English prefix “macro-“, which identifies several words to mean long (macro; biotic, macro instruction;) or large (macro; cosm, macro; molecule).

The name Alexander (“the Great”) is also of Greek origin. The “Alexander”, consists of two parts in Greek:
the “alex-” is a prefix meaning “protector” so we have modern Greek words “bulletproof (protects from bullets),” lightning rod “(protects from lightning), and” parachute “(protect from falling) .
and “Andreas” is the general word “man.” Homer Odyssey begins as follows:
“Man ennepe muse Polytropon me …” etc. In English the root “andro-” passed in words like “androgynous”, “android”, “Andrew”, and a few more.

Briefly, the “Alexander” means “protector of men”

But any other known ancient Macedonian name is also Greek origin! For example, take the name of Philip, Alexander’s father, started the expansion of the ancient Macedonian nation. And this is Greek. In Greek consists of two parts:
The prefix “pro” meaning “one who likes” or “having a friendly relationship with.” This root passed into English words such as “philosophy”, “philanthropy”, and even in “Philadelphia” and “Philippines”.

And the suffix “-ippos” ie. “Horse”. This root passed into Latin as “hippo-” (the initial h is the performance of the pronunciation of the Greek CSCE), and from there into English words such as “hippopotamus” (hippopotamus; literally “river horse”) and “hippocampus” (hippocampus).

Briefly, “Philip” means “friend of horses”
From the Greek name Philip (Philippos) which means “friend of horses”, composed of the elements friend (philos) “friend” and horse (hippos) “horse”(Ex. Hipppodrome, Hippocrate etc.). This was the name of five kings of Macedon, including Philip II the father of Alexander the Great. The name appears in the New Testament belonging to two people who are regarded as saints. First, one of the twelve apostles, and second, an early figure in the Christian church known as Philip the Deacon.

Englishized form of the Greek name Alexander (Alexandros), which meant “defending men” from Greek Alexis (alexo+andros=of the man:genetivus of aner) “to defend, help” and man (aner-(ἀνήρ`= man)) “andros” (-“ander” in Latin much later). In Greek mythology this was another name of the hero Paris, and it also belongs to several characters in the New Testament. However, the most famous bearer was Alexander the Great, King of Macedon. In the 4th century BC he built a huge empire out of Greece, Egypt, Persia, and parts of India. There he spred with the MOST civilized manners the Greek  Civilization & Culture.

He was Highily educated in Philosophy, Astronomy, Music & Martial strategic tactics(the latest from his father). Due to his fame, and later medieval tales involving him, use of his name spread throughout Europe.
Derived from Greek amyntor (amyntor) meaning “defender”. This was the name of several kings of Macedon.

Agathosthenis <good courage + = good (on actions and intellect) + power = the person holding power to think and to do good.
Agoraklis <purchase + market + = glory = glory he has fame in the market
Agorakritos <= purchase about judgment: he judged from the market
Athanasios <a (withdrawal) + at death – death = immortal (gilts. Immortality, Euthanasia etc;)
Athena Atheonoa = <a (superlative) + + God = mind that from the supreme mind (the goddess Athena, xepidise from the head of Zeus). The original name was Athena and is Pelasgic origin
Catherine <del + = always clean cleared
Alexander <Alexia + man (b. The man) = defender, protector men (gilts. Alexandra)

Its complicated by p. Alexis’ spurn – protect “; + a man, so Alexandros originally meant” one who protects the people. ” Somehow many associate some verb Alexis to remove, giving Alexandros the importance of “he who repels men ‘. The importance of this verb is “protect” and we find eg in ancient anthroponymia Aleximvrotos (from vrotos) and Alexinor (ἀνήρ`=the man) which mean “the protector of mortals.” Note that as they have shown great linguists, the name Alexandros is ancient, as already answered in Mycenaean Greek.

Amaryllis = The Shining(from: Amarysso-αμαρυσσω=shine, radiate
Amphiaraos <amfo + ara + st (suffix) = one who mitigates the curse – misfortune

Anargyros <a (withdrawal) + silver (money) = a nonprofit (gilts. ANARGYRON)
Anastasios <at + stasis = the reborn, the eternal (gilts. Anastasia)
Andreas <man (b. Man) = the brave, real man, brave warrior
Andromache <man (b. The man) + fight = the fighting men (ie. The great and fearless warrior) (gilts. Andromache)
Andronikos <man (b. The man) win + = one who conquers men (gilts. Andro+niki)
Antigonus <+ instead gignomai (born) = the worthy with generator father (gilts. Antigone)
Apollo <a (superlative) + + pole las (light bulbs – they lampsis) = one who shines everywhere. According to others: a (withdrawal) many + = one who does not belong to the many
Virtue <a (withdrawal) + = risis unparalleled, perfect, unique
Aristarchus <archo excellent + = one who initiates (heads) of optimum
Aristides <+ excellent OPD (vague: I saw) = the best on the face, the very good looking
Aristomachos <excellent + = the battle honors fighting (gilts. Aristomachos)
Aristonicus <+ excellent victory = one who manages the perfect victory (gilts. Aristonicus)
Aristotle <+ excellent end (purpose) = the perfectionist, one who intends to excellent
Aristophanes <+ excellent Fimios (say, trumpets, spread word) = one who speaks excellent
Artemis <air + = intersect that cuts – crosses the air
Archimedes <start + midomai (meditate) = the ruler of thought
Aspasia <= female kissing the arch. adjective aspasios = happy, happy (male. Aspasios)
Venus <foam + dito (= emerge) = emerging from the foam (sea)
Basil <vasielefs = one who belongs to the king (gilts. Basel)
Speedwell (Veronica) <from the ancient Macedonian name Fereniki> fetch = + victory that brings victory
George <Ca + work = the cultivator of the land, he produced work in the land, the farmer (gilts. Georgia)
Glafkonomi <Owl (or glaucous) + Act = brilliant – wise law
Gregory <= quickly awake, sleepless revved
Damocles <township glory + = the doxazomenos by the municipality (people), the popular
Damofili <township friend + = girlfriend municipality (people), that he loves his people
Despina <= overtop dominant, lady
Demaratus <township + weigh (= heave) = one who elevates (morally) the municipality (population)
Dimaretis <+ municipality virtue (> a + risis) = one who (with his deeds) benefit the municipality (people) (gilts. Dimareti)
Dimitra <da (Doric formula of “land” is a variant of “ca”) + mother = mother earth
Dimitrios = the dedicated to the goddess Demeter
Democritus <township judgment: + = one who is from the municipality (population)
Dimoniki <township + win = win municipality (population)
Demosthenes <township vigor + = one who gives strength to the municipality (population)
Dimostratos <+ troop municipality = one who is called the municipality (population)
Popular (see. Damofili)
Diagoras <Zeus (b. Zeus) + plead one running a speech by the power of Zeus
Dikaiarchou <archo righteous + = one who is righteous ruler
Dikaioklis <righteous glory + = one who glorifies the law
Dikaiopolis <righteous + polis = the righteous citizen
Diogenes <Zeus (b. Zeus) + = the maiden originating from Jupiter
Diocles <Zeus (b. Zeus) + = the glory glorifies Jupiter
Diomedes <Zeus (b. Zeus) + midomai (think =) = the thinking to the will of Zeus
Dionysus <Zeus (born of Zeus) + = the mind come from the mind of Zeus
Peace = eiro (hook)
Helen <elon (B vague weigh = destroy) + nafs (ISO. The NDI = ship) = one for which ships destroyed
Eleftherios <El (name of the Olympians) + ef + summer = one who with his coming will mean better and offered to the gods, in another interpretation:> Elefsis (> el + fair + quake – move) + courage = he who with courage and strength of the gods move everything in a good way
Hermes <EPDM (= ratio) = one who takes the floor
Hermogenes <Hermes (b. Hermes) + = the maiden originating from Mercury genus
Home <through + God = one rushes in (home)
Evangelia <ef + ad = good news, good news
Evangelos <ef = + angel messenger who brings good news
Eyboulos <+ ef parliament (House) = having the benevolent desire
Eunomia <ef Law + = one who defines good laws (gilts. Eunomia)
Eupolis <+ fair city = good citizen
Evridiki <= range + righteous one possessed of great justice (male. Eurydice)
Eurycleia <width + = glory that has great glory (male. Evryklis)
Eurynome <= range + Law that knows many laws (male. Eurynome)
Happiness <+ fair chance that has good luck (male. Eftychios)
Zafirios <sapphire (sapphire) = precious (gilts. Zafiria)
Zeus <Zeo (= life-giving) + ef = the provider good life
Zenobia <Jean (Dorian type of Zeus = Jupiter) + life = that lives thanks to Jupiter
Hegesistratos <lead + = army that led the army (male. Igistratos)
Ira <day (idiom of the word “earth – earth”). In others, an anagram of the word “air”
Herophilus <Ira + = girlfriend that loves Hera
Heron <Ira + s = he who belongs to Hera
Hephaestus <the (increase thanks euphony) + F (Achaean type “to” = light) + istimi (= possess good) = one who is well aware of the fire
Theodore <god + gift = one who is a gift from God
Thersites <Tarshish = one who is impudent
Thrasivoulos <Tarshish + desire = the one who has tharreti (up supercilious) desire
Jason <= Iasis therapist
Hipparchus <= horse + archo he led the horses
Hippodameia <horse + SAMe-oh = one tames horses
Hippocrates <horse + territory-oh = those who control horses
Hippolyte <= horse + unfasten that releases the horses (male. Hippolytus)
Isocrates <= equal + I hold he kept equidistant – equality
Calliope <beauty + hole (= hole mouth in a sense) = the sweet-voiced
Kleovoulos <glory + House = he who wants glory
Kleogenis <glory + = genus-derived glorified genus
Kosmas <comely = he who is kind and kalotropos
Laodice <people + trial = trial people
Laomideia <+ people = midomai the thought of people
Leonidas <lion + = he himself like the lion
Lysistrata <unfasten (future. Solve) + = army that dissolves the army
Maria <glitter (= lighten) = one sparkles [-> Mary (S48 Iliad, Odyssey l326) -> Maria (exevraismos the Greek name)] (male. Marios)
Mede <= midomai the thinking (gilts. Midia)
Nikareti <= victory + virtue that beats with virtue (male. Nikaretos)
Nikiforos <victory fetch = + he made wins
Nikolaos <win + people = one who gives victory to the people (female does not exist in ancient Greek. The new Greek is Nicoletta, epanellinismos the Frankish Nikolette)
Xenokratis <stranger hold + = one who keeps (away) foreign
Xenophanes <stranger fainymi + = one who resembles foreign
Odefssefs <betake + = essomai those found in the street, the Wandering
Homer <OMMA + APD = he who loses his eye, the blind
Orestes <term stand + = one who is on the mountain, the man of the mountain, the Hillbilly
Periandros <+ on man (b. The man) = one who is above the other men
Pericles <+ on = the glory yperdoxos, the amply
Peter <= the stone stable, the steadfast
Penelope <pini (thread) + lepo (unfold) = the weaver
Plato <width + s (= existing) = one who is broad (The philosopher Plato took this name because she had broad chest and forehead. Originally his name was Aristocles.
Pleistonikis <pleistos (superlative of “long”) + win = one who has many victories, the POLYNIKI
Poliarchos <city archo + = one who initiates the town
Poseidon <potos (= river) + yielding one running gives rivers
Prodikos <pre trial + = the chief justice
Protagoras <first market + = one who is first in the market (ie. In common)
Pythagoras <Pytho (= update -> Pytheas) market + = one who informs the market
Sophia <= wisdom, erudition, profound knowledge
Sophocles <wise glory + = glorious for its wisdom
Spyridon <spyris (b. Spyridon = psarokofino) = one who makes baskets for fish
Stratoklis <military glory + = the glorious soldier
Stylianos <column = constant as the column, that one can rely on it (gilts. Styliani)
Socrates <wise + keep one running observes wisely
Sotirios <= savior savior
Telemachus <tele battle + = one who gives battles from afar
Phaedra <= blithe cheerful
Filareti <friend + = virtue that loves virtue (male. Filaret)
Philip <horse friend + = one who loves horses
Philodemus <township friend + = one who loves the municipality (population)
Philostratus <army friend + = one who loves the army
Chariklia <thanks + = the famous glory for the sake of
From the Greek Antigonus (Antigonos) which meant “against the ancestor”, from anti (anti) “against” and parent (goneus) “ancestor”. This was the name of one of Alexander the Great’s generals. After Alexander died, he took control of most of Asia Minor.
Latinized form of the Greek name Archelaos (Archelaos), which meant “master of the people” from Aarhus (archos) “master” and Laos (laos) “people”. This was the name of a son of Herod the Great. He ruled over Judea, Samaria and Idumea.
From the Greek name Aristotle (Aristoteles) which meant “the best purpose”, derived from excellent (aristos) “best” and the end (telos) “purpose, aim”. This was the name of a Greek philosopher of the 4th century BC who made lasting contributions to Western thought, including the fields of logic, metaphysics, ethics and biology.
Means “splendid, famous” in Greek. This was the name of one of Alexander the Great’s generals.

From the Greek name Cleopatra (Kleopatra) which meant “glory of the father”, derived from glory (kleos) “glory” combined with father (patros) “of the father”. This was the name of queens of Egypt from the Ptolemaic royal family, including Cleopatra VII, the mistress of both Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. After being defeated by Augustus she committed suicide by allowing herself to be bitten by an asp. Shakespeare’s tragedy ‘Antony and Cleopatra’ (1606) is based on her.


The Macedonian name Perdikkas obviusly means “famously just” [ca (t) – + righteous], but to accept it we must “prove” somehow the doubling of the letter “k” in the theme “trial”, meaning “justice”.

Hellenic Quest called an e-learning program that Greek as CNN began distributing worldwide and intended initially for English speakers and Spanish speakers.
The teaching method is to view information on the screen of the / Y while sound and moving image transmission.

CNN, in collaboration with the apple computer company prepared a Greek easy tutorial and English-speaking US Hispanics. The rationale behind this initiative was that the Greek intensifies rational spirit, scrapes entrepreneurship and encourages citizens to creativity.
The program is produced by the large corporation The H / Y Apple, o Chairman of which John Scully said: We decided to push the Greek tutorial, because our society needs a tool that will allow todiscover so far.
In other words, this is a manifestation of the tendency to return to the spirit world culture and language of the Ancent Greeks.
Another related event: The English businessmen motivate senior executives to learn Ancient Greek because they contain a special meaning for the areas of organization and management companies.
In this conclusion already led after British special findings that the Greek language reinforces the logic and stimulates leadership abilities. So it has great value, not only in computer science and high technology, but also in organization and administration ..

These properties of Greek led the California University Irmain take the hoarding of wealth … Head of program placed the linguist –Ellinistria- Mac Ntonali and teachers e Brunner and Pakari.
In The H/ Y Imyko were evaluated 6 million verbal formulas of the Ancient Greek o language when English has a total of 490,000 words and 300 … 000 technical terms, ie as a language is only 1/100 of our own. In Imyko categorized 8,000 4,000 ancient Greek writings and the work continues.
Talking about it Professor Brunner said: Anyone who wonder why so many millions of dollars for the hoarding of words of Greek respond: But this is the language of our ancestors. And our contact with them will improve the Hellenique=Greek)  culture.
The promoters of the program estimate that the Greek verbal types will reach the 90 million, compared with nine million Latin. Interest in the Greek resulted from the recording of information and computer scientists that the H / PC advanced technology accept as sign language only the Greek.

All other languages ​​featured semantic.
Sign language is considered the language in which the signifier, that is the word, and the signified, that is, the word expresses (thing, idea, state), have among their primary relationship. While semantic is the language in which arbitrarily defined that American thing (signified) meant by am (signifier).
In other words, the Ancient Greek language is the only language whose words have primogeniture, while in all other, words are symmatikes mean, that is something, just because it ‘agreed’ among those who use it.
ALL of the words in Greek means eg the word
Enthusiasm = En+theo – εν-Θεώ (=In-God)
geometry = earth + count – γaia +μετρώ – gai+metro

Anthropos(=man = the inarticulate (the articulated reason)(άνθρωπος = ο άναρθρων (ο αρθρώνων λόγο)..
We say causal relationship between word-thing, which is nonexistent in other languages.

The most perfect Imykos programs Knowledge and Newton represent the verbal formulas of integrals in Greek and in perfect representational shapes, which can not do in other languages.
This is because the Greek has a mathematical structure that allows the harmonious geometrical display. <> Particularly useful are the Greek suffixes AS:
tele, landi = … LAND, GEO … nano, micro, mega, purpose … .ismos, ELECTRO …., cyclo …., TUNER …., MACRO …., SMALL …., TRAY …., writes … LETTER … PLUS … … SYM, etc .. Example:
Computers consider the Greek language “not marginal ‘, ie that only in that there are no limits and so it is necessary to new disciplines such as Information Technology, Electronics, the Government and others.
These sciences only in the Greek language find mental expressions they need, without which scientific thought is unable to proceed.
For these reasons the Spanish MEPs sought to introduce Greek as the official European Union because to speak of a united Europe without the Greek is like talking to a blind man about colors.

Of course, it can`t that all suddenly it becomes ‘out of nowhere’ to display a Homer and written two literary masterpieces, it is obvious that long ago should have been a language (and writing) high level. Indeed, from the ancient Greek Secretariat know that Homer was not the first but the last and most famous of a long line of epic poets, whose names have survived (Kreofylos, Prodikos, Arktinos, Antimachus, Kinaithon, Callimachus) and the names of their works (Foronis, Fokais, Danais, Negress, Progeny, Oedipal, Thebes …) have not yet been rescued themselves their projects.
The power of the Greek language is its ability to be molded not only prefix or conclusive but varying in some cases up to the root of the word (eg, “Run” and “wheel” even though they are from the same family differ slightly the root).
The Greek language is qualified to create compound words with incredible potential uses, multiplying the vocabulary.
The International Dictionary Webster’s (Webster’s New International Dictionary) says: “The Latin and Greek, especially the Greek, an inexhaustible source of material for creating scientific terms,” ​​while the French lexicographers Jean Bouffartigue and Anne-Marie Delrieu emphasized: “Science finds constantly new objects or concepts. He named them. The treasure of the Greek roots in front of her as long as you draw from there. It would be very surprising not to find those in need. “
The French writer Jacques Lakarrier, stunned in front of the grandeur of Greek, had declared relatively: “The Greek language has the characteristic to offer on the wonderful expression of all hierarchies with a simple rotation of the first component. One has only to put a pan – first – initial over- or any other intention in front of a subject. And if you combine together these prefixes, it takes an endless variety of gradations. The prefixes enclosed in the hand, not as a semantic scale, which rises towards the sky of words. “
In Homer’s Iliad Thetis mourning that will get the son of killing Hector “dione and dysaristotokeian it calls”. The word itself is a dirge, dys + excellent + whelp (= calve) and means such analyzes Etymologicum Mega “, which gave birth to evil excellent.”
A few years ago was released in Switzerland in dictionary nonexistent words (Dictionnaire Des Mots Inexistants) proposing to replace French with circumlocutions monolectic terms from the Greek. Eg andropreie(=MANacting), biopaleste, dysparegorete, ecogeniarche, elpidophore(=Hope+carry), glossoctonie, philomatheem(=learnloving) tachymathie(=Quick learning), theopempte etc. about 2,000 entries with scope for further enrichment.
NOT for chauvinistic reasons,
But to learn slowly are unaware of the truth!

 That is not the Alphabet is copied from elsewhere seen in that in the year 2300 BC by Homer already at the disposal of 6,500,000 primary words (first person singular present tense &) which if you multiply CH72 which calls will draw a huge number which is not the final, because do not forget that the Greek language is not sterile, born.The Greek language is the only one that can be used for H / Y due mathematical and musicality not only the alphabet-word, but the mathematical concepts generated eg The word becomes THESIS(=position): Synthesis, assault, filing, hypothesis, Exposition, Addition, prothesis, anaThesis, available Antithesis etc etc if now these words the English translation is completely unrelated.

If we compare now eg the English language has 80,000 words, of which 80% are Greek as we inform the University of Wales, and measure that this sterile language evolves 1000 years, we effortlessly draw the conclusion that Homer receives a language which has a depth the year 100,000 BC; 500,000 BC; who knows …

But the ultimate proof is the same of the mathematic structure, which does not exist in any other language of the world. Do not even forget that the Creator uses math to create, so our language is necessarily related to the source (root-0/1).

But before the “crypt” is the “Signifier”, ie the connection of words with meanings. He said earlier that foreign dialects defined by agreement, ie some agreed that such and such a subject would call it “X”, which makes the languages ​​sterile, so they can give birth to new words, so there mathimatikotita therefore can not describe new concepts that exist in nature, resulting in the brain where it can not describe through new words new meanings remain in the dark, so the neurons of the brain does not generate new as opposed to those who use the Greek.

How could eg the English or the French or the X, Y with a word that has 10 concepts to describe accurately and therefore clearly a deeper meaning? let alone the multiple aspects of this? It can not be So why all started here. It means therefore is connecting the signal to the signified, that the word itself is generated in such a manner that describes the meaning esokleinei instruments.

Example: The naming of the word curry (Walnut), as we read in thesecretrealtruth, from an observation of nature (as all words), ie when two horned animals (Rams, goats etc.) tra.kar.oun with ker.ata their sounds “crack” or “fem”, the sound he gave the name “horn” (horn) the horn gave the name of the State or skull (head) and the nicknames of this curry (small head). curry (nut) looks amazing to the human head and the interior of the brain.
Y is the root of the verb YO (rain) where Y is concavity (or convexity) that mates something, rain (water element) enters (nest) into the earth.

The musical – numeric alphabet creates musical – mathematical words that describe respective concepts which come from the observation of nature ie of Creation so by extension of the same Creator, but the question is how many millennia may be needed to create this perfect mathematical complex letters are numbers, yet musical tones and words that all the numbers and music tones into their hide Except for complex musical harmonies, concepts which are not random at all but after extensive observation of nature?

Arguably, therefore our Antisthenes recalls “wisdom Authority names visitation”De Groot (Netherlands Homeric texts professor at the University of Montreal)

“The Greek language has continuity and teaches to be ownerless and got a glory, that an opinion. In this language there is no orthodoxy. So even if the education system wants people law-abiding – a mold – the spirit of ancient texts and language in learning to be a boss. “
James Joyce (Famous Irish author, 1882-1941)

“Almost afraid to touch the Odyssey, the oppressive beauty is unbearable.”
The great French writer Jacques Lakarrier said:

“In Greek there is a vertigo of words, because only she explored, recorded and analyzed the innermost processes of speech and language, more than any other language.”
The great French enlightener Voltaire had said

“May the Greek language to become common all peoples.”
The French professor at the Sorbonne said Charles Foriel

“The Greek has homogeneity as the German, but richer than that. He has the clarity of the French, but it has greater precision. It is more flexible than the Italian and much more harmonious than the Spanish. Is that what it takes to be considered the most beautiful language of Europe. “
Marianna McDonald, professor of the University of California and Head of TLG said

“Knowledge of Greek is essential foundation of high cultural cultivation.”
The blind American writer Helen Keller had told

“If the violin is the most perfect musical instrument, the Greek language is the violin of human thought.
John Goethe (The greatest poet of Germany, 1749-1832)

“I listened to St. Peter’s in Rome the Gospel in all languages. The Greek resonated star glowing in the night. “
Dialogue of Goethe with his disciples:

-Daskale What to read to become wise as you?

-the Greek classics.

-And When we finish the Greek classics what to read?

-Old Greek classics.
George Bernard Shaw (Great Irish playwright, 1856-1950)

“If the library of your home you do not have the works of ancient Greek authors, then you live in a house without light.”
Mark Tillios Cicero (the foremost man of ancient Rome, 106-43 BC)

“If the gods speak, then certainly use the language of the Greeks.”
Humphrey Kitty (English professor at the University of Bristol, 1968)

“It’s the nature of the Greek language is clean, precise and complex. The ambiguity and lack of direct enoraseos featuring sometimes English and German, is completely foreign to the Greek language. “
Irina Kovaleva (Modern Russian professor at the University Lomonosov, 1995)

“The Greek language is beautiful like heaven to the stars.”
RH Robins (Contemporary English linguist, professor at the University of London)

“Of course not only in linguistics where Greeks were pioneers in Europe. Overall Europe’s spiritual life goes back to the work of Greek thinkers.

Even today we return unceasingly in Greek heritage to find stimulation and encouragement. “
Frederick Sagkredo (Basque linguistics professor – Chairman of the Greek Academy of Vaskonias)

“The Greek language is the best legacy that has been available to the man on the evolution of the brain. Against all Greek and insist all languages are inadequate. “

“The ancient Greek language should become the second language of all Europeans, especially the cultured people.”

“The Greek language is of divine essence.”
Heinrich Schliemann (Renowned amateur archaeologist, 1822-1890)

“Everything I wanted passionately to learn Greek. I did not do it because I was afraid that the deep charm of this magnificent language would absorb so much that would have removed my other activities. “(The Schliemann spoke 18 languages seamlessly. For two years did nothing other than the studying 2 poems of Homer).
Ibn Khaldoun (Largest Arab historian)

“Where is the secretariat of the Assyrians, the Chaldeans, the Egyptians? All mankind has inherited the secretariat of the Greeks alone. “
Will Durant (American historian and philosopher, professor at the University of Columbia)

“Our alphabet came from Greece by Kimi and Rome. Our language is littered Greek words. Our science esfyrilatise Mian international language by the Greek terms. Our grammar and our rhetoric, even the punctuation and the division areas paragraphs … is Greek inventions. Our genres are Greeks – the lyric, the ode, the romance, the novel, the essay, the prosfonisis, biography, history and above all the vision. And almost all of these words are Greek. “
Jacqueline de Romigy (Modern French Academician and author)

“Ancient Greece offers us a language, which will say that it is universal.”

“Everyone needs to learn Greek, because the Greek language helps us first of all to understand our own language.”
Bruno Snell (Distinguished Professor at the University of Hamburg)

“The Greek language is the past of the Europeans.”
Frangkiskos Ligkora (Modern Italian university professor and president of the International Academy for the dissemination of culture)

“Greeks can be proud to speak the Greek language alive and the mother of all other languages. Do not neglect, since this is one of the few goods we have left and also your passport to the world civilization. “
The. Vantrouska (Professor of Linguistics at the University of Vienna)

“For a Japanese or Turkish, all European languages are not seen as separate but as dialects of one and the same language, Greek.”
Peter Jones (PhD – Professor at Oxford University who drafted lessons of ancient Greek WITH readership, for publication in the newspaper «DailyTelegraph»)

The Greeks of Athens in the 5th and 4th century had reached the language to the point that with her to explore ideas such as democracy and the origins of the universe, concepts such as sulfur and law. It is a wonderful and great language. “
Gilbert Murray (Professor, University of Oxford)

“The Greek is the perfect language. Often one finds that a thought can be expressed with ease and grace in Greek, and becomes difficult and severe in Latin, English, French or German. It is the perfect language, because it expresses the thoughts most perfect people. “
Max Von Laye (Nobel Prize in Physics

“I Graces in divine providence, because it pleased to teach ancient Greek, who helped me to penetrate deeper into the meaning of science.”
E, Norden (the great German philologist)

“In addition to Chinese and Japanese, all other languages were formed under the influence of Greek, from which they took, besides many words, rules and grammar.”
Martin Heidegger (German philosopher, of the main representatives of existentialism in the 20th century)

“The ancient Greek language belongs to the standards through which showcase the spiritual forces of creative genius, because with respect to the possibilities provided in thought, is the most powerful and yet the most witty of all languages of the world.”
David Crystal (Aka English professor, author of the Encyclopedia of Cambridge for the English)

“It’s amazing to see how much more we rely on the Greek, to talk about entities and events at the heart of modern life.”
Michael Ventris (The man who deciphered the Linear B)

“The ancient Greek language was and is higher all the old and new languages.”
R.H. Robins (Linguist and author)

“The Greek triumph in the spiritual culture is that gave so much to so many sectors […]. Their achievements in the field of linguistics which was extremely strong, ie the theory of grammar and grammatical description of the language is strong enough to merit and to withstand criticism. Also be such as to inspire gratitude and our admiration. “
Luis José Navarro (Deputy to the educational program “Evroklassika” of the EU)

“The Greek language for me is like cosmogony. It is not just a language … “
Juan Jose Puhana Arza (Basque Hellenist and politician)

“We must proclaim that there has been in the world a language which can be compared to the classical Greek.”
D’Eichtal (French author)

“The Greek language is a language which has all the features, all the conditions of an international tongue … touches these same beginnings of civilization … which not only there was no stranger to none of the major events of the human spirit, religion, in politics, in literature, the arts, the sciences, but was also the first tool – to scan all these – so to speak, the womb … Language logic while euphonic, among all the other … “
Theodore F. Brunner (TLG founder and director until 1997)

“Anyone who wonder why so many millions of dollars spent on the hoarding of Greek words, we reply: But this is the language of our ancestors and contact with them will improve our culture.”
Jacques Lang (French Ministry of Education)

“I would like to see to learn Ancient Greek, with the same zeal that we demonstrate, and Greek schools.”
In his work “A Brief History of the Greek Language” by the famous linguist A.. Meillet, supported strongly the superiority of Greek over other languages.


The name of Apollo itself—though not Paean, a possible name of a precursor god to or epithet of him—is generally considered to be absent from the Linear B (Mycenean Greek) texts although it is possible that the name is in fact attested in the lacunose form ]pe-rjo-[ (Linear B: ]-[) on the KN E 842 tablet.The spelling Ἀπόλλων (pronounced [a.pól.lɔːn] in Classical Attic) had almost superseded all other forms by the beginning of the common era, but the Doric form Apellon (Ἀπέλλων), is more archaic, derived from an earlier *Ἀπέλjων. It probably is a cognate to the Doric month Apellaios (Ἀπελλαῖος), and the offerings apellaia (ἀπελλαῖα) at the initiation of the young men during the family-festival apellai (ἀπέλλαι).According to some scholars the words are derived from the Doric word apella (ἀπέλλα), which originally meant “wall,” “fence for animals” and later “assembly within the limits of the square.”[ Apella (Ἀπέλλα) is the name of the popular assembly in Sparta,[9] corresponding to the ecclesia (ἐκκλησία). R. S. P. Beekes rejected the connection of the theonym with the noun apellai and suggested a Pre-Greek proto-form *Apalyun.Several instances of popular etymology are attested from ancient authors. Thus, the Greeks most often associated Apollo’s name with the Greek verb ἀπόλλυμι (apollymi), “to destroy”. Plato in Cratylus connects the name withἀπόλυσις (apolysis), “redeem”, with ἀπόλουσις (apolousis), “purification”, and with ἁπλοῦν ([h]aploun), “simple”, in particular in reference to the Thessalian form of the name, Ἄπλουν, and finally with Ἀειβάλλων (aeiballon), “ever-shooting”. Hesychius connects the name Apollo with the Doric ἀπέλλα (apella), which means “assembly”, so that Apollo would be the god of political life, and he also gives the explanation σηκός (sekos), “fold”, in which case Apollo would be the god of flocks and herds. In the Ancient Macedonian language πέλλα (pella) means “stone,” and some toponyms may be derived from this word: Πέλλα (Pella,[14] the capital of Ancient Macedonia) and Πελλήνη(Pellēnē/Pallene)


7270-year-old Tablet Found in Kastoria Calls into Question History of Writing

Back in 1993, in a Neolithic lakeshore settlement that occupied an artificial island near the modern village of Dispilio on Lake Kastoria in the Kastoria Prefecture, professor George Hourmouziadis and his team unearthed the Dispilio Tablet (also known as the Dispilio Scripture or the Dispilio Disk), a wooden tablet bearing inscribed markings (charagmata) that has been carbon 14-dated to about 7300 BP (5260 BC).

In February 2004, during the announcement of the Tablet’s discovery to the world, Hourmouziadis claimed that the text with the markings could not be easily publicized because it would ultimately change the current historical background concerning the origins of writing and articulate speech depicted with letters instead of ideograms within the borders of the ancient Greek world and by extension, the broader European one.

According to the Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the markings suggested that the current theory proposing that the ancient Greeks received their alphabet from the ancient civilizations of the Middle East (Babylonians, Sumerians and Phoenicians etc) fails to close the historic gap of some 4,000 years. This gap translates into the following facts:  while ancient eastern civilizations would use ideograms to express themselves, the ancient Greeks were using syllables in a similar manner like we use today.

The currently accepted historic theory taught around the world suggests that the ancient Greeks learned to write around 800 BC from the Phoenicians. However, a question emerges among scholars: how is it possible for the Greek language to have 800,000 word entries, ranking first among all known languages in the world, while the second next has only 250,000 word entries? How is it possible for the Homeric Poems to have been produced at about 800 BC, which is just when the ancient Greeks learned to write? It would be impossible for the ancient Greeks to write these poetic works without having had a history of writing of at least 10,000 years back, according to a US linguistic research.

The tablet is 2,000 years older than the written findings from the Sumerian era and 4,000 years older than the Cretan-Mycenean linear types of writing.

The markings on the tablet did not resemble the human figures, the sun and moon or other figures ideograms usually depict. They actually showed signs of advanced apheresis, which indicates they are the result of cognitive processes.

The tablet was partially damaged when it was exposed to the oxygen-rich environment outside of the mud and water in which it was immersed for a long period of time, and it is now under conservation. The full academic publication of the tablet apparently awaits the completion of the work of conservation

– See more at: http://greece.greekreporter.com/2012/07/16/7270-year-old-tablet-found-in-kastoria-calls-into-question-history-of-writing/#sthash.o0yDtSd4.dpuf

Main article: Ancient Macedonian language

The Pella curse tablet (Greek katadesmos): from Prof. Radcliffe G. Edmonds III, Bryn Mawr College.

ALEXANDER THE GREAT – ”Medallion” East of the Empire, Beroia (provincial capital of Macedonia, the Heart of Greece), 3rd century A.D., Gold, Diam. 54 mm; 96.3 g
Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa

The obverse shows the diademed head of Alexander the Great (r. 336-323 BC). This posthumous and idealized portrait includes symbols of Alexander’s deification, one of which is the ram’s horn, characteristic of the Egyptian god Amon. This iconography derives from the type of coin introduced by one of Alexander’s immediate successors, King Lysimachos of Thrace (297-281 BC).

The reverse shows a hunting scene, with the hunter’s spear piercing a wild boar that is being attacked by two dogs. The legend “King Alexander”, which appears to the left and above, identifies the hunter.

The “medallion” is part of a treasure including twenty similar pieces found in Aboukir, Egypt, in 1902. The designation “medallion” is purely a matter of convention based on the piece’s morphology and size, as the use given to such pieces cannot be definitively established.

PERSEFONI POSEIDIPPOS MYTIS EYSUVIS / Ephorate of Antiquities of Pella the capital of ancient Macedonia)

 PERSEFONI POSEIDIPPOS MYTIS EYSUVIS / Ephorate of Antiquities of Pella the capital of ancient Macedonia)

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Etymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what Europe means, Phoenician Deception-barbaric twist of History, Alpha – Omega: Aner-Andros(Gram:Genetivous=man`s) Ago(=to leed)-Aristo (=Noblest) etc., -The INDEX as Orientation of the genuine Hellenic Alphabeth.What …

Etymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what Europe means, Phoenician  Deception-barbaric twist of History, Alpha – Omega:  Aner-Andros(Gram:Genetivous=man`s) Ago(=to leed)-Aristo (=Noblest) etc.,  -The INDEX as Orientation of the genuine Hellenic Alphabeth.What ...

euphoriatric.comEtymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what …

SpartiatisΣπαρτιατης on Twitter: “@SamuGun1 @speculator5781 @ApollonPt @ak_square9 @Darnakas3 @PowerofZ1 @Makedni @alexandrou56 @olitopuz @RistoRalsei @DinosPalaio @siljanstrkot2 @costarojas @makedonien_mk @HristodulP @panbog2 @maked_nikos …

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Etymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what Europe means, Phoenician Deception-barbaric twist of History, Alpha – Omega: Aner-Andros(Gram:Genetivous=man`s) Ago(=to leed)-Aristo (=Noblest) etc., -The INDEX as Orientation of the genuine Hellenic Alphabeth.What …

Etymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what Europe means, Phoenician  Deception-barbaric twist of History, Alpha – Omega:  Aner-Andros(Gram:Genetivous=man`s) Ago(=to leed)-Aristo (=Noblest) etc.,  -The INDEX as Orientation of the genuine Hellenic Alphabeth.What ...

euphoriatric.comEtymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what …

Pella: Macedonian treasures presented for the first time – ellines.com

Pella: Macedonian treasures presented for the first time - ellines.com

Ellines.comPella: Macedonian treasures presented …










Ancient Macedonian Civilization

Ancient Macedonian Civilization

FacebookAncient Macedonian Civilization




SpartiatisΣπαρτιατης on Twitter: “@SamuGun1 @speculator5781 @ApollonPt @ak_square9 @Darnakas3 @PowerofZ1 @Makedni @alexandrou56 @olitopuz @RistoRalsei @DinosPalaio @siljanstrkot2 @costarojas @makedonien_mk @HristodulP @panbog2 @maked_nikos …

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Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Ancient Macedonians were GreeksAncient Macedonians were Greeks










Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Ancient Macedonians were GreeksAncient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Ancient Macedonians were GreeksAncient Macedonians were Greeks

Etymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what Europe means, Phoenician Deception-barbaric twist of History, Alpha – Omega: Aner-Andros(Gram:Genetivous=man`s) Ago(=to leed)-Aristo (=Noblest) etc., -The INDEX as Orientation of the genuine Hellenic Alphabeth.What …

Etymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what Europe means, Phoenician  Deception-barbaric twist of History, Alpha – Omega:  Aner-Andros(Gram:Genetivous=man`s) Ago(=to leed)-Aristo (=Noblest) etc.,  -The INDEX as Orientation of the genuine Hellenic Alphabeth.What ...

euphoriatric.comEtymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what …

Museums of Macedonia, Greece — Archaeological Museum

Museums of Macedonia, Greece — Archaeological Museum

Museums of MacedoniaMacedonia, Greece — Archaeological Museum

Archaeological Museum of Pella – Wikipedia

Archaeological Museum of Pella - Wikipedia

WikipediaArchaeological Museum of Pella – Wikipedia




History of Pella Greece – My Favourite Planet

History of Pella Greece - My Favourite Planet

My Favourite PlanetHistory of Pella Greece – My Favourite …




Etymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what Europe means, Phoenician Deception-barbaric twist of History, Alpha – Omega: Aner-Andros(Gram:Genetivous=man`s) Ago(=to leed)-Aristo (=Noblest) etc., -The INDEX as Orientation of the genuine Hellenic Alphabeth.What …

Etymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what Europe means, Phoenician  Deception-barbaric twist of History, Alpha – Omega:  Aner-Andros(Gram:Genetivous=man`s) Ago(=to leed)-Aristo (=Noblest) etc.,  -The INDEX as Orientation of the genuine Hellenic Alphabeth.What ...

euphoriatric.comEtymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what …

SpartiatisΣπαρτιατης on Twitter: “@SamuGun1 @speculator5781 @ApollonPt @ak_square9 @Darnakas3 @PowerofZ1 @Makedni @alexandrou56 @olitopuz @RistoRalsei @DinosPalaio @siljanstrkot2 @costarojas @makedonien_mk @HristodulP @panbog2 @maked_nikos …

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Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Ancient Macedonians were GreeksAncient Macedonians were Greeks

SpartiatisΣπαρτιατης on Twitter: “@SamuGun1 @speculator5781 @ApollonPt @ak_square9 @Darnakas3 @PowerofZ1 @Makedni @alexandrou56 @olitopuz @RistoRalsei @DinosPalaio @siljanstrkot2 @costarojas @makedonien_mk @HristodulP @panbog2 @maked_nikos …

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TwitterSpartiatisΣπαρτιατης on Twitter …

Etymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what Europe means, Phoenician Deception-barbaric twist of History, Alpha – Omega: Aner-Andros(Gram:Genetivous=man`s) Ago(=to leed)-Aristo (=Noblest) etc., -The INDEX as Orientation of the genuine Hellenic Alphabeth.What …

Etymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what Europe means, Phoenician  Deception-barbaric twist of History, Alpha – Omega:  Aner-Andros(Gram:Genetivous=man`s) Ago(=to leed)-Aristo (=Noblest) etc.,  -The INDEX as Orientation of the genuine Hellenic Alphabeth.What ...

euphoriatric.comEtymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what …

Etymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what Europe means, Phoenician Deception-barbaric twist of History, Alpha – Omega: Aner-Andros(Gram:Genetivous=man`s) Ago(=to leed)-Aristo (=Noblest) etc., -The INDEX as Orientation of the genuine Hellenic Alphabeth.What …

Etymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what Europe means, Phoenician  Deception-barbaric twist of History, Alpha – Omega:  Aner-Andros(Gram:Genetivous=man`s) Ago(=to leed)-Aristo (=Noblest) etc.,  -The INDEX as Orientation of the genuine Hellenic Alphabeth.What ...

euphoriatric.comEtymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what …

Archaeological Museum of Pella – Wikipedia

Archaeological Museum of Pella - Wikipedia

WikipediaArchaeological Museum of Pella – Wikipedia

SpartiatisΣπαρτιατης on Twitter: “@SamuGun1 @speculator5781 @ApollonPt @ak_square9 @Darnakas3 @PowerofZ1 @Makedni @alexandrou56 @olitopuz @RistoRalsei @DinosPalaio @siljanstrkot2 @costarojas @makedonien_mk @HristodulP @panbog2 @maked_nikos …

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TwitterSpartiatisΣπαρτιατης on Twitter …

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Ancient Macedonians were GreeksAncient Macedonians were Greeks

Etymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what Europe means, Phoenician Deception-barbaric twist of History, Alpha – Omega: Aner-Andros(Gram:Genetivous=man`s) Ago(=to leed)-Aristo (=Noblest) etc., -The INDEX as Orientation of the genuine Hellenic Alphabeth.What …

Etymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what Europe means, Phoenician  Deception-barbaric twist of History, Alpha – Omega:  Aner-Andros(Gram:Genetivous=man`s) Ago(=to leed)-Aristo (=Noblest) etc.,  -The INDEX as Orientation of the genuine Hellenic Alphabeth.What ...

euphoriatric.comEtymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what …

Archaeological Museum of Pella – Wikipedia

Archaeological Museum of Pella - Wikipedia

WikipediaArchaeological Museum of Pella – Wikipedia




Museums of Macedonia, Greece — Archaeological Museum

Museums of Macedonia, Greece — Archaeological Museum

Museums of MacedoniaMacedonia, Greece — Archaeological Museum

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Ancient Macedonians were GreeksAncient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Ancient Macedonians were GreeksAncient Macedonians were Greeks

SpartiatisΣπαρτιατης on Twitter: “@SamuGun1 @speculator5781 @ApollonPt @ak_square9 @Darnakas3 @PowerofZ1 @Makedni @alexandrou56 @olitopuz @RistoRalsei @DinosPalaio @siljanstrkot2 @costarojas @makedonien_mk @HristodulP @panbog2 @maked_nikos …

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TwitterSpartiatisΣπαρτιατης on Twitter …

Etymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what Europe means, Phoenician Deception-barbaric twist of History, Alpha – Omega: Aner-Andros(Gram:Genetivous=man`s) Ago(=to leed)-Aristo (=Noblest) etc., -The INDEX as Orientation of the genuine Hellenic Alphabeth.What …

Etymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what Europe means, Phoenician  Deception-barbaric twist of History, Alpha – Omega:  Aner-Andros(Gram:Genetivous=man`s) Ago(=to leed)-Aristo (=Noblest) etc.,  -The INDEX as Orientation of the genuine Hellenic Alphabeth.What ...

euphoriatric.comEtymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what …




SpartiatisΣπαρτιατης on Twitter: “@SamuGun1 @speculator5781 @ApollonPt @ak_square9 @Darnakas3 @PowerofZ1 @Makedni @alexandrou56 @olitopuz @RistoRalsei @DinosPalaio @siljanstrkot2 @costarojas @makedonien_mk @HristodulP @panbog2 @maked_nikos …

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SpartiatisΣπαρτιατης on Twitter: “@SamuGun1 @speculator5781 @ApollonPt @ak_square9 @Darnakas3 @PowerofZ1 @Makedni @alexandrou56 @olitopuz @RistoRalsei @DinosPalaio @siljanstrkot2 @costarojas @makedonien_mk @HristodulP @panbog2 @maked_nikos …

SpartiatisΣπαρτιατης on Twitter: "@SamuGun1 @speculator5781 @ApollonPt  @ak_square9 @Darnakas3 @PowerofZ1 @Makedni @alexandrou56 @olitopuz  @RistoRalsei @DinosPalaio @siljanstrkot2 @costarojas @makedonien_mk  @HristodulP @panbog2 @maked_nikos ...

TwitterSpartiatisΣπαρτιατης on Twitter …

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Ancient Macedonians were GreeksAncient Macedonians were Greeks




Etymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what Europe means, Phoenician Deception-barbaric twist of History, Alpha – Omega: Aner-Andros(Gram:Genetivous=man`s) Ago(=to leed)-Aristo (=Noblest) etc., -The INDEX as Orientation of the genuine Hellenic Alphabeth.What …

Etymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what Europe means, Phoenician  Deception-barbaric twist of History, Alpha – Omega:  Aner-Andros(Gram:Genetivous=man`s) Ago(=to leed)-Aristo (=Noblest) etc.,  -The INDEX as Orientation of the genuine Hellenic Alphabeth.What ...

euphoriatric.comEtymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what …

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Ancient Macedonians were GreeksAncient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Ancient Macedonians were GreeksAncient Macedonians were Greeks

Etymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what Europe means, Phoenician Deception-barbaric twist of History, Alpha – Omega: Aner-Andros(Gram:Genetivous=man`s) Ago(=to leed)-Aristo (=Noblest) etc., -The INDEX as Orientation of the genuine Hellenic Alphabeth.What …

Etymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what Europe means, Phoenician  Deception-barbaric twist of History, Alpha – Omega:  Aner-Andros(Gram:Genetivous=man`s) Ago(=to leed)-Aristo (=Noblest) etc.,  -The INDEX as Orientation of the genuine Hellenic Alphabeth.What ...

euphoriatric.comEtymology, Maiandros(“Meander”)- what …

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Ancient Macedonians were GreeksAncient Macedonians were Greeks




Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Ancient Macedonians were GreeksAncient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Ancient Macedonians were GreeksAncient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Ancient Macedonians were GreeksAncient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Ancient Macedonians were GreeksAncient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Ancient Macedonians were GreeksAncient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Ancient Macedonians were GreeksAncient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Archaeology in Macedonia | Ancient Macedonians were Greeks

Ancient Macedonians were GreeksAncient Macedonians were Greeks

Pella: Macedonian treasures presented for the first time – ellines.com

Pella: Macedonian treasures presented for the first time - ellines.com

Ellines.comPella: Macedonian treasures presented …

2BCONTINUED – Bird of Paradise Divine Creations / Art on Silk & Titan




2-B-CONTINUED/ HAPPY 80´S (CHECK: living arts posts in this site)

MODELLS: Rose-Marie, TTame, Ann, Åsa, Konstantin, Peter, Adonis Schönros, Amaryllis Schönros, Myriam, Eva-Lena, Mia..



it hit me very emotional!.. An older very nice lady came up, where I work and gave me a small envelope & said it was for me… I opened it up….. It was the legendary photographer artist Ann Andren.. havnt seen her in 33 years! Today I was very moved emotionally!..An elderly very nice lady came up, where I work and handed me a small envelope & said it was for me… I opened it….. It was the legendary photographer artists Ann Andren…haven’t seen her in 33 years! Photo:Ann Andren/-89 October Kulturhuset /ART ON SILK & TITAN/By Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros · ·



PHOTO: Rose-Marie






Nya Creationer, från studion på Folkungagatan, bättre bilder kommer, det här är real från rummet där det skapas🌹♥️🌹♥️🐦♥️


En sommarskjorta i tunnt linne med broderier för de varma dagarna från Bird of Paradise, Folkungagatan, Södermalm, Stockholm



It was Aristarchus who initially put forth a theory of the Sun and not the Earth being the fixed center of the universe. It was his belief the earth and the other planets actually moved around the sun. Aristarchus also provided a theory on stars being distant suns. He claimed they did not move, and the universe was much larger than others could imagine.Inspired by Philolaus of Croton Aristarchus of Samos was inspired by the work of Philolaus of Croton, who put forth the idea that the cosmos existed because unlimited fire is found at the center of a cosmic sphere. This is the first person recognized as placing the other planets in their correct order as well as correct distance from the sun.Development of Hypothesis The written book “On the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and Moon” is the only known work that Aristarchus wrote. When he had completed this, Aristarchus felt presenting it would have not have benefited him since it was a contradiction to the general consensus of the Greek scientific community. His book was based on the observations made during a lunar eclipse. He determined the Earth’s shadow was twice the diameter of the Moon’s shadow. Aristarchus did record the Sun and Moon being two degrees when measured for an angular diameter. He was also able to show the angular distance between the Moon and sun during the time of quarter moon as 87 degrees.Implications of this Theory. Many modern scientists believe the hypothesis put forth by Aristarchus had other interesting aspects to it beyond all the planets in the universe rotating around the sun. With the use of geometry, he determined the Sun may be as much as 20 times farther away from the earth than the moon. His figures were not as accurate as such calculations would be by future astronomers. Aristarchus did use a sound geometric method for his calculations. This was the correct way to make such a determination. It was using this method that made more sophisticated and accurate celestial calculations possible.Aristarchus of Samos died in circa 230 B.C. He is recognized by most astronomers as someone who was advanced in his thinking and ideas for the time when he lived. Aristarchus of Samos did not get much recognition during his life for his work but he did achieve credit later on.The GREEKS SHOULD NEVER LEARN that: DEMOCRITUS , PYTHAGORAS, HERACLEITOS completely formulated the theory of NUCLEAR PHYSICS and SPECIAL RELATIVITY, unifying into single MATHEMATICAL(https://heptapolis.com/mathematics-greek-language), formulas, as ELECTRICITY, GRAVITY, MAGNETISM, ASTRONOMY, and the Weak Currents of NUCLEAR ATOMS.The Greeks MUST NEVER LEARN that: the ASTRONOMERS – MATHEMATICIANS: EUDOXUS, CALLIPOS , ARISTARCHOS, ANAXIMANDROS, EUKLIDES, ARCHIMEDES, CONON, HIPPARCHUS, CLEOMEDES, APOLLONIOS, PTOLEMY, THEON, HYPATIA, PAPPUS, had EXHAUSTED the LIMITS of human INTELLIGENCE by solving MENTALY WITHOUT GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION equations of 12 unknowns (twelve equations twelve unknowns) while the limit of today’s computers is “7 equations 7 unknowns”. Because the THIEVES of ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE, AS: – KEPLER, GALILEO, COPERNICUS etc. MUST be SHOWN!! …The GREEKS SHOULD NOT KNOW that: the ENGINEERS – TECHNICIANS: EUPALINOS, SOSTRATOS, HERON, ZOSIMOS, KALLINIKOS, manufactured TOPOGRAPHIC instruments for TRIGONOMETRIC SURVEYING, AUTOMATIC mechanisms and instruments for ELECTRICAL applications, because the SWINDLER EDISON MUST be SHOWN as the INVENTOR of … ELECTRICITY, ALTHOUGH the above GREEK ENGINEERS used the ELECTRON (AMBER) as a NATURAL ACCUMULATOR of STATIC ELECTRICITY in technical applications…The Greeks MUST NOT KNOW that: the GEOGRAPHERS – EXPLORERS SKYLAX, PYTHEAS, EUDOXUS, STRABON, PAUSANIAS, COSMAS the INDIKOPLEISTIS, HECATAEUS, had mapped the ENTIRE surface of the planet, because there is a danger that the Greeks will learn that ATLANTIS and the AMERICAN CONTINENT belonged administratively in DELPHI, while Asia belonged administratively to SARDIS, with the central coordinator being the APOLLONIAN Center of DELOS, to which the Transborean Greeks (Northern Siberia) sent as a token of recognition “every year, choice grain”, through the Greek ARIMASPAS and ISSIDONES and MASSAGESTAEof Central and Southern SIBERIA.The Greeks should not know that the Greek DOCTORS, GALENOS, CELSIUS, HERACLIDES, HEROPHILUS, PRAXAGORAS, AGNODIKIS, KTIRIAS, HIPPOCRATES, ERIVIOTIS, carried out “balancing electromagnetic fluids of the body” treatments by regulating the alkalinity and acidity of the organs. That they were making cures using “left-handed amino acids” (antibiotics) obtained from plants, fully knowing that only recently did molecular biology discover the action-reaction of left-handed amino acids (antibiotics) with right-handed amino acids (organism proteins).The Greeks must not learn that the symbols “LEFT-CROWNED SWASTIKA” and “RIGHT-CROWNED SWASTIKA” were SYMBOLS of PHYSICS and MATHEMATICS, by which the Greeks PYTHAGORAS and DEMOCRITUS and ARISTARCHOS expressed right-handed and left-handed nuclei of atoms, planets, solar systems, galaxies and cosmic domains clusters of galaxies.2500 years ago HIPPOCRATES performed brain and heart surgery…Despite the almost non-existent means of his time, HIPPOCRATES performed difficult surgeries. He and his students successfully treated orthopedic, cardiac and basic surgery cases. HIPPOCRATES even performed operations on the human skull, as we read in several of his works… In addition to the operation itself, HIPPOCRATES attached great importance to the preparation of the patient and the operating room.In the work Kat’iatreion, he describes in detail how the patient should be prepared before the operation, how the tools are sterilized, how the space is shaped, but also how artificial and natural light is used during the operation…American archaeobotanists were able for the first time to study and analyze the contents of pills made by doctors in ancient Greece and which were discovered 20 years ago, in a Greek shipwreck off the coast of Tuscany…DNA analyzes showed that each pill was a mixture of at least ten different plant extracts, including hibiscus and celery. “For the first time, we now have physical evidence of what is contained in the writings of the ancient Greek physicians DIOSCORIDIS and GALENOS,” said ALLEN TWOWAY of the SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION’s NATIONAL Museum of NATURAL HISTORY in WASHINGTON , according to New Scientist..Apostle ORPHEUS” ETYMOLOGY OF the NAME ROOT:ÁRISTOS ARKHḖ / ÁRKHŌ > ARÍSTARKHOSNATIVE NAME ROOT: GREEKÁRISTOS (ἌΡῘΣΤΟΣ) ARKHḖ (Ᾰ̓ΡΧΉ) ÁRKHŌ (ἌΡΧΩ) ARÍSTARKHOS (ἈΡΊΣΤΑΡΧΟΣ)MEANING: This name derives from the Ancient Greek name “Arístarkhos (Ἀρίσταρχος)”, composed of two elements: “áristos (ἄρῐστος)” (best, better, excellent, first-rate, thorough) plus “arkhḗ (ᾰ̓ρχή) árkhō (ἄρχω)” (beginning, origin, sovereignty, dominion, authority). In turn the name means “the perfect source, the right origin”. 1) Aristarchus of Samos (~310–230 BC) was an ancient Greek astronomer and mathematician who presented the first known model that placed the Sun at the center of the known universe with the Earth revolving around it. 2) Aristarchus of Samothrace (~220–143 BC) was a grammarian noted as the most influential of all scholars of Homeric poetry. He was the librarian of the library of Alexandria.

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May be an image of one or more people and text that says 'Anaximander There are many worlds and many systems of Universes existing all at the same time, all of them perishable. AZQUOTES'

“Every known essence is excluded as the first principle of beings, because as long as it were known, it automatically ceases to be infinite” ANAXIMANDER Dikē, which refers to the concept of justice and to the Greek Goddess of Justice, was an important physical and metaphysical term in ancient philosophy. For ANAXIMANDER, the concept was concerned not only with ethical and formal laws, but also ontological laws; as a principle that governed how things come to be according to cosmic law. Dikē is the ultimate governing and ordering principle, which gives structure to everything from pre-existing Chaos to all of life and death.If cold becomes too pervasive in winter, it brings imbalance and thus injustice to the heat. If the summer sun is so scorching it withers and kills by its heat, it brings a similar imbalance. To support a limited human lifespan, one entity must “pay off” another by ceasing to exist so another can live. Inspired by the cycle of the four elements, day and night, and the four seasons, ANAXIMANDER and his philosophical predecessors and successors developed a vision of eternal rebirth.The Apeiron Is Justdike astraea st gaudens vermont anaximanderDike Astræa, possibly the work of August St. Gaudens, 1886, via the Old Supreme Court Chamber, the Vermont State House.

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APEIRON which is fundamentally just, guarantees that no entities overstep their boundaries, as they are established according to the ordinance of time. The same applies to the ethical dimension of human life, as there are written and unwritten rules for good behavior, and ultimately a good life.

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ANAXIMANDERis considered to be the first to compare cosmological law to ethical principles. In these terms, we have completed the cycle of connecting DIKE and ADIKIA, which are supposed to be in harmony with each other .As John Burnet points out in his book Early Greek Philosophy: “ANAXIMANDER taught, then, that there was an eternal, indestructible something out of which everything arises, and into which everything returns; a boundless stock from which the waste of existence is continually made good.”What Do We Learn From Anaximander’s Legacy?

Who is Dike? Dike is the exact opposite of Adikia. She is the goddess of justice whereas Adikia represents injustice. Dike is thought to be the daughter of Zeus and Themis. She is also part of the seasonal goddesses, which are also known as the HORAE in Greek COSMOLOGY(“MYTHOLOGY”)

Dike ~ Adikia by NagmahrVunderlan on DeviantArt

 Eunomia and Eirene are also part of the Horae. Dike is depicted as being in continuous conflict with Adikia to keep humans from dissolving into chaos and wrongdoing. In some pictures, Adikia is shown trying to flee from Dike who is attacking her with a mallet.

EUNOMIA was the goddess of good order and lawful conduct. She was associated with the internal stability of a state, including the enactment of good laws and the maintenance of civil order. She was also the spring-time goddess of green pastures (nomia in Greek). Eunomia was one of the Horai (Horae), goddesses of the seasons and the keepers of the gates of heaven. Her sisters were the goddesses Dike (Justice) and Eirene (Peace). Her opposite number was Dysnomia (Lawlessness).

She was frequently depicted in Athenian vase painting amongst the companions of Aphrodite, and in this sense represented the lawful or obedient behaviour of women in marriage. As such she was identified with Eurynome, mother of the Kharites (Charites, Graces).


»Eunomia and that unsullied fountain Dikē, her sister, sure support of cities; and Eirene of the same kin, who are the stewards of wealth for humanity — three glorious daughters of wise-counselled Themis«

☆Eunomia, Dike, Eirene☆ | Halfblood Amino

Eunomia is the minor goddess over law and legislation. And according to the most people a daughter of Themis(Θέμις) titaness over divine law, and Zeus. Her opposite was Dysnomia (Δυσνομία), Lawlessness.

The name Eunomia can be translated into ‘good order’ or ‘governance according to good laws’

She was frequently depicted in Athenian vase painting amongst the companions of Aphrodite, and in this sense represented the lawful or obedient behavior of women in marriage. As such she was identified with Eurynome, mother of the Charites (Graces).

Eirene more commonly known in English as Peace, who was the personification of peace. She was depicted in art as a beautiful young woman carrying a cornucopia, sceptre, and a torch or rhyton. She is said sometimes to be the daughter of Zeus and Themis. Her Roman equivalent was Pax.

She was particularly well regarded by the citizens of Athens. After a naval victory over Sparta in 375 BC, the Athenians established a cult for Peace, erecting altars to her. They held an annual state sacrifice to her after 371 BC to commemorate the Common Peace of that year and set up a votive statue in her honour in the Agora of Athens. The statue was executed in bronze by Cephisodotus the Elder, likely the father or uncle of the famous sculptor Praxiteles. It was acclaimed by the Athenians, who depicted it on vases and coins.

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Horea was originally the personifications of the order of nature and of the seasons, but in later times they were regarded as the goddesses of order in general and of justice. In Homer, who neither mentions their parents nor their number, they are the Olympian divinities of the weather and the ministers of Zeus; and in this capacity they guard the doors of Olympus, and promote the fertility of the earth, by the various kinds of weather they send down.

The second generation do be fathered by Zeus and their mother should be Themis. Zeus is the king and Themis is titaness of Divine law, so it is pretty obvious that their children is law and order goddesses.

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he horae and Dionysus}
According to Hesiod, Dike was fathered by Zeus upon his second consort, Themis. She and her mother were both personifications of justice. She is depicted as a young, slender woman carrying a physical balance scale and wearing a laurel wreath while her Roman counterpart (Justitia) appears in a similar fashion but blind-folded. She is represented in the constellation Libra which is named for the Latin name of her symbol (Scales). She is often associated with Astraea, the goddess of innocence and purity. Astraea is also one of her epithets referring to her appearance in the nearby constellation Virgo which is said to represent Astraea. This reflects her symbolic association with Astraea, who too has a similar iconography.
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The House of Theseus, mosaic with the Three Horae (Dike, Eunomia and Eirene), West Wing, Paphos Archaeological Park, Cyprus

ANAXIMANDER marble relief, Roman copy of a Greek original, c. 610 – 546 BCE,

May be an image of sculpture

The great works of many PRE-SOCRATIC Greek philosophers have been lost to the sands of time. The best reconstructions we have, are from historians like DIOGENES Laertius, ARISTOTELES, and THEOFRASTUS. The latter brings us much of what we know about ANAXIMANDER.Burnet suggests that THEOFRASTUS had an insight into ANAXIMANDERs book, as he quotes him several times, and he occasionally criticizes him. Other sources include books such as the Refutation of All Heresies by the early Christian writer HIPPOLYTOS who claims that ANAXIMANDER was the FIRST to use the pre-existing word APEIRON

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“Every known essence is excluded as the first principle of beings, because as long as it were known, it automatically ceases to be infinite” ANAXIMANDER … See moreLikeCommentShare


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THALES- When he traveled to Egypt and sawthe pyramids, he wanted to know how tall they were. UNFORTUNATELY, even THEMSELVES the Egyptians did NOT KNOW their HEIGHT.THALES used the SUN and a STAFF, whichstand PERPENDICULAR to the ground and MEASURE itsHEIGHT of EACH pyramid and ATTACHED the ADMIRATION of the KING of EGYPT. RIGHT NOW .THALES is CONSIDERED the FIRST PHILOSOPHER, who attempted to INTERPRET the WORLD. REJECTING the MYTHS and SUPERSTITIONS of the TIME. THALES CLAIMED, that EVERYTHING in NATURE has its ORIGIN in some LIQUID first SUBSTANSEor the WATER. EVERYTHING is born from this FIRST SOURCE.

May be an image of text




In 1-dim of numbers the Journey begins with 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34 etc (the timeless Fibonacci Sequence),

In 2-dim, each number becomes a flat square and when they are all positioned together they form the flat Golden Spiral within the confines of the Golden Rectangle.

In 3-dim, each square is extended out to become a cube and when stacked edge to edge with varying sizes,

The formation of a 3-dim golden Phi Spiral which is ultimately an antenna into the cosmos, the horn of a cow or the Ram’s Horn, something that is tangible and real and meaningful to us.

In 4-dim, millions of ram’s horn patterned around a single point form the Torus! which is the genetic memory or shape of what we appeared to be when we were a mere 512 cell division from the original zygote.

Golden Pythagoras. The unimaginable beauty of the universal language of =


The Golden Ratio or Golden Section Φ or the Golden Rule Φ or Divine Ratio is defined as the quotient of the positive numbers when in force, which is approximately equal to 1,618.
It gives harmonious proportions and for this reason it has been used in architecture and painting, both in Ancient Greece and during the Renaissance.
The golden section was introduced and calculated by Pythagoras (-585 to -500) who was born in Samos, and founded a very important philosophical school in CROTON of MAGNA GRAECIA (Lower Italy).

The golden section is symbolized by the letter Φ in honor of PHEIDIAS, perhaps the most famous sculptor of Greek Antiquity, and the most important of the classical period. The golden word was known to the Pythagoreans.
In their secret symbol, the pentacle, the golden word appears on the sides of the star.
Many works of the classical era, such as the Parthenon, and the Renaissance, such as paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, were created based on the golden word.
Even today it is used to attribute harmony to works, or to plastic surgery to beautify the human face.
If people choose the Golden Section for aesthetic reasons, what can we say about nature, which chooses the logarithmic spiral to “construct” a multitude of structures?
Scientists have been surprised to find that the logarithmic spiral appears in the shapes of physical objects with completely different properties.

On a smaller scale it appears in the shells of many marine organisms, such as nautilus.
In the intermediate scale it appears in the shape of cyclones, as typically reflected in the photos of meteorological satellites. 

The story behind the “golden” number F – It symbolized harmony in Ancient Greece (photo)

The “golden” number Φ is the one that connects the harmony of mathematics with that of nature, but also of art.


The golden number φ was first discovered by the ancient Greeks who observed that everything on earth, from plants to the human body itself, grows based on a ratio.
Pythagoras was the first to formulate the mathematical definition of proportion using two line segments. His thinking was that if there is a straight segment and a point of intersection intersects it asymmetrically so that the length of the longer segment to the entire length of the segment is equal to the length of the longer segment to the length of the shorter, then their ratio shows some kind of analogy. Assume that there is a segment AB. By cutting it into two unequal parts at point C, two straight segments are created.
Suppose that AG>BG then AB/AG=AG/BG. The point of intersection C gives the golden ratio because the ratio of AB/AG and AG/BG gives a result of 1.618 which is also the golden number φ. This number shows the harmony possessed by an object that is examined. It is the only number for which the relation φ =φ+1 and φ=1+√5/2 is valid.
The main observation is that the result is an indefinite number. This shows that it is not possible for a smaller line segment to fit into a larger one exactly. Therefore there are also some numbers whose function is outside the human perception and their field of definition is the ideal.
This is how the concept of the idea was discovered, which Plato investigated and formulated the theory of ideas. It is obvious that they knew everything about the use of the number φ because the pentagram which was the symbol of the Pythagorean school is subject to this analogy.
The use of the number φ in antiquity is impressive. In the Parthenon from the pediments and the carvings on them to the capitals, in the ancient theater of Epidaurus, in all the statues, in the Pyramids of Egypt which follow the structure of an isosceles triangle.
But all this seems insignificant in front of the greatest achievement of the ancient Greeks. The construction of the Greek language which is a purely mathematical language and is demonstrated through the lexarithms. There are too many examples where one word equals another lexarithmically and while they have a different meaning as independent words like lexarithms they form one meaning and are directly related to the golden number φ and also to π=3.14.

In no other language is the same true, and no other language has been regarded as a masterpiece worldwide. That the study of ancient Greek has been shown to help develop brain neurons making people smarter is a result of the complexity of language construction. With the help of φ and π and the verbs between the words, it also works as a means of encryption. All of these are essentially proofs that invalidate the discovery of Fibonacci because the specific sequences were already being used to the maximum extent with the main example being the language itself and the arrangement of the diazoms in the theater of Epidaurus.
It was a very common phenomenon that texts that had been lost over the centuries or had been deliberately hidden by someone to conceal knowledge, when they resurfaced, those who possessed them would set themselves up as the great scientists who allegedly discovered alone from the nowhere some very important elements for humanity without justifyi
ng it neither their background nor their previous life, while they were written centuries ago.
Is it a coincidence that almost all the great researchers of the previous thousand years were either rich with large collections of Greek writings, or belonged to some secret organization that was also related to the concealment of higher knowledge?
In the later era it is used in the paintings of great painters such as Da Vinci who built the Mona Lisa based on a golden triangle and painted it by expanding it with other golden triangles, in designs based on geometric shapes such as Fractals. It was also discovered that DNA also follows the analogy and so does the entire universe. Even the movement of the planets is based on the golden ratio.

The golden number φ is one of the greatest discoveries of Geometry. It seems that it was already true and Pythagoras formulated something commonly used and accepted. The benefits of this formulation of Pythagoras are many. The golden ratio was established as a number so that it could be used in constructions in later years because the ancient Greeks already knew, the theory of proportions of sections and sides was developed which led to the formulation of a multitude of theorems and most importantly that the theory of ideas was formulated.
Diodos, The Gate of Knowledge

04/07/2023 | 22:50

The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics… “The basic laws of the universe are simple, but because our senses are limited we cannot understand them. There is a pattern to creation.”…”In mathematics the (f) represents the golden ratio. Its value is: 1.618033…”

The Pythagorean star and the gold Number φ=1.618033…

The number φ (1.618033…) is the number of mathematical beauty, it is the number of harmony, which governs the entire Universe!
The symbol of the Pythagorean brotherhood was the
“pentagram”, i.e. the star, which is formed by the five diagonals of the regular pentagon. It turns out that each side of the “pentagram” divides the other two into a golden ratio or golden ratio.
This harmony, which is found in an excessively large number in the elements of nature, was impossible to pass unnoticed by the particularly observant ancient Greek mathematicians. In search of the formula that gives this perfect ratio, Pythagoras spent a lot of time of his life and finally managed to find a .. magic number. Pythagoras is the first to discover the “golden” number f.
Pythagoras, with this discovery, managed to influence the entire world of art, giving artists of all categories the opportunity to perfect the proportions of their works. This is because the number φ, also known as the Golden Section, is the one that connects the harmony of mathematics with that of nature, but also of art, with extreme precision.
Trying to find the ideal way to divide a line segment, Pythagoras came up with the idea of ​​dividing its total length in two, in a unique way. So he cut a straight line in two, in such a way that the ratio of the small piece to the large part is equal to that of the large part to the total length. This led to the discovery that has influenced the art world like no other. The number φ is expensive this ratio of straight segments.
To understand the usefulness of this number we need nothing more than our own body. If we observe the fingers of our hand, we will see that they are divided into three parts. Each one is 1.618 times “shorter” than the last. If we also compare the length of the arm with that of the forearm, we will end up with the exact same number. In the case where we are transferred to the head of the human body, then almost all its members hide within them the… strange 1,618. This number is none other than the Golden Ratio.
Actually, the number Φ does not have only three digits after the decimal point. It is an irrational number, that is, a number that cannot be derived from the product of two others, which has an infinite number of decimal places. In short, the number is not calculable, but it is approachable. Thus, if a sculptor wanted to create a perfectly proportioned marble human he had only to consult the properties of the Golden Ratio.

The letter “F” = «Φ» is what symbolizes the Golden Ratio, because there is a myth that Phidias was the first to use his…harmony on the Parthenon. The truth is that if one sees the ancient monument, one will notice several “golden” proportions on it.
From the moment the Golden Ratio became popular, most artists began to use it to give their works a sense of ‘perfectness’. Applications of the “magic” number can be found in architecture, sculpture, painting and even music.
Perhaps the most characteristic example of its use is the human bodies painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, applied to perfect pentagons. Accordingly, Mozart divided a large number of his sonatas into two parts, with a time ratio equal to the number F. The applications of the discovery of the two mathematics in art are extremely numerous and can be found in some of the most famous buildings, the most famous paintings or the most impressive statues.
If humans choose the Golden Ratio for aesthetic reasons, what can we say about nature, which chooses the logarithmic spiral to “build” a multitude of structures?
Scientists have been surprised to find that the logarithmic spiral appears in the shapes of natural objects with completely different properties. On a smaller scale it appears in the shells of many marine organisms, such as the nautilus.
In the intermediate scale it appears in the shape of cyclones, as is typically captured in meteorological satellite photographs. Finally on the largest possible scale it appears in the shape of spiral galaxies, huge formations of hundreds of billions of stars, which we can enjoy in the photographs of modern telescopes.
What is the underlying reason that makes a number, constructed on the basis of an abstract mathematical property, have such important applications in nature, and indeed in such diverse systems? Shells, cyclones and galaxies have nothing in common and are governed by completely different physical laws. Shell growth is affected by available space. The formation of cyclones is due to the flow of moist air from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure.
Due to the Earth’s rotation, the air currents deviate from the straight line, so that in the northern hemisphere all cyclones rotate counterclockwise, while in the southern hemisphere they rotate counterclockwise.
Finally spirals are regions of a galaxy where there is a concentration of stars, dust and gas, which are created when another galaxy passes nearby. So it seems that the Golden Ratio is a number with “universal” properties, similar to the number π = 3.14 which is equal to the quotient of the circumference of a circle by its diameter.

Nassos Mantas


It is well known that the Ancient Greeks were obsessed with harmony and perfection. And of course the harmony, found in so many elements of nature, could not go unnoticed by the particularly observant Ancient Greek mathematicians.

So in search of the formula that gives this perfect ratio, Pythagoras and Euclid spent a lot of time of their lives and finally managed to find a magic number.

Pythagoras is theoretically the first to discover the “golden” number Φ, (Φ in honor of the great sculptor PHIDIAS) but the first written evidence of its existence is found in one of the thirteen books of Euclid’s “Elements”.

The two mathematicians managed with this discovery to influence the entire world of art, giving artists of all kinds the opportunity to perfect the proportions of their works. This is because the number Φ, also known as the Golden Ratio, is the one that connects the harmony of mathematics with that of nature, but also of art, with extreme precision.

Trying to find the ideal way to divide a line segment, the two famous mathematicians had the idea of ​​dividing its total length in two, in a unique way.

So they cut a straight line in two, taking care that the ratio of the small piece to the large one is equal to that of the large part to the total length. This led to the discovery that has influenced the art world like no other. The number Φ is expensive this ratio of straight segments.

To understand the usefulness of this number we need nothing more than our own body. If we observe the fingers of our hand, we will see that they are divided into three partsEach one is 1.618 times “shorter” than the previous one .

If we also compare the length of the arm with that of the forearm, we will end up with the exact same number. And in the case, when we move to the head of the human body, then almost all its members hide inside them the… strange 1,618. This number is none other than the Golden Ratio.

Actually, the number Φ does not have only three digits after the decimal point. It is an irrational number, that is, a number that cannot be derived from the product of two others, which has an infinite number of decimal placesIn short, the number is not calculable, but it is approachable. Thus, if a sculptor wanted to create a marble human with perfect proportions he had only to consult the properties of the Golden Ratio.

The letter “ Φ ” IS WHAT SYMBOLIZES the Golden Ratio, because there is a MYTH that Phidias was the first to use his harmony on the Parthenon .  The TRUTH is that if one sees the ancient monument, one will notice SEVERAL”golden” proportions on it.

From the moment the Golden Section became popular, most artists began to use it to give a sense of “perfect” to their works . Applications of the “magic” number can be found in architecture, sculpture, painting and even music.

Perhaps the most characteristic example of its use is the human bodies painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, applied to perfect pentagons.

A picture is worth a thousand words: Follow pronews.gr on Instagram to “see” the real world!

Accordingly, Mozart divided a large number of his sonatas into two parts, with a time ratio equal to the number Φ . The applications of the discovery of the two mathematics in art are extremely numerous and can be found in some of the most famous buildings, the most famous paintings or the most impressive statues.

The science of number and the art of the will are the two keys to magic, said the priests of Memphis.. They open all the gates of the Universe. sciences in a concentric order, to perceive the “involution” of the spirit into matter with the global creation and its evolution or the rise towards unity with that individual creation which is called the development of consciousness into superconsciousness in the eternal space time of the eternal Reasons…PYTHAGORAS.

source: http://enneaetifotos.blogspot.com

“The wisest of beings is the number” Pythagoras Indeed, reason is the cause of all harmony, the ratio that indicates the infinite relationship of all things, i.e. the presence of the Divine Word in every form of life.
The Ancient Mysteries, knowing this universal truth, built the Sacred buildings in such a form and in such positions, so that there is a geometrical and mystical relationship between them, demonstrating the infinite Wisdom of the Creative Source of all things.
Ancient Greece, light-giver in eternity, transmits this wisdom to us, from the harmonious and mathematical structure of the words of the Greek Language, to the Holy places of its monuments with the secret but also revelatory speech of symbols and mathematical relationships, structures and of the distances.
A fascinating book by a serious scholar. His work was the basis for all current literature on lexarithms and geodesic triangulation.


The Golden Ratio Φ or Golden Section Φ or Golden Rule Φ or Divine Proportion is defined as the quotient of positive numbers when it holds which is approximately equal to 1.618. It gives harmonious proportions and for this reason it has been used in architecture and painting, both during Ancient Greece and during the Renaissance.
The golden ratio was introduced and calculated by Pythagoras, (-585 to -500) who was born in Samos, and founded a very important philosophical school in Croton of Great Greece (Lower Italy). The golden section is symbolized by the letter Φ in honor of Pheidias, perhaps the most famous sculptor of Greek Antiquity, and the most important of the classical period.
The golden ratio was known to the Pythagoreans. In their secret symbol, the pentacle, the golden word appears on the sides of the star. Based on the golden ratio, many works of the classical era, such as the Parthenon, and of the Renaissance era, such as Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings, were created. Even today it is used to bring harmony to works, or in plastic surgery to beautify the human face.
If humans choose the Golden Ratio for aesthetic reasons, what can we say about nature, which chooses the logarithmic spiral to “build” a multitude of structures? Scientists have been surprised to find that the logarithmic spiral appears in the shapes of natural objects with completely different properties. On a smaller scale it appears in the shells of many marine organisms, such as the nautilus. In the intermediate scale it appears in the shape of cyclones, as is typically captured in meteorological satellite photographs. Finally on the largest possible scale it appears in the shape of spiral galaxies, huge formations of hundreds of billions of stars, which we can enjoy in the photographs of modern telescopes.
What is the underlying reason that makes a number, constructed on the basis of an abstract mathematical property, have such important applications in nature, and indeed in such diverse systems? Shells, cyclones and galaxies have no common properties and are governed by completely different physical laws. Shell growth is affected by available space. The creation of cyclones is due to the flow of moist air from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. Due to the Earth’s rotation, the air currents deviate from the straight line, so that in the northern hemisphere all cyclones rotate counterclockwise, while in the southern hemisphere they rotate counterclockwise. Finally spirals are regions of a galaxy where there is a concentration of stars, dust and gas, which are created when another galaxy passes nearby. So it seems that the Golden Ratio is a number with “universal” properties, similar to the number π = 3.14 which is equal to the quotient of the circumference of a circle by its diameter. ANCIENT GREEK LOCATIONS AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE GOLDEN LOGOS F The Ancient Greeks used the “stadium” as a unit of measurement for distances.
There is an incredible Geographical symmetry of the distances or geometric shapes that form important monuments of Greek Antiquity, e.g. An isosceles triangle is formed between the Acropolis of Athens, the temple of Poseidon in Sounio and the temple of Aphaia Athena in Aegina with a distance of 242 stadia .
In every known monument of Ancient Greece (e.g. oracle of Delphi, the sacred island of Delos, the sanctuary of Dodoni, etc.) when we “engrave” a Circle with the monument as its center and another monument as its radius, then the imaginary circumference of circle will also pass by another monument or city! (eg center “Dodoni” and circle radius “Athens” … then the circumference of the Circle will pass through Sparta! Center “the Delphi” – radius Athens – the circumference will also pass through Olympia.. ., Delos – Argos – Mikynes …. and many other examples…) .
Chalkida is 162 (Φ*100) stadia from Thebes and Amphiarion (the same). The distance between Thebes and Amphiareum is 262 stadia (162 x 1.62 = 2.62 but also 100 x φ2= 262) the triangle obeys the harmony of the golden number φ. Chalkida is also equidistant from Athens and Megara 314 stadia. That is, the golden number φ and π are presented a hundredfold.
Smyrna is equidistant from Athens and Thessaloniki (1620 stadia). (Φ x 1000) . Apart from the Sacred Geography of Ancient Greece, it is known that the Parthenon has been built with proportions and combinations of the GOLDEN number Φ = 1.618034 and π =3.1415927. Is it a coincidence that it is considered one of the most brilliant monuments in the history of mankind? Is the use of the GOLDEN NUMBER F in the construction of the temple accidental and coincidental?

The ONLY means of ENLIGHTENMENT is TRUTH. The only Teacher is the SPIRIT of TRUTH.There can be NO religion higher than the TRUTH! PYTHAGORAS .

5) ARTEMIS: “4”/ΤΕΣΣΕΡΑ Ρ/= the 4

The pentacle is a powerful symbol, much misunderstood and much abused in various circles.
It is a symbol of energy and strength, which unfortunately fell into a handful of hands.

The ancient Greeks also called it “Pentagram” because it consists of 5 lines, “Pentagon” because it has 5 angles and “Pentamychus”.

We first meet her as a symbol of the Pythagorean philosophy of the perfection of man, the God Within and eternity.

According to Pythagoras, the number 5 is the number of man and the Soul.

Each edge of the Pentacle is related to an element, which gives life to man and which man creates: earth-matter, water-liquids, air-breath, fire-energy, soul-mind.

The pentacle is made from a regular pentagon by bringing the diagonals to that pentagram.

The pentacle is associated with the golden ratio φ: the ratio of each line segment appearing in it to its immediately smaller one is equal to the golden ratio.

The golden ratio is defined as the quotient of positive numbers when true which is approximately equal to 1.618. It is considered to give harmonious proportions and for this reason it has been used in architecture and painting, both during ancient Greece and during the Renaissance.

The golden ratio was introduced and calculated by Pythagoras, (585 – 500 BC).

For the Pythagoreans, the Pentacle was an emblem, they called it “HEALTH” and it was their identifier (“Healthy”).

HEALTH symbolized the opposite of death. But not of material death, but of spiritual death. That is why the center of the Pentacle symbolized the immortal Life.

The pentacle was one of the main symbols of the Pythagoreans, highly respected.

The mathematical and geometric properties of the shape, which is one of the sides of the perfect dodecahedron, had reduced it to a most sacred symbol.

For the Neo-Pythagoreans the four limbs symbolized the four elements of nature and the fifth, which tends upwards, symbolized the divine. Each peak was assigned a letter, the first of the following words:



Idea (or Hieron)

Eili (the heat of the Sun)


The initial letters of these words gave the acronym HEALTH, because it was believed that whoever wears them will be filled with strength and will always be healthy.

“Pentamychus” was another name for the Pentalpha for the Pythagoreans, the meaning of which is “the deepest Being”, “the center of existence”.

Pherecydes (probably a teacher of Pythagoras) wrote his own version of Theogony and called it “Pentamychus”.

It is therefore probable that this name of Pentalfa by the Pythagoreans, comes from Pherekydes.

Plato characterized the Pentalpha as a “symbol of the Heavens” and his later people associated the Pentalpha with the 5 Platonic solids, as follows:
Tetrahedron – Fire, Cube – Earth, Octahedron – Air, Dodecahedron – Spirit and Icosahedron – Water.

Later, the famous Greek-Egyptian Claudius Ptolemy (ca. 87-150 AD) associated the 5 ‘secondary’ planets with the Pentacle and the elements, as follows: Mars – Earth, Saturn – Water, Venus – Air, Jupiter – Fire , Mercury – Spirit.

In the upright Pentacle they are placed as follows: Mercury in the upper corner, Mars in the left, Saturn in the lower left, Aphrodite in the lower right and Jupiter in the right.

According to Ptolemy, the two elements on the right are benevolent, while the two on the left are malevolent. The top is neutral, balancing the 4 elements.

The two main planets, Sun and Moon, stand above the Pentacle, right and left, respectively.

the Pentacle, ‘tied’ together in a way reminiscent of the Taoist Yin-Gang.

From the Middle Ages to the present day, we find Pentalpha again in the folk traditions and superstitions of the Greek countryside, as a talisman of protection against the malicious winds of the forest.

The Pentacle is one of the few symbols found in so many religions and philosophies of the world.
For millennia it has been revered, protects the wearer from demons (whether personal or not) and is seen as a symbol of wisdom, knowledge, happiness and life.

In some of the newer mystical systems, we can find the Sun and the Moon in the center of the Pentacle, ‘tied’ together in a way reminiscent of the Taoist Yin-Gang.

From the Middle Ages to the present day, we find Pentalpha again in the folk traditions and superstitions of the Greek countryside, as a talisman of protection against the malicious winds of the forest.

The Pentacle is one of the few symbols found in so many religions and philosophies of the world.
For millennia it has been revered, protects the wearer from demons (whether personal or not) and is seen as a symbol of wisdom, knowledge, happiness and life.

Its association with Satanism is degenerate and vile.
You sent
Plato had a great appreciation for Mathematics and recognizing the great educational value of Mathematics and especially Geometry, he had written at the entrance of the Academy the inscription: “Mideus ageometritos izito…”

The Pythagoreans called the unit Apollo, as we are informed by Plutarch and Plotinus, because it lacks multitude.

They also called her Prometheus, according to the anonymous author of the Theological Theology of Arithmetic, because she in no way moves to the previous part (from proso zero tropo thein)• because there is nothing beyond the unspoken.

Also, they called her Zeus, because as the one or the ineffable principle of things is to all the rest of the Gods, so is Zeus to all his subsequent divine orders, as Proclus admirably observes in On Plato’s Theology, Book 5.

Also they called her Remembrance, after the name of the mother of the Muses, because as the Muses give birth to all the variety of reason with which the world abounds, and are the causes of the perfection of the universe, Remembrance will be proportionate to the one, which is the source of all multitude.
It may also be said that as Remembrance is memory and memory is stability of knowledge, the unit is so named because it is the image of the one which is the stable root of all knowledge and all things.

She was called Hestia, or fire in the center of the earth, because, as Simplicius observes (Note to Aristotle Concerning the Heavens, Book 2), she possesses creative power, feeds the whole earth from the center, and excites whatever is in it to a cold nature, so that as a productive center, it is proportional to one .

Excerpt from the book: “The theoretical arithmetic of the Pythagoreans”, Thomas Taylor, Publisher: Iamblichus.

The ONLY means of ENLIGHTENMENT is TRUTH. The only Teacher is the SPIRIT of TRUTH.There can be NO religion higher than the TRUTH! PYTHAGORAS .

5) ARTEMIS: “4”/ΤΕΣΣΕΡΑ Ρ/= the 4

The pentagon that you create by carving the diagonals of a regular pentagon, or the well-known pentalpha, was the sacred symbol of the Pythagoreans, which they called “pentagrammon” and symbolically represented all the goods of both the soul and the body, as characteristically mentioned by Lucian:

“this soul and body are competent and altogether all the envelope of the human good” (Lucian, On the Prosecution of Sin 5,9 – 11).

In this sense, it is a symbol of the completed soul, that is, the soul that has been perfected and is on its way to deification. In fact, he says that they called it the “principle of health” : – the principle of health they called it – and used it as an identifying symbol when they wrote letters to each other:

(the pentagram) that the so-called pentagram was a symbol of Pythagoras identifying each other and that is why it was written in the letters” (Comments to Lucian, 64. 5, 1-4).

In the five corners of the pentacle they placed the letters of the word HYGIEA with the following correspondences: Y = water, C = earth, I = fire, as fire is the subtlest and most penetrating of the four elements, as is the letter I, and EI = ether, as the ether is the vital principle of the universe, the kingdom of Zeus (Orphic Hymn Etheros 5, v 1), which expresses the essence (EI).

The pentagram, next, indicates the complete harmonization of the four elements within us, which are unified by the ether, which results in the health of the body, but also of the soul, since the vast majority of illnesses are of a mental cause. This is why Athena – Phronesis is also worshiped as Athena Hygieia and in her Orphic Hymn 32, st.15-16, Orpheus invokes her to give us peace, koron, i.e. fullness of emotion, and health: dos d’irenin polyolbon and koron and health”.

Conclusions, therefore, the five-pointed jasmine flower symbolizes the virtuous soul, the one that has been perfected because wisdom prevails in it, where wisdom (time + understanding..


**************T O B E C O N T I N U E D …..INSPIRING ……. L A T E R****

The Pentateuch was already known by the Pythagoreans as a symbol of Hygiaine, as they placed the 5 letters of the word Υ-Γ-Ι-ΕΙ-Α … I-G- I-EI -A on it. Antiochus before the battle saw in his dream Alexander, who instructed him to use this symbol (apparently as a war flag and motto) to win… From this testimony of Lucian it is proved that the latest known history by several centuries later with Constantin the “Great” and “ἐν τουτῳ νικα”, it is a simple copy.
George Lathyris

The symbol of health!
And “in this victory” or “in this victory”…
Antiochus the so-called savior, when he was about to enter into battle with the Galatians, it appeared to him that he saw in his dream Alexander who gave him the order to deliver to the army as a slogan before the battle, and under the protection of this slogan he achieved the wonderful victory!
Antiochus the savior, when the Galatians were approaching, he glorified the honor of those who believed in Alexander, shouting a slogan before the battle, handing over the health to the army, and under this slogan he won that wonderful victory!

Note This battle took place in 277 BC. in Asia Minor. This important information about the dream of Antiochus and the motto of the battle is saved by Lucian in his rhetorical work: In order to foretell guilt.


I have not met in any other culture such an amazing example of moderation in our lives.

The “PYTHAGORAS CUP” or “cup of justice” built by the philosopher, mathematician, geometrician and music theorist aimed to propose and maintain the measure, the “metronariston”.

The “Mässcupen”, which dates from around the 6th century. p.m. X. , it is a masterpiece of the hydraulic engineering of the ancient Greeks, but also a means of teaching. In addition to limiting wine consumption through a “smart glass”, Pythagoras wanted to teach temperance and observance of measure. When the measure is exceeded, it is “hubris”, which results in the penalty of “tisis”.All people should enjoy in moderation what is given to them without seeking more.The ancients believed that a “ubris” usually provoked the intervention of the gods, especially Zeus, who would send the abuser “it”, i.e. blur, close the mind.

She in turn led the abuser to new abusers, which eventually provoked the “nemesin”, wrath and revenge ie of the gods, which brought with it “tisin”, ie his punishment and destruction.

This is how it works:

There is a line engraved inside, which defines the amount of wine. If the user does not exceed the limit, he can enjoy his “drink”. However, it takes one more drop to cross the line and then the glass is empty, spilling all the wine from its base.


In the center of the cup is a column that is placed above a tube leading to the bottom. As the glass is filled, the wine level inside the central column rises at the same time. When the fluid does not cross the defined line, no problem is created. But when the liquid crosses the boundary, its molecules pull each other down, resulting in the emptying of the cup.

The construction of Pythagoras follows the laws Pascal developed centuries later for associated containers.

Pythagoras was an important ALSO a philosopher, mathematician, geometer and music theorist. He is the preeminent founder of Greek mathematics, he created an even system for the science of the heavenly bodies which he established with all the relevant numerical and geometrical proofs and he was the founder of an initiatory philosophical movement called Pythagorism (Pythagorism or Pythagoreanism). Because most of the information was written by many centuries after his death, very little reliable information is known about him. He also greatly influenced philosophy and religious teaching in the late 6th century BC, is often cited as a great mathematician and scientist, and is known for the Pythagorean Theorem that bears his name. He was born around 580 BC. and the island of Samos is given as the predominant place of birth. It is also possible that he traveled a lot when he was young. Around 530 BC moved to a Greek colony in southern Italy. Pythagoras’ supporters followed the practices he developed and studied his philosophical theories. The meeting places of the Pythagoreans were burned and Pythagoras was forced to leave the city. He died in Metapontion in Italian Lefkania at the age of 84 in 496 BC.
We, however, will focus on the musical side of Pythagoras…
Musical Intervals & “Pythagorean Monochord”
The relationship between two numbers, that is, what is today called a ratio in arithmetic and geometry, in the mathematical theory of Music of Pythagoras is called “Space”.
In the theory of Music, in fact, the word space had a double meaning. Because on the one hand, the numerical relationship with which the ratio of the musical interval was expressed was called an interval, and on the other hand, this word was in accordance with its everyday meaning and the “line segment”, i.e. the distance between two points.
The musical interval, which was expressed as the “relation of two numbers to each other” in Pythagoras’ theory of Music, was originally called interval = distance of two points from each other. This “space” actually had two border points, which were given as numbers.
More specifically, Pythagoras was the one who first laid the foundations of the science of Music with a scientifically based theory of Music. Discover the relationship between the length of the strings and the pitch they give.
To achieve this he used a stringed instrument, which he created himself, the “Monochord” or otherwise “Pythagorean canon” as it was later named in honor of its inventor.
The monochord was an ancient musical and scientific instrument, which was inextricably linked to the work of the ancient philosopher and music theorist Pythagoras, who also used it to teach his students philosophy. In its simplest form, the monochord has one string stretched over an acoustic speaker (the main body of the instrument). The use of movable frets allows the controlled alteration of pitch, from which the mathematical relationship between them is derived. For example, if the fret is placed at half the length of the string, the resulting mathematical relationship is expressed by the ratio 1:2, the familiar octave, or eighth-note interval, to musicians.
In other words, the Pythagoreans discovered a perfectly constant relationship between the length of the lyre strings and the basic chords (1/2 for the eighth, 3/2 for the fifth and 4/3 for the fourth). The wonderful property of these harmonious relationships was that they included the first four natural numbers (1, 2, 3, 4), the sum of which equals 10, the sacred number of Delphi (Tetraktys).


Pythagoras, the…Vatican, and the turban

No ancient Greek philosopher wore a turban. Pythagoras wore a white linen tunic and a purple velvet ribbon, which tied his broad forehead. This was an indication of his superiority as a leading Mystic.

After all, this was also the reason why when he presided over the Eleusinian mysteries, the Hierophant out of respect gave him his place, thus acknowledging the superiority of Pythagoras.

Pythagoras never wore a turban, as shown in some busts, which have absolutely nothing to do with ancient Greek physiognomy – it is an invention and work of the Vatican.

This is done so that they gradually claim that he was not even… Greek, but… Phoenician or Egyptian with what this implies for ancient Greek philosophy, given that he was the protagonist of the pre-Socratic philosophers.

In Samos and in the park of Rome with the 150 statues of ancient philosophers, the statue of Pythagoras dominates with an ancient Greek posture – without a turban, as of course without a turban he is depicted in the well-known painting by **Raphael. Also, in the underground library of the Vatican, the bust of Pythagoras is without a turban.

# However, for many years, since 1917, the Vatican and its environs, for political, cultural and cultural reasons, have engaged in a well-orchestrated effort to deconstruct/demythologize and de-Hellenize (Islamize) the bust of the Top Ancient Greek Mystic, philosopher and mathematician (see Burkert, 1962 & his followers).

But, also at the beginning of the twentieth century, [Musei Capitolini page, (12.10.2015)] the proposal was put forward to identify the portrait, which depicts the ancient Greek Pythagoras, based on a comparison with the outline of another portrait in which he wears a turban, which which would lead to the conclusion that the great mathematician had adopted the Eastern style of dress.

**The proposal is still the subject of intense debate among scientists today”.

***(1)** [* At the beginning of the Novecento, it was proposed to identify the depiction of Pythagoras in the portrait, on the basis of a comparison with a portrait on a contour and the presence of the turban, which would agree to the adoption of costumi orientali da parte del mathematico. The proposal is still the object of a lively scientific debate.

# ***Comment: **Porphyrios mentions that, in the second phase of Pythagoras’ initiation, near the Kouretes [of Crete], that the philosopher with a black woolen crown, remains for one night lying face down on the earth, on the beach and then he is led to the Ideal Andron, where after three nines (3×9=27 days), he ends up in the third phase, the enthronement phase. This fact belongs to the process of initiation into the ideal den and has absolutely nothing to do with the oriental turban.*

*Note: the first bust:*Rome, Italy. Bust statue of Pythagoras, famous philosopher, mathematician and scientist. Sculpture in Villa Borghese park.

Excerpt from the forthcoming book: “Pythagoras… Secret Teaching & Modern Science”, chapter, The Bust of Pythagoras.

# *Recently, in Metapontio (K. Italy), a beautiful monument was erected in honor of the world teacher, but oh the miracle… “they”(=JEALOUS BARBARIANS WITH HEAVY INFERIORITY COMPLEX..) put on him AGAIN…. a turban, and it continues in their WELL-orchestrated effort…*# ***We have a SACRED OBLIGATION and MORAL duty to prevent the FALSIFICATION OF THE HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT GREEK WORLD

T*************** H I S IS N O T P Y T H A G O R A S************””



BY: Πολύγνωτος Παπαοικονόμου

The Spiral of Secrets.The Pythagorean Theodore of Cyrene proved the property of the absolute, from the square root of 3. [the indefiniteness of the square root of 2 had already been proved in the early Pythagorean school],up to the square root of 17 in 425 BCWith the help of the Pythagorean theorem, Theodore constructed his famous spiral.A spiral consisting of contiguous right triangles with hypotenuse square roots of successive naturals.The construction starts with an isosceles right triangle with equal vertical sides of length 1 and hypotenuse of the square root of 2, then it creates a new right triangle with a vertical side of the hypotenuse of the first and a second vertical side of length 1, the hypotenuse in the new rectangle is equal to square root of 3, the process continues in the same way.

NUMEROLOGY=ΑΡΙΘΜΟΣΟΦΙΑ//ARITHMOSOPHIA….PYTHAGORAS’ ARITHMOSOPHIA=numerology will be understood by those who CAN DECIPHER the numerical symbols. But they must first enter the hidden mysteries of the Mind. They must learn to reflect.. They must find their soul and have a dialogue with it. man quickly in contact with the inner region of our dimension, they will learn in a few words the fellow man, not only to think and study, but also to concentrate in his inner region, in his Mind and then in his eternal soul..Then amazed he will see that the Essence speaks with him and reveals to him the eternal point, from which everything flows and everything is made… The vibrations of the invisible worlds arrive unnoticed and unknown in the region of our dimension… But we can capture them, using our superconsciousness ..This superconsciousness works only with concentration and stimulation of the Mind, on the Metaphysical – internal matters and especially on the symbolic numbers..The sacred symbolic first four numbers, from one to four, point us to descending path, the path of Pythagoras’ numerology..1+2+3+4=10….10=1+0=1=Unit..But the Unit is the generator of the numbers in their ascending and descending performance..They come out of the One from the Unit itself..In this way the Eternal Source extracts the multiplicity and pours it into the chaotic region of the as yet non-existent Spirit of energy activity..All lies in the Mind He will achieve the perfect conception of the vibration of Of substance, the spirit of energism that vibrates dissimilarly from its other sister vibrations, to impress, print another womb, which will give birth in the Mind to the true mold of a thought or a thing or a phenomenon, an event or any matrix for its world form…

When in 543 BC, Pythagoras, going to the city of Crotona in Lower Italy, leaving bitterly from his homeland of Samos, passed through Fliudas, a flourishing state at that time of ancient Corinth. He taught there, and the king of Fliudos, Leo, greatly admired him and asked him what he did. I do not pretend to be a profession, but I am a philosopher, answered Pythagoras.

In Pythagoras we meet for the first time the word “philosophy”. Pythagoras did not call himself wise, since he believed that only God is wise, man should at most be a philosopher, a friend of God’s wisdom, since he will never be able to reach His wisdom.

The belief has prevailed that Pythagoras did not write since no work of his has survived. Nevertheless, Heraclitus, who was almost his contemporary, about 25 years younger, mentions his works, such as educational, political, physical, etc. It is said that Plato on his first trip to Sicily collected these books and edited them in his his work. The Timaeus in particular is considered to express the ideas of Pythagoras in their entirety.

According to Pythagoras an entity is called a number when the product of itself is greater than the sum of itself. One is not a number, according to the above definition, it is god, generator of numbers. Two is also not a number, because both the product and the sum are equal to each other, that is, it is a coexisting god, a second generator of numbers. The numbers start with three because 3 X 3 = 9 an

The Tetraktys is the Essence of Teaching and the Sacred Symbol of the Pythagoreans. It consists of the first ten numbers (1-10) arranged in four rows (one in the first row, two in the second, three in the third and four in the fourth row) as shown in the picture. Tetraktyn was called “Tetradas”[1] which in Pythagorean Philosophy is the essence and meaning of the number four. Tetraktys is the fourth “triangular number”[2] thus showing another view of the relationship of Tetrad and Tetraktyos. In any case, we should not forget the relation of Tetraktys with “Ten”. From this the Tetraktys is mentioned according to Iamblichus with the prepositional names: Cosmos (decoration, ornament), Pan (the god Panas – Pan = All), Uranus, Atlas, Key, Aion, Memory, Gnomon, Eimarmene, Kratos, Phanis, Helios, Pythmen et al. By studying the concepts of numbers found in the Tetractyn and their relationships, the Pythagoreans argue that one reaches the attainment of wisdom.
The main relationship of Tetrad and Tetraktyos can also be seen from the famous relationship of the first four numbers with the ten they produce when added (1+2+3+4=10). From these first four numbers (1, 2, 3 & 4), it is possible to construct the ratios: “by four” (4:3, fourth), “by five” (3:2, fifth), “by all ” (2:1, Octave), which attribute to music the mentioned harmonic musical intervals which Pythagoras was the first to precisely determine with numerical reasons. These proportions create Harmony, which for the Pythagoreans has a literally cosmic meaning (hence its name “Cosmos”). The Pythagoreans used the Tetraktyn to swear, even invoking Pythagoras as a god, as can be seen from the “Golden Epics” where it is stated:
“Yes, with the immortal soul, delivered four times
always of a permanent nature.”
(yes, but the one who delivered to our soul the tetractyn,
which is the source of eternal nature.)
Numbers are related to geometric shapes. Thus the unit is related to the point, the dyad to the line, the triad to the triangle, and the tetrad or tetraktys to the tetrahedron (or triangular pyramid), the first geometric solid. Its symbol was considered the square which was also the symbol of the divine and perfection.[5]. Also wisdom was considered to be acquired from the four esoteric sciences for the Pythagoreans of arithmetic, music, geometry and astronomy. It is a symbol of God Apollo and the Pythagoreans connect the Tetraktyn with the Oracle of Delphi, as seen in the important “hearing” about existence mentioned by Iamblichus[6]: “what is the Oracle in Delphi? Tetraktys” (what is the Oracle of Delphi? Tetraktys).
There is another Tetraktys, as mentioned in Plato’s Timaeus, which is called a double Tetraktys and consists of eight lines created by the first eight numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 😎 which in total give a total of 36 (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8=36). From another point of view this Quadrilateral is created, and thus connected to the regular Quadrilateral Quadrilateral, by the sum of the first four odd numbers and of the first four integers: (1+3+5+7)+(2+4+6+8)=36 as mentioned by Plutarch in “On Isis and Osiris”.




For the Pythagoreans, a politician was the person who, after having been taught philosophy, returned to the world to be useful to others.
He is not interested in positions and powers but in the improvement of society.
The one who chose to become a politician could not pass to the stage of a mathematician, that is, one who can deliver lessons and teach.
Those who could had the advantage of living near Pythagoras.
Friendship and companionship were of the highest importance for the Pythagoreans and they considered that universal love was reflected in these two elements.
They were bound by an oath of secrecy over the higher teaching, the ceremonies and the sacred symbols.
Pythagoras offered mankind a universal “successful experiment” for this and later Plato would call education with music and gymnastics!!!!





Pythagorean music clinic
The Pythagoreans used medicine for the purification of the body, and music for the of the soul.
“the Pythagoreans purified the body through medicine, and the soul through music”.
The frequency A=432 Hz, known as Verdi ‘A’ is an alternative resonance that is mathematically consistent with the universe. 432 Hz based music emits beneficial healing energy because it is a pure sound of the fundamental mathematics of nature.
[But, ISO certified 440 Hertz
The majority of world music is set to 440 hertz by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which adopted it in 1953. Recent re-discoveries of the pulsating/oscillating nature of the Universe show that the standard of modern concerts internationally can create a morbid action or anti-social behavior in people’s consciousness].
Music therapy is the application of music and its use, as a therapeutic tool, through various methods and techniques in order to improve and maintain mental, spiritual and physical health.
Sounds were a kind of creative energy. Vibrations, frequencies, periodicity and rhythmic patterns were and are considered the generative cause of all manifestations and forms of matter (energy).
In ancient Greece, who doesn’t remember the god Apollo with his lyre, Orpheus, Pythagoras and Asclepius who healed the soul and body with sounds and music? It was widely believed that diseases could be cured by the use of repetitive sounds.
Pythagoras believed that the stars and planets produce sounds which the human ear cannot perceive because they are imperfect. Nevertheless, they have the ability to influence the mental state of man. If the balance of the soul is disturbed, it can be restored with the help of music, since the universe, music and the psyche follow similar harmonious principles. In this way, global harmony is also restored.
Music in Ancient Greece
In Ancient Greece, Music was completely intertwined with the everyday life of all people, and as a complex artistic and spiritual expression it had a special place in all the manifestations of personal and social life. Music, Song and Orchesis (usually interrelated) were the most characteristic manifestations of civilized society and key factors – but also indicators – of well-being.

From the archaic times, Music began to acquire an increasingly complex character and role, culminating in the creation of Music Games in many cities. The earliest such recorded Games are the “Carnea” in Ancient Sparta, a city where Music in general held a prominent place and was inextricably linked to the education of the young.
Athens literally shone after the 6th century when Music now played a leading role in the city’s two major Festivals, the Great Panathenaia and the Great Dionysia.

Excerpt from the under-published book “Pythagoras … Secret Teaching & Modern Science”.

the sources of the ancient passages are mentioned on the relevant pages of the book.


NUMEROWISDOM….Pythagoras’ numerology will be understandable to those who can decipher the numerical symbols. But they must first enter the hidden mysteries of the Mind. They must learn to reflect.. They must find their soul and have a dialogue with it. man quickly in contact with the inner region of our dimension, they will learn in a few words the fellow man, not only to think and study, but also to concentrate in his inner region, in his Mind and then in his eternal soul..Then amazed he will see that the Essence speaks with him and reveals to him the eternal point, from which everything flows and everything is made… The vibrations of the invisible worlds arrive unnoticed and unknown in the region of our dimension… But we can capture them, using our superconsciousness ..This superconsciousness works only with concentration and stimulation of the Mind, on the Metaphysical – internal issues and especially on the symbolic numbers..The sacred symbolic first four numbers, from one to four, point us to descending path, the path of Pythagoras’ numerology..1+2+3+4=10….10=1+0=1=Unit..But the Unit is the generator of the numbers in their ascending and descending performance..They come out of the One from the Unit itself..In this way the Eternal Source extracts the multiplicity and pours it into the chaotic region of the as yet non-existent Spirit of energy activity..All lies in the Mind He will achieve the perfect conception of the vibration of Of essence, the spirit of energism that vibrates dissimilarly from its other sister vibrations, to impress, to print another internal womb, which will give birth in the Mind to the true mold of a thought or a thing or a phenomenon, an event or any matrix for its world form…Pythagoras the Great ..









Mon 2:59 PM


An extremely important property of π is that it can be characterized through its role as the best constant in the isoperimeter inequality: the region A enclosed by a flat Jordan curve of perimeter P satisfies the inequality 4πA <= P^2 and the equality is clearly achieved for the circle, since in this case A = πr^2 and P = 2πr Thus the circle is the shape that encloses the largest possible area with the smallest possible perimeter.

tThe acoustics in the ancient theater of EPIDAVRUS have the curious thing, that as the Greek is clearly heard there, other languages cannot be heard, there is some kind of coordination of the sound, the Mathematical Greek language, the space and the acoustics, and this is because the Greek language is a musical language. (the relationship between musical harmony and mathematics and mathematics and the harmony of the universe is well known, just as it is also known that in ancient Greece music, arithmetic, geometry and astronomy were sister sciences)

Its orchestra is a perfect circle, while its cavity is part of a sphere. 34 rows of seats in the lower section and 21 in the upper give the number 55 (ЭЄ). The sum of the first 10 numbers (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10) gives 55 (ЭЄ), the sum of the first 6 (1+2+3+4+5+6 ) gives 21 and the sum of the last 4 (7+8+9+10) gives 34.

The golden number Φ makes its appearance since the ratio of the rows of the two diazoms 21/34=0.618=Φ, but also the ratio of the lower diazom to the total of the rows 34/55=0.618=Φ6

The Steam-Powered Pigeon of Archytas – The Flying Machine of AntiquityArchytas was an ancient Greek philosopher, who was born in 428 BC in Tarentum, Magna Graecia, now southern Italy. In addition to being a philosopher, Archytas was also a mathematician, astronomer, statesman, and a strategist, best remembered for inventing what is believed to be the first-ever self-propelled flying device known as the Flying Pigeon.

became a Pythagorean, fascinated by arithmetic, mathematics and geometry. Raphael’s fresco, The School of Athens, shows Pythagoras as a young man. ( Public domain )

Explaining the World Through Mathematics

When Archytas was young, he was taught by Philolaus. Over time he became a Pythagorean, believing that only arithmetic could provide a basis for satisfactory proofs, and that this could not be accomplished via geometry. He even taught mathematics to Eudoxus of Cnidus and Menaechmus.

Pythagoras: A Life Beyond Math and Science

Socrates: The Father of Western Philosophy

To Archytas, everything revolved around and could be explained by mathematics. He viewed mathematics as being broken into four branches: geometry, arithmetic, astronomy and music. In a preface to one of his writings (identified by some as “On Mathematics” and others as “On Harmonics”), Archytas wrote

PYTHAGORAS had said the following quote:
“What nature creates,
they constitute music that was solidified” In the photo below we see in the upper part of it a graph with the order of the HARMONIC notes, and in the lower part
the X-RAY from the shell of a snail.
*The MOST important things are NOT taught… always….

Stream Golden Record: Music of The Spheres by NASA | Listen online for free  on SoundCloud


Periktioni – natural philosopher was a student of Pythagoras 569 – 474 BC. and she probably taught at his school..Two of her works have survived to this day and are attributed to her: “Wisdom” and “The Harmony of Woman”!!!

ΕΛΙΞ = “ELIX” 3rd Grammatical declension/here: Nominativus form

Lecture 13: Greek Astronomy

The Golden Ratio F or Golden Section Φ or the Golden Rule Φ or Divine Ratio is defined as the quotient of the positive numbers when in force, which is approximately equal to 1,618.
It gives harmonious proportions and for this reason it has been used in architecture and painting, both in Ancient Greece and during the Renaissance.
The golden section was introduced and calculated by Pythagoras (-585 to -500) who was born in Samos, and founded a very important philosophical school in CROTON of MAGNA GRAECIA (Lower Italy).The golden section is symbolized by the letter Φ in honor of PHOS(=LIGHT) & PHEIDIAS, perhaps the most famous sculptor of Greek Antiquity, and the most important of the classical period. The golden word was known to the PYTHAGORIANS.In their secret symbol, the pentacle, the golden word appears on the sides of the star. Many works of the classical era, such as the PARTHENON, and the Renaissance, such as paintings by Leonardo Da VINCI, were created based on the golden word.Even today it is used to attribute harmony to works, or to plastic surgery to beautify the human face. If people choose the Golden Section for aesthetic reasons, what can we say about nature, which chooses the logarithmic spiral to “construct” a multitude of structures? Scientists have been surprised to find that the logarithmic spiral appears in the shapes of physical objects with completely different properties. On a smaller scale it appears in the shells of many marine organisms, such as nautilus. In the intermediate scale it appears in the shape of cyclones, as typically reflected in the photos of meteorological satellites.Finally, on the largest possible scale, it appears in the shape of spiral galaxies, huge formations of hundreds of billions of stars, which we can enjoy in the photographs of modern telescopes.What is the deepest reason why a number, constructed on the basis of an abstract mathematical property, has such important applications in nature, and in fact in such different systems? Shells, cyclones and galaxies have nothing in common and are governed by completely different laws of nature.


– Oh GODDESS GEOMETRY! Oh GREAT GODDESS of the ANCIENT GREEK MYSTERIES SCIENCE! After so many centuries, you are remembered and admired and honored! Foundation, you, of every HOLY ceremony. YOU, OH GODDESS you are the regulator of all SANCRAMENTAL ORDER. Reflection, you, of all the gods of activity. Bearing, you, ruler, of all divine liturgical reflection on the highest evolutionary level of mortals, on the most DIVINE horizon of the Mysteries“.“AGEOMETRITOS MEDEIS EISITO ” inscribed, commanding, the MYSTERY LAW of PLATO’s ACADEMY . Did this scholar understand what is being understood academically today? Of course not ! According to the age-old unwritten Mystery Law, the highest perceived level is to be sought by the power of consciousness. Searchable, therefore, the possible conscious interpretation of the concept “geometry”. After achieving, as far as possible, the definition of the concept “GEOMETRY, the negative version, through the ETHERIC ALPHA, as the adjective “NO- GEOMETRIC” can PLATONIC Mysterious scheme . However, through such an approach to the level in which the concept of the “GEOMETER” operates, a particularity emerges, a sought-after particularity, introduced by the future, almost prohibitive. Indeed, as will be seen below, the sought-after particularity of “non-geometric” leads to dead ends for the most part. How can it be expected that the imported one is at the top level “non-geometric”? All this is clarified by a rather successful deterministic interpretation of the term ancient GREEK MYSTERY SCIENCE since the goddess of the ancient Greeks, MYSTAGOGIA sought the transformation of the ETHERS of the SYNDETIC LOGOS of the SOUL and human organism into a Spiritual Organization. So, the “earth”, as a symbolic counterpart of the soul, was the main concern of the Mysteries of PLATO’s ACADEMY. Here, a thin horizon is visible, which, in a hidden way, exists within the symbol “earth”. Perhaps, this horizon is two-fold. Specifically, as the first level of the horizon of this hidden to recognize the co-existence of the Syndicate Logo after the concept “earth” within the ADJECTIVE “GEOMETRTOS”. As a second level, the coexistence after the term “earth” of both the Syndicated Logo and the ether of the ETHERIC psychic medium is recognized. The justified HORIZONS i.e. on the one hand of the Connectional Logos, and on the other of the ether of the ETHERIC psychic interspace, is connected with the deepening of the synergy of the ETHERIC Laws with these two ether. The Laws of the ether are called “measures”. So the scholar ” AGEOMETRITOS MEDEIS EISITO ” refers to those who do NOT carry ETHERIC measures within the two ETHERS of the “earth”, i.e. within the ether of the ETHERIC psychic interspace, as well as within the ether of the Connective Word. It is understood, from the above, that this prohibition of Plato’s Academy, carried out at the previously described levels, determines the minimum number admitted to the Academy. In order not to discount the level of these ETHERIC specifications, the fulfillment of these special conditions refers to corresponding ETHERIC legal achievements of prior lives. Therefore, the Academy welcomes souls with a Mysterious pre-history, so that this previous education fulfills the requested and required conditions of the existence of established etheric measures within these two, according to the above, ETHERIC systems of the material psychic individual. A first rather unique certainty is that these two ETHERIC systems of the soul underwent the necessary Mystical training in previous lives, so that the establishment and by extension the manifestation of the ETHERIC measures within the two ETHERIC systems of the SOUL is VISIBLE

The cosmic plan of Creation HELLENIC CIVILIZATION/^^The ancient Greeks even put the universe in order. They said that the Universe is an indivisible whole and everything in it is interrelated and interacts with each other. Within the world (universe) there is a Universal Law of Physics, with individual laws, which contribute to the cosmic balance. Leucippus, Democritus, Epicurus, Heraclitus, etc. did not accept that God is the creator of the Universe and stated that the Microcosm and the Macrocosm are one and the same


The ancient Greeks had beliefs related to the mathematical-geometrical structure of the universe, which was often understood as the “world soul” or “cosmic soul”. This idea was particularly evident in the Pythagoreans and later in the Neoplatonists.

Pythagoras and his followers believed that the world was governed by mathematical principles and that these principles were inherent in the structure of reality. They saw numbers and geometric shapes as fundamental elements that supported the universe, with the world reflecting divine order and harmony. The concept of “harmony of the spheres,” attributed to Pythagoras, exemplifies this belief, suggesting that the movements of the heavenly bodies create a celestial music based on mathematical proportions.

Neoplatonism, which emerged later, developed these ideas further. Forms such as Plato and Plotinus proposed a hierarchical structure of existence, with the One or Good as the ultimate source of reality, emanating successive levels of existence, including the universal soul. This universal soul was often depicted as a cosmic intellect or animating principle, intricately connected to the mathematical and geometrical order of the universe.


A) EROS 😊 GRAVITY) and ERIN😊 ENTROPY) , As the two opposite components that maintain the balance of the Universe.Gravity tends to attract things and create structures of Physics, while Entropy tries to bring the systems of Nature into a state of disorder and to divide them.The balance between gravity and entropy determines the structure of all the stars.Therefore the victories of each over the other are temporary and never final.So everything changes in space-time according to the HERACLETOS of EPHESOS saying “TA PANTA REI”.After the imposition of dogmatic cosmopolitan religions in the 3rd century, the worldview of the uncle and Nature was divided and the world believed in superstitions.Then theology followed its own dogmatic path and science its own with a deviant course.


(The word pentagram comes from the Greek word πεντάγραμμον (pentagrammon), from πέντε (pente), “five” + γραμμή (grammē), “line”.Pentagram refers to just the star and pentacle refers to the star within the circle specifically although these are often referred to as the same.[The word pentalpha is a a post-classical Greek name of the shape.)[


The philosophical students of PYTHAGORAS as we wrote above, but also Euclid studied the PENTALPHA of the built ACHAEAN Greeks and found the 72΄ degree angle at the crosses (angle of the top pyramids), the 108΄ degree angle (108/2 sides = 54m -horizontal, earth), which PENTALPHA drew in the ratio of division of all its isosceles, the “golden section”.
Later, the golden section was used by PHEIDIAS and from its initial letter and in honor of “the golden section” of the ACHAEAN Greek builders with PENTALPHA, it was named with the letter “F” internationally. PHEIDIAS, guided by the “golden section” of the Achaean Greek builders of PENTALPHAA, built the PARTHENON and made its roof with the angle of 108 degrees of PENTALPHA, as well as the “treasure of the Athenians” in DELPHI with the same angle of 108 In addition, PENTALPHA, the sacred shape of PYTHAGORAS, with the union of its vertices from five straight lines, made the EQUAL PENTAGON, which as a polyhedron makes the TWELVE of the Gods, of the ancient Greeks as the greatest perfection.
When the same number of side corners is found in the corners of the POLYEDRA, then it was called by the Achaean Greeks “HOLY SHAPES of PYTHAGORAS” and they contain in them, all the numbers that are related to time, matter, life, and its laws. These are only five. Later the Christians called them “Platonic” because they did not like PYTHAGORAS teaching “Reincarnation and Reincarnation to relatives” and called them “cosmic, universe, celestial” or “Archimedes”.
PENTALEFER (PENTAGRAM) – TWELVE (gods) the “12 MONTHS (twelve sides)” & the “30 DAYS of the month (30 peaks of a DODECAHEDRON)” come out.
The “YEAR of the ACHEAN Greeks (12 months for 30 days each month of the ancient Greeks, plus the feasts of FIRE which were 5 days and each Olympics 6 days = 365 or 366 days) the 12 HOURS of day (12 seats) and night ( 12 seats) and as a binary polyhedron the 24 HOURS per day.
AFTER come out minutes (5 sides for 12 seats equal to 60 minutes). the seconds (5 sides for 12 seats equal to 60΄ minutes on themselves 3600΄΄, where they give us in tens, the degrees of the Circle 360,0΄ and AGAIN. the “three dimensions of materials (meeting of three sides at each vertex) The “20 amino acids (angles)” that produce life (plants and animals). In addition, the equilateral PENTALE (pentacle) – DODECALE (of gods), is in a BINAL SYSTEM with the equilateral ICOSIHEDRON, while the equilateral HEXAHEDRON is in a binary system with the equilateral equilateral with the equilateral OCTAHEDRON


INTONATION and PYTHAGORIAN TUNING SYSTEMS The HIERARHY of SOUND, MUSIC and ENERGY .There are 4 PRIMARY levels of energy in the universe when looking at it all from a frequency or vibration level. As we go down the list each aspect becomes more and more powerful. Frequencies – Many people these days are now focused on pure frequency. Pure frequency manifests in the world through Tuning Forks, Tone Generators, Flutes (not completely pure), Crystal Bowls (also not completely pure), Concert Pitch and Tuning Systems. You can also think of cells, atoms, and the elements as pure frequencies.There are many pure frequencies that have been shown to create very specific effects on us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. For example, 45 hertz has been proven to regenerate bones. Many use 136.102 hertz as the “OM” frequency in gongs and tuning forks because it is a frequency based on the rotation of the Earth around the the Sun. Mentally, our brain vibrates at specific frequencies of delta, theta, alpha and gamma, and we can use these frequencies to ENTRAIN our brain into these brainwave states. There are also some general frequencies that seem to correspond to higher emotional states such as gratitude, compassion, love and joy. Then there are frequencies that can open our heart or lead us into a direct connection with our Soul, Spirit, and Source. At the Institute (and online) we find the frequency of your Soul. Source is all frequencies in the Universe.Concert Pitch is the core frequency that an orchestra or all of the instruments in a group tune to. Many people have jumped on the band wagon of tuning concert pitch to auspicious frequencies such as 432 hertz or 528 hertz. This is cool and effective, but not nearly as effective as when these frequencies are played by themselves – as with tone generators or tuning forks. However, listening to frequencies by themselves can be quite annoying to many people. (Also, it has now become clear that the science behind the 528 hertz phenomena is a bit shady – the actual research project does not exist). A Tuning System is the particular frequency of each of the 12 notes within an octave. ANCIENT TUNING SYSTEMSs such as Just INTONATION and PYTHAGORIAN tuning systems are based on the natural harmonics found throughout nature. Equal Tempered tuning (which is what most of our music is tuned to) has no relationship to anything in the natural world. Therefore, tuning systems are actually quite a bit more important that Concert Pitch.Via sound research institute


Πυθαγόρας και «Μουσική ἰατρεία»Pythagoras and “Musical Medicine” «Μουσική ἰατρεία»

Pythagoras, and the Pythagoreans, believed that listening to certain melodies calms the emotions and the mind and is therapeutic.

And when this is accomplished, the inner vitality of the body is restored and healing begins. They believed that music contributes the most to health, and if one uses it in the right ways the treatment is complete.

Pythagoras, “psychogenically” thinking, applied combinations of some diatonic, chromatic and harmonic scales, with which he easily turned into opposites the passions of the soul that had recently been created, and were born without any logic, and guided them, transforming sorrows and rages, unreasonable pity and envy and fear, all kinds of desires and strong passions, appetites and softnesses and indolences and violences, each of these passions in virtue, with the proper melodies, as if they were some salutary combinations of medicines. But in order to heal man must be treated as a whole, a single organism. Treating only one part of this whole is not only not a real cure, it can actually delay it (Block).

Melody and rhythm can help restore balance and harmony to the soul. When balance is restored to the soul, the body regains its health. He believed and taught, that there are suitable paeans and correct rhythms, which can lead to healing, but also to maintaining health, speaking of “Musical medicine”.

Iamblichus, in “about Pythagorean life” states that:

PYTHAGORAS used to make use of this purification (purification) with seriousness and indeed for this reason he called it “Musical medicine” (that is, “healing through music”) and indulged in this purgative melody during the spring.

So he had someone sit in the middle who played the lyre

and around sat those who could sing.

So, with him playing the lyre, they sang paeans,

through which they felt they were enjoying themselves

and they were getting good at singing and rhythm.

They even used music to restore health during the rest of the year.

Iamblichus also writes that:

The plan, therefore, of the school of Pythagoras was based on “allopathy”, a method of treating diseases by the use of agents that bring about symptoms other than those of the disease itself. Music does not intensify an emotional state that disturbs and sickens, but, on the contrary, stops it and harmonizes it.

This great philosopher did not admit the illusory, temporary pleasure dear to the people, but that which is lasting, modest and free from all deceit.

He said that there are two categories of pleasures, the one that yields to the demands of the belly and likened it, because of its tenderness, to the homicidal odes of the Sirens, and the other that refers to the good and just of the necessities of life and which is also pleasant in the present and in the future for sure. The second he likened to the harmonious odes of the Muses and only this he admitted. This view decisively influenced Plato as well, who mentions in Timaeus:

circumambulations of our soul (a similar course to that of the soul in our body), is presented to him, who associates with the Muses wisely, and not for their mere and frivolous amusement, but to restore order and harmony to the soul, when slips out of its orbit.

Pythagoras recommended that one pay attention to two moments of one’s daily life, when one goes to sleep and when one gets up from sleep. Iamblichus and Claudius Ptolemy (100-178 AD) point out that: And when at night his interlocutors went to bed, he freed them from the cares and noises of the day and cleared their clouded minds, with some odes and some peculiar musical members, endeavoring to make the sleep of these people not only quiet and with good dreams, but even prophetic.

When they rise again at dawn, relieve them from their nocturnal torpor, relaxation, and indolence with some quaint songs and melodies of simple composition, soothing, chants of different musical modes from the evening ones—sometimes again, tunes without words—so that the tumult of their soul, created by awakening, to be transformed into a clean and orderly state, into an organized meekness, properly attuning their souls to the activities of the day.

Music in ancient civilizations was more than just a pleasure to the ear. It was the algebra of metaphysical theories, knowledge which was given only to initiates, but whose principles, through the collective unconscious, nourished, influenced and educated the broad masses. This made it a powerful instrument of moral education.

Ethnoplastic and psychotherapeutic properties of music

PYTHAGORAS goes on to recognize the uniqueness of music as an educational and therapeutic medium, underlining in this way, its unlimited cultural and psychotherapeutic properties. Thus, the concepts of purification and ecstasy, achieved through the musical coordination of body and soul, are gradually introduced. And he offered humanity a “successful experiment”, what Plato would later call: education with GYMNASTICS and MUSIC.

His biographers note that PYTHAGORAS considered the lyre to be a suitable educational tool, capable of healing mental passions and leading to wisdom.

All reactions:




The 5 sister sciences according to PYTHAGORAS were: Numbers (mathematics)Shapes (Geometry)Stereometry, Music (Harmony),. AstronomyThese sciences are intertwined and are in one another like the Russian bamboo. Combine now the alphabet that encloses numbers and musical tones with these 5 sciences, EXACTLY as in the NINE MUSES Tip: astronomy = astry + law, α-sup = what is not supported, so astronomy = universal laws governing what is not based somewhere, dealing with music (harmony), geometry) and all this with the ether that surrounds the celestial spheres.

PYTHAGORAS listened to the harmony (music) of the CELESTIAN SPHERESSo the ancient Greek language that has to do with the flow of the universe.The Greek language is the only one that can be used for PCs because of the mathematics and musicality of not only the Alphabet-words, but also of the mathematical concepts that arise, for example, the word THESIS becomes: compassion, affirmation, confession, hypothesis, exhalement, advent, preaching, revival, apostasy, counseling, etc., if these words now translate them into English are completely unrelated to each other.The fact that the Alphabet is not copied from somewhere else is shown by the fact that in 2300 BC Homer already has at his disposal the 6,500,000 primary words (the first person of the present and singular number) which if we multiply them X72 are the calls we will make a huge number that is not the final, because we do not forget that the Greek language is not sterile, GENERAL.If we now compare e.g. the English language that has 80,000 words, of which 80% is Greek as the UNIVERSITY of WALES informs us, and we can see that this sterile language evolves for 1000 years, we can easily conclude that HOMEROS receives a language that is deep in the time of 100,000 BC; 500,000 BC?Who knows … WHY the absolute proof is its mathematics itself, which does not exist in any other language of the planet. Let us not forget yet that the Creator uses mathematics to create, so our language is necessarily related to the source (root-0/1).But before “KRYPTON” there is the “Signal”, that is, the association of words with these concepts. They said earlier that the foreign dialects were agreed upon, that is, some agreed that the object would call it “X”, which makes the languages ​​sterile, so they cannot give birth to new words, so there is no mathematics, so they cannot describe new concepts that exist in nature, with the result that the brain, since it cannot describe through new words new meanings, is left in the dark, so brain neurons do not give birth to young people as opposed to those who use Greek. How could, for example, the English or the French or X, Y with a word that has 10 meanings to describe precisely and clearly a deeper meaning?Let alone the multiple sides of it? it cannot be why everything started here. Signal is therefore the connection of the signal with the signified, that is, the word itself is created in such a way that it describes the meaning enclosed in it.EXAMPLE: the naming of the word KARYON comes from a observation of nature (as all the words), that is, when two horned animals (cripples, traps etc.) trawl with their coins they hear the crack or “kara”, this sound gave the name “horn” (horn) the horn gave the name of a keel or a carat (head) and its inferior Karyon (small head). Τhe Karyon (walnut) looks amazing with the human head and the inside of it with a brain.Y is the root of the verb YΩ (wet) where Y exists; there is a cavity (or curvature), that is, flies, the rain (liquid element) enters into the earth.The musical-numerical alphabet creates musical-mathematical words describing corresponding concepts derived from the observation of the nature of Creation and hence of the Creator itself, but the question is how many millennia may have taken to create this perfect a mathematical complex whose letters are numbers and musical tones, and the words, that is, all the numbers and musical tones, conceal within them, in addition to complex musical harmonies, concepts which is it not at all accidental but after extensive observation of nature?So, reasonably, ANTISTHENES reminds us of “The Wisdom or the Name of Visit”

MUSES, MUSEUMS, AND MUSIC,ARTS AND SCIENCES “MUSEUM” comes from a Greek word MUSAI meaning “SHRINE of the MUSES.” The Muses were the nine Greek goddesses who were believed to inspire literature and the arts and “Music” comes from the Greek “MOUSIKE”, musical art, or an art of the Muses (the nine goddesses who preside over literature and the arts and sciences:Clever and beautiful, daughters of ZEUS and MNEMOSYNE, entertained the OLYMPIAN gods at banquets, playing the lyre and singing, especially the CLEUS (=GLORY) of ZEUS.The MUSES were born in PIERIA and lived in the PIERIA Mountains. They were the Goddesses of music, musical instruments, dance, feasting and poetry.They also lived on Mount PARNASSOS, because the great oracle of APOLLO was located there. They took walks, sang, danced and bathed in the HIPPOCRINE spring, the most beautiful spring at the top of ELIKON.They are the patron goddesses of literature, science and the arts. Sources of knowledge and inspiration for the Greeks.In their honor, our ancestors founded the Museums, that is, temples, where the sciences and arts were honored.Museums were “schools of arts and all learning” when other peoples had nothing to do with science and their arts were in their infancy.Music was once one of the five branches of Mathematics, namely: MATHEMATICS GEOMETRY, STEREOMETRY, MUSIC and ASTRONOMY. In the time of troubles, in the time when libraries were demolished, books were burned, academies were closed, the Olympic Games were stopped, that is, the period of the destruction of Greek Thought, like the sculptures of the PARTHENON, the piece of Music from Mathematics came off. A good man and a Greek, he left !!!!Good return to FOS(=LIGHT) VANGELIS !!!Their contribution to shaping world culture is incalculable. Proof is the adoption of the term “Music” by all countries of the world, in every corner of the globe!So when we say that the Greeks gave light to humanity, beyond the concepts of democracy, states, freedom, justice, mathematics, science, arts, architecture, beauty, and so on,we must also remind music, this WORLD language, which was born here, by the Muses, daughters of ZEUSs and MNEMOSYNE, in PIERIA, in the PIERIA mountains, in the always Greek Macedonia!APOLLO was the leader of the MUSESInitially these deities were nymphs of the mountain and the waters.HESIOD in THEOGONY narrates: MNEMOSYNE slept in PIERIA with CRONO’s son ZEUS and gave birth to these virgins that make us forget our sufferingsand alleviate our pain.Nine nights in a row by the wise ZEUS going up to his sacred bed, slept next to the MNEMOSYNEl, away from all the immortals.Muses are the source of inspirationfor every mental activity and in many places they were worshiped with special honors, while there is an ORPHIC HYMN of the MUSES. PLATO in his ACADEMY had an altar dedicated to the MUSES, while HOMEROS invokes MUSA CALLIOPE as his source of inspiration, when writing his epics. The same is found in the works of Hesiod, but also to all the great creators of antiquity. It has not remained until today, the term muse is used frequently to show that someone inspires an artist, a creator ………..Greek Numbers and Arithmetic(ALPHA – ΑΛΦΑ = 1 + 30 + 500 + 1 = 532 => 5 + 3 + 2 = 10 => 1 + 0 = 1EN = 5 + 50 = 55 => 5 + 5 = 10 => 1 + 0 = 1OMIKRON – ΟΜΙΚΡΟΝ = 70 + 40 + 10 + 20 + 100 + 70 + 50 = 360, as there are degrees of the circle. The MATHEMATICAL ORDER of the names of NINE MUSES: (According to the the VALUES of the INDEX , BELOW the names)1. POLYMNIA (or Polhymnia or Polyamnia). ΠΟΛΥΜΝΙΑ (from: “πολύς + ύμνο” polys + hymn = long hymn) from long and hymn, praise because many people or the many and memory, because many mentions in history. He was the custodian of the divine hymns and hypocritical imitation, geometry, history, grammar etc. The painted faces to Heaven with a wreath of laurel and pearls on the head, white dress, with his lyre in her hands and the inscription Multi-mnias Mr. Myths.ΠΟΛΥΜΝΙΑ – ΠΟΛΥΜΝΙΑ = 80 + 70 + 30 + 400 + 400 + 40 + 50 + 10 + 1 = 1081 => 10 + 8 + 1 = 19 => 1 + 9 = 10 => 1 + 0 = 1 2. Urania – ΟΥΡΑΝΙΑ (from: oυρανός uranos= sky) was the custodian of the heavenly bodies and general astronomy discovered. According to tradition with Dionysus begat Hymenaeus and Apollo linen. Painted Urania crowned with stars and prometopidio, blue dress, in front of the tripod up had the celestial sphere and diabetes.UΡΑΝΙΑ = 70 + 400 + 100 + 1 + 50 + 10 + 1 = 632 => 6 + 3 + 2 = 11 => 1 + 1 = 2 3. Terpsichore – ΤΕΡΨΙΧΟΡΗ (from:τέρπω + χορός –terpo+choros = regale + dance, delights through dance, harp and education.), the Muse of Orchiseos Named TERPSICHORE because eterpeto, thanks to dance. Perhaps by learning (pleasing listeners). Tradition says that she bore the Strymonikos Rhesos and ARES the Vistones or even with Achelous the Sirens. The Terpsichore painted laurel-(DAFNE) crowned and prometopidio holding harp and dancing happy, while her feet barely touching the ground and with the inscription Terpsichore lyran.Terpsichore – ΤΕΡΨΙΧΟΡΗ = 300 + 5 + 100 + 700 + 10 + 600 + 70 + 100 + 8 = 1893 => 1 + 8 + 9 + 3 = 21 => 2 + 2 = 3 4. Melpomene – ΜΕΛΠΟΜΕΝΗ (from: μέλπω “melpo” (=μελωδώ + μένος = to create music + stubborness) was the custodian of Tragedy, because it invented, rhetoric and musical melody. Named Melpomene by word molttin because by this melpousin people all their goods. Melpomene with Acheloos, in a tradition born of Horns The painted wears tragedy mask, angry, laurel-crowned with a scepter, bat in hands and Melpomeni inscription TragodianMelpomene – ΜΕΛΠΟΜΕΝΗ = 40 + 5 + 30 + 80 + 70 + 40 + 5 + 50 + 8 = 328 => 3 + 2 + 8 = 13 => 1 + 3 = 4 5. Thalia or ΘΑΛΕΙΑ – (Θάλεια) was Superintendent of Comedy. Discover comedy, geometry, architecture and agriculture. He was the custodian and Symposia. The name Thalia = thallein plants, or in the Thalia (symposia) orThalleia – ΘΑΛΕΙΑ = 9 + 1 + 30 + 30 + 5 + 10 + 1 = 86 => 8 + 6 = 14 => 1 + 4 = 56) Calliope ΚΑΛΛΙΟΠΗ (καλή + ωψ = ex: good + ops = this with the beautiful eyes), the muse of epic poetry (ex:οπτικό = optical). Calliope was the superior and more formal than the other sisters of the Muses. He accompanied the kings and their senior leaders to enforce the words of obedience and righteousness. Calliope was the custodian of the heroic poetry and rhetoric. He named Calliope because he had nice view, face. They were called and Kalliepeian because it was evretria poetry. She mated with Apollo and became the mother of Orpheus. The Euterpe was the Muse of music. Painted Kalliopi new and nice, with flowers or ivy in the head, the right hand holding laurels and left two books, many times the Iliad and the Odyssey.Calliope – ΚΑΛΛΙΟΠΗ = 20 + 1 + 30 + 30 + 10 + 70 + 80 + 8 = 249 => 2 + 4 + 9 = 15 => 1 + 5 = 6 7.Euterpe ΕΥΤΕΡΠΗ Ευτέρπη (from the prefix ευ = well, fair + τέρπω = regale ,discovered various musical instruments, lessons, and dialectics. Lessons delight people, but ” is Euterpe reasons of educated ‘. Efterpi with Struma gave birth Risso. The painted laurel-crowned playing flute or holding him. Beside her was musical instruments and texts, Eros and trees with singer cicadas (cicada). Euterpe -ΕΥΤΕΡΠΗ= 5 + 400 + 300 + 5 + 100 + 80 + 8 = 898 => 8 + 9 + 8 = 25 => 2 + 5 = 7 8. Clio – ΚΛΕΙΩ (from: κλέος= glory) the Muse of History (Cleopatra = the glory of father)Qleio (Q = Qoppa) discovered the History (and guitar). The story was called Cleo, because it refers to Kleos (belonging to the heroes of the past), we narrate the authors through books. According to tradition, the Clio accused because Venus fell in love with the ‘Adoni. Venus retaliated: He led the Pieros’s house and made her fall in love with him. The Clio by Pierre begat Hyacinth. With Magnes (father Pierre) begat Ialemo, the Hymenaeus and Flax. Painted Cleo laurel-crowned and purple garment. In her right hand was holding one tube and left a book that read Cleo history. At her feet was the box of history. Qleio – ΚΛΕΙΩ = 90 + 30 + 5 + 10 + 800 = 935 => 9 + 3 + 5 = 17 => 1 + 7 = 8 9. Erato ΕΡΑΤΩ(from: έρως – eros = love), is the founder of Lyric and especially erotic poems, marriage (and of poetry, music and the dialectic). The name Erato by eresthai and the word love and lover. The painted seated, wearing a rosary (wreath of roses), with the lyre and the bow of love in the arms and the inscription Erato Psaltrian. Apollonius Rhodius begins the third chapter of Part Four of the Argonauts with: ” And now muse Erato, come to us and tell us how Jason brought the Golden Fleece from her love of Medea, because you graces the Cypriot Aphrodite brings the magic to unmarried girls. ”Erato – ΕΡΑΤΩ = 5 + 100 + 1 + 300 + 800 = 1206 => 1 + 2 + 0 + 6 = 9 = 5 + 100 + 1 + 300 + 800 = 1206 => 1 + 2 + 0 + 6 = 9 Pausanias maintains that there were two generations of Muses, the first generation was three and were the daughters of Uranus and Gaia, and the second was nine were daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. The oldest Elikoniades Muses were:Μνήμη – Mnimi =Memory • Μελέτη – Meleti = study)Αοιδή – Aidi = SingingThe poetic art need all three Muses, you need a combination of song, memory and study. Why to sing first needed memory, and after study (exercise).INDEX:LETTER & VALUE(Γράμμα &Αξία)Α´1Ι´10Ρ´100͵Α1000Β´2Κ´20Σ´200͵Β2000Γ´3Λ´30Τ´300͵Γ3000Δ´4Μ´40Υ´400͵Δ4000Ε´5Ν´50Φ´500͵Ε5000Ϛ´6Ξ´60Χ´600͵Ϛ6000Ζ´7Ο´70Ψ´700͵Z7000Η´8Π´80Ω´800͵H8000Θ´9Ϟ´90Ϡ´900͵Θ9000″The ‘MUSES’ and Music in general were so named from ‘MUSAI’ (research), from the search for Philosophy and Knowledge.” (PLATO, “KRATYLOS” 406 A.)Ancient and modern poets, philosophers, scientists and artists invoke the beautiful MUSES, to inspire them and to be able to complete their work.Greek MusicEnglish MusicGerman MusikItalian MusicaFrench La musiqueSpanish MúsicaPortuguese MúsicaRussian MusicSerbian MusicSwedish musicTurkish MüzikMaltese MusicEstonian MuusikaCroatian musicUkrainian MusicSwahili MuzikiLatvian Mūzika and so on.Tradition says:Two MUSES invented the theory and practice in learning. Three Muses invented the three musical tones Collider, medium and dim the three strings of Lyra, the three prosody acute, grave, circumflex and three parelilythota times, present tense, future tense three persons, three numbers, the triangle of stars and other triarithma . Four Muses invented the FOUR dialects: Attica, Ionici, Dorici and Ahaici. Five Muses the five senses: sight, taste, smell, touch and hearing. Seven Muses invented the seven strings of the lyre, the seven Heavenly belts, the seven planets and the seven vowels of the Unique Mathematical-rythmic Greek alphabet.

How to become a philosopher. The Pythagorean friendship and the virtue of friendship.

Pythagoras had a unique way of selecting students for his teaching… He made his prospective students wait outside in the courtyard of his school in silence for at least 3 to 5 years and they were not allowed to speak to each other, and this according with Pythagoras it would enable the students to understand what a friend is… (Explanation the word philosophy is compound and consists of the word friend + wisdom) that is, they are obliged to cooperate with each other which had nothing to do with words but with actions and feelings and so that the feeling of friendship develops very deeply… In this way he protected them all from themselves, that is, no one should say anything bad about another…

Then he put them in a row and stood in front of them and imposed the same question on everyone “What is a friend” we have a testimony of a student what he answered when he was asked what a friend is and he answered with two words “a friend is the other me” that is a friend is “another who is the same as me”

(*This was taken by the Latins and referred to as an alter ego (Latin for “other I) means an alternate self, which is believed to be distinct from a person’s normal or true original personality. Finding one’s alter ego will require finding one’s other self, one with a different personality).

In short, if one wants to become a philosopher, one must first learn the virtue of friendship, because it does not exist in its essential sense. And in order to practice the virtue of friendship, one needs a great deal of unselfishness (the absence of selfishness, characteristic of a person whose actions are not dictated by interest or personal gain) and control of egoism.

There are two examples from Iamblichus writing about Pythagoras that show how deeply strong and unwavering the friendship of the Pythagoreans was:

The first example is the story of two Pythagoreans, Pythias (or Phintias) and Damon, a story that has inspired all the world’s artistic community, literature, poetry, painting, etc., trying to render this Pythagorean friendship, i.e. friends until death ( I urge you to look up the story and read it) which took place in the famous city of Syracuse, birthplace of Archimedes

And the other is in a few words he talks about the debt that a Pythagorean had when he died in his Inn and he didn’t have to pay the whole amount because death would find him inside the Inn, then he told him that the rest of the money I owe you will pay them back and with interest another Pythagorean, who would pass by his Inn by chance if he saw this symbol that I will give you to put outside your Inn… And so it happened after 2 years a Pythagorean passed by and saw the Pythagorean symbol at the door of the Inn, and so entered and discharged the debt of his Pythagorean friend.

As we see, Pythagorean friendship transcends both space and time and it is blood ties that unite them.

This is the beginning of philosophy, first the conquest of friendship, i.e. the full contact of “know thyself” this is how a person knows himself through the faults of his friend but also his own weaknesses which he tries to develop and only then he can acquire the virtue of wisdom which is the other step (as there are many other steps that need development).

This is the concept of Greek philosophy which the Pythagoreans developed to the greatest extent.


Pythagorean philosophy represents one of the most important chapters of ancient Greek thought. The Pythagoreans, students of Pythagoras, formed a system that combined philosophy, mathematics, music and religious elements. Within this philosophy, an emphasis is evident on the importance of geometry, which has wider semantic implications and is one of the pillars of Pythagorean ideology.
Pythagoras and his students, known as the Pythagoreans, believed that the study of geometry was a path to uncovering the universal truths behind the physical world. They saw geometric shapes as reflections of deeper cosmic principles. By meditating on geometric forms, they believed that one could achieve spiritual enlightenment and align with divine intelligence.
They believed that divine intelligence used geometric principles to create and organize the universe, ensuring its harmonious functioning. They also believed that learning geometry leads to a deeper understanding of the world and contributes to the development of virtue and justice in the human soul. They saw geometry as a path to understanding the divine.
At the heart of Pythagorean philosophy was the belief that numbers and geometric principles held the key to understanding the nature of reality. They perceived the universe as a harmonious and mathematically structured entity and sought to reveal its mysteries through the study of mathematics, music, and astronomy.

The Pythagoreans recognized that there was a deep connection between numbers, geometry and music. They believed that numbers were the fundamental building blocks of the universe and that they had inherent divine qualities. They attached spiritual and mystical significance to numbers, a concept known as numerology.
They believed that musical intervals could be expressed as simple ratios of whole numbers, and these ratios were reflections of the harmonic relationships found in geometry. They saw the universe as a harmonious composition, often referred to as the “music of the spheres,” where the movements and interactions of the heavenly bodies were believed to produce harmonious sounds. This idea further strengthened their belief in divine order and the influence of divine intelligence in the world.
In exploring geometry, the Pythagoreans discovered that certain mathematical proportions corresponded to harmonies in music. They noticed that musical intervals, such as the octave, the perfect fifth, and the perfect fourth, could be expressed as simple whole number ratios. For example, an octave corresponds to a ratio of 2:1, a perfect fifth to a ratio of 3:2, and a perfect fourth to a ratio of 4:3.
The Pythagoreans saw these musical proportions as reflections of the harmonic relationships found in geometry. They believed that just as geometric shapes and proportions represented divine order, so too did musical intervals that could be expressed as simple numerical ratios.
According to the Pythagoreans, the movements and interactions of the heavenly bodies produced harmonious sounds that were beyond human perception. They believed that these heavenly sounds, although inaudible to man, were an expression of divine order and the influence of divine intelligence in the universe.
The Pythagorean understanding of the connections between geometry, numerology and music influenced later philosophical and scientific thought. He laid the foundations for the development of mathematical and scientific research, particularly in the field of harmonics and the study of musical intervals, and also contributed to the development of the concept of the Great Geometer who is the Composer of universal harmony.
#Pythagoras #Pythagoreans #Harmony #SacredGeometry #GreatGeometris #GreatComposer #Apollo #Lyra #Creator #Arithmology

CONTINUED FROM: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hellenicwisdom/posts/1357205985680240

It is said that he got most of his moral teachings from Themistokleia, who was a priestess of Delphi. He was heavily influenced by the Ionian philosophers (especially in the study of nature and the universe), as well as the occultism of Orphism. He dealt with geometry 😊 measuring the earth) and perfected it. He returned to Samos when he was about 56 years old and tried to start his teaching there. However, because Samos was ruled by a tyrant and the Samians were indifferent to the philosophical life, he moved to Italy, where he finally founded a philosophical school in Kroton of Great Greece around 525 BC. In fact, it is a fact that Lower Italy and Sicily was called Great Greece thanks to Pythagoras who filled it with philosophers, scientists and virtuous people.

Krotonas, south.
In this place he founded an organization which, although it was considered secret, had at the same time a communal form. The huge building in which the group teaching took place was called Oimakoion. In this organization ownership and knowledge were held in common. Any discovery was not attributed to a specific member.

The Pythagorean School had a particularly conservative and strict code of conduct. The students had to keep the teachings and theories secret and if this was not done it could even cost them their lives!

The entrance of the school, the Pythagoreans had engraved the saying “MEDES GEOMETRITOS ESITO”, which meant that no one can enter and become a member of the brotherhood, who does not measure all objects with earthly measures.

The three main criteria for Pythagoras to accept someone into his school were prudence, justice and bravery. He imposed a strict examination on those young people who asked him to become members of the faculty. He asked them to learn how they treat their parents and their friends and he observed every detail in them, their posture, their gait, their unnecessary talking, their silence, even the way they laughed.

************************”THE PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM***************************************

For Pythagoras, neither wealth nor origin was a criterion and that is why he never allowed Cylon to participate in the Pythagorean school, who had wealth, but also came from an aristocratic family. But his origin did not make him “noble”, as he was violent, burdensome and behaved like a tyrant. The fact that Pythagoras expelled Cylon angered the latter and using his wealth and position, Cylon turned the people against Pythagoras and together with his supporters attacked the Pythagoreans and burned the house in which they had gathered.

  All members avoided eating meat! This was because they believed in the transmigration or transmigration of life, and therefore the slaughter of an animal was considered the destruction of the new abode of one (friend) who had died.

Pythagoras is considered the one who coined the words "philosophy" (love of wisdom) and "mathematics" (what is learned), trying to describe their intellectual activity. It is heard that he gave two kinds of lectures: one exclusively for the members of the faculty and one for everyone else. He and his school played arguably the most crucial role in the history of mathematics. They gave new emphasis to mathematics recognizing its association more with the love of wisdom than with the demands of life as it had been until then
 There is a legend that says that Pythagoras sacrificed a calf (or a hundred calves according to other versions) for the discovery (or proof) of the theorem. But this is not consistent with the dietary rules of the school, so it is considered almost impossible.

         "In right triangles, the square of the side subtending the right angle is equal to the square of the sides containing the right angle."

THEANO (born c. 546 B.C.), the wife of the Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras, ran the Pythagorean school in southern Italy in the late sixth century B.C. following her husband’s death.She is credited with having written treatises on mathematics, physics, medicine, and child psychology.It is said that she formulated the theory of the “Golden Section” as well as the theory of the “Harmony of the Spheres”.Theano’s husband, Pythagoras (c. 582-500 B.C.), was inspired one of the most influential sects in the ancient world.Best known for devising the Pythagorean Theorem—which states that the sum of the squares of the sides of a right triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse—Pythagoras was considered the greatest scientist of antiquity by classical Greek scholars and is considered to have been the first mathematician.However, given that Pythagoras lived seven generations before Plato, most of the information about him comes from fairly late sources—a few as late as the third century A.D. Another problem is that some of these sources are of doubtfulreliability.References to Pythagoras’s ideas can be found in earlier writings, including those of Empedocles, Heraclitus, Herodotus, Plato, and Aristotle.https://biography.yourdictionary.com/theano 

  All members avoided eating meat! This was because they believed in the transmigration or transmigration of life, and therefore the slaughter of an animal was considered the destruction of the new abode of one (friend) who had died.
        Pythagoras is considered the one who coined the words "philosophy" (love of wisdom) and "mathematics" (what is learned), trying to describe their intellectual activity. It is heard that he gave two kinds of lectures: one exclusively for the members of the faculty and one for everyone else. He and his school played arguably the most crucial role in the history of mathematics. They gave new emphasis to mathematics recognizing its association more with the love of wisdom than with the demands of life as it had been until then
 There is a legend that says that Pythagoras sacrificed a calf (or a hundred calves according to other versions) for the discovery (or proof) of the theorem. But this is not consistent with the dietary rules of the school, so it is considered almost impossible.


APOLLO was the leader of the MUSES
Initially these deities were nymphs of the mountain and the waters.
HESIOD in THEOGONY narrates:
and gave birth to these virgins
that make us forget our sufferings
and alleviate our pain.
Nine nights in a row by the wise ZEUS
going up to his sacred bed,
slept next to the MNEMOSYNE,
away from all the immortals.
Muses are the source of inspiration
for every mental activity

and in many places they were worshiped with special honors,
while there is an ORPHIC HYMN of the MUSES.
had an altar dedicated to the MUSES,
as his source of inspiration,
when writing his epics.
The same is found in the works of Hesiod,
but also to all the great creators of antiquity. It has not remained until today,
the term muse is used frequently
to show that someone inspires an artist,
a creator ……..

The common idea is that music is made up of sounds makes it difficult to understand because it is not always true that the sound “makes” music (what is music for someone may not be for others). To make the sound create music is necessary that those who perceive it, take satisfaction from it. This satisfaction can be physical or mental, real or fantastic.


MUSES (Mousai) - Greek Goddesses of Music, Poetry & the Arts


To Ζεύγμα, εγώ και η μούσα Ευτέρπη – Πεπορέ…

KALLIOPE (beauty + face = the one who has a beautiful voice) First and bigger and smarter and more dynamic, is the Muse of Homer. Incredibly wise and gifted, she was considered the muse of epic, heroic poetry. “Leader of all the Muses”, according to Ovid.
KLEIO (cleos = glory, praise, excellent reputation) She was the Muse of History because she highlighted the cleos, the glory of the heroes of history. The verb “close” means I narrate or make known something important. She was depicted laurel-crowned and in a red dress.
ΕΥΤΕΡΠΗ (ευ + τέρπω = delightful, attractive, pleasant, charming) Muse of Music. She was depicted laurel wreath playing or holding a flute. She was accompanied by musical instruments and texts, Eros and trees with cicadas.
THALIA (thallo = flourishing, thallous, generous) Thalia was the patron saint of merriment, comedy and SYMPOSIA. She had under her protection the bucolic poetry, that is, the corresponding contemporary folk songs.
MELPOMENI (melpo = the unlucky, hymn) Muse of tragedy, despite her happy songs. She was depicted wearing a mask of tragedy, angry, laurel wreath with a scepter and a bat in her hands.
TERPSICHORI (terpo + dance = the one who is dancing) Dance muse. She was depicted laurel wreath holding a harp and dancing happily. Its symbol was the lyre, the flute and the triangle.
ΕΡΑΤΩ (εράομαι, εράω = the one I loved, the one I longed for) The muse of lyric poetry and hymns. She is always depicted with a lyre and almost naked. Protector of marriage and love. Invent love poems.
POLYMNIA (many + hymn = the Muse of many hymns) Polymnia was the Muse of sacred hymns and eloquence. Very serious woman, pensive and thoughtful. She often holds her finger in front of her lips.
OURANIA (sky, the sky, the sky) Patron of Astronomy and Astrology. It is usually depicted wearing a star-shaped wreath. In her left hand she held the world globe and in her right the compasses

The ancient Greeks thought so highly of music, they dedicated a muse to it. That’s quite a compliment, considering the high regard in which they held muses. Her name is Euterpe, which means Well Pleasing.
Euterpe is the muse of music and lyric poetry. Her symbol is the flute. She is said to have invented the flute and other wind instruments. (Look for the flute in the picture of the ancient vase, above.)
They couldn’t stop there. Erato, which means the Lovely, is the muse of love poetry and marriage songs. they equated music with love and the marriage bed. They gave her the lyre as a symbol. It seems that music was a preoccupation with them. (Look for the lyre in the wall adornment at the left.)
Notice the muse in music. The Muse Of Music proudly points out that the modern English word for music is ultimately derived from a combination of the Ancient Greek word for music and the Greek expression, art of the Muses. To the Greeks, music was the art of all arts, the art of the muses.
Relating muses and art of the muses to come up with the modern word music makes sense. The Greeks identified their muses with the arts and the art of music with their muses. That identification is high praise for music as an art form; it positions Euterpe as the “most equal” muse of all the coequal ancient muses.

What Do MUSIC, MUSES & MUSEUMS have In Common?
In ancient Greece a place that was devoted to learning was a sacred place, a place where muses reside. Therefore, in ancient Greece, any place devoted to learning and the arts was called a museum—a muse place!
Museums—all museums—are places sacred to the muses. When you visit a museum, you enter a holy place, one sacred to the gods!
Explore the connection between muses and museums at the page called About Muses And Museums: click here.

Etymology And The Muses

The word music , according to the writings of the ancient Greek poets and philosophers, is derived from “Musa”.= ΜούσαFrom the verb: “μῶσθαι”, which means desire or “aspire to”, the term music derive from “muse”.
The common idea is that music is made up of sounds makes it difficult to understand because it is not always true that the sound “makes” music (what is music for someone may not be for others). To make the sound create music is necessary that those who perceive it, take satisfaction from it. This satisfaction can be physical or mental, real or fantastic.

Musa again, is produced from maousa = Musa. “ma”=«μα», is the root of the verb mao-mo = to devise or search or ask mentally. (In the Doric dialect the word “Mousa” is “Mosa”).

The word music, in today’s time, means the art of sounds, unlike the ancient Greeks who gave the word music a different meaning, they meant the indissoluble unity of sound and speech, something that does not exist nowadays. With sport the body is exercised, while with music the spirit. Music, the gift of the Muses, in ancient Greece, defined and characterized the man who acts, thinks and feels. Thus, as a means of spiritual maturation, the word that would characterize ancient Greek music is not the word “art” but the words education and power. This can also be seen from the fact that the one who played the flute e.g. he was called a piper and not a musician, i.e. he was considered a simple performer. But after the separation of music from speech, language, which happened shortly after Plato, we see the use of the concept musician. This change was to be the birth of an autonomous art which, as mentioned above, was embedded within discourse.

The Pegasus mosaic, the three partitions dedicated to the Muses. On the left personification of Helikon and Boeotia. In the central larger one the 9 Muses and on the right, the Muse Calliope gives inspiration to Hesiod.

The muse Efterpi
Euterpi in Greek mythology was one of the Muses, the daughters of Memory, fathered by Zeus. Called the Giver of Pleasure, when later poets assigned roles to each of the Muses, she was the muse of Music. In later classical times she was called the muse of lyric poetry and was depicted holding a flute. Some claim that she invented the flute or double flute, although most mythographers credit Marsyas with its invention.

The name “Euterpi” comes from the adverb ευ (good, nice) and the verb terπεω/-ο (thank you).

Hats off to The Muses!

In classic mythology, a Muse was any of a number of sister goddesses: Aoede (song), Melete (meditation), Mneme (memory), and especially any of the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne who presided over the arts that are noted above on this page. Since then, the word muse has come to refer to just the nine daughters described above.
The word museum was in use in ancient Greece and Rome, where it referred especially to the scholarly institute founded in Alexandria about 280 BCE. It was absorbed into English early in the seventeenth century.
In the fourteenth century, as a verb the word muse meant to gaze meditatively or wonderingly, a meaning that’s now archaic. Archaically, in Middle English the word amuse meant to keep in expectation by flattery or pretense.
Since the fourteenth century, as a verb the word muse has come to mean to think silently, to meditate on, to gaze meditatively, and to comment thoughtfully. And in the modern world, the word amuse has come to mean to hold someone’s attention, please, entertain, divert, cause mirth, and to cause to pass the time agreeably.
It seems obvious that the various ideas, arts, concepts, emotions, and principles that the ancient Greek muses stand for inspired a number of derivative words, ancient and modern—words such as meditation, memory, muse, museum, and amuse.
Hats off to The Muses



I have not met in any other culture such an amazing example of moderation in our lives.
The “PYTHAGORAS CUP” or “cup of justice” built by the philosopher, mathematician, geometrician and music theorist aimed to propose and maintain the measure, the “metronariston”.
The “Mässcupen”, which dates from around the 6th century. p.m. X. , it is a masterpiece of the hydraulic engineering of the ancient Greeks, but also a means of teaching. In addition to limiting wine consumption through a “smart glass”, Pythagoras wanted to teach temperance and observance of measure. When the measure is exceeded, it is “hubris”, which results in the penalty of “tisis”.
All people should enjoy in moderation what is given to them without seeking more.
The ancients believed that a “ubris” usually provoked the intervention of the gods, especially Zeus, who would send the abuser “it”, i.e. blur, close the mind.
She in turn led the abuser to new abusers, which eventually provoked the “nemesin”, wrath and revenge ie of the gods, which brought with it “tisin”, ie his punishment and destruction.
This is how it works:
There is a line engraved inside, which defines the amount of wine. If the user does not exceed the limit, he can enjoy his “drink”. However, it takes one more drop to cross the line and then the glass is empty, spilling all the wine from its base.
Her mechanism:
In the center of the cup is a column that is placed above a tube leading to the bottom. As the glass is filled, the wine level inside the central column rises at the same time. When the fluid does not cross the defined line, no problem is created. But when the liquid crosses the boundary, its molecules pull each other down, resulting in the emptying of the cup.
The construction of Pythagoras. Pascal follows The laws developed centuries later for associated containers


PYTHAGORAS WAS the one who promoted science and philosophy in Greece and all over the world.
PYTHAGORAS SAMIOS, PHILOSOPHER and MATHEMATICIAN, according to information from other writers, because his DIKA writings were burned by religious people, was the son of MNISARHOS.

PYTHAGORAS, born in 570 BC. and murdered in 496 BC. at the age of 74, by the religious Kilon and his group.
They even made a legend about his death, according to which his pursuers located him in a field with broad beans, which PYTHAGORAS considered to produce poison and did not want to cross. (Indeed, the large eating of green beans (nitrogen production), leads to death in young children). PYTHAGORAS in “Transmigration and incarnation of ancestral spirit in descendants”) arrested the other members of the SCHOOL of PYTHAGORAS and killed them without trial. However, some of his students survived the murder and the most famous of them were ARCHIPPUS, PHILOLAUS, LYSIS and others. What these survivors later wrote and taught, from the philosophy of PYTHAGORAS, were destroyed by ancient theologians (twelve gods) and what remained in ALEXANDRIA-type libraries were destroyed by the Christian religious with the fires they set on the Greek libraries.
PYYTHAGORAS, as a politician and researcher, applied the democratic system of meritocracy of the “DEGREES of a closed circle of initiates”, which after about 2600 years and in our time, slowly but steadily, is promoted with the parties. In the political system of Pythagoras, in order to rise to merit in ranks, one had to prove that it is worthwhile over time and to believe in the rebirth of plants, animals and people in nature, through one’s own genealogy, as is today done by science. acceptable.

Pythagoras as a mathematician and researcher, because he considered himself to be his own reborn ancestor, sought through the knowledge of his ancient ancestors and the works of his ancestors, the WISDOM OF NATURE. He believed, like his ancient Achaean ancestors (as reborn), in the wisdom of nature and considered that it is expressed in very small (today, perhaps quanta, quartz), absolute numbers, multiples of the same number, which add nature and beings on earth and space. He called his theory “Number and Numbers”.

He also researched equilateral polyhedra and drew valuable conclusions from their multiplications, additions, subtractions and divisions.

He researched the “PENTALFA” that he had as an emblem in his school and found the “golden section”.

He researched the right triangle and found the famous law “the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of its two perpendicular sides” which solves a number of geometric problems and much more.

Pythagoras, as a physicist and researcher, discovered the laws of music in relation to the lengths of the strings of instruments, mainly the guitar, and determined the tones according to the length of the string.

Pythagoras, contrary to what many write, wrote many books, but because even the ancient religious people did not like what he wrote, nor did the modern Christians like it, they burned them, wherever they found them, with the result that today similar people claim religious, that Pythagoras did not write anything.

The “Secret” Isosceles Pentacle of the Pythagoreans

However, from the Greek dialect of the ancient Achaeans, where “number” means “A piece of welded material is not this element”, (but absolute and correct material that together with others makes sets of “Numbers”), we conclude that Pythagoras taught as the beginning of everything the UNIT and the “Perfect Sets”.

Also from Pythagoras’s theory of “Spirit Transmigration and Reincarnation” to offspring relatives, it emerges as evidence that he valued the family unimaginably, respected his family children as his ancestors but also as descendants of himself and loved the reborn as a whole, its people. He also believed that everyone’s children, whether from a formal marriage or from a concubine, should have the same rights as reborn offspring, and advocated the abolition of the concubine’s inferior position, which was not to the liking of the fascist politicians of his day.

Η «Μυστική» Ισοσκελής Πεντάλφα των Πυθαγορείων

Emblem of Pythagoras and by extension of the Pythagoreans was as above written the “ISOSKELI PENTALFA” of the Greek Achaean builders, which we also have as an EMBLEM of our first page, considering ourselves followers of the work of Pythagoras and to the belief in the “Incarnation and Reincarnation of the spirit” to offspring relatives, but also as a HONOR that we must pay to the MATERIAL wisdom of NATURE that we admire and believe.

The “isosceles pentacle” was the “GREAT” tool of the most ancient Greek Achaean builders. The “isosceles Pentalfa” was made by the Greek Achaeans with five ISOMIC long logs of about 30 points, which at their ends were angled at an angle of 18 degrees. Then they joined the ISOMIKI, five rods at the ends and thus formed the “Equilateral Pentacle”, as a tool of masons.

With the “Pentalfa” as a tool, the Greek masons (masons in Achaia) had all the necessary angles, in degrees.

The “Secret” Isosceles Pentacle of the Pythagoreans

They had the 36΄ degree angle at the outer corners of the “Pentalfa”, which angle of 36΄ degrees, multiplied by 10 made the 360΄ degrees of a Circle or instead divided the circle into 10 ISA degrees of 36΄ degrees each.
They had the 72΄ degree angle, in the “cross” interior (which 72΄ degree angle was also at the top of the pyramids).
They had the 108΄ degree angle at the cruciform exterior, (where 108΄ degrees is the roof angle of the Parthenon and the “Athenian treasure at Delphi”, as well as half of it 108/2 = 54΄ degrees angle is the horizontal ground angle to the side of the pyramids).
They had 180΄ degrees in the straight lines.
They had in “Pentalfa” the “Golden section” (perfect proportion of object construction) of the works of art, the bodies of animals and plants of NATURE, at the point of intersection on one of its sides, as intersected by the others, from beginning to end AD / ΑΓ = φ = ΑΓ / ΑΒ = φ, κτλ (of the Pythagorean school, the five fingers, the five splits of nerves in sexes).
The Greek masons (masons) had with a rope and weight, at the top of an outer corner, the knowledge of the “horizontal line”, the knowledge of the “vertical line in the horizontal line” and the knowledge of 90 degrees in the corners of their buildings, when the straight line of the weight rope, from the upper outer corner of “PENTALFA” intersected the top of the lower inner corner of “PENTALFA”.
They knew that the wall was built perpendicular to the ground. This happened when they were leaning the next corners of the “Pentalfa”, from that of the weight, on the wall, then the line of the weight, in a correct wall construction, is parallel to the outer side of the “PENTALFA”.
Later the UNEDUCATED RELIGIOUS people banned “PENTALFA” and the MASONS now use a by-product of it, “ALFAIDI”

Η «Μυστική» Ισοσκελής Πεντάλφα των Πυθαγορείων


“KNOW THOU-SELF” = “ΓΝΩΘΗ Σ ‘ΑΥΤΟΝ”- and you will know the UNIVERSE and the Gods. INSCRIPTION on the TEMPLE OF DELPHI………. Sleep, Dream and Ecstasy are the three gates open to the Beyond, from where they come to us the science of the soul and the art of divination. EVOLUTION IS THE LAW OF LIFE… NUMBER IS THE LAW OF UNIVERSE ..PYTHAGORAS


The 520 different proofs of the PYTHAGORAS THEOREM and the THREE  


The letters in the Greek language are NOT sterile SYMBOLS. UPRIGHT, UPSIDE DOWN, with special INTONATION, WERE the TOTAL of the 1620 SYMBOLS used in HARMONY (Mousike in New Greek). Their MOST important property is that EACH letter has a NUMERICAL  VALUE /AMOUNT, EACH LETTER IS A NUMBER, SO BY EXTENSION, EVERY WORD IS A NUMBER. 



The letters of the Greek alphabet in total were 33 as many as the vertebrae, the last 5 vertebrae (which play the role of the antenna) have a direct connection with the brain and correspond to the last 5 unspoken letters which only the priests knew* one of them it was Sostika (or Gammadion) which in Latin became swastika and the Nazis ..stole it and called it Swastika.

This symbol is of the life-giving Sun (Apollo), the Nazis reversed it to symbolize the opposite of the life-giving Sun, i.e. dark death
There were still some letters which over time were abolished such as Digamma (F), Coppa (Q), Stigma (S’), Sambi (ϡ)
Pythagoras informs us about the 3 levels of the Greek language which are the following: 1. Omilon 2. Signifier (a. sign, b. signified) 3. Crypton (a. intervals b. vibration c. lexarithm d. tonarithm)
– The first is speech
– The second is the relationship between the sign and the signified which we will analyze below
– The third is space (distance & time), vibration (which awakens the brain through eigenfrequencies from the created pulses
– Athena Pallas) the lexarithm (relationship of letters and words with numbers) and the tonarithm (relationship of letters and words with musical tones) Each letter corresponded to a number, but also to a musical tone so letter=number=tone (musical), which shows that in our language behind the letters-words there are numbers (lexarithms) and musical sounds (tonarithms).
The 4 sister sciences according to Pythagoras were: 1. Numbers (mathematics) 2. Shapes (Geometry) 3. Music (Harmony) 4. Astronomy
These sciences are interrelated and lie within each other like Russian baboons. Now combine the alphabet that encloses numbers and musical tones with these 4 sciences.
tip1: Astronomy= astar + law, a-star = that which is not supported, so astronomy= the universal laws that govern that which is not supported somewhere, which have to do with music (harmony), shapes (geometry) numbers (mathematics ) and all this with the Aether which surrounds the heavenly spheres.
tip 2: Pythagoras heard the harmony (music) of the heavenly Spheres
So we speak a language that has to do with the flow of the universe. The Greek language is the only one that can be used for PCs due to the mathematical and musicality not only of the Alphabet-words, but also of the mathematical concepts that are born e.g. the word THESIS becomes: synThesis, apThesis, kaThesis, hypoThesis, exposure, proThesis, preThesis, assignment, disThesis, antiThesis, etc., etc. if we now translate these words into English, they are completely unrelated to each other.


 “ΑΛΦΑ” (ALPHA, ‘Α’) = 1 +30 +500 +1 = 532 => 5 +3 +2 = 10 => 1 +0 = 1

“EN” (ONE) = 5 +50 = 55 => 5 +5 = 10 => 1 +0 = 1

“ΟΜΙΚΡΟΝ” (OMIKRON, ‘O’) = 70 +40 +10 +20 +100 +70 +50 =360, AS MANY, AS THE DEGREES OF THE CIRCLE. 






2) SIGNIFIER (a. signal, b. signified)

3) KRYPTON  (a. intervals, b. vibration, c.). 



-The FIRST is the speech.

-The SECOND is the relationship between the MARK and the signified which we will analyze BELOW. 






That the Alphabet cannot be copied from somewhere else is shown by the fact that in the years 2300 BC. (with studies by Tziropoulou and others and not 800 BC) Homer already has at his disposal 6,500,000 primary words (first person present & singular) which if we multiply them by X72 which are the calls, we will get a a huge number which is not the final one, because let’s not forget that the Greek language is not sterile, GENNA.
IF we now compare e.g. the English language which has 80,000 words of which 80% are Greek as the University of Wales informs us, and measure that this barren language evolves for 1000 years, we can easily draw the conclusion that Homer receives a language which has depth in the time 100,000 BC? 500,000 BC? Who knows…
HOWEVER, the absolute proof is its mathematicality itself, which does not exist in any other language on the planet. Let’s not forget that the Creator uses mathematics to create, so our language is necessarily related to the source (root-0/1).
But before “Krypton” there is “Meaning”, i.e. the connection of words with their meanings. They said earlier that foreign dialects were defined by agreement, that is, some agreed that such and such an object would be called “X”, which makes languages sterile, so they can’t give birth to new words, so there’s no mathematicality, so they can’t describe new ones concepts that exist in nature, with the result that since the brain cannot describe new concepts through the new words, it remains in the dark, so the neurons of the brain do not generate new ones in contrast to those who use Greek.
How could e.g. English or French or X, Y with a word that has 10 meanings to accurately and therefore clearly describe a deeper meaning? let alone the multiple sides of it? it can’t, so here’s why it all started here.
So the Sign is the connection of the sign with the signified, i.e. the word itself is created in such a way that it describes the meaning enclosed within it. Example: the naming of the word KARYON (Walnut) comes from an observation of nature (like all words), i.e. when two horned animals (rams, goats, etc.) collide with their horns, the “crack” is heard or “kar”, this sound gave the name “keras” (horn) the horn gave the name krata or kara (head) and its diminutive Karyon (small head).
The Carrion (nut) bears a striking resemblance to the human head and its interior with a brain. Y is the root of the verb ΙΟ (to rain) where there is Y there is a cavity (or convexity) i.e. it feminizes something, the rain (liquid element) enters (feminizes) the earth.
The musical-numerical alphabet creates musical-mathematical words which describe corresponding concepts, which come from the observation of the nature i.e. of Creation and therefore by extension of the Creator himself, but the question is how many millennia it might have taken to create this perfect mathematical complex where the letters are numbers and at the same time musical tones and the words i.e. the set of numbers and musical tones hide within them apart from complex musical harmonies, concepts which are not random at all but after extensive observation of nature?
Antisthenes therefore reminds us “The principle of wisdom is the visitation of names

he earliest numerical notation used by the Greeks was the Attic system. It employed the vertical stroke for a one, and symbols for“5”, “10”, “100”, “1000”, and “10,000”. Though there was some steam lining of its use. The (IONIAN)) Greek system of enumeration was a VERY SOPHISTICATED one, Like the ATTICA SYSTEM it was also DECIMAL Its distinguishing feature is that it was alphabetical and required the use of more than 27 different symbols for numbers plus a couple of other symbols for meaning. This made the system somewhat cumbersome to use. However, calculation lends itself to a great deal of skill within almost any system, the Greek system being no exception. ” Greek Enumeration and Basic Number Formation First, we note that the number symbols were the same as the letters of the Greek alphabet. symbol value symbol value symbol value ! 1 ” 10 # 100 $ 2 % 20 & 200 ‘ 3 ( 30 ) 300 * 4 + 40 , 400 – 5 . 50 / 500 6 0 60 1 600 2 7 3 70 4 700 5 8 6 80 7 800 8 9 90 900 where three additional characters, the (digamma), the (koppa), 1°c 2000, G. Donald Allen Greek Numbers and Arithmetic 2 and the (sampi) are used. Hence, &62 = 287 Larger Numbers Larger numbers were also available. The thousands, 1000 to 9000, were represented by placing adiacritical mark ! before a unit. Thus ! ‘&62 = 3287 In other sources we see the diacritical mark placed as a subscript before the unit. Thus ! ‘&62 = 3287 The uses of a M was used to represent numbers from 10,000 on up. Thus 9! = 50: 000 9″#&62 = 120: 287 Alternatively, depending on the history one reads 9 – = 50: 000 9!% ¢ &62 = 120: 287 Archimedes, in his book The Sand Reckoner, calculated the number of grains of sand to fill the universe”. This required him to develop an extention the power of Greek enumeration to include very large numbers. Fractions In the area of fractions, context was crucial for correctly reading a fraction. A diacritical mark was placed after the denominator of the (unit) fraction. So, $ ! = 1 2 ;<= +$ ! = 1 42 but this latter example could also mean 40 ! ” . More complex fractions could be written as well, with context again being important. The numerator was written with an overbar. Thus, .! 6* = 51 84 Numerous, similar, representations also have been used, with increasing sophistication over time. Indeed, Diophantus uses a fractional form identical to ours but with the numerator and denominator in reversed positions. 2The reader may ask, ”What universe?” It was the universe of Aristarchos the so called ‘ancient Copernicus’ because he proposed a sun centered universe with the earth and other planet orbiting it. More on this later. Greek Numbers and Arithmetic 3 # Calculation The arithmetic operations are complex in that so many symbols are used. However, as you can imagine, addition amounts to grouping and then carrying. For example 5+7= – + 2 = %$ = 12, not terribly unlike what we do. Multiplication was carried out using the distributive law. For example: &62 ¢ $ = (& + 6 + 2) £ $ = (200 + 80 + 7) £ 2 = 400 + 160 + 14 = 574 = /3* 

(ALPHA – ΑΛΦΑ = 1 + 30 + 500 + 1 = 532 => 5 + 3 + 2 = 10 => 1 + 0 = 1

EN = 5 + 50 = 55 => 5 + 5 = 10 => 1 + 0 = 1

OMIKRON – ΟΜΙΚΡΟΝ = 70 + 40 + 10 + 20 + 100 + 70 + 50 = 360, as there are degrees of the circle



A vast knowledge locked-coded into words because of mathematical values ​​they have. One of the pioneers on the matter was maximum Pythagoras.

The numbers, shapes, harmony and the stars have something in common, so respectively mathematics (numbers) geometry (shape), harmony (music) and astro-nomy (one star = a-choris- bracket + natural nomoipou govern ) were sisters sciences by Pythagoras, which in this series we discussed was the ladder to development (= ex -tou- helix, DNA) of mind-soul to the Creator.

A Creator who created based on these four disciplines. 27 symbols-figures in numerical value make up the Greek Alphabet, 3 groups of 9 numbers-symbols each group, totaling each group 45, 450, 4,500.
ALPHA = 1 + 30 + 500 + 1 = 532 => 5 + 3 + 2 = 10 => 1 + 0 = 1
EN = 5 + 50 = 55 => 5 + 5 = 10 => 1 + 0 = 1
OMIKRON = 70 + 40 + 10 + 20 + 100 + 70 + 50 = 360, as there are degrees of the circle

To be able to understand the meanings of the concepts of words of ancient Greek tongue should first know a little about the actual Greek language.

The ancient Greek language is the only one that is not based on the fact that some people just sit and agreed to call an object “x” or “y” as all other sterile world languages. The ancient Greek language is a MATHEMATICAL MASTERPIECE that wè`ll try to approach.

The beginning of everything is the same as the Ancient Greek alphabet (which of course we did not get it from someone else as we shall see, because factually not possible). The letters of the Greek alphabet as a whole was 33 and as many vertebrae, the last five vertebrae (playing the role of the antenna) directly related to the brain and corresponding to the last 5 ineffable letters which only the priests knew * one of them It was the right (or Gammadion) which in Latin became swstika and the Nazis stole and name Swastika. This symbol is the life-giving Sun (Apollo), the Nazis reversed it to symbolize the opposite of life-giving Sun, ie dark death.

There were also some letters which over time abolished as Digamma (F, Qoppa (Q), stigma (S ‘), Saba (ϡ)
Pythagoras inform us about the 3 levels of Greek language which are:

1. Talking
2. Signifier (a. Signal b. Signified)
3. caches (a. Time b. Vibration c. Lexarithmos d. Tonarithmos)
-The First is the speech
-The Second is the relationship between the mark and the signified that we will analyze below.
-The Third is the interval (distance & time), vibration (which awakens the brain through resonance frequencies of the created pulses  – Pallas Athena) the lexarithmos (relation of letters and words with numbers) and tonarithmos (relation of letters and words of tunes )

Each letter corresponding to a number, and a musical tone so letter = number = tone (musician), which shows that in our language behind letters-words are numbers (lexarithmoi) and musical sounds (tonarithmoi).

The four sisters sciences by Pythagoras were:
1. Numbers (mathematics)
2. Shapes (Geometry – γεωμετρια); from: geo+metria=earth measure, meter.
3. Music (Harmony)(nine muses..)
4. Astronomy (Astro+nomia from nomos=law)

The above sciences are interrelated with the Ancient Hellenic Language and are into each another like Russian bampouskes. Combine alphabet enclosing numbers and musical tones with these 4 disciplines.

1.Astronomia = + astir law, a-Justice = is not supported, so astronomy = the universal laws that govern what is not based somewhere, who have to do with music (harmony),shapes (geometry) numbers (mathematics ) and all the ether that surrounds the heavenly realms.

2. Pythagoras heard the harmony (music) of the celestial Spheres thus speak a language that has to do with the flow of the universe.


This theory:

1. Completely rejects the theorem that the Greek language came from another language (the so-called “Indo-European”!!!), since it is PROVEN to be the only NON-conventional language of the world. In other words, the only language where a relationship betweenthe “word” (as a form) and the “meaning of the word” is established.

2. Consequently, it is proven that Greek is the first and only created language of the human species which provided the basis for all “conventional” languages, as are all the other languages of the world (where there is no causative relationship between the form and the meaning). These other languages are a corrupt form of Greek.

3. This theory proves, without a doubt, that the alphabet was created by the Greeks so that the 24 or 27 code letters would aid in attributing the meanings of the Greek words (and only of these).

4. Comparatively, this theory shows that the symbols of the Phoenician writings and their nouns, e.g., “alef” = ox, “beth” = hut, “gimel = camel, etc., not only do not


ARISTARCHUS of SAMOS: & HIS HELIOCENTRIC SYSTEM ARISTARHUS was certainly both a mathematician and astronomer and he is most celebrated as the first to propose a sun-centred universe. He is also famed for his pioneering attempt to determine the sizes and distances of the sun and moon.There was a time when people thought that the earth was the center of the universe. Although Nicolaus COPERNICUS, who admited, that he just taken up from the three ONES!: ARISTARCHUS-PYTHAGORAS-ANAXIMANDER & he had great knowledge of ARCHIMEDES,like NOBODY of his medevial times!

BUT: Galileo Galilei got credit for this idea in the 1500’s, this theory was ACTUALY originated by the ANCIENT GREEK ASTRONOMER and MATHEMATICIAN known as ARISTARHUS of SAMOS. HERE`s MORE information about WHO was and his CONTRIBUTION to ASTRONOMY:Early Life of Aristarchus. Aristarchus of Samos was born approximate 310 B.C in an area known as Samos, Greece. There are historical records that show his formal education took place in Alexandria. He eventually became head of the Greek educational system at Lyceum in Greece.Sun is at the Center Aristarchus is known for his revolutionary astronomical hypothesis. It was Aristarchus who initially put forth a theory of the Sun and not the Earth being the fixed center of the universe. It was his belief the earth and the other planets actually moved around the sun. Aristarchus also provided a theory on stars being distant suns. He claimed they did not move, and the universe was much larger than others could imagine.Inspired by Philolaus of Croton. Aristarchus of Samos was inspired by the work of Philolaus of Croton, who put forth the idea that the cosmos existed because unlimited fire is found at the center of a cosmic sphere. This is the first person recognized as placing the other planets in their correct order as well as correct distance from the sun.Development of Hypothesis. The written book “On the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and Moon” is the only known work that Aristarchus wrote. When he had completed this, Aristarchus felt presenting it would have not have benefited him since it was a contradiction to the general consensus of the Greek scientific community. His book was based on the observations made during a lunar eclipse. He determined the Earth’s shadow was twice the diameter of the Moon’s shadow. Aristarchus did record the Sun and Moon being two degrees when measured for an angular diameter. He was also able to show the angular distance between the Moon and sun during the time of quarter moon as 87 degrees.Implications of this Theory. Many modern scientists believe the hypothesis put forth by Aristarchus had other interesting aspects to it beyond all the planets in the universe rotating around the sun. With the use of geometry, he determined the Sun may be as much as 20 times farther away from the earth than the moon. His figures were not as accurate as such calculations would be by future astronomers. Aristarchus did use a sound geometric method for his calculations. This was the correct way to make such a determination. It was using this method that made more sophisticated and accurate celestial calculations possible.Aristarchus of Samos died in circa 230 B.C. He is recognized by most astronomers as someone who was advanced in his thinking and ideas for the time when he lived. Aristarchus of Samos did not get much recognition during his life for his work but he did achieve credit later on.The GREEKS SHOULD NEVER LEARN that: DEMOCRITUS , PYTHAGORAS, HERACLEITOS completely formulated the theory of NUCLEAR PHYSICS and SPECIAL RELATIVITY, unifying into single MATHEMATICAL, formulas, as ELECTRICITY, GRAVITY, MAGNETISM, ASTRONOMY, and the Weak Currents of NUCLEAR ATOMS.The Greeks MUST NEVER LEARN that: the ASTRONOMERS – MATHEMATICIANS: EUDOXUS, CALLIPOS , ARISTARCHOS, ANAXIMANDROS, EUKLIDES, ARCHIMEDES, CONON, HIPPARCHUS, CLEOMEDES, APOLLONIOS, PTOLEMY, THEON, HYPATIA, PAPPUS, had EXHAUSTED the LIMITS of human INTELLIGENCE by solving MENTALY WITHOUT GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION equations of 12 unknowns (twelve equations twelve unknowns) while the limit of today’s computers is “7 equations 7 unknowns”. Because the THIEVES of ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE, AS: – KEPLER, GALILEO, COPERNICUS etc. MUST be SHOWN!! …The GREEKS SHOULD NOT KNOW that: the ENGINEERS – TECHNICIANS: EUPALINOS, SOSTRATOS, HERON, ZOSIMOS, KALLINIKOS, manufactured TOPOGRAPHIC instruments for TRIGONOMETRIC SURVEYING, AUTOMATIC mechanisms and instruments for ELECTRICAL applications, because the SWINDLER EDISON MUST be SHOWN as the INVENTOR of … ELECTRICITY, ALTHOUGH the above GREEK ENGINEERS used the ELECTRON (AMBER) as a NATURAL ACCUMULATOR of STATIC ELECTRICITY in technical applications…The Greeks MUST NOT KNOW that: the GEOGRAPHERS – EXPLORERS SKYLAX, PYTHEAS, EUDOXUS, STRABON, PAUSANIAS, COSMAS the INDIKOPLEISTIS, HECATAEUS, had mapped the ENTIRE surface of the planet, because there is a danger that the Greeks will learn that ATLANTIS and the AMERICAN CONTINENT belonged administratively in DELPHI, while Asia belonged administratively to SARDIS, with the central coordinator being the APOLLONIAN Center of DELOS, to which the Transborean Greeks (Northern Siberia) sent as a token of recognition “every year, choice grain”, through the Greek ARIMASPAS and ISSIDONES and MASSAGESTAEof Central and Southern SIBERIA.The Greeks should not know that the Greek DOCTORS, GALENOS, CELSIUS, HERACLIDES, HEROPHILUS, PRAXAGORAS, AGNODIKIS, KTIRIAS, HIPPOCRATES, ERIVIOTIS, carried out “balancing electromagnetic fluids of the body” treatments by regulating the alkalinity and acidity of the organs. That they were making cures using “left-handed amino acids” (antibiotics) obtained from plants, fully knowing that only recently did molecular biology discover the action-reaction of left-handed amino acids (antibiotics) with right-handed amino acids (organism proteins).The Greeks must not learn that the symbols “LEFT-CROWNED SWASTIKA” and “RIGHT-CROWNED SWASTIKA” were SYMBOLS of PHYSICS and MATHEMATICS, by which the Greeks PYTHAGORAS and DEMOCRITUS and ARISTARCHOS expressed right-handed and left-handed nuclei of atoms, planets, solar systems, galaxies and cosmic domains clusters of galaxies.2500 years ago HIPPOCRATES performed brain and heart surgery…Despite the almost non-existent means of his time, HIPPOCRATES performed difficult surgeries. He and his students successfully treated orthopedic, cardiac and basic surgery cases. HIPPOCRATES even performed operations on the human skull, as we read in several of his works… In addition to the operation itself, HIPPOCRATES attached great importance to the preparation of the patient and the operating room.In the work Kat’iatreion, he describes in detail how the patient should be prepared before the operation, how the tools are sterilized, how the space is shaped, but also how artificial and natural light is used during the operation…American archaeobotanists were able for the first time to study and analyze the contents of pills made by doctors in ancient Greece and which were discovered 20 years ago, in a Greek shipwreck off the coast of Tuscany…DNA analyzes showed that each pill was a mixture of at least ten different plant extracts, including hibiscus and celery. “For the first time, we now have physical evidence of what is contained in the writings of the ancient Greek physicians DIOSCORIDIS and GALENOS,” said ALLEN TWOWAY of the SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION’s NATIONAL Museum of NATURAL HISTORY in WASHINGTON , according to New Scientist..Apostle ORPHEUS” ETYMOLOGY OF the NAME ROOT:ÁRISTOS ARKHḖ / ÁRKHŌ > ARÍSTARCHOS NATIVE ETYMOLOGIC NAME ROOT: GREEK; ÁRISTOS (ἌΡῘΣΤΟΣ=NOBLIEST) ARKHḖ (Ᾰ̓ΡΧΉ) ÁRKHŌ (ἌΡΧΩ) ARÍSTARKHOS (ἈΡΊΣΤΑΡΧΟΣ)MEANING: This name derives from the Ancient Greek name “Arístarkhos (Ἀρίσταρχος)”, composed of two elements: “áristos (ἄρῐστος)” (best, better, excellent, first-rate, thorough) plus “arkhḗ (ᾰ̓ρχή) árkhō (ἄρχω)” (beginning, origin, sovereignty, dominion, authority). In turn the name means “the perfect source, the right origin”. 1) Aristarchus of Samos (~310–230 BC) was an ancient Greek astronomer and mathematician who presented the first known model that placed the Sun at the center of the known universe with the Earth revolving around it. 2) Aristarchus of Samothrace (~220–143 BC) was a grammarian noted as the most influential of all scholars of Homeric poetry. He was the librarian of the library of Alexandria.But humanity is not going to be carried in its entirety to Greece to see the works of the ancestors. There are many more people who go to Museums all over the world and see what is on display there. And the works of our ancestors there are our best ambassadors. Greece lives in the Museums of the whole world, it sends a daily message to all people, it does not let them forget us.
The declarations of support for our current sufferings are not only due to the History lesson that is taught in all the schools of the world. It is also due to the great Greek works that silently and majestically send the message to humanity: “here you see a great civilization”. Personally, I am happy that the works of the ancestors are scattered in Museums all over the world and they send this great message to all peoples. And I am also happy that they can be seen and enjoyed by millions of people who will never travel to Greece.
Number of visitors to Museums with Greek exhibits in 2012:

Louvre: 9,720,000
Metropolitan Museum of New York: 6,115,887
British Museum: 5,575,946
Pergamon Museum: 1,410,000
Art History Museum, Vienna: 703.588.
Acropolis Museum: 1.020.462…PLYS>…GETY…HERMITAGE..




Whenever Pythagoras was going to penetrate the underground abodes of the gods and stay there for some time (!!), he used, most of the time, foods that quench hunger and thirst, “alima” and “adipsa”.

Against hunger, he prepared a diet of poppy seeds, sesame seeds, silla skin, thoroughly washed until it was clean of the liquid on it, daffodil stalks (or flowers), mallow leaves, coarsely ground flour (pligouri), barley and chickpeas, all in equal quantities, pounded, which he mixed with Ymittos honey.

For thirst, she made a mixture of water-gourd seed (or cucumber seed), soft pitted raisin, coriander flower, mallow seed as for anti-hunger food, and anthrakla, grated cheese, very fine flour, cream, and he mixed it all with island honey.

This recipe, he said, was learned by Heracles from Demeter, when she sent him to arid Libya. So this is why his mouth was always kept in the same condition, as if he controlled it with a spirit level, without being sometimes healthy and sometimes sick, or sometimes fattening and bulging, and sometimes thinning and emaciating.

And in his countenance was always reflected the same disposition of mind,’ for he neither overflowed with pleasure nor withered with sorrow, and neither joy nor sorrow seemed to possess him, and neither laugh nor cry was ever seen by any one.

The sacrifices he offered to the gods were always well received, for he knew how to propitiate them with wheat flour, pies, frankincense, and fragrant sweet wine, and as for living animals, little, if we excepted hens
and the tender piglets that he sometimes sacrificed. Once he also sacrificed an ox, but made of dough, as the most informed historians inform us.

It was then that he discovered that the square of the hypotenuse of a right-angled “triangle” is equal to the sum of the “squares” of the two perpendicular sides that contain it! And what he said to those who watched him were exhortations, which he either elaborated thoroughly or said in the form of “symbols”.

Pythagorean bios, Porphyrios, KATARTI publications 2001

Photo Bust of PYTHAGORAS in the Town Hall of PYTHAGORAS, SAMOS


The first prominent modern vegetarian was the Greek philosopher Pythagoras who lived towards the end of the 6th century BC. The Pythagorean diet came to mean an avoidance of the flesh of slaughtered animals. Pythagorean ethics first became a philosophical morality between 490-430 BC with a desire to create a universal and absolute law including injunctions not to kill “living creatures,” to abstain from “harsh-sounding bloodshed,” in particular animal sacrifice, and “never to eat meat.”

The diet followed Pythagoras was lacto vegetarian, ie eat: Fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts, legumes and dairy minimally, in order from the largest to the smallest amount. Said that one should not eat the factors together with the output (eg chicken and egg) and avoid almost all generally seafood. Cereals were the basis of the diet of the Golden Age of people like Hesiod tells us in his “Works and Days” and the staple food of the Pythagoreans. “For lunch the Pythagoreans used only bread (with yeast) and honey” (Iamblichus, “On Long Pythagoras”, par 97).

Hippocrates was talking about balance: “The thing that maintains health within the body is equitable distribution and precise mixing of the forces (= fairness) of dry, liquid, cold, sweet, bitter, sour and salty. The illness is caused by the prevalence of one (= monarch). Treatment is achieved by restoring the disturbed balance, using the opposite of excess force”. The exact mixing, equality, symmetry, harmony are the basis of the dogmas of the Pythagoreans and of Hippocrates.

Hippocrates writes: “Within the man there are bitter, salty, sweet, and sour, and the astringent… and when these ingredients are blended and bonded together, neither is shown, nor is affecting humans. But when one of them separates itself and left alone the damage appears”.

Back in the 4th century BC, Hippocrates taught through the famous aphorism that “Let your medications be your food and let your food be your medicine. ” After 2.500 years, many modern scientific bodies following studies and experimentations begin to recognize that this amazing physician-philosopher from Kos was actually right.

Indeed, food, especially locally grown and sourced produce, boasts amazing healing properties! Every fruit and vegetable has a certain pattern that resembles a body organ, this pattern acts as a signal or sign as to that fruit or vegetable’s benefit to us.

For example:

Nuts: Brain
The folds and wrinkles of a walnut bring to mind the brain. The shape of the nut even approximates the body part, looking like it has left and right hemispheres. Wanuts have a very high content of omega-3 fatty acids, which help support brain function and vitamin E which help prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s

Carrot: Eye
Slice a carrot in half crosswise and it’s easy to see that the veggie resembles an eye—look closely and you’ll even notice a pattern of radiating lines that mimic the pupil and iris. And the old wives’ tale is true: Munching on carrots will actually promote healthy eyes. “Carrots are filled with vitamins and antioxidants, like beta-carotene, that decrease the chance of macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss in older people,” says Sasson Moulavi, MD, medical director of Smart for Life Weight Management Centers in Boca Raton, Florida.

Red Beans: Kidney
Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function—and they look exactly like human kidneys.

Celery: Bone
Long, lean stalks of celery look just like bones—and they’re good for them, too. “Celery is a great source of silicon, which is part of the molecular structure that gives bones their strength,” says Dr. Moulavi. Another funny bone coincidence: “Bones are 23 percent sodium, and so is celery,” reports Avellino.

Avocados: Uterus
The lightbulb shape of an avocado looks like a uterus, and it supports reproductive health as well. “Avocados are a good source of folic acid,” says Elizabeth Somer, registered dietician and author of Eat Your Way to Happiness. “Folate has been found to reduce the risk for cervical dysplasia, which is a precancerous condition.”

Grapefruit: Breast
The similarity between round citrus fruits––like lemons and grapefruit––and breasts may be more than coincidental. “Grapefruit contains substances called limonoids, which have been shown to inhibit the development of cancer in lab animals and in human breast cells,” says Dr. Moulavi.

Tomato: Heart
Slice open a tomato and you’ll notice the red veggie has multiple chambers that resemble the structure of a heart. “Studies have found that because of the lycopene in tomatoes, there is a reduced risk for heart disease in men and women who eat them,” says Somer. And, she adds, if you mix them with a little fat, like olive oil or avocado, it will boost your body’s lycopene absorption nearly tenfold.

Ginger: Stomach
Anyone who’s ever reached for a glass of ginger ale when they’ve had a stomachache knows about the antinausea effects of ginger. So it’s fitting that the herb somewhat resembles the digestive organ. According to Dr. Moulavi, “gingerol, which is the ingredient responsible for ginger’s pungent scent and taste, is listed in the USDA database of phytochemicals as having the ability to prevent nausea and vomiting.”

Sweet Potatoes: Pancreas
The oblong sweet potato bears a strong resemblance to the pancreas, and also promotes healthy function in the organ. “Sweet potatoes are high in beta-carotene, which is a potent antioxidant that protects all tissues of the body, including the pancreas, from damage associated with cancer or aging,” says Somer.

Figs: Male Sperm
Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the mobility of male sperm and increase the numbers of Sperm as well to overcome male sterility.

Mushroom: Ear
Slice a Mushroom in half and it resembles a human ear. Mushrooms have been found to improve hearing, as mushrooms are one of the few foods that contain vitamin D. This particular vitamin is important for healthy bones, even the tiny ones in the ear that transmit sound to the brain.

Grapes: Lungs
Our lungs are made up of branches of ever-smaller airways that finish up with tiny bunches of tissue called alveoli. These structures, which resemble bunches of Grapes, allow oxygen to pass from the lungs to the blood stream. A diet high in fresh fruit, such as grapes, has been shown to reduce the risk of lung cancer and emphysema. Grape seeds also contain a chemical called proa


2,500 years of musical temperaments
Dialogue between humans and nature

José Rodríguez Alvira

Pythagorean Tuning

Attributed to Pythagoras (ca. 569 BC – ca. 475 BC), it is the first documented tuning system.

Pythagoras calculated the mathematical ratios of intervals using an instrument called the monochord. He divided a string into two equal parts and then compared the sound produced by the half part with the sound produced by the whole string. An octave interval was produced:

Thus concludes that the octave mathematical ratio is 2 to 1.

By dividing the string into 3 equal parts and vibrating 2 of these parts we obtain the fifth interval:

Thus concludes that the fifth mathematical ratio is 3 to 2.

By dividing the string into 4 equal parts and vibrating 3 of these parts we obtain the fourth interval:

Thus concludes that the fourth mathematical ratio is 4 to 3.

Using this method Pythagoras calculates the same ratios we calculated using the harmonics series.

Scale Construction

From a C, we will build a major scale according to the Pythagorean tuning. We first calculate the fifth by multiplying the frequency of C by 3/2 (fifth size):

To multiply a number by a fraction we multiply by the numerator (top number) and then divide by the denominator (bottom number).
G = 261 x 3 / 2.

From G we calculate D by dividing the frequency of G by 4/3 (quarter size):

To divide a number by a fraction we multiply by the denominator (bottom number) and then divide by the numerator (top number).
Re = 392 x 3 / 4.

Now A (D x 3/2):

Then E (A divided by 4/3):

Now B (E x 3/2):

F equals C x 4/3 and C5 is C4 x 2:

Pythagorean tuning remains in use until the Renaissance, what leads us to seek a new tuning system?

The mathematical ratio of the major third in the harmonic series is 5/4 or 1.25, what is the ratio of the third in the Pythagorean scale? Dividing the frequency of E (330) by C (261) we realize that this third is larger than the third in the harmonic series:

330 ÷ 261 = 1.2643678161

Pythagorean tuning was effective when the commonly used harmonic intervals were the octave, fifth and fourth. With the increasing use of thirds during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the Pythagorean third was no longer acceptable to many ears. This leads us to seek new tuning systems …

95% of illnesses, perishing with the PYTHAGORIAN diet

 Few words About the Pythagorean Nutrition.

 HIPPOCRATES: “What keeps health is equitable distribution and precise mixing within the body forces (= egalitarianism) of dry, liquid, cold, sweet, bitter, sour and salty.Illness caused by the predominance of one (= monarchy). Treatment is accomplished by restoring the disturbed balance, the method of the opposite of excess power. “

Those perceptions were found intact in Hippocrates. (The exact mix, equality before the law, symmetry, harmony, are the basis of the doctrines of Pythagoras and Hippocrates. And here, as we will see, we are amazed by the law of proportionality!). 


And the Vegetarian Noutrition

SAMOS is the birth place of Pythagoras (Πυθαγορας) 570 – c. 496 BC) was an Ionian Greek philosopher, mathematician, botanist,  and founder of the religious movement called Pythagoreanism. Most of the information about Pythagoras was written down centuries after he lived, so very little information is known about him. He was born on the island of Samos. Around 530 BC, he moved to Croton, in Magna Graecia (nowdays south Italy). His followers pursued the religious rites, (which had only Philosophical concept, praising the Nature) and practices developed by Pythagoras and studied his philosophical theories. The society took an active role in the politics of Croton but this eventually led to their downfall. Pythagorean meeting-places were burned and Pythagoras was forced to flee the city. He died in Metapontion in south east Italy at 496 B.C..
Pythagoras made influential contributions to philosophy and religion in the late 6th century BC. He is often revered as a great mathematician, mystic, and scientist and is best known for the Pythagorean theorem which bears his name. However, because legend and obfuscation cloud his work even more than that of the other pre-Socratic philosophers, one can give only a tentative account of his teachings, and some have questioned whether he contributed much to mathematics or natural philosophy. Many of the accomplishments credited to Pythagoras may actually have been accomplishments of his colleagues and successors. Whether or not his disciples believed that everything was related to mathematics and that numbers were the ultimate reality is unknown. It was said that he was the first man to call himself a philosopher, or lover of wisdom and Pythagorean ideas exercised a marked influence on Plato, and through him, all of West

Those perceptions were found intact in Hippocrates. (The exact mix, equality before the law, symmetry, harmony, are the basis of the doctrines of Pythagoras and Hippocrates. And here, as we will see, we are amazed by the law of proportionality!). 

95% of illnesses, perishing with the PYTHAGORIAN diet

And the Vegetarian Noutrition

Those perceptions were found intact in Hippocrates. (The exact mix, equality before the law, symmetry, harmony, are the basis of the doctrines of Pythagoras and Hippocrates. 12/10/t-95.html


  Wallnut  looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper and lower brain and cerebellum. Walnuts help brain development and brain function. Wallnut in greek:-Karyon – (Synonym to Cephalos) = Head refering to the Brain..Here: Kara = beloved (Doric dialect – Homer – later cara into Latin, cherie in French, kära in Swedish etc.) Karyatis means the female statue, which is support of the roof,  of the Erechthion, in  Parthernon of Acropolis of Athens, or other Hellenic Temples (Both Doric, Ionic, Corinthian) in main land Midle East, Minor Asia (Ionic style)



The Red Beans: really can heal and help maintain proper kidney function they look exactly like the human kidneys.


slice carrot eye

Carrots greatly enhance blood flow to the eyes and enhance overall functioning of the eyes.



Celery: like bones. Celery is specifically aimed at strengthening and bone strength. Foods with sodium, such as celery feeds necessary, skeletal body needs.



Avocado: aimed to health and proper functioning of the womb and cervix of the woman’s uterus. Avocados help female hormones to come into equilibrium, shed unwanted weight after birth and preventing cervical


katalogos 32

 Figs: replace the testes and are full of seeds and hang in pairs, when they grow up. Figs increase the mobility of male (+) sperm cells and increases the number of spermatozoa for help to overcome male sterility.



 The mushroom: Mushrooms can help improve hearing, as yet, mushrooms are one of the few foods contain vitamin D. Vitamin D is important for healthy bone, which strengthens even tiny bones inside the ear that transmit sound to the brain.



 Grapes: A diet high in fresh fruits, such as grapes, has been shown to reduce the risk of lung cancer and emphysema. The grape seeds also contain a chemical called proanthocyanidin, which seems to reduce the severity of allergic asthma.



 Ginger (Ginger): One of the biggest advantages is aiding digestion, and is also a popular treatment for motor problems-diseases.



Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes look like the pancreas and actually bring balance the glycemic index of diabetics.



Onions: They help the cells to get rid of toxins. Also, when cut, producetears, cleaning eye epithelial cells.Garlic: It helps to remove waste materials and dangerous free radicalsfrom the body.



THE LEMON: is a miracle products to kill cancer cells. IS 10000 TIMES STRONGER THAN THE CHEMOTHERAPY & CANCER TESTED IN ALL FORMS. IN ADDITION TO CONSIDER AS AN AGENT antimicrobial IN ADDITION TO CONSIDER AS AN AGENT antimicrobial LARGE SPECTRUM, against infections of bacteria and tumors, CAPABLE TO COMBAT THE INTERIOR AND PEST worms, set the HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE IS antidepressants and combats ANXIETY DISORDERS AND NEFRIKES. Lemon juice contains vitamin C, sugars, carbohydrates, proteins and mineral salts (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium and silicon) while the peel refreshing essential oil. Also, the lemon is rich in flavones, antioxidants valuable in therapy. Lemon is excellent antibacterial, disinfectant, antiseptic and astringent, it is considered that helps control uric acid, prevents thrombosis of arteries and veins and accumulation of salts. Lemon because it activates the immune system (increasing white blood cells) is considered excellent hemostatic….

Living Arts – Bird of Paradise – Art on Silk & Titan – ttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=interiorigin

Living Arts – Art on Silk & Titan – ttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query= interiorigin



A..part of the Show-room
of Bird of Paradise in StockholmPhotos by the master Woody Ochnio

“Bird of Paradise” Wearable Art since 1982 – Art on Silk & Titan

Raw Silk & old Ikat from Suba Island – Indonesia
from “Bird of Paradise”, Sewn by Rose-Marie Schönros
Modell: Rose-Marie
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Studio & Work Shop 1987 at Rensiarnansgatan Södermalm /Stockhom

“Odyseus & Gorgona” Eco colours – washproof on 8″ japonee silk From the 1989(October) “Art on Silk & Titan” Kulturhuset Stockholm. (Saatchi & Saachi Galery)
www.konstantin living arts

“Cloudy Dreams” from “Art on Silk & Titan” – with Eco-Silk pigments – washproof – on 8″ Japonee`Silk
Photo: Konstantin
at KKV Konstnärernas Kollektivverkstad i Nacka.

No photo description available.

“Cosmic Power”
Hand painted in 8″ Japonee silk with Eco-colours
by Konstantin Schönros
Photo: Konstantin

No photo description available.

“Fuji” Handmade in Titanium, Gold & silver by 

Functional Wearable Art.com

Identical Amonite Fossil Block Batique by Konstantin & Rose-Marie on various Silk garments (here: on Japoneé 8″ , Satin & Dupunione Silk (“Art on Silk & Titan”) -1982

Bildresultat för konstantin schönros

Rose-Marie at the “Bird of Paradise” workshop in Stockholm -88

“Optical Line”

Rose-Marie Samuelsson-chönros & Kary Lasch himself
Photo:Kary Lasch
www.euphoriatric.com/living arts

— at Strandväden Kary Lasch Art Place.

Gold mask(18 carats), Silver Titanium & Silk Fossile-Block Batique
Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 1 person, text

Owe Sandström & Rose-Rosemarie Schönros
Photo: Press

Padded Batik-Jackets-85
Choreographer Roy Barrows & Rose-Marie
Photo: Press

Rose-marie in Paris

Photo: Michael Klazskow

Rose-Marie in Younger Days!
Photo: Kary Lasch

Rose-Marie Samuelsson-chönros & Kary Lasch himself
Photo:Kary Lasch

www.euphoriatric.com/living arts

— at Strandväden Kary Lasch Art Place.

Image may contain: Rosemarie Schönros
Image may contain: 1 person, closeup
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing, shoes and indoor

Rose-Marie &Marie-Louise Nordlund-Baxter  1982

Kary Lasch & Rosie to the..left

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling

Kary Lasch & Rose-Marie in “Antlantic”

“Art on Silk & Titan” October November -89
Konstantin & RoseMarie
Photo. Ann Andren

Image may contain: Konstantin Schönros and Rosemarie Schönros, people smiling, hat

Functional wearable art from Bird of Paradise – Divine Creations
Here: Block Amonite Fossile batique on Dupunioni & 8″ japonee silk at late 80`s
Natural(ECO) pigments Designed & Handmade by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros
Modell: Rose-Marie
Photo: Kary Lasch

Rose-Marie modelling for the image of the Fifties

Photo: Jörgen Reimer

Image may contain: 1 person


Photo: Jörgen ReimerKonstantin Dressed in Silk Anorac jacket
Bali residence -85 (Golden Village)
Photo: Rosi (for Italian magazine)

Lurex collection Fall – 1986 – Bali from Bird of Paradise – Divine Creations (Functional Wearable Art 1982)           

Modell: Ati / Photo: Konstantin

KULTURHUSET: OCTOBER 1989 – “ART ON SILK & TITAN” by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros
Photo: Ann Andren

City Hall Stockholm -84
Shiffon Silk Dress
Hand made by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros (“Bird of Paradise”) with Eco colours.
Modell: Rose-Marie

City Hall Stockholm -84
Japonee Silk “salopette pilote”
Hand made by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros (“Bird of Paradise”) with Eco colours.
Modell: Rose-Marie
Photo: Konstantin

Rose-Marie at the Bird of Paradise Studio -88
Photo: Konstantin

Modell: Anne
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 1 person

“Optical Line” Art on Silk & Titan” by “Bird of Paradise” – Divine Creations- Hand made by Rose- Marie & Konstantin (Living Arts Batique)
Eco Colours –19 88
Modell: Rose-Marie
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Silk overall & Anorac Jacket(padded with Silk Japone) from Bird of Paradise – Schönros Original -84
Modell: Rose-Marie
Photo: Woody Ocmnio

Silk overall & Anorac Jacket from Bird of Paradise – Schönros Original -84
Modell: Rose-Marie
Photo:Konstantin Silk overall & Anorac Jacket from Bird of Paradise – Schönros Original -84
Modell: Rose-Marie

-88, 89 & -91
Modells: Tame & Rose-Marie
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Silk overall “Bird of Paradise”-87 / Modell: Rose-Marie /Photo: Woody Ochnio

Lahman’s Trikot in “Bamboo Batik” /Fashion Show 1992
Modells: Tony & Monika

Woody Ochnio

Wearable Art -88-2001, from “Bird of Paradise”-Divine Creations
Hand made by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros -on 3 different kind of natural silk (Dupioni japonee & Crepe satin)
Fossile (Amonite)-Block Batique
Modells: Rosie (Rose-Marie) & Tame
Photo: Woody Ochnio

“art on Silk & Titan/from “Bird of Paradise-Divine Creations(since 1982)
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 1 person

Artitan (Titan, Gold & Silver)
Modell: Konstantin
Photo: Woody Ochni

Konstantin & Rosemarie
Relaxing outside the work shop of “Bird of Paradise” – Divine Creations in Santorini -83
Photo: Press

Mixed famify photos…up to the Right: Konstantin & Rosie
in their favorate Tavern in Santorini -83
Up to the left: Rosemarie at the summer house of the parents of Konstantin – down Adonis looking for ..something at his moms chest….middle right relaxing in Bali Safari –
Down to the right Konstantin, adonis & Rosie in Xylokastro beach -85 

Santorini -83..thirsty Konstantin & Safari

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, text

Photo: Woody Ochnio

Konstantin & Rose-Marie /up to the Right – Just Maried in Traditional Japaneese Silk Kimonos – 83! ( five days home & then Back to Santorini & Bird of Paradise!)
Photo: Antony Struwer

Ann in “Optical LineB”/Titan & Platina

Golden mask(18 carats), Silver Titanium & Silk Fossile-Block Batique
Mod:Viktoria Sokolov.

“Titan vision” by Konstantin Schönros
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 1 person

more Titan image

Mod: Viktoria Sokolov.
Photo: Woody Ochnio 

Image may contain: 1 person, closeup

“Fire Bird” in Titanium & Fossil Block-Batique
Modell: Victoria
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: Rosemarie Schönros, smiling, closeup

Marmoring Batique -87, -88, 89 Wearable Art by “Bird of Paradise”
Modells: Mirjam, Rose-Marie, Peter, Åsa , Konstantin, Tame ,Tomy
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Mia & Adonis in Silk handpainted jackets

Fall -87..block batique from “Bird of Paradise”
Modells: Standing: Peter, Åsa & Konstantin(down)
front: Tomy & Tame
Photo: Woody Ochnio

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-34-677x1024.png
Image may contain: 3 people

“Bird of Paradise” – Divine Creations
From the left: Gabriella, Konstantin, Åsa, Tame & Tommy
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Ethnic gang!
From the Left: Konstantin, Tomy & Tame on ANTIQUE Wild -Java Silk Block Batique
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Up to the left: 3 different Silk collage – batique with organic colours – crepe de chine, laces, japomeè; bottoms made by titanium(blue) Hand made by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros – “Bird of Paradise” “Living Art” & “Functional wearable art” collection…NOT for the BIG market….of course!! (1988) Photo: Konstantin

Rose-Marie in younger days
Photo: Kary Lasch

Ann Posing in Swedish “Lahmans Trikot”
in “Bamboo”- Batique by Konstantin & Rose-Marie Schönros,
with eco-pigments -91 “Bird of Paradise”
“Wearable Art”
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Ewa-Lena Posing in Swedish “Lahmans Trikot”
in “Bamboo”- Batique by Konstantin & Rose-Marie Schönros,
with eco-pigments -91 “Bird of Paradise”
Photo: Woody Ochnio
www.euphoriatric.com/living ar

Ewa-Lena Posing in Swedish “Lahmans Trikot”
in “Bamboo”- Batique by Konstantin & Rose-Marie Schönros,
with eco-pigments -91 “Bird of Paradise”
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Having a break /Photo: Woody Ochnio

Myriam dressed in batik & Titan
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Lahman’s Trikot in “Bamboo Batik” /Fashion Show 1992
Modells: Tony & Monika
Photo: Woody Ochnio

The well-known – at -80`Tony Johansson dressed in Titanium armour Silver Tie (Saatchi & Saatchi.art/schönros) –  
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Gabriella at the release party
of Staffan Hildenbrandt film
“Ingen kan älska, som vi”,
at her place (-88)
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting

Upp from the Left: 

Upp from the left: Peter,Åsa & Konstantin sitting Front: Tommy & Tame
Designed & Hand made by Konstantin & Rose-Marie Schönros.
Photo: WoodyOchnio

Image may contain: 4 people, including Konstantin Schönros, people sitting and shoes

All dressed in Silk batik – works by Rose-Marie & Konstantin /Functional wearable art
Modells – from the left: Gabriella, Konstantin, Åsa, Tame & Tommy
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 2 people, including Konstantin Schönros, people standingLiving ARTS on Silk & Titan
Modells: Tony & Monica
Designed & Hand made by Konstantin & Rose-Marie Schönros.
Photo:; Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: one or more people and people standing

Raw silk & Old iIKAT from Java Poncho & Shirt -87

Modell: Rose-Marie

Photo: Woody Ochnio


Rose-Marie photographed by Victor Arimondi

Portret of R-Marie by Victor Arimondi)-1981

Portret of R-Marie by Victor Arimondi)-1981

Rose-Marie at "Relax" --80(victor-Arimondi)

Rose-Marie at “Relax” –80(victor-Arimondi)

An-other-portret of Rose-Marie by Victor Arimondi -1980

An-other-portret of Rose-Marie by Victor Arimondi -1980

Rose-Marie "Innocent-80"-Photo: -Victor Arimondi

Rose-Marie “Innocent-80”-Photo: -Victor Arimondi

"Medea" Rose-Marie Photo:(Victor-Arimondi) -80

50`s Nostalgy
Photo: J.Shäffer

Image may contain: 1 person

MSH Modell Angency
RoseRosemarie Schönros
Photo: Tony Landberg

Rose-Marie in Younger Days!
Photo: Kary LaschRose-Marie
Photo: Kary Lasch

Image may contain: 1 person
Image may contain: 2 people

Photo: Kary Lasch

Image may contain: 3 people
No photo description available.
No photo description available.

Rose-Marie Samuelsson-SchönrosPhoto: Kary Lasch 

Kary Lasch the human & not only master of Photography, but great comedian, as well! P.I.P Kary!

Image may contain: 1 person

Antlantic -81
Rose-Marie Samuelsson – Schönros photographed by Kary Lasch (photo to the lift)
Photo: Kary Lasch

Rose-Marie Schönros -81
Photo: Kary Lasch

Image of the 50″s

Modell: Rose-Marie / Photo: Schäfer

Image may contain: 1 person, standing, shoes and indoor
Image may contain: 2 people, people standing and indoor
Image may contain: 2 people, including Rosemarie Schönros

The Unforgettable Kary Lasch!

View Page

Image may contain: 1 person
Image may contain: 1 person

Rose-Marie SamuelssonRosemarie Schönros
Photo: MSH Modell Agency

Image may contain: 1 person
Photo of R-Marie by Victor Arimondi

“Artitan” Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros -88
Modell: Victoria
Photo: Woody Ochnio

“Fire Bird” Artitan collection H-M,by Konstantin & R-Marie Schönros
Mod: Victoria
Ph: Woody Ochnio

Displaying titanic-dream(W-O)-90.jpg
Displaying touching(W-Ochnio)-90.jpg

“Marmorated-bamboo-Batique” & Titanium suspenders (“Wearable Art” collection-88) Hand Made by Konstantin Schönros
Mod: Miriam
Ph: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 4 people, including Konstantin Schönros, people sitting and shoes

Up to the left: 3 different Silk collage – batique with organic colours – crepe de chine, laces, japomeè; bottoms made by titanium(blue) Hand made by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros – “Bird of Paradise” “Living Art” & “Wearable Art” collection…NOT for the BIG market….of course!! (1988)

May be an image of 2 people and people smiling
Image may contain: 1 person
Image may contain: 3 people, including Rosemarie Schönros, people smiling, closeup
May be an image of Rosemarie Schönros

Silk (..in ALL kind of Silk:.as Satin, Japonee, Organga, Crepe de Chine, Dupunioni, Laces etc)

Image may contain: 1 person
No photo description available.

Artitan armur Tie(Hand made by R-Marie & Konstantin Schönros)
on Tony Johanesson -1992 –
Photo: Woody Ochnio — 

Image may contain: 1 person

Lahman’s Trikot in “Bamboo Batik” /Fashion Show 1992
Modells: Tony & Monika
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Victoria & more Titan image
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Silk (..in ALL kind of Silk:.as Satin, Japonee, Organga, Crepe de Chine, Dupunioni, Laces etc)

Fashion Show “Wearable Art” Konstantin dressed in his Silk – Creations (Making jokes & mimes) at Dagmar Elleby`s show-room – 1990
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Konstantin & Rose-Marie Schönros
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Living ARTS on Silk & Titan
Designed & Hand made by Konstantin & Rose-Marie Schönros.
Photographers: Kary Lash; WoodyOchnio, Tony Landberg etc
Rose-Marie at the Workshop of “Bird of Paradise”-Divine Cerations by Rose-Marie & Konstantin

Silk (..in ALL kind of Silk:.as Satin, Japonee, Organga, Crepe de Chine, Dupunioni, Laces etc

Wearable Art” – Artitan – (Titan, Gold & Silver) handmade by Konstantin Schönros

Gabriella at release party ( in her place) of the film
of Staffan Hildebrand : Ingen kan älska, som vi
www.euphoriatric.com living arts — with Gabriella Koesen.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, hat

Frodde & Lena from “Bella Dona” in Oslo Fashion Show -89
.Lena is wearing silk Pilote overall & Titanium
Next Adonis, as Zorro Down on Left Jonas Vingvist(+) playing with Amaryllis & Adonis.
Camilla (Down to the Right)dressed in Silk padded Jacket & overall (in gold eco pigment – batique
Pohto: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 5 people“Wearable Art” – Art on Silk & Titan by Bird of Paradise (Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros)
Modell: Ann
Photo: Woody Ochnio

“Titan vision” by Konstantin Schönros

Modell: Ann
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Adonis Schönros(R.I.P) creation (at the age of 18)
Photo: Konstantin
Rose-Marie living arts

· INTERIORIGIN: “Living Fine Arts” interior with Mosaics (“Dancing Angels & Dancing Dolphins”) Paintings, Silk screens etc by Adonis Rose-Marie & Konstantin
Here: Entrance
Photo: Tony Landberg

“Green Gourmet” på “interiorigin” vernissage.. — in Stockholm, Sweden.“Arte Ordinata” Detail from Kitchen – “INTERIORIGIN”
Photo:Tony Landberg

Detail from the kitchen
Photo: Tony Landberg

Dancing Angels at the Livingroom
Photo: Tony Landberg
 interiorigin …at youtube

“Dancing Dolphins” – mosaIc (towels silk screened with the motives of the mosaics). with the Great Assistence of Adonis (RIP)
Photo: Tony Landberg

Adonis Schönros creation (at the age of 18)
Photo: Konstantin
Rose-Marie living arts

Adonis var en väldigt kreativ person, skapade fina möbler, smide, keramik, han hade även ett svetsarcertifikat för heta arbeten, han var en människa med många talanger..
Lärde sig språk snabbt, engelska, grekiska, italienska. En härlig humor och en stor empati för djur och människor.
Ett stort intresse för historia.
Underbar att sitta och prata med.
Han kunde få mig att skratta så tårarna rann, han hade något utöver det vanliga.
Världen gick miste om en person som var en stor tillgång att kunna se dråpligheterna
I den värld han levde.R.I.P
Älskar dig för evigt. ❤️❤️??❤️❤️


Interviewed by the Interior Magazine

Photo: Christopher Landberg

Wearable Art från “Bird of Paradise” – Divine Creations (est.1982)
Eco colours batique on Silk collage(crepe de Chine, Japone, Silk Laces)
Eath colours Bird of Paradise
Work Shop & Show-room Götgatan – 1992
Photo: Konstantin

Swedish Vegetarian Society.

Raw food à la cart & boufet    LEMURIA (Nybrogatan)-1994 Raw food Restaurang
Krister & Konstantin….those were the Days!!….& NOW: Raw Food is just growing BIGGER!!………………..

“Allt om Mat”

The Ultimate Fermented Kale chips Recipe(Photo: Allt om Mat)
1) 250 gr. Kale leaf.
,2) 200 gr. Fine Tahini.
3) 2 Tablespoons Probioform, Juiced out of 2 (two) freshly squeezed lemons, including one (1) grated lemon zest.
4) Half Red Onion (grated) 2 slices of pressed garlic and 2 teaspoons Butane Lemon Pepper “Sichuan”
5) 3 tablespoons umeshu-shiso vinegar & one dl. gluten-free Tamari.
6) 2 dl. “Bjäst” (cultivated yeast flakes).
Do this:
First, mix the ingredients from 2an, 3an, 4an and 5an, in a bowl.
Then you put in the kale leaves, “massage” them and let the leaves absorb for at least 15 minutes.
Last you put in “Bjäst”!
Flatten out on baking paper and into the drying cabinet (at 38 ° C) for about 12 hours.
P.S: Probioforme. Bhutan pepper & Tahini

Tjärhovsgatan  Green Gourmet” -95 Raw food Bouffet..
Eva Sangwall & Konstantin, njuter av Raw-ice cream at the office of the Swedeish Vegetarian Society – above the”Green Gourmet” 
Photo: Christer 
Krister Knutars

Image may contain: 2 people, including Konstantin Schönros, people standing and indoor
Image may contain: people sitting, table, food and indoor, text that says 'Mästerkocken och multikonstnären Konstantin Schönros'
Image may contain: food

Allt om Mat/ Magasine 1996  

No photo description available.

Silk screens on eco – T-shirts in…1995!
Messages HAVE to be with Humor!..it works BETTER!
“CLOCK” doesn`t exist anymore, but Clock was an other scam by the time of 1995..- now the referee`s name is …replaced by… (gluteus)-MAX-(imus)!

May be an image of text that says 'WHY STOP AT BRONCHITIS?!! when a FASTER heart beat & shorter life are just round the corner? 100 cigarrets day will not only wrap you in a cloud of mystery, that special SEXY COUGH & stunningly BAD BREATH will also win you new friends everywhere. Join the YELLOW FINGER CLUB. Just contact the P.R. department of your favorite cig. brand; they Il be delighted to assist YOU!'
No photo description available.

Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling

Till minnet av underbara pionjären inom “Grön festmat”mm Anna-Lisa Stenudd (nedre bild) styrelseledamot på Sv.V.F. & Hälsofrämjandet.

It`s very seldom now days to be at that beautiful place, like in the -90`s!! I have so many things in my mind , I `ve got to take it easy!
2002 Hällunden – Öland
Photo: Press

Anton & Monika Gutenberg
Curriculum led by Konstantin (arranged by Hälsofrämjaren & Svenska Veg. Föreningen – summer -97)

The TAO of the “Green Gourmet”…since 1993
Photo: Allt om Mat 1996

Fån Vänster: Petra, Konstantin, Rose-Marie, Patrick Wahlberg “Green Gourmet” 1996 at Swedish Vegetarian Society

.Öland -2002

.Hand made by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros/ Green Gourmet since 1993

“Green Gourmet”

2B continued” !!!


….”Green Gourmet” (Raw Food – Restaurang – since1994 – 1997 at Tjärhovsgatan at Swedish Vegetarian Sociaty H.Q)..NOW: “Green Gourmet -2B continued” !!!)

No photo description available.

Fermented Kale chips

1) 250 gr. Kale leaf.,2) 200 gr. Fine Tahini.3) 2 Table spoons Probioform, Juiced out of 2 (two) freshly squeezed lemons, including one (1) grated lemon shell.4) Half Red Onion (grated) 2 slices of pressed garlic and 2 teaspoons Butane Lemon Pepper “Sishuan”5) 3 tablespoons umeshu-shiso vinegar & one dl. gluten-free Tamari.6) 2 dl. “Beast” (cultivated yeast flakes).       Do this:First, mix the ingredients from 2an, 3an, 4an and 5an, in a bowl.Then you put in the kale leaves, “massage” them and let the leaves absorb for at least 15 minutes.Last you put in “Bjäst”!Flatten out on baking paper and into the drying cabinet (at 38 ° C) for about 12 hours.

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INTERIORIGIN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g72OyCzKSbk&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR1Z6thmJDA_v1gFBX5wZiNuO7rEn9KvwiiuKFivzsMRf4sTm3ey_zqymFw

Here: Entrance
Photo: Tony Landberg

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No photo description available.No photo description available.
No photo description available.

INTERIORIGIN:”Living Fine Arts” interior with Mosaics (“Dancing Angels & Dancing Dolphins”) Paintings, Silk screens etc by Konstantin, Adonis & Rose-Marie Konstantin Schönros
HERE:  Kitchen details
Photo: Tony Landberg

No photo description available.

Here: Kitchen details
www.euphoriatric.com/living arts
Here: Authentique Antik old wall cupboard -1906 & Down Wallnut tree-root table & Box..
Photo: Tony Landberg

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No photo description available.

“Arte Ordinata” Detail from Kitchen – “INTERIORIGIN”
Photo:Tony Landberg

Dancing Angels” from “interiorigin” by Konstantin Schönros
Photo: Tony Landberg

INTERIORIGIN: “Living Fine Arts” interior with Mosaics Paintings, Silk screens etc by Rose-Marie & Konstantin

CHIMNEY (24 Karat gold)
 Kitchen details

Preparing the Vernissage of one his “interiorigin” works with the typical ultimate Green Gourmet Dinner
Photo: Tony Landberg
Location: Styrmangatan 13 Stockholm


Photo: Tony Landberg

HERE: Authentique Antik old wall cupboard -1906 & Down Wallnut tree-root table & Box..
Photo: Tony Landberg

INTERIORIGIN:” Living Fine Arts ” interior with Mosaics (“Dancing Angels & Dancing Dolphins”) Paintings, Silk screens etc by Konstantin Schönros & Rose-Marie
Konstantin himself for Interior Magasine
Photo: Tony Landberg

Detail bathroom – interiorigin
Photo: Tony LandbergImage may contain: indoor

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Detail from bathroom (24 carat mosaic stones combined with blue porcelain stones made by Konstantin & Adonis).

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No photo description available.

INTERIORIGIN: “Living Fine Arts” interior with Mosaics (“Dancing Angels & Dancing Dolphins”) Paintings, Silk screens etc by Rose-Marie & Konstantin
Here: Toilet Detail
Photo: Tony Landberg

No photo description available.

INTERIORIGIN:” Living Fine Arts ” interior with Mosaics (“Dancing Angels & Dancing Dolphins”) Paintings, Silk screens etc by Asonis, Konstantin & Rose-Marie
Here: Living room “Dancing Angels” by James Caneand the rest Konstantin
Photo: Tony Landberg

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Living Room – Feng Shui by Rose
Photo: Rose-Marie

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Adonis--RIP creations at the age of 18 /Photo: Rose-Marie

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ADONIS / /Photo: Konstantin

Image may contain: 2 people, including Rosemarie Schönros


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                                                         Kitchen details
Here: Authentique Antik old wall cupboard -1906 & Down Wallnut tree-root table & Box..
Photo: Tony Landberg

No photo description available.

“Green Gourmet” on  “interiorigin“s vernissage..in the spring 2002

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Image may contain: 1 person, standing and indoor
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Living Room – Feng Shui by Rose
Photo: Rose-Marie

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Adonis Schönros creation (at the age of 18)
Photo: Konstantin

Image may contain: people sitting, table and indoor

Photo: Woody Ochnio

Displaying black&white(Woody-Ochnio)-9.jpg

Rose-Marie at the “Bird of Paradise” workshop in Stockholm -88
Photo: Konstantin

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and indoor

Fall -87 “bird of Paradise”
Peter, Åsa & Konstantin
Left:Tommy, Tame
Photo:Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 3 people

A) Fall -87
Stockholm – Fall- 84 “Fossil Batique & Body Graphics”
Modells: Rose-Marie , Tame, Gabriella, Åsa, Konstantin
& Tommy
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 3 people

Ethnic gang!
From the Left: Konstantin, Tomy & Tame on ANTIQUE Wild -Java Silk Block Batique-
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 3 people

Marmoring Batique -87, -88, 89 Wearable Art by “Bird of Paradise”
Modells: Mirjam, Rose-Marie, Peter, Åsa , Konstantin, Tame ,Tomy
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 4 people

Marmoring Batique -87, -88, 89 Wearable Art by “Bird of Paradise”,Hand Made By Rose-Marie & Konstantin
Spring -87
Modell: Rose-Marie
Photo: Konstantin

Image may contain: 1 person
Image may contain: 1 person, standing and indoor

“Wearable Art” Hand made by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros
Modell: Anne
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Marmoring Batique -87, -88, 89 Wearable Art by “Bird of Paradise” Hand made by Rose-Marie & Konstantin
Modell: Mirjam
Photo: Woody Ochnio

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Hand made by Konstantin & Rose-Marie Schönros     Titan, Gold, Silver; H-Made by Konstantin Schönros     /      Modell: Ann       Photo Woody Ochnio

“Fire Bird” in Titanium & Fossil Block-Batique
Modell: Victoria
Photo: Woody Ochnio

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Image may contain: 1 person
Image may contain: 1 person

“Art on Silk & Titan” -by Konstantin &Rosemarie Schönros
“Titanium shapes”
Photo: Konstantin
 at KKV Konstnärernas Kollektivverkstad i Nacka.

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“Wearable Art” Bamboo Batique with Eco Colours by R-Marie & Konstantin Schönros (“Bird of Paradise”) -88
Mod: Mirjam
Photo: Woody Ochnio
www.euphoriatric.com/living arts

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Rose-Marie & Adonis
Photo: Konstantin

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“Optical Line” of Artitan – “Bird of Paradise”
Hand made by Rose-Marie
Photo: Woody Ochnio
Modell: Ann

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“Wearable Art”(Fossile Batique on Silk – washproof – eco colours) & Artitan” Hand made by Konstantin & Rose-Marie Schönros (Earth Colours Santorini Work Shop & Show room-1983) Modell: Petra. Photographer Woody Ochnio 

Wearable Art från “Bird of Paradise” – Divine Creations (est.1982)
Eco colours batique on Silk collage(crepe de Chine, Japone, Silk Laces)
Eath colours Bird of Paradise
Work Shop & Show-room Götgatan – 1992
Photo: Konstantin

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Up to the left: 3 different Silk collage – batique with organic colours – crepe de chine, laces, japomeè; bottoms made by titanium(blue) Hand made by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros – “Bird of Paradise” “Living Art” & “Functional wearable art” collection…NOT for the BIG market….of course!! (1988) Photo: Konstantin

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New collection from Bird of Paradise – Divine Creations (Original Schönros – Wearble Art – “Art on Silk & Titan” est -1982) (MOST of the Photos have been taken in 1987, -88, -89 by Woody Ochnio & worked PERFECT out in 1990 – 91, by Woody again)


Woody W. OchnioWarsaw, PolandFollowMessage


Bird of Paradise New collection – Earth, Wind,Fire; designers Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schonros. photosession made in august 1991 in Saltsjobaden to the seaside. Reworked in computer in 04/2015. Woody Ochnio Photography ©

Published: april 29, 2015

 (Hand made by R-Marie & Konsatntin with Eco pigments in different kind of silk, mainly “Japonè”, Crepe de Chine & Dupionee – with “block Batique” combined with Titanium – “Artitan” – jewelry)

Designers Rose-Marie and Konstantin Schonros, beautiful silky womens clothes,

with models: Sara Kay, Peter Kay, Lena, Tame, Rose-Marie & Konstantin, Tomy, Myrjam, Åsa, Gabriella, Paulina Ochnio, Sandra, Eva Lena, Anne, Camilla, Petra, Gillan, Adonis, Tony, Monika etc.

Earth colours has been always one of the characteristics of “Bird of Paradise – Divine Creations” & “Art on Silk & Titan” – Wearable art – by Rose -Marie & Konstantin Schönros..at htis one is also a combination of “Marmoring Batique & Silk Screens:

Functional wearable art from Bird of Paradise – Divine Creations
Here: Block Amonite Fossile batique on Dupunioni & 8″ japonee silk at late 80`s
Natural(ECO) pigments Designed & Handmade by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros
Modell: Tame
Photo: Woody Ochnio
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Artitanic Mask “Art on Silk & Titan” from “Bird of Paradise”- Kulturhuset – October 1989 

“Fuji” – Artitan – (Gold, Titan & Silver) hand made by Konstantin Schönros Photo: Konstantin Schönros  at KKV Konstnärernas Kollektivverkstad i Nacka

Displaying titanium armband.jpg

Gabriella Koesen at release party ( in her place) of the film
of Staffan Hildebrand : “Ingen kan älska, som vi”

Image may contain: 1 person

Bird of Paradise – Summer Heat

Fashion – Styling – Photography

Modell: Camilla

PHOTO:Woody Ochnio Phot ©ography

“Wearable Art” – Artitan – (Titan, Gold & Silver) handmade by Konstantin SchönrosAutumn -89 Photo: Konstantin “Titan vision” by Konstantin SchönrosPhoto: Woody Ochnio

Camila on Golden padded jacket in silk from “Bird of Paradise” by Konstantin & Rose-Marie Schönros
“Functionalwearableart Art on Silk & Titan” -87
Photo: Woody Ochnio 

Modell: Petra – Collection -88 – Petra on her horse

Photo: Woody Ochnio

Fall -88 – Myrjam

Functional wearable art from Bird of Paradise – Divine Creations
Here: Block Amonite Fossile batique on Dupunioni & 8″ japonee silk at late 80`s
Natural(ECO) pigments Designed & Handmade by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros
Modell: Myriam
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 1 person
No photo description available.

Functional wearable art from Bird of Paradise – Divine Creations

Photo: Woody Ochnio

No photo description available.
Image may contain: 2 people

Mixed famify photos…up to the Right: Konstantin & Rosie
in their favorate Tavern in Santorini -83
Up to the left: Rosemarie at the summer house of the parents of Konstantin – down Adonis looking for ..something at his moms chest….middle right relaxing in Bali Safari –
Down to the right Konstantin, adonis & Rosie in Xylokastro beach -85 

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is krUEFfMP8snH64nEwGnnzTvkC9vpapWKWGXepX3AMexHXmWLueMhJ9Yt1F4UIwkFjMAc4boHUovgzh4pmh8PlIObw5zzpFIaL3ekThwyfw-QQbtwyxcKyCk14SlEx7Y3w-HVi48rUa5OKyX2t42S8X3zEb5zwpA4ZIYpRsd0NvALPXVIDdQdMK16TI16oqqGZ6CXtXVtuZdz2Cyfu_kzFzdP8V24RMCku2r66XJ3OUq-pRRqNg8NByh47cR7ri1TjshCTNnFajZr0rwnjtvV6w8uYjLyTRB-RIxAQuhN8rQvc748jdKFkuS8tfe2FjpOABsQEZ6IHVoJHBmBqR24KIMtGDF3FvTc9MQ6MMWFK2Mj29iLy_VheW4vnwqZXw5aBYqhVMtdRMLGhZw2uziPQe7LlQKrjjF8kuBVdJoUbUY3T3Prh-4s1Z9iZJCjWAMX421K2iWnoAJqzo_W3WdFmxhkBFfz17NyF6OYXRQFGx2xkH4OH-6mf0W5Q8gHlj3HW2eoHv0lSIUJlggw4wq7noug7qVTmDPRlV4Z9kKBJBHZdnXDB50l4Wt_l6aNevc7IPc5rNUbGphIGgUhWR6sOE2XXex6ZSiWn510kkPpNy5ZF5gVFYN4sGrCzMSvlhSohNFCnjpIJUYhsHtdmSnAEBMTKTfnDs-LV7JnGbPnc-cTuPClmsw8Xg=w738-h935-no

Amaryllis Schönros /Photo: Rose-Marie

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Rose-Marie & Adonis
Photo: Konstantin

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Konstantin in Silk Overall & Adonis in Jack Pack -87
Photo: Rose-Marie

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Adonis Schönros with hand painted Headband on Crepe Satin Silk, at age of 8 Stockholm`s Wushu Akademy by Louis Linn
Photo: Woody Ochnio

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Adonis Schönros & Rose-Marie (Mother)
Photo: Konstantin

Adonis Schönros
Photo: Konstantin

Image may contain: 1 person

“Wearable Art” Bamboo Batique with Eco Colours by R-Marie & Konstantin Schönros (“Bird of Paradise”) -88 Mod: Mirjam Photo: Woody Ochnio

Tony, Monica & Baily Bamboo-Batique on Lahmans Tricott

Skara sommarland -97 Konstantin & Amaryllis
Photo: R-Marie

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing, outdoor and nature

Fashion Show “Wearable Art” Konstantin dressed in his Silk – Creations (Making jokes & mimes) at Dagmar Elleby`s show-room – 1990 Photo: Woody Ochnio

  • https://euphoriatric.com

A..part of the Show-room
of Bird of Paradise in StockholmPhotos by the master Woody Ochnio

“Bird of Paradise” Wearable Art since 1982 – Art on Silk & Titan

Raw Silk & old Ikat from Suba Island – Indonesia
from “Bird of Paradise”, Sewn by Rose-Marie Schönros
Modell: Rose-Marie
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Studio & Work Shop 1987 at Rensiarnansgatan Södermalm /Stockhom

“Odyseus & Gorgona” Eco colours – washproof on 8″ japonee silk From the 1989(October) “Art on Silk & Titan” Kulturhuset Stockholm. (Saatchi & Saachi Galery)
www.konstantin living arts

“Cloudy Dreams” from “Art on Silk & Titan” – with Eco-Silk pigments – washproof – on 8″ Japonee`Silk
Photo: Konstantin
at KKV Konstnärernas Kollektivverkstad i Nacka.

No photo description available.

“Cosmic Power”
Hand painted in 8″ Japonee silk with Eco-colours
by Konstantin Schönros
Photo: Konstantin

No photo description available.

“Fuji” Handmade in Titanium, Gold & silver by 

Functional Wearable Art.com

Identical Amonite Fossil Block Batique by Konstantin & Rose-Marie on various Silk garments (here: on Japoneé 8″ , Satin & Dupunione Silk (“Art on Silk & Titan”) -1982

Bildresultat för konstantin schönros

Rose-Marie at the “Bird of Paradise” workshop in Stockholm -88

“Optical Line”

Gold mask(18 carats), Silver Titanium & Silk Fossile-Block Batique
Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 1 person, text

Owe Sandström & Rose-Rosemarie Schönros
Photo: Press

Padded Batik-Jackets-85
Choreographer Roy Barrows & Rose-Marie
Photo: Press

Rose-marie in Paris

Photo: Michael Klazskow

Rose-Marie in Younger Days!
Photo: Kary Lasch

Image may contain: Rosemarie Schönros
Image may contain: 1 person, closeup
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing, shoes and indoor

Rose-Marie &Marie-Louise Nordlund-Baxter  1982

Kary Lasch & Rosie to the..left

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling

Kary Lasch & Rose-Marie in “Antlantic”

“Art on Silk & Titan” October November -89
Konstantin & RoseMarie
Photo. Ann Andren

Image may contain: Konstantin Schönros and Rosemarie Schönros, people smiling, hat

Functional wearable art from Bird of Paradise – Divine Creations
Here: Block Amonite Fossile batique on Dupunioni & 8″ japonee silk at late 80`s
Natural(ECO) pigments Designed & Handmade by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros
Modell: Rose-Marie
Photo: Kary Lasch

Rose-Marie modelling for the image of the Fifties

Photo: Jörgen Reimer

Image may contain: 1 person


Photo: Jörgen ReimerKonstantin Dressed in Silk Anorac jacket
Bali residence -85 (Golden Village)
Photo: Rosi (for Italian magazine)

Lurex collection Fall – 1986 – Bali from Bird of Paradise – Divine Creations (Functional Wearable Art 1982)           

Modell: Ati / Photo: Konstantin

KULTURHUSET: OCTOBER 1989 – “ART ON SILK & TITAN” by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros
Photo: Ann Andren

City Hall Stockholm -84
Shiffon Silk Dress
Hand made by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros (“Bird of Paradise”) with Eco colours.
Modell: Rose-Marie

City Hall Stockholm -84
Japonee Silk “salopette pilote”
Hand made by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros (“Bird of Paradise”) with Eco colours.
Modell: Rose-Marie
Photo: Konstantin

Rose-Marie at the Bird of Paradise Studio -88
Photo: Konstantin

Modell: Anne
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 1 person

“Optical Line” Art on Silk & Titan” by “Bird of Paradise” – Divine Creations- Hand made by Rose- Marie & Konstantin (Living Arts Batique)
Eco Colours –19 88
Modell: Rose-Marie
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Silk overall & Anorac Jacket(padded with Silk Japone) from Bird of Paradise – Schönros Original -84
Modell: Rose-Marie
Photo: Woody Ocmnio

Silk overall & Anorac Jacket from Bird of Paradise – Schönros Original -84
Modell: Rose-Marie
Photo:Konstantin Silk overall & Anorac Jacket from Bird of Paradise – Schönros Original -84
Modell: Rose-Marie

-88, 89 & -91
Modells: Tame & Rose-Marie
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Silk overall “Bird of Paradise”-87 / Modell: Rose-Marie /Photo: Woody Ochnio

Lahman’s Trikot in “Bamboo Batik” /Fashion Show 1992
Modells: Tony & Monika

Woody Ochnio

Wearable Art -88-2001, from “Bird of Paradise”-Divine Creations
Hand made by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros -on 3 different kind of natural silk (Dupioni japonee & Crepe satin)
Fossile (Amonite)-Block Batique
Modells: Rosie (Rose-Marie) & Tame
Photo: Woody Ochnio

“art on Silk & Titan/from “Bird of Paradise-Divine Creations(since 1982)
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 1 person

Artitan (Titan, Gold & Silver)
Modell: Konstantin
Photo: Woody Ochni

Konstantin & Rosemarie
Relaxing outside the work shop of “Bird of Paradise” – Divine Creations in Santorini -83
Photo: Press

Mixed famify photos…up to the Right: Konstantin & Rosie
in their favorate Tavern in Santorini -83
Up to the left: Rosemarie at the summer house of the parents of Konstantin – down Adonis looking for ..something at his moms chest….middle right relaxing in Bali Safari –
Down to the right Konstantin, adonis & Rosie in Xylokastro beach -85 

Santorini -83..thirsty Konstantin & Safari

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, text

Photo: Woody Ochnio

Konstantin & Rose-Marie /up to the Right – Just Maried in Traditional Japaneese Silk Kimonos – 83! ( five days home & then Back to Santorini & Bird of Paradise!)
Photo: Antony Struwer

Ann in “Optical LineB”/Titan & Platina

Golden mask(18 carats), Silver Titanium & Silk Fossile-Block Batique
Mod:Viktoria Sokolov.

“Titan vision” by Konstantin Schönros
Photo: Woody Ochnio

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more Titan image

Mod: Viktoria Sokolov.
Photo: Woody Ochnio 

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“Fire Bird” in Titanium & Fossil Block-Batique
Modell: Victoria
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: Rosemarie Schönros, smiling, closeup

Marmoring Batique -87, -88, 89 Wearable Art by “Bird of Paradise”
Modells: Mirjam, Rose-Marie, Peter, Åsa , Konstantin, Tame ,Tomy
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Mia & Adonis in Silk handpainted jackets

Fall -87..block batique from “Bird of Paradise”
Modells: Standing: Peter, Åsa & Konstantin(down)
front: Tomy & Tame
Photo: Woody Ochnio

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“Bird of Paradise” – Divine Creations
From the left: Gabriella, Konstantin, Åsa, Tame & Tommy
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Ethnic gang!
From the Left: Konstantin, Tomy & Tame on ANTIQUE Wild -Java Silk Block Batique
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Up to the left: 3 different Silk collage – batique with organic colours – crepe de chine, laces, japomeè; bottoms made by titanium(blue) Hand made by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros – “Bird of Paradise” “Living Art” & “Functional wearable art” collection…NOT for the BIG market….of course!! (1988) Photo: Konstantin

Rose-Marie at the “Bird of Paradise” workshop in Stockholm -88
Photo: Konstantin
www.euphoriatric.com/living arts — with Rosemarie Schönros at At the work shop of “Bird of Paradise” – Divine Creations Stockholm.

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and indoor

Rose-Marie in younger days
Photo: Kary Lasch

Ann Posing in Swedish “Lahmans Trikot”
in “Bamboo”- Batique by Konstantin & Rose-Marie Schönros,
with eco-pigments -91 “Bird of Paradise”
“Wearable Art”
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Ewa-Lena Posing in Swedish “Lahmans Trikot”
in “Bamboo”- Batique by Konstantin & Rose-Marie Schönros,
with eco-pigments -91 “Bird of Paradise”
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Having a break /Photo: Woody Ochnio

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Myriam dressed in batik & Titan
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Lahman’s Trikot in “Bamboo Batik” /Fashion Show 1992
Modells: Tony & Monika
Photo: Woody Ochnio

The well-known – at -80`Tony Johansson dressed in Titanium armour Silver Tie (Saatchi & Saatchi.art/schönros) –  
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Gabriella at the release party
of Staffan Hildenbrandt film
“Ingen kan älska, som vi”,
at her place (-88)
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting

Upp from the Left: 

Upp from the left: Peter,Åsa & Konstantin sitting Front: Tommy & Tame
Designed & Hand made by Konstantin & Rose-Marie Schönros.
Photo: WoodyOchnio

Image may contain: 4 people, including Konstantin Schönros, people sitting and shoes

All dressed in Silk batik – works by Rose-Marie & Konstantin /Functional wearable art
Modells – from the left: Gabriella, Konstantin, Åsa, Tame & Tommy
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 2 people, including Konstantin Schönros, people standingLiving ARTS on Silk & Titan
Modells: Tony & Monica
Designed & Hand made by Konstantin & Rose-Marie Schönros.
Photo:; Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: one or more people and people standing

Raw silk & Old iIKAT from Java Poncho & Shirt -87

Modell: Rose-Marie

Photo: Woody Ochnio


Rose-Marie photographed by Victor Arimondi

Portret of R-Marie by Victor Arimondi)-1981

Portret of R-Marie by Victor Arimondi)-1981

Rose-Marie at "Relax" --80(victor-Arimondi)

Rose-Marie at “Relax” –80(victor-Arimondi)

An-other-portret of Rose-Marie by Victor Arimondi -1980

An-other-portret of Rose-Marie by Victor Arimondi -1980

Rose-Marie "Innocent-80"-Photo: -Victor Arimondi

Rose-Marie “Innocent-80”-Photo: -Victor Arimondi

"Medea" Rose-Marie Photo:(Victor-Arimondi) -80

50`s Nostalgy
Photo: J.Shäffer

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MSH Modell Angency
RoseRosemarie Schönros
Photo: Tony Landberg

Rose-Marie in Younger Days!
Photo: Kary LaschRose-Marie
Photo: Kary Lasch

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Photo: Kary Lasch

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Rose-Marie Samuelsson-SchönrosPhoto: Kary Lasch 

Kary Lasch the human & not only master of Photography, but great comedian, as well! P.I.P Kary!

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Antlantic -81
Rose-Marie Samuelsson – Schönros photographed by Kary Lasch (photo to the lift)
Photo: Kary Lasch

Rose-Marie Schönros -81
Photo: Kary Lasch

Image of the 50″s

Modell: Rose-Marie / Photo: Schäfer

Image may contain: 1 person, standing, shoes and indoor
Image may contain: 2 people, people standing and indoor
Image may contain: 2 people, including Rosemarie Schönros

The Unforgettable Kary Lasch!

View Page

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Image may contain: 1 person

Rose-Marie SamuelssonRosemarie Schönros
Photo: MSH Modell Agency

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Photo of R-Marie by Victor Arimondi

Displaying titanic-dream(W-O)-90.jpg
Displaying touching(W-Ochnio)-90.jpg
Image may contain: Rosemarie Schönros, standing
Image may contain: 4 people, including Konstantin Schönros, people sitting and shoes

Up to the left: 3 different Silk collage – batique with organic colours – crepe de chine, laces, japomeè; bottoms made by titanium(blue) Hand made by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros – “Bird of Paradise” “Living Art” & “Wearable Art” collection…NOT for the BIG market….of course!! (1988)

May be an image of 2 people and people smiling
Image may contain: 1 person
Image may contain: 3 people, including Rosemarie Schönros, people smiling, closeup
May be an image of Rosemarie Schönros

Silk (..in ALL kind of Silk:.as Satin, Japonee, Organga, Crepe de Chine, Dupunioni, Laces etc)

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Artitan armur Tie(Hand made by R-Marie & Konstantin Schönros)
on Tony Johanesson -1992 –
Photo: Woody Ochnio — 

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Lahman’s Trikot in “Bamboo Batik” /Fashion Show 1992
Modells: Tony & Monika
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Victoria & more Titan image
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Silk (..in ALL kind of Silk:.as Satin, Japonee, Organga, Crepe de Chine, Dupunioni, Laces etc)

Fashion Show “Wearable Art” Konstantin dressed in his Silk – Creations (Making jokes & mimes) at Dagmar Elleby`s show-room – 1990
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Living ARTS on Silk & Titan
Designed & Hand made by Konstantin & Rose-Marie Schönros.
Photographers: Kary Lash; WoodyOchnio, Tony Landberg etc
Rose-Marie at the Workshop of “Bird of Paradise”-Divine Cerations by Rose-Marie & Konstantin

Silk (..in ALL kind of Silk:.as Satin, Japonee, Organga, Crepe de Chine, Dupunioni, Laces etc

Wearable Art” – Artitan – (Titan, Gold & Silver) handmade by Konstantin Schönros

Gabriella at release party ( in her place) of the film
of Staffan Hildebrand : Ingen kan älska, som vi
www.euphoriatric.com living arts — with Gabriella Koesen.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, hat

Frodde & Lena from “Bella Dona” in Oslo Fashion Show -89
.Lena is wearing silk Pilote overall & Titanium
Next Adonis, as Zorro Down on Left Jonas Vingvist(+) playing with Amaryllis & Adonis.
Camilla (Down to the Right)dressed in Silk padded Jacket & overall (in gold eco pigment – batique
Pohto: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 5 people“Wearable Art” – Art on Silk & Titan by Bird of Paradise (Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros)
Modell: Ann
Photo: Woody Ochnio

“Titan vision” by Konstantin Schönros

Modell: Ann
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Adonis Schönros(R.I.P) creation (at the age of 18)
Photo: Konstantin
Rose-Marie living arts

· INTERIORIGIN: “Living Fine Arts” interior with Mosaics (“Dancing Angels & Dancing Dolphins”) Paintings, Silk screens etc by Adonis Rose-Marie & Konstantin
Here: Entrance
Photo: Tony Landberg

“Green Gourmet” på “interiorigin” vernissage.. — in Stockholm, Sweden.“Arte Ordinata” Detail from Kitchen – “INTERIORIGIN”
Photo:Tony Landberg

Detail from the kitchen
Photo: Tony Landberg

Dancing Angels at the Livingroom
Photo: Tony Landberg
 interiorigin …at youtube

“Dancing Dolphins” – mosaIc (towels silk screened with the motives of the mosaics). with the Great Assistence of Adonis (RIP)
Photo: Tony Landberg

Adonis Schönros creation (at the age of 18)
Photo: Konstantin
Rose-Marie living arts

Adonis var en väldigt kreativ person, skapade fina möbler, smide, keramik, han hade även ett svetsarcertifikat för heta arbeten, han var en människa med många talanger..
Lärde sig språk snabbt, engelska, grekiska, italienska. En härlig humor och en stor empati för djur och människor.
Ett stort intresse för historia.
Underbar att sitta och prata med.
Han kunde få mig att skratta så tårarna rann, han hade något utöver det vanliga.
Världen gick miste om en person som var en stor tillgång att kunna se dråpligheterna
I den värld han levde.R.I.P
Älskar dig för evigt. ❤️❤️??❤️❤️


Interviewed by the Interior Magazine

Photo: Christopher Landberg

Wearable Art från “Bird of Paradise” – Divine Creations (est.1982)
Eco colours batique on Silk collage(crepe de Chine, Japone, Silk Laces)
Eath colours Bird of Paradise
Work Shop & Show-room Götgatan – 1992
Photo: Konstantin

Swedish Vegetarian Society.

Raw food à la cart & boufet    LEMURIA (Nybrogatan)-1994 Raw food Restaurang
Krister & Konstantin….those were the Days!!….& NOW: Raw Food is just growing BIGGER!!………………..

“Allt om Mat”

The Ultimate Fermented Kale chips Recipe(Photo: Allt om Mat)
1) 250 gr. Kale leaf.
,2) 200 gr. Fine Tahini.
3) 2 Tablespoons Probioform, Juiced out of 2 (two) freshly squeezed lemons, including one (1) grated lemon zest.
4) Half Red Onion (grated) 2 slices of pressed garlic and 2 teaspoons Butane Lemon Pepper “Sichuan”
5) 3 tablespoons umeshu-shiso vinegar & one dl. gluten-free Tamari.
6) 2 dl. “Bjäst” (cultivated yeast flakes).
Do this:
First, mix the ingredients from 2an, 3an, 4an and 5an, in a bowl.
Then you put in the kale leaves, “massage” them and let the leaves absorb for at least 15 minutes.
Last you put in “Bjäst”!
Flatten out on baking paper and into the drying cabinet (at 38 ° C) for about 12 hours.
P.S: Probioforme. Bhutan pepper & Tahini

Tjärhovsgatan  Green Gourmet” -95 Raw food Bouffet..
Eva Sangwall & Konstantin, njuter av Raw-ice cream at the office of the Swedeish Vegetarian Society – above the”Green Gourmet” 
Photo: Christer 
Krister Knutars

Image may contain: 2 people, including Konstantin Schönros, people standing and indoor
Image may contain: people sitting, table, food and indoor, text that says 'Mästerkocken och multikonstnären Konstantin Schönros'
Image may contain: food

Allt om Mat/ Magasine 1996  

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Silk screens on eco – T-shirts in…1995!
Messages HAVE to be with Humor!..it works BETTER!
“CLOCK” doesn`t exist anymore, but Clock was an other scam by the time of 1995..- now the referee`s name is …replaced by… (gluteus)-MAX-(imus)!

May be an image of text that says 'WHY STOP AT BRONCHITIS?!! when a FASTER heart beat & shorter life are just round the corner? 100 cigarrets day will not only wrap you in a cloud of mystery, that special SEXY COUGH & stunningly BAD BREATH will also win you new friends everywhere. Join the YELLOW FINGER CLUB. Just contact the P.R. department of your favorite cig. brand; they Il be delighted to assist YOU!'
No photo description available.

Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling

Till minnet av underbara pionjären inom “Grön festmat”mm Anna-Lisa Stenudd (nedre bild) styrelseledamot på Sv.V.F. & Hälsofrämjandet.

It`s very seldom now days to be at that beautiful place, like in the -90`s!! I have so many things in my mind , I `ve got to take it easy!
2002 Hällunden – Öland
Photo: Press

Anton & Monika Gutenberg
Curriculum led by Konstantin (arranged by Hälsofrämjaren & Svenska Veg. Föreningen – summer -97)

The TAO of the “Green Gourmet”…since 1993
Photo: Allt om Mat 1996

Fån Vänster: Petra, Konstantin, Rose-Marie, Patrick Wahlberg “Green Gourmet” 1996 at Swedish Vegetarian Society

..Hand made by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros/ Green Gourmet since 1993

“Green Gourmet”

2B continued” !!!


….”Green Gourmet” (Raw Food – Restaurang – since1994 – 1997 at Tjärhovsgatan at Swedish Vegetarian Sociaty H.Q)..NOW: “Green Gourmet -2B continued” !!!)

No photo description available.

Fermented Kale chips

1) 250 gr. Kale leaf.,2) 200 gr. Fine Tahini.3) 2 Table spoons Probioform, Juiced out of 2 (two) freshly squeezed lemons, including one (1) grated lemon shell.4) Half Red Onion (grated) 2 slices of pressed garlic and 2 teaspoons Butane Lemon Pepper “Sishuan”5) 3 tablespoons umeshu-shiso vinegar & one dl. gluten-free Tamari.6) 2 dl. “Beast” (cultivated yeast flakes).       Do this:First, mix the ingredients from 2an, 3an, 4an and 5an, in a bowl.Then you put in the kale leaves, “massage” them and let the leaves absorb for at least 15 minutes.Last you put in “Bjäst”!Flatten out on baking paper and into the drying cabinet (at 38 ° C) for about 12 hours.

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INTERIORIGIN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g72OyCzKSbk&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR1Z6thmJDA_v1gFBX5wZiNuO7rEn9KvwiiuKFivzsMRf4sTm3ey_zqymFw

Here: Entrance
Photo: Tony Landberg

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No photo description available.No photo description available.
No photo description available.

INTERIORIGIN:”Living Fine Arts” interior with Mosaics (“Dancing Angels & Dancing Dolphins”) Paintings, Silk screens etc by Konstantin, Adonis & Rose-Marie Konstantin Schönros
HERE:  Kitchen details
Photo: Tony Landberg

No photo description available.

Here: Kitchen details
www.euphoriatric.com/living arts
Here: Authentique Antik old wall cupboard -1906 & Down Wallnut tree-root table & Box..
Photo: Tony Landberg

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No photo description available.

“Arte Ordinata” Detail from Kitchen – “INTERIORIGIN”
Photo:Tony Landberg

No photo description available.

INTERIORIGIN: “Living Fine Arts” interior with Mosaics Paintings, Silk screens etc by Rose-Marie & Konstantin
 Kitchen details
HERE: Authentique Antik old wall cupboard -1906 & Down Wallnut tree-root table & Box..
Photo: Tony Landberg

INTERIORIGIN:” Living Fine Arts ” interior with Mosaics (“Dancing Angels & Dancing Dolphins”) Paintings, Silk screens etc by Konstantin Schönros & Rose-Marie
Konstantin himself for Interior Magasine
Photo: Tony Landberg

Detail bathroom – interiorigin
Photo: Tony LandbergImage may contain: indoor

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No photo description available.

Detail from bathroom (24 carat mosaic stones combined with blue porcelain stones made by Konstantin & Adonis).

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INTERIORIGIN: “Living Fine Arts” interior with Mosaics (“Dancing Angels & Dancing Dolphins”) Paintings, Silk screens etc by Rose-Marie & Konstantin
Here: Toilet Detail
Photo: Tony Landberg

No photo description available.

INTERIORIGIN:” Living Fine Arts ” interior with Mosaics (“Dancing Angels & Dancing Dolphins”) Paintings, Silk screens etc by Asonis, Konstantin & Rose-Marie
Here: Living room “Dancing Angels” by James Caneand the rest Konstantin
Photo: Tony Landberg

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Living Room – Feng Shui by Rose
Photo: Rose-Marie

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Adonis--RIP creations at the age of 18 /Photo: Rose-Marie

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ADONIS / /Photo: Konstantin

Image may contain: 2 people, including Rosemarie Schönros


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                                                         Kitchen details
Here: Authentique Antik old wall cupboard -1906 & Down Wallnut tree-root table & Box..
Photo: Tony Landberg

No photo description available.

“Green Gourmet” on  “interiorigin“s vernissage..in the spring 2002

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Image may contain: 1 person, standing and indoor
No photo description available.

Living Room – Feng Shui by Rose
Photo: Rose-Marie

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Adonis Schönros creation (at the age of 18)
Photo: Konstantin

Image may contain: people sitting, table and indoor

Photo: Woody Ochnio

Displaying black&white(Woody-Ochnio)-9.jpg

Rose-Marie at the “Bird of Paradise” workshop in Stockholm -88
Photo: Konstantin

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Fall -87 “bird of Paradise”
Peter, Åsa & Konstantin
Left:Tommy, Tame
Photo:Woody Ochnio

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A) Fall -87
Stockholm – Fall- 84 “Fossil Batique & Body Graphics”
Modells: Rose-Marie , Tame, Gabriella, Åsa, Konstantin
& Tommy
Photo: Woody Ochnio

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Ethnic gang!
From the Left: Konstantin, Tomy & Tame on ANTIQUE Wild -Java Silk Block Batique-
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 3 people

Marmoring Batique -87, -88, 89 Wearable Art by “Bird of Paradise”
Modells: Mirjam, Rose-Marie, Peter, Åsa , Konstantin, Tame ,Tomy
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 4 people

Marmoring Batique -87, -88, 89 Wearable Art by “Bird of Paradise”,Hand Made By Rose-Marie & Konstantin
Spring -87
Modell: Rose-Marie
Photo: Konstantin

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Image may contain: 1 person, standing and indoor

“Wearable Art” Hand made by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros
Modell: Anne
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Marmoring Batique -87, -88, 89 Wearable Art by “Bird of Paradise” Hand made by Rose-Marie & Konstantin
Modell: Mirjam
Photo: Woody Ochnio

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Hand made by Konstantin & Rose-Marie Schönros     Titan, Gold, Silver; H-Made by Konstantin Schönros     /      Modell: Ann       Photo Woody Ochnio

“Fire Bird” in Titanium & Fossil Block-Batique
Modell: Victoria
Photo: Woody Ochnio

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Image may contain: 1 person
Image may contain: 1 person

“Art on Silk & Titan” -by Konstantin &Rosemarie Schönros
“Titanium shapes”
Photo: Konstantin
 at KKV Konstnärernas Kollektivverkstad i Nacka.

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“Wearable Art” Bamboo Batique with Eco Colours by R-Marie & Konstantin Schönros (“Bird of Paradise”) -88
Mod: Mirjam
Photo: Woody Ochnio
www.euphoriatric.com/living arts

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Rose-Marie & Adonis
Photo: Konstantin

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“Optical Line” of Artitan – “Bird of Paradise”
Hand made by Rose-Marie
Photo: Woody Ochnio
Modell: Ann

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“Wearable Art”(Fossile Batique on Silk – washproof – eco colours) & Artitan” Hand made by Konstantin & Rose-Marie Schönros (Earth Colours Santorini Work Shop & Show room-1983) Modell: Petra. Photographer Woody Ochnio 

Wearable Art från “Bird of Paradise” – Divine Creations (est.1982)
Eco colours batique on Silk collage(crepe de Chine, Japone, Silk Laces)
Eath colours Bird of Paradise
Work Shop & Show-room Götgatan – 1992
Photo: Konstantin

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Up to the left: 3 different Silk collage – batique with organic colours – crepe de chine, laces, japomeè; bottoms made by titanium(blue) Hand made by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros – “Bird of Paradise” “Living Art” & “Functional wearable art” collection…NOT for the BIG market….of course!! (1988) Photo: Konstantin

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New collection from Bird of Paradise – Divine Creations (Original Schönros – Wearble Art – “Art on Silk & Titan” est -1982) (MOST of the Photos have been taken in 1987, -88, -89 by Woody Ochnio & worked PERFECT out in 1990 – 91, by Woody again)


Woody W. OchnioWarsaw, PolandFollowMessage


Bird of Paradise New collection – Earth, Wind,Fire; designers Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schonros. photosession made in august 1991 in Saltsjobaden to the seaside. Reworked in computer in 04/2015. Woody Ochnio Photography ©

Published: april 29, 2015

 (Hand made by R-Marie & Konsatntin with Eco pigments in different kind of silk, mainly “Japonè”, Crepe de Chine & Dupionee – with “block Batique” combined with Titanium – “Artitan” – jewelry)

Designers Rose-Marie and Konstantin Schonros, beautiful silky womens clothes,

with models: Sara Kay, Peter Kay, Lena, Tame, Rose-Marie & Konstantin, Tomy, Myrjam, Åsa, Gabriella, Paulina Ochnio, Sandra, Eva Lena, Anne, Camilla, Petra, Gillan, Adonis, Tony, Monika etc.

Earth colours has been always one of the characteristics of “Bird of Paradise – Divine Creations” & “Art on Silk & Titan” – Wearable art – by Rose -Marie & Konstantin Schönros..at htis one is also a combination of “Marmoring Batique & Silk Screens:

Functional wearable art from Bird of Paradise – Divine Creations
Here: Block Amonite Fossile batique on Dupunioni & 8″ japonee silk at late 80`s
Natural(ECO) pigments Designed & Handmade by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros
Modell: Tame
Photo: Woody Ochnio
Image may contain: 1 person

Artitanic Mask “Art on Silk & Titan” from “Bird of Paradise”- Kulturhuset – October 1989 

“Fuji” – Artitan – (Gold, Titan & Silver) hand made by Konstantin Schönros Photo: Konstantin Schönros  at KKV Konstnärernas Kollektivverkstad i Nacka

Displaying titanium armband.jpg

Gabriella Koesen at release party ( in her place) of the film
of Staffan Hildebrand : “Ingen kan älska, som vi”

Image may contain: 1 person

Bird of Paradise – Summer Heat

Fashion – Styling – Photography

Modell: Camilla

PHOTO:Woody Ochnio Phot ©ography

“Wearable Art” – Artitan – (Titan, Gold & Silver) handmade by Konstantin SchönrosAutumn -89 Photo: Konstantin “Titan vision” by Konstantin SchönrosPhoto: Woody Ochnio

Camila on Golden padded jacket in silk from “Bird of Paradise” by Konstantin & Rose-Marie Schönros
“Functionalwearableart Art on Silk & Titan” -87
Photo: Woody Ochnio 

Modell: Petra – Collection -88 – Petra on her horse

Photo: Woody Ochnio

Fall -88 – Myrjam

Functional wearable art from Bird of Paradise – Divine Creations
Here: Block Amonite Fossile batique on Dupunioni & 8″ japonee silk at late 80`s
Natural(ECO) pigments Designed & Handmade by Rose-Marie & Konstantin Schönros
Modell: Myriam
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 1 person
No photo description available.

Functional wearable art from Bird of Paradise – Divine Creations

Photo: Woody Ochnio

No photo description available.
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Mixed famify photos…up to the Right: Konstantin & Rosie
in their favorate Tavern in Santorini -83
Up to the left: Rosemarie at the summer house of the parents of Konstantin – down Adonis looking for ..something at his moms chest….middle right relaxing in Bali Safari –
Down to the right Konstantin, adonis & Rosie in Xylokastro beach -85 

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is krUEFfMP8snH64nEwGnnzTvkC9vpapWKWGXepX3AMexHXmWLueMhJ9Yt1F4UIwkFjMAc4boHUovgzh4pmh8PlIObw5zzpFIaL3ekThwyfw-QQbtwyxcKyCk14SlEx7Y3w-HVi48rUa5OKyX2t42S8X3zEb5zwpA4ZIYpRsd0NvALPXVIDdQdMK16TI16oqqGZ6CXtXVtuZdz2Cyfu_kzFzdP8V24RMCku2r66XJ3OUq-pRRqNg8NByh47cR7ri1TjshCTNnFajZr0rwnjtvV6w8uYjLyTRB-RIxAQuhN8rQvc748jdKFkuS8tfe2FjpOABsQEZ6IHVoJHBmBqR24KIMtGDF3FvTc9MQ6MMWFK2Mj29iLy_VheW4vnwqZXw5aBYqhVMtdRMLGhZw2uziPQe7LlQKrjjF8kuBVdJoUbUY3T3Prh-4s1Z9iZJCjWAMX421K2iWnoAJqzo_W3WdFmxhkBFfz17NyF6OYXRQFGx2xkH4OH-6mf0W5Q8gHlj3HW2eoHv0lSIUJlggw4wq7noug7qVTmDPRlV4Z9kKBJBHZdnXDB50l4Wt_l6aNevc7IPc5rNUbGphIGgUhWR6sOE2XXex6ZSiWn510kkPpNy5ZF5gVFYN4sGrCzMSvlhSohNFCnjpIJUYhsHtdmSnAEBMTKTfnDs-LV7JnGbPnc-cTuPClmsw8Xg=w738-h935-no

Amaryllis Schönros /Photo: Rose-Marie

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Rose-Marie & Adonis
Photo: Konstantin

Image may contain: 1 person

Konstantin in Silk Overall & Adonis in Jack Pack -87
Photo: Rose-Marie

Image may contain: 2 people

Adonis Schönros with hand painted Headband on Crepe Satin Silk, at age of 8 Stockholm`s Wushu Akademy by Louis Linn
Photo: Woody Ochnio

Image may contain: 1 person

Adonis Schönros & Rose-Marie (Mother)
Photo: Konstantin

Adonis Schönros
Photo: Konstantin

Image may contain: 1 person

“Wearable Art” Bamboo Batique with Eco Colours by R-Marie & Konstantin Schönros (“Bird of Paradise”) -88 Mod: Mirjam Photo: Woody Ochnio

Tony, Monica & Baily Bamboo-Batique on Lahmans Tricott

Skara sommarland -97 Konstantin & Amaryllis
Photo: R-Marie

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing, outdoor and nature

Fashion Show “Wearable Art” Konstantin dressed in his Silk – Creations (Making jokes & mimes) at Dagmar Elleby`s show-room – 1990 Photo: Woody Ochnio


Amphibiotics Euphoriatric & Calisthenics


P.S: Theo = God / Mache=battle,fight ex: ANDROMACHE (=manfighter; one of the dauthers of Priamos of Troy) 

This depiction shows PELEUS defying the serpents of the DIVINE snake METAMORPHOSIS, that bite him everywhere, as well as the lion that growls hooked on his back. PELEUS defeats the beautiful Goddess using the “CHIRON HANDLE”, the “MEANDER” MEANDROS, the famous ancient Greek symbol. The hand grip has gone down in history and is still used in the OLYMPIC sport of wrestling to tie one opponent to the other. Depiction dated from 500 BC and located in the museum of West BerlinImage result for χειρωνιος χαιρετισμος

Amphibiotics is the ultimate Holistic concept based on both on Earth , Water & Air exescises. inluding Hydro-QiGong  & Martial Arts. Mainly: Calisthenics, Hydrobics – Hydro(=water) gymnastics alias “Hydrobics” (inverted by Konstantin Schönros in 1993) Etymologicaly the word means..AMPHI prep. (=Both places, Round.) ex: Amphitheatre(Amphi= round+theatron, αμφι+βιος-(Amphi+Bios)=AMPHIBIAN = the one who can live both in the water & land, like frogs) etc.

Image result for χειρωνιος χαιρετισμος

By exercising the Meander in Calisthenics and nutrition of Hippocrates, all young people today can make statuesque body and have excellent health.

Meander (= Midwife of man – Μαίανδρος) – from: Maia (=Midwife)+andros (genetivus av aner – andros = man)

Meander, the handle of theomachon – ΘΕΟΜΑΧΩΝ (theo = God + machon = wariors) from: μαχη- machi = battle. ex: Andromachi= the battle of man, by meaning sha can fight like a man!(one of the daughters of Priamos in ancient Ilion or Troja) 

Unknown(?) ancient Greek gymnastics Nobody has so far not aware that the Meander, the ancient Greek squared symbol painted everywhere is


The dictionaries give as the world … decorative vases, buildings, clothing, etc. and nothing else. And yet the Meander in some rare pots seems clear thatthe race is handle the fight. 

More than 3000 years that valuable information was lost. The few pots with drawings explaining the gym is located abroad (Germany, England, Italy, France, USA etc.). 

No such vessel is in Greece!  At that time, however, was an open secret of the ancient Greeks, for this and painted everywhere, but, strictly codified. 

Exercise strengthens the hands of this first disc, javelin, bow and sword, with the ultimate aim of Meandric handle the fight. The bond between the fingers and clenching his opponentwas painful in the sport of wrestling and deadly war. 

Plato himself was a wrestler, and of course aware of the handle of the meanders.  Due to the loss of these vessels and the ignorance of theusefulness of meander for thousands of years, wechanged the world body type, we lost power, weight and got sick. 

On the meander gym and nutrition of Hippocrates, all young people today can build statue-like body and have excellent health.

From the multitude of ancient amphores representations reflect clearly that this handle, the handle of cheironios or cheironio grid or whatever was called this particular handle in the past, was the special maybe solemn emblem theomachon Greek heroes! The grand schematic slogan that the gods are defeated!
The Meander was probably the graph of divine defeat of spunky theomachous heroes!

THEAGENIS, the son of TIMOSTHENES, a priest in the temple of HERCULES in THASSOS, became one of the most famous PANKRATISTS and after his death he was worshiped as a god-healer.(HERE: AS THE SITTING BOXER /ONE OF THE AUTHENTICWORKS OF LYSSIPPOS IN BRONZE (350 BC)/(Υψος) Height: 1,28m NATIONAL MUSEUM of ROME) It is considered the oldest case of deification of an athlete.Some believed that he was in fact the son of a god, who in disguise slept with his mother. According to another version, he was considered the son of HERCULES .An incident at the age of nine made THEAGENIS’s name more widely known for the first time.Theagenis, returning from school, saw in the market a bronze statue of a god and he liked it so much that he grabbed it from its base and carrying it on his shoulders took it home. As this act, which was considered sacrilege, was revealed, some, despite his young age, demanded the death penalty for him.Luckily for him, the logic of an old man prevailed, who stated that it was enough as a punishment to carry the statue back in its place.The young Thasios became an Olympian for the first time in 480 BC. (75th Olympiad) in the sport of fist and in 476 BC. (76th Olympiad) in the pancratium.According to PAUSANIAS, he won three times in PYTHIS, nine in NEMEA and ten in ISTHMIA, sometimes in BOXING and sometimes in PANKRATIUM.In some races in honor of ACHILLES in FTHA he competed on the dolicho road (endurance road, length 2 stadiums: ~ 3600 m.) And also won.According to ancient sources, the crowns he had won during his athletic activity amounted to 1,400.Pausanias mentions that his statue in OLYMPIA , the work of the sculptor GLAUKIAS from AEGINA , was erected in Alti next to those of PHILIP II and the son of ALEXANDER THE GREAT the Great.In DELPHI , he won without having fought since no one dared to face him.According to Pausanias, someone who in his life had never managed to defeat Theagenis, went every night and beat and whipped his statue.One night the statue, leaving its base, fell and killed this man.His children, in their grief, accused the statue of murder and demanded the implementation of the law, which provided for life exile from the island.So it was decided to remove the statue, which was thrown into the sea.After that, a great drought hit the island and the people were unhappy. Following a DELPHIC oracle, the Thassians, in an attempt to appease DEMETRA, brought all the exiles back to the island.However, the drought and famine continued and the lords sought the oracle’s advice again.Then Pythia reminded them of the statue of Theagenis that was at the bottom of the sea. And while they were worried about how to find the statue, some fishermen caught it in their nets and brought it ashore.The drought stopped and since then the Thasians began to offer sacrifices to the god-healer THEAGENIS.THEAGENIS, glorified by the many successes, became an object of worship in his particular homeland. After his death, the Thassians erected a statue on the island in his honor. In the market of Thassos where his statue was erected, he was considered a god healer of fever.The modern inhabitants of the island honored the memory of their Olympic compatriot, placing the marble statue of Theagenis at the beginning of the main beach of the Port of Thassos.THEAGENIS THASSIOSA superathlete of antiquity.In his work Pausanias “Tour of Greece” tells us the following about THEAGENIS:When he brought it, the child gained a great reputation for his strength and the incident was heard all over Greece. For these most important achievements of THEAGENIS at the OLYMPIC Games, I have already spoken above …He also won three victories in boxing in PYTHIA and nine victories in NEMEA and ten in ISTHMIA, sometimes in the PANKRATION and sometimes in boxing.In FTHIA//THESSALY, he left the performance in the fist or in the pancreas and looked to stand out among the Greeks as a runner, and really won on the dolicho road.It seems to me that his ambition was to win a victory in the road race in the homeland of ACHILEUS, the fastest among all the so-called heroes. The wreaths he won for his victories were all together one thousand four hundred !!!When he died, one of those who Theagenis was his enemy during his lifetime, went to THEAGENISs bronze statue every night and whipped him as if he were abusing Theagenis himself.The statue, however, fell on this man and put an end to his wear and tear. However, the children of the deceased started a court battle against the statue for murder. The Thassians, following the perception of the Dragon, who with the laws for murder punished with exile and the inanimate, if any of them fell and killed a man, threw the statue of Theagenis into the sea. Later, because the place did not bear fruit, the Thasians sent people to DELPHI, and God commanded them to bring back the exiles. They brought them back but to escape the barrenness.So they went to PYTHIA again and said that although they did what he was ordered to do, the wrath of the gods did not go away. Then PYTHIA gave them the following answer:YOU FORGOT THE GREAT VIEWWhile they were puzzled as to how they would retrieve Theagenis’ statue, they say that some fishermen who had gone out to sea for fish caught the statue in their nets and brought it back to land. The Thasians restored them to their place and since then they are used to sacrificing to Theagenis, as if to a god.I saw statues of Theagenis elsewhere in many places, erected by both Greeks and barbarians. He cures diseases and the locals honor him “

May be an image of sculpture


  “In all there is inherently something divine. ”
~ Aristotle (384-322 BC)          



Why “Euphoriatric”?

The word is made up the prefix “ευ” meaning “well”, the verb “phoro” (“φορω” = I carry..i.e: meta-phoric, Dysphoric etc) and “iatric” (“ιατρικη”=medical)

The site is NOT Only about The Gastronomical Healthy Life but also the holistic way of living which includes the Following: Education, Culture, by Physical, Mental & Spiritual practices, as:(Gymnastics & Athletics), Philosophy, All Fine Arts(=:Sculpture, Architecture, Music, Poetry, Theater), Medicine, Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics, Etymology,  (as a clue to analyze words & improve real historical facts), Literaure(=λογοτεχνία), Lectures, Beauty, inspiration Sourses & Traveling is the main line of our mission in combination with our sugested remendies, training (both external & inner exercises – reverse breathing, meditation etc). All this knowledge & Information is NOT for commercial purposes!


The word calisthenics comes from the ancient Greek words kálos (κάλος), which means “beauty”, and sthénos (σθένος), meaning “strength” or “vigor”.It is the art of using one’s body weight and qualities of inertia as a means to develop one’s physique.

The exercise was named after one of its earliest promotors, the historian Callisthenes.

The opening of the Olympic Games began with a four horse chariot race.

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Bildresultat för ancient greek calisthenics

Calisthenics was the main training for all athlets, who partipated in the OLYMPIC GAMES.The first official recorded celebration of the Olympic Games in ancient times was in Olympia at 776 BC  

But this was the 28th Olympiad! This emerges from a copper engraving album “Ifitos disc” as he calls him Pausanias (Solar A 5.20.1) which he saw himself in ancient Olympia. The disc is written royal names of the king of Elis Ifitos king Lycurgus of Sparta and the king of Pisa Kleosthenes, who agreed on the sacred peace “sacred truce” between them. This agreement defines accurately the true inaugural date, postponing the start of the sacred Olympics in Holy Altin Olympia in 108 years earlier! The actual starting date is, if known to us date 776 BC add 108 years, ie 27 more Olympiads for which we know almost nothing, since it has been demonstrated for these written records. Thus we arrive at the beginning of Holy Games of Peace, that the original Olympics in the year -884! So, from then until now have spent 2898 years!

It is only natural that coinage would be struck to commemorate this important religious, political, artistic, and athletic event.

 .From 776 BC and after the Games, slowly became more important throughout ancient Greece, reaching their zenith in the fifth and sixth century BC The Olympics also had religious significance since in honor of the god Zeus, whose huge statue stood at Olympia. The number of competitions was twenty celebration was held in the course of a few days. The winners of the games were admired and become immortal through poems and statues. The prize for the winners was a wreath of olive branches.

Another rare silver stater of Olympia is thought to have been struck in 352 B.C., thus for the 107th Olympiad. It displays an artistic rendering of Zeus on ...

 The Games gradually lost its importance when the Romans conquered Greece and when Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, the Olympic longer regarded as a pagan celebration, and in 393 AD Emperor Theodosius banned their conduct. In this way over a period of one thousand years during which the Olympic subsequently held every four years.

Museum replica of a bronze discus inscribed as a votive offering to Zeus by Asklepiades of Corinth, winner of the pentathlon in the 255th Olympiad (Glyptothek Munich, original in theArchaeological Museum of Olympia)

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Bodyweight calisthenics

…are exercises that use the practitioner’s own bodyweight as resistance.

Resistance within the context of strength training simply means stressing a muscle with a load or training it to move against a force. When using free weights, the load comes from the weight of a dumbbell or a barbell; in bodyweight calisthenics, the load is the practitioner’s own weight. Authentic oldschool bodyweight calisthenics develops real strength. They are of different variety from those you see in a typical Physical Education class.

Bildresultat för ancient greek calisthenics

In 480 BC, Anaxilastyrant of Rhegium, won the mule event, and this tetradrachm was struck in commemoration


 According to the account, a spy of the god-king Xerxes saw the Spartan army of King Leonidas practicing naked calisthenics. The Greek geographer and traveller Pausanias also observed that the athletes of the original Olympic Games (776 B.C.),were also trained in calisthenics. The art and tradition of bodyweight calisthenics continued in Roman gladiator camps as noted by the historian Livy.

The benefits of calisthenics are manifold. Correctly practicing calisthenics can help you achieve strength levels which can only be described as superhuman. In addition, strength training can help you tone your body and turn your body into a fat burning machine since it requires a lot of energy to perform some of the more advanced calisthenics exercises such as pistol squats, one arm pull ups or hand stand push-ups. Calisthenics also train your coordination and balancing skills and can help you develop strong joints and ligaments which reduce the risk of injury while doing all sorts of sports.

Below: Two athletes competing in the pankration. Panathenaic amphora, made in Athens in 332-331 BC, during the archonship of Niketes (= Winers from NIKH – in English:NIKE = Victory/Ex: Thessaloniki, Nikolaos the people`s winner = The victory of Thessaly). From Capua.

Patience is King!

As anything which is worth achieving in life, becoming a master in calisthenics does not happen overnight. It can take months or even years, depending on your overall fitness level, to progress from the most basic exercises (e.g. wall push-ups) to the most advanced exercises (e.g. one arm push-ups). However, even if you already have some experience concerning fitness and working out in general, if you have never trained in calisthenics before you should start with the basic exercises before attempting to try many of the exercises you see people performing in dozens of videos when you type the word calisthenics in YouTube’s search bar. Why, you ask? Well, because it is imperative that you progressively develop the strength you will require and slowly condition your joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles to the stress which will be placed upon them by the more advanced exercises. If you rush things, the only results you will get will be frustration, disappointment and failure, and you will also risk causing permanent damage through injury. So, please be patient and let your body take the time it requires to adjust itself to the new challenges you present to it. Being patient is not always easy but there are thousands of things you can do while you wait for your body to recover from training session to training session, and your body will be thankful!


THEAGENIS, the son of TIMOSTHENES, a priest in the temple of HERCULES in THASSOS, became one of the most famous PANKRATISTS and after his death he was worshiped as a god-healer.(HERE: AS THE SITTING BOXER /ONE OF THE AUTHENTICWORKS OF LYSSIPPOS IN BRONZE (350 BC)/(Υψος) Height: 1,28m NATIONAL MUSEUM of ROME) It is considered the oldest case of deification of an athlete.Some believed that he was in fact the son of a god, who in disguise slept with his mother. According to another version, he was considered the son of HERCULES .An incident at the age of nine made THEAGENIS’s name more widely known for the first time.Theagenis, returning from school, saw in the market a bronze statue of a god and he liked it so much that he grabbed it from its base and carrying it on his shoulders took it home. As this act, which was considered sacrilege, was revealed, some, despite his young age, demanded the death penalty for him.Luckily for him, the logic of an old man prevailed, who stated that it was enough as a punishment to carry the statue back in its place.The young Thasios became an Olympian for the first time in 480 BC. (75th Olympiad) in the sport of fist and in 476 BC. (76th Olympiad) in the pancratium.According to PAUSANIAS, he won three times in PYTHIS, nine in NEMEA and ten in ISTHMIA, sometimes in BOXING and sometimes in PANKRATIUM.In some races in honor of ACHILLES in FTHA he competed on the dolicho road (endurance road, length 2 stadiums: ~ 3600 m.) And also won.According to ancient sources, the crowns he had won during his athletic activity amounted to 1,400.Pausanias mentions that his statue in OLYMPIA , the work of the sculptor GLAUKIAS from AEGINA , was erected in Alti next to those of PHILIP II and the son of ALEXANDER THE GREAT the Great.In DELPHI , he won without having fought since no one dared to face him.According to Pausanias, someone who in his life had never managed to defeat Theagenis, went every night and beat and whipped his statue.One night the statue, leaving its base, fell and killed this man.His children, in their grief, accused the statue of murder and demanded the implementation of the law, which provided for life exile from the island.So it was decided to remove the statue, which was thrown into the sea.After that, a great drought hit the island and the people were unhappy. Following a DELPHIC oracle, the Thassians, in an attempt to appease DEMETRA, brought all the exiles back to the island.However, the drought and famine continued and the lords sought the oracle’s advice again.Then Pythia reminded them of the statue of Theagenis that was at the bottom of the sea. And while they were worried about how to find the statue, some fishermen caught it in their nets and brought it ashore.The drought stopped and since then the Thasians began to offer sacrifices to the god-healer THEAGENIS.

THEAGENIS, glorified by the many successes, became an object of worship in his particular homeland. After his death, the Thassians erected a statue on the island in his honor. In the market of Thassos where his statue was erected, he was considered a god healer of fever.The modern inhabitants of the island honored the memory of their Olympic compatriot, placing the marble statue of Theagenis at the beginning of the main beach of the Port of Thassos.THEAGENIS THASSIOSA superathlete of antiquity.In his work Pausanias “Tour of Greece” tells us the following about THEAGENIS:When he brought it, the child gained a great reputation for his strength and the incident was heard all over Greece. For these most important achievements of THEAGENIS at the OLYMPIC Games, I have already spoken above …He also won three victories in boxing in PYTHIA and nine victories in NEMEA and ten in ISTHMIA, sometimes in the PANKRATION and sometimes in boxing.In FTHIA//THESSALY, he left the performance in the fist or in the pancreas and looked to stand out among the Greeks as a runner, and really won on the dolicho road.It seems to me that his ambition was to win a victory in the road race in the homeland of ACHILEUS, the fastest among all the so-called heroes. The wreaths he won for his victories were all together one thousand four hundred !!!When he died, one of those who Theagenis was his enemy during his lifetime, went to THEAGENISs bronze statue every night and whipped him as if he were abusing Theagenis himself.The statue, however, fell on this man and put an end to his wear and tear. However, the children of the deceased started a court battle against the statue for murder. The Thassians, following the perception of the Dragon, who with the laws for murder punished with exile and the inanimate, if any of them fell and killed a man, threw the statue of Theagenis into the sea. Later, because the place did not bear fruit, the Thasians sent people to DELPHI, and God commanded them to bring back the exiles. They brought them back but to escape the barrenness.So they went to PYTHIA again and said that although they did what he was ordered to do, the wrath of the gods did not go away. Then PYTHIA gave them the following answer:YOU FORGOT THE GREAT VIEWWhile they were puzzled as to how they would retrieve Theagenis’ statue, they say that some fishermen who had gone out to sea for fish caught the statue in their nets and brought it back to land. The Thasians restored them to their place and since then they are used to sacrificing to Theagenis, as if to a god.I saw statues of Theagenis elsewhere in many places, erected by both Greeks and barbarians. He cures diseases and the locals honor him “

May be an image of sculpture


Pankration (/pæn.ˈkrti.ɒn/ or /pæŋˈkrʃən/)(Greek : Παγκράτιο) was a sporting event introduced into the Greek Olympic Games in 776 BC and founded as a blend of boxing and wrestling but with scarcely any rules. The only things not acceptable were biting and gouging of the opponent’s eyes. The term comes from the Greek παγκράτιον [paŋkrátion], literally meaning “all of might” from πᾶν (pan-) “all” and κράτος (kratos) “strength, might, power”.

Detail pankration scene on Attic red-figure cup, vase of 490-80 BC The pankratiasts to the right trying to pull the eyes of his opponent. The referee is ready to knock him for that foul.

Λεπτομέρεια από σκηνή παγκρατίου πάνω σε Αττικό ερυθρόμορφο κύλικα, αγγείο του 490-80 π.Χ. Ο παγκρατιαστής στα δεξιά προσπαθεί να βγάλει τα μάτια του αντιπάλου του. Ο διαιτητής είναι έτοιμος να τον χτυπήσει για αυτό το φάουλ.

The Pankration sport combining wrestling and boxing without straps, was introduced at the Olympic Games at the 33rd Olympiad (648 BC)It was spectacular and popular but dangerous sport after resulted many times as the death of one of his opponents. For this reason the Olympics after 200 BC and introduced a less violent contest the “Pankration boys” for young boys.

The Pankration athletes who were called pankratiasts combined blow and the handle. Common techniques were those that today would translate as handles dislocation points such as the neck, shoulder, etc. The kicks and the use of the fist attack was the method that was based heavily on power. For this reason, the Pankration was a case of heavier and more powerful athletes. In fact there were only three rules:
Competitors were not entitled to make each other’s eyes, to bite each other or to hit the sensitive area.

There were two kinds of pankration:

One was conducted in an upright attitude and was less dangerous, it was called “Upper or orthostadin pankration.”
At the other continued the struggle after the fall of one of his opponents, who thereupon were vulnerable to an opponent’s blows. This species was named “Kato pankration or alindisi”.
Krefgas the Epidamnios & Damoxenos the SyrakousiosTo pankration was hard event. The pagkratistes Krefgas the Epidamnios, and Syracuse Damoxenos agreed after a long fight with no winner, knocking each other, which would remain erect and motionless. The Krefgas Damoxeno hit him in the head, without dangerous consequences. The Damoxenos, Krefga hit him in the side with outstretched fingers, pierced the bowels, and uprooted with his hands. The Krefgas died immediately (Pausanias, Periegesis).

According to mythology, the sport has been invented by the heroes Theseus and Hercules as a result of using both wrestling and boxing in conflicts with their opponents. They say that Theseus has used his skills in pankration to defeat the Minotaur in the Labyrinth, and how Hercules paid the pankration the Nemean lion.

Famous ancient pankratiasts was Theagenis the Thasian the Lygdamis the Syracuse, the Dorian Rhodes, the Sostratos the Sikyonios and Polydamas from Skotoussa.


The Olympic champion and hero Polydamas

Map of ancient ThessaliasO Polydamas was ancient athlete Skotoussa city of Thessaly, which had been founded by Pelasgians Proellines the area is currently between Feres and Farsala.

He excelled and became Olympic champion in the 93rd Olympiad (408 BC). Famous for strength, while according to Pausanias, was more husky man who ever lived.

His reputation is not only due to win in Pankration. Pausanias to Solar mentions various feats and that for those pushed by the ambition to rival the labors of Hercules.

At Olympus then there were lions. There completely xarmatotos Polydamas killed a possible huge wild lion. He was taken on this adventure wanting to emulate Hercules killed the lion of Nemea.

Also joined a flock of oxen, grabbed the wildest and largest bull by the hind legs and held him by the hooves, which were left in the hands when the animal escaped. One can imagine this improbable scene? On the one hand the powerful beast tried to free his foot from the hands of the athlete and on the other, the athlete with legs are like trees planted on the ground holding up the furious bull, unperturbed, to stay with hooves hands . You may doubt that such power does not come straight from the gods?

The most famous Olympic medalist in wrestling was Milon of Croton, with six wins (540/532/528/524/520/516 BC). He was a pupil of the philosopher Pythagoras. There are many stories about the strength of Milon, which he developed by lifting a calf every day until became a bull. He said that he raised a bull on his shoulders, which periefere after two rounds at the stage of Olympia, later the slaughtered and ate alone. Such was the force, which could uproot a tree trunk.
Nobody could bend the fingers of the stretched hand. He used to keep in a handful of pomegranate and while the others were trying to get it, always end pomegranate remained intact. It was very easy for him to bend a bronze coin between his forefinger and thumb. When he became Olympic champion and made the statue at Olympia, the lifted and placed it at the base, although it weighed about a thousand pounds.
The end was tragic. One day I was in the countryside, close to Croton, he saw a tree trunk with iron wedges riveted on him. When Milon tried asking them, his hands were caught between them and could not deliver them. Without any help he remained there until the wolves devoured.

Arrachion of Figalias
A heroic and simultaneously tragic event took place in Olympia in 564 BC, when pankratiasts Arrachion from Figalia died during the struggle. Arrachion being in a difficult position when his opponent grabbed the handle of the neck, she managed to make him resign (the opponent raised his hand), twisting his leg while he was dying. Although dead, the Arrachion declared the winner. He won three consecutive Olympiads (BC 572/568/564).

Theagenes of Thassos
Theagenes of Thasos was one of the most famous pankratiasts. He was the son and priest when he was nine years old, stole the bronze statue of a god and moved home. When the people of Thasos learned it, they wanted to punish the child to death. Luckily for Theagenes, one of the elders of Thasos took the decision that the only proper punishment for the child was to carry the statue back to its base.
Theagenes won twice in Olympia in boxing in 480 BC and pankration 476 BC, and many other victories at the Pythian games, etc. After his death, the people of Thasos made his statue and said to someone who could not beat him alive, beating the statue of each night. One night the statue fell from its base and killed him. The inhabitants of Thassos then forced by the law, they took and threw into the sea.
After this event fell aridity in Thassos and asking the help of the oracle of Delphi, received the oracle to bring back all the exiles. The people obeyed, but the aridity continued and asked the help of a second time oracle. Delphi then told them that they forgot the Theagenes. When fishermen caught in their networks the statue and brought it to Thassos, anhydrous stopped. During his long sports career, the 1300 Theagenes won prizes.

Sostratos of Sikyon

Sostratos the pankratiasts, the so-called Akrochersitis (extreme hands are), the unusual style he used. He caught his opponent by the fingers, the bent and did not leave until his opponent delivered.
He won three consecutive Olympic Games (364/360/356 BC), as the inscription on the statue at Olympia says. Apart Olympia, won midnight victories overall in Nemea and Isthmian games, and two in the Pythian Games. There was also a statue at Delphi.
Coins of Sikyon from 320 BC, depicting him.

Glaucus of Karystos

Glaucus of Karystos, who won the boxing match at Olympia in 520 BC, was the son of the farmer Dimylou, who had seen his son to use his hand as a hammer to put the ploughshare to plow.
Glafkos trained for a while boxer and went to Olympia. During the struggle, he was badly hit by experienced opponent. His father, who was watching the race closely, seeing his son in a bad state, cried out: “My son, give a punch of the plow.” Glafkos gathering all the power of the remaining, using his hand as a hammer, hit the opponent, who fell to the ground unconscious.
When Glaucus died, they were buried on a small island near Karystos, now named island of Glaucus.

The boxer Diagoras of Rhodes (464 BC) belonged to a noble family and during his lifetime, he was known throughout Greece as the best example of an athlete.
The technique was unique. Not trying to avoid the blows of his opponent and always kept scrupulously the rules of boxing.
His sons were also Olympians and was lucky to see them win, one on boxing and one in the pankration. After their accomplishment, the joyous sons of Diagoras, crowned their father with olive branches and carried him to step up to their shoulders. The entire stadium applauded them and epeffimize when someone told him to die at that moment, Diagoras let his head fall and died instantly, on the shoulders of his children. The youngest son of Diagoras, Dorian, was an able politician and military leader when he was arrested by the Athenians to war, let him free immediately. His grandson Diagoras also became Olympic champion.
Diagoras also won four times in the Isthmian games and twice at Nemea, and the Pindar in his odes describes him as a fair fighter and as a giant man.

Melagkomas Caria

The boxer Melagkomas of Caria, who became Olympic champion in 49 AD, was known throughout Greece for the unorthodox way the technique in boxing for the very nice body and masculine face. He had great stamina, fights could be all day without getting tired. During his career, where he had many victories, he never hurt his opponent, believing that getting hurt in the games was lack of bravery.
The Melagkomas during the struggle avoided skillfully flips his opponent, who is exhausted and desperate, delivered. The Melagkomas died at young age.

Race, Dolichos (4000 m.), 500 BC
Orsippos Megara
O Orsippos from Megara, winner of Race 720 BC, was distinguished as the first Greek to run naked in Olympia and praised for his action. It is said that in this way opened the borders of his country, while the enemies of trying to diminish.

Ladas of Argos
The Ladas of Argos won the Dolichi the race in 460 BC He was famed for its lightweight running. He said that his feet did not leave footprints on the ground.

Lasthenous Thebes
The Lasthenous Thebes was winner of Dolichi in 404 BC He was also the winner of the competition with road horse, running from Koronia to Thebes.

Ageas Argos
Another famous runner was Ageas from Argos, who won at Olympia in 328 BC Immediately after his victory, he ran to Argos to give them the good news, without stopping anywhere.

Leonidas of Rhodes
Leonidas of Rhodes was the only ancient Greek athletes who managed to win in four consecutive Olympiads in all three disciplines: the channel, the stage, and gunner road (164/160/156/152 BC).

Other events

Kyniska Sparta
The Kyniska, daughter of the king of Sparta Archidamus was the first woman who had been breeding horses and the first to win two Olympic victories in the four-horse (396 392 BC).

Irodoros Megara
The Irodoros of Megara won nine consecutive Olympiads winner in the fallopian tube (328-296 BC). The Irodoros was a man of immense proportions and the campaign of Demetrius Poliorkitou against Argos, used two trumpets simultaneously animating their soldiers to defeat.

Polydamas stops armaMia ever caught with one hand a chariot was running very fast and stopped.

His reputation because of these achievements came very far. When he became king of the Persians Darius II (423-405 BC) sent messengers to Polydamas he knew about the wonderful works, and persuaded him with promises of prizes, come to see him in his capital Susa. There Polydamas caused three of the immortals who belonged to an elite group of the army. Their name had been taken because he always stayed as a force 10,000 strong men if someone killed or died someone else took his place and was never less or more than this number. Polydamas not hesitated and fought in front of Darius with all three. They came to compete with the away armor and armed with the sword while Polydamas only had the bat in his hand. He killed all three.

For all these achievements, he learned Pausanias at Olympia which was on high pedestal statue Polydamas, work of the great sculptor Lyssipou. The statue is believed stood in the northwest of the imposing temple of Zeus and in fact between the temple and the portico of Echo. Today only two parts of the podium on three sides of which are distinguished, reliefs from the struggle of the hero in the court of Darius and the harnessing of the lion at the foot of Mount Olympus.

According to Pausanias: This man Polydamas son of Nikias from Skotoussa, was the largest and highest of all human beings apart from the heroes as onomazontai- by any mortal race that existed before the heroic era, was the largest and the tallest.

Parts of the pedestal of the statue of Polydamanta according Pausanias again: The townspeople Pellini Pellini in antiquity belonged to Achaia, argued that after the Persian daring Polydamas returned to Olympia to take part in competitions and that their compatriot Promachos defeated in Pankration. The Promachos was a renowned athlete who won at Olympia, Isthmia and Nemea. But the Thessalians not accepted and responded with an inscription that complements the relief of the pedestal of the statue of the famous athletes:
“Oh, Skotoussa, you who nursed undefeated Polydamas”.

The end of the tragic hero was very like that of Milon of Croton.

Like many other ancient men who were proud of their physical strength, so Polydamas would be destroyed by its power. He went into a cave during the summer with his companions, finding shelter from the great heat. Some poor welfare roof of the cave began to collapse. When they realized what was happening his companions ran out. But Polydamas believing that the enormous power could prevent the collapse of the cave, with his hands tried to support the roof, while the rocks crushed around him. His great strength was the destruction, for it was crushed by the huge rocks in this dark cave the famous Polydamas, who was crowned three times in the Olympics, he met his death.

As he wrote Diodorus of Sicily: The death of Polydamas made clear to all people how risky is to have great power, but little awareness.

Data from:
Pangration Wiki
Legends of Olympia by Cleanthis Paleologos

By exercising the Meander in Calisthenics and nutrition of Hippocrates, all young people today can make statuesque body and have excellent health.

Meander (= Midwife of man – Μαίανδρος) – from: Maia (=Midwife)+andros (genetivus av aner – andros = man)

Unknown(?) ancient Greek gymnastics Nobody has so far not aware that the Meander, the ancient Greek squared symbol painted everywhere is


The dictionaries give as the world … decorative vases, buildings, clothing, etc. and nothing else. And yet the Meander in some rare pots seems clear thatthe race is handle the fight. 

More than 3000 years that valuable information was lost. The few pots with drawings explaining the gym is located abroad (Germany, England, Italy, France, USA etc.). 

No such vessel is in Greece!  At that time, however, was an open secret of the ancient Greeks, for this and painted everywhere, but, strictlycodified. 

Exercise strengthens the hands of this first disc, javelin, bow and sword, with the ultimate aim of Maeandriushandle the fight. The bond between the fingers and clenching his opponentwas painful in the sport of wrestling and deadly war. 

Plato himself was a wrestler, and of course aware of the handle of the meanders.  Due to the loss of these vessels and the ignorance of theusefulness of meander for thousands of years, wechanged the world body type, we lost power, weight and got sick. 

On the meander gym and nutrition of Hippocrates, all young people today can build agalmatino body and have excellent health.

From the multitude of ancient angeiografiakon representations reflect clearly that this handle, the handle of cheironios or cheironio grid or whatever was called this particular handle in the past, was the special maybe solemn emblem theomachon Greek heroes! The grand schematic slogan that the gods are defeated!
The Meander So was probably the graph of divine defeat of spunky theomachous heroes!


  Once the moon’s light the king of Fthia Peleus. panoria saw a goddess dancing with the daughters of waters. It was the goddess Thetis, the prophecy of Prometheus forced to marry the mortal, so as not born one who would overturn the almighty Zeus!

This magnificent theme brilliantly depicted inside red-cup [3] 500 BC now in the museum of West Berlin. The excellent display that shows Peleus, defying snakes divine transformation that the bite everywhere, and the lion oryetai hooked on his back. Peleus overcomes the transformations of Beauty goddess, using the sacred “cheironio handle” or “meander” as later became known, the famous ancient symbol of the defeat of the gods!

Image: Hercules pays Triton with “Maiandrios handle.”
Angiography in 550 BC Archaeological Museum Tarkynia.


Dictionaries indeed insist on stupid stereotypical view, that meander is “the ancient decorative shape that reminds maneuver the river meanders Caria where was first discovered and from which it took its name.”!!! It may indeed be named from the river near which protoefrethi but is utterly foolish to believe that throughout the world ellinoprepi These findings reflect passionately graces and “maneuvers” of an unknown to a large river Asian Caria. 

We note here that the correlation of that handle, or a handful hooked mes “on the other, clearly forms the famous ellinoprepes linear symbol fret, here are evident. I do not see anywhere but commenting so, this evident parallelism, which both honors’ world famous Greek meander “, which is simply known only as a beautiful decorative linear invented and not as a potential holy symbol riser man on the podium of equal opponent the “gods”. The Maiandrios pair of hands is excellent symbolism every heroism and axiosynis.MEANDROS_PILEAS-THETIDA Eikona: Peleus pay Thetis with “Maiandrios link hands or cheironio handle”! Red-figure kylix Interior dated around 500 BC D. Berlin Museum.

From the multitude of ancient angeiografiakon representations reflect clearly that this handle, the handle or cheironios cheironio grid or whatever you called this particular handle in the past, was the special maybe solemn emblem theomachon Greek heroes! The grand schematic slogan that the gods are defeated!
The Meander So was probably the graph of divine defeat of spunky theomachous heroes!
MEANDER2-HERKELESEikona: Hercules pays Triton with “Maiandrios handle.”
Angiography in 550 BC Archaeological Museum Tarkynia.

The “Maiandrios handle” as rightly must now call it, uses repeatedly the foremost theomachos Hercules, as seen highlighted clearly in this masterly portrayal of Hercules wrestling with Triton, angiography of 550 eg . where we see Triton strive in vain to open in front of his chest, locked with Maiandrios handle steely fingers invincible hero!
The obvious relation decorative meander and meander handle can also easily found by Peleus and Thetis complex [5] where the value of said handle in the center of the show overemphasized wreathed around from the most stylized Maiandrios symbolism. There should also be no coincidence that angiograms crowd implying divine defeat, or unreasonable heroism, often topped by fret!
Maiandros_FILIPPOUSymperainoume So that it is no accident the wide dissemination in antiquity of these meanders symbolism. It was a timeless gift of mythological times, the classic and modern times Mediterranean descendants of Greek. A lovely schematic slogan, the obligation to retreat of power “gods”, the priesthood and religions.

Meander from chryselephantine shield of gilded armor of Philip II which was found in the royal tomb of Vergina!
Indeed, if we assume that the right questions and interpretations, are the two hands of the wise. Then Maiandrios essence, is none other than the unbroken chain of questions and interpretations that render inoperable the deified ainigmatopoious, along with their riddles!

You as a people (this applies only to the current Greek) to suffer (because some so want) heavy historical amnesia, but there is no reason to remove stubborn value than the symbolism of our ancestors, insisting passionately on upstart some interpretations very lightly suggested underestimating him brutally exquisite sacred symbolism.

The meander is a linear ordering of the Greek ancestors, for battle against the impossible! A wonderful schematic reminder that in your two “hands” keep the secret of the defeat of your oppressor. If only your own “hands” are not sufficient, then join with others in an inseparable harmonious whole, ellinoprepous, militant, meander chain, aggressive questions and apomoithopoiitikon interpretations! This is the most effective battle against arbitrary power!
The sacred meander is an eternal symbol of victory that gives the Greek antiquity the universal hope of ultimate release from the bondage of every single ancient and contemporary “gods”.

First, before getting to the main theme, the rectum is to “ετυμολογία” – etymology and (LEΞΙΣ )Lexie=Word: “etymology.” They etymologithei oftentimes different words but the word “etymology” never.

This is moreover one in which meets the concept of the word “etymos” (from which the conditions produced “ετυμολογία”  – “etymology” –  “ετυμολογικό=etymological”), which go be said: True, real.

Let’s deal with the etymo words.


  1. an undeniable kinship relation to: ΜΕΤΟΠΗ, ΕΥΡΩΠΗ, ΚΥΚΛΩΨ, ΜΥΩΠΙΑ.


We read of the “Works and Days” of Hesiod verses 168-201, where the poet mentions the mythological version of the genesis of “Iron genus” of people, the fifth in the order of creation. In this integrating and people of his time. And obviously in that we also belong, and since we are an unbroken continuity of that generation.

After enjoying the vivid Hesiodic narration from the original, but more than the most easily understood translations, we stand in certain words of the text, which in one way or another to survive until today, even if they look at first glance perhaps incomprehensible.

The isolated word is  “ευρύοπα” – “evryopa” that perform as the “Pantepoptes”. Trace the aitiologisis of any translation: the evryopas (or evryops) is a composite ευρύς + όψ – (=word – wide + brave opening) . The first of these two words are easy to understand, which is why we focus on two:

the brave opening όψ

 – the flesh = όψ – genetivus: οπός=όψις, όρασις, οφθαλμός – opsis(=the view), orasis(=the up vision), ophthalmos (=the eye). Moving to a deeper investigation, we start from the root of the word is op- from which are also produced: op-O-p-s, opsomai (op-p-inbred), OMMA (op-ma), view (op -cis), eye (ori-chamber), hole (hole in the roof as a chimney, opening that enables that vision, and then each hole).

From these basic derivatives root -op find that rescued already aftousios words: view, eye, hole, spoiled the word OMMA> ommation> eye.

We now return to λέξις – LEΞΙΣ – Lexie(=Word) “evryopa” meaning one who has wide eyes, with whom supervise everything, the Pantepoptes.

But then the associations recall to our memory a multitude of everyday words, such as: suspect – suspect – suspicious // Synopsis-efsynoptos-this-baked – autopsy – autopsy scout // – // katoptefsis on-optefo – Supervisors-Registry – on-baked – inhab-view – Flat-optron.


The word bore us directly refers to the “ROOTS” of the churches, which are among the long holes that let the beams of the roof, which was later covered with embossed plates, while concealing the edge of the beams were placed Triglyphs plates, but in between two holes (eyes) field. This second word but derived from a further Word root -op:

The ops of opos wherein extent of op- to op-.

the LEΞΙΣ –  Lexie this encounter eg in verse 158 C of the Iliad, where Homer, speaking of the beauty of Helen, says (Doric dialect): “αινώς αθανάτοισοι θεής εις ώπα έοικεν” – “Hainaus athanatoisoi theis at opa eoiken”(= ultimate immortal gods has same appearance)

From LEΞΙΣ – Lexie ops comes the unknown maybe complex ευρωπός (=Europe = wide), but also well-known to us bottleneck (στενωπός – stenopos = the narrow passage), and: πρόσωπον–prosopon= person, ενώπιον – enopion= before etc.

After all this opens the way to and from … Europe, which means “cytomegalovirus” as an element of beauty, which etymologically is only the female of “evryopa” we saw in the beginning.


In our mind now comes the Kyklop(s)-Κύκλωψ (κύκλος+ωψ) – kyclos=circle + ops) = one who has a round eye.

And that in turn reminds us of the Modern Hellenic the LEΞΙΣ-Word: presviops – From: πρέσβυς = a(=γέρον=geron=elder ) + ωψ-ops  [=bud, up vision)] = one who suffers from πρεσβυωπία-presbyopia, ie. By inability to clearly distinguish near objects, which is common in the elderly, and the SA (Ancient) myopic (who constricts eyelids to public).


The surprises continue as it is clear from the myo (= close lips) produced another series of words, such as the little-known myzo (= drink with closed lips, suck, suck), which we find among others, Xenophon (Snooze . 4,5,27):

Other finally myo derivative is myeo (= enter the sacraments, catechize, instruct, but murmured, secretly). And from this comes: myisis, mystic, mystery.


One of the nine Muses, who was distinguished for her beautiful voice, Named-hole as having Καλλι-όπη – “καλήν όπα” “Kalin opa”. Indeed, Calliope was considered the protector of the human voice products, such as rhetoric and, above all, the epic poetry. That is why the word brave opening οψ-ops (=φωνή-phoni=voice) differs from the assonance of brave opening οψ (= up vision) not only semantically but etymologically because produced by root (where epic = ratio), changing qualitatively in op- .


An adventure in the vast world of words is finishing here. And to think that we stood in a single row and a single Lexie this!

However, we believe that the results of this periplaniseos significantly both in terms of quality (depth) and quantity (width), to facilitate the possibility of “choice of words”, which is the first (of two) Asking for accurate and nice find. The second is the correct positioning of the words. Furthermore we think that was a visual way an example of the unity of the Greek language from antiquity to today.

Låt maten bli din Medicin FULLKOMLIG INFORMATION om Levande Föda, Hippokrates, Asklipios, Enzymer, mm.

Låt maten bli din Medicin FULLKOMLIG INFORMATION om Levande Föda, Hippokrates, Asklipios, Enzymer, mm.

Låt maten bli din medicin och medicin(naturliga föda) din mat! Hippokrates ÄR fadern till levande födan, förutom läkekonstens grundare! 

Hippokrates på golvet i Asklepieion, Kos, med Asklepios i mitten.

Asklepieion på Kos.

Det är helt naturligt att vara frisk, glad och att hålla sin idealvikt. Många lever på levande föda för de fantastiska effekter det har på hud och hår; de vårdar sin skönhet. Andra för att de njuter av en orubblig hälsa och friskhet, fulla av energi, glädje, balans och livskraft. Åter andra har funnit det enda helt naturliga sättet att nå och hålla sin idealvikt.

    Levande föda – vegetabilier i sitt naturliga oförstörda oraffinerade tillstånd, färska och icke upphettade över 40°C.
    Detta betyder mat som innehåller livsenergi, mat vars näring och livskraft inte förstörts. Många, som hör uttrycket levande föda för första gången, tror ofta att det handlar om att äta olika sorters levande djur, men det är givetvis vegetabilier det handlar om. Levande föda (living food) eller råkost (raw food) är en form av vegetarism som blir allt mer populär, främst i USA men även här i Europa. Frukter, bär, grönsaker, groddade fröer och säd, groddade blötlagda naturliga nötter och baljväxter är bland de viktigaste ingredienserna. I Sverige finns Living Food Global Center (hette tidigare Institutet för levande föda), vilket sedan 11 år arbetar för denna livsstil och håller kurser året om i levande föda. Där kan man lära sig allt om teori men även praktik: många timmar tillbringas i köket, där fantastiska, välsmakande rätter tillreds utan att matens näringsmässiga innehåll förstörs. 
    Idén med levande föda har haft lite svårt att vinna terräng, då den står i så stark kontrast till gängse uppfattningar, trots att alla som undersöker problematiken med människans föda närmare, kommer till samma slutsatser. En stor mängd redan utförd forskning visar på samma sanning, men få har uttalat dess konsekvenser. En av de verkliga pionjärerna i modern tid var Ann Wigmore som efterlämnat stora mängder litteratur och empiriska forskningsresultat till eftervärlden (se bokrecension på sidan 76). 
    Kostens betydelse för vår hälsa blir nu alltmer uppmärksammad. Att förebygga ohälsa och sjukdomar blir allt viktigare. Dock är det svårt att få tillräcklig information om vad man skall äta. Den ena dieten efter den andra lyfts fram, men vissa grundfel finns ofta inbyggda i dessa. Sjukvården är så upptagen med att vårda sjukdomar att den inte ser behovet av att förebygga ohälsa. Livsmedelsindustrin tjänar enorma belopp på att “förädla” naturliga produkter. 
    Vi bär alla ett ansvar för vad vi äter, men för att kunna göra korrekta val måste vi ha tillgång till korrekt information. Viss information, ofta den mest väsentliga, undanhålles oss av olika anledningar. Alltför mäktiga ekonomiska intressen har alltför mycket att förlora på att vi får veta fakta. Därför arbetar dessa intressen med propaganda avsedd att överrösta fakta. Speciellt vänder de sig till barn och ungdomar genom skolors undervisningsmaterial, vilket de sponsrar. 
    Idag vill vi människor inte bara överleva eller uppnå ett tillstånd av hälsa: vi vill nå utöver hälsa för att förverkliga vår sanna potential. Hälsa är bara en självklar utgångspunkt för att vi skall kunna komma vidare. Kvaliteten på det vi äter avgör direkt kvaliteten på våra liv. Få inser dock att den mat vi äter också direkt påverkar både vår fysiska och mentala kapacitet. Den döda maten är ett av de vapen makteliten använder för att kuva folket och få möjlighet att genomföra sina planer. Så har det varit under långa tider. Att sprida faktabaserad information som denna är ett försök att ge läsaren ett bättre underlag att grunda sin diet på.


    Av alla varelser på jorden är det bara vi människor som ständigt dör av onaturliga orsaker. Numera är naturliga dödsfall så ovanliga att de inte ens redovisas i statistiken. Ingen dör längre av ålder utan av ålderssjukdomar. I naturen äter alla andra arter den mat som naturen serverar. Råkost är naturlig föda; inte en enda naturlig, fritt levande organism på denna planet äter annat än råkost. Det är bara människan som lagar sin mat med hetta, och bara människan lider av en mängd sjukdomar och krämpor. Detta är den avgörande skillnaden, vilket tydligt kommer att visas i denna artikelserie. 
    Vissa anser att råkost är en naturlig fortsättning på en vegetarisk eller vegandiet, men råkosten skiljer sig från alla andra dieter i det att den är det enda helt naturliga sättet att tillföra kroppen vad den behöver. Vår kropp har under årmiljoner anpassats eller anpassat sig för den näring växtriket bjuder. 
    Ofta dyker det upp dieter med strikta regler och ramar för vad som “får” ätas och inte. Ett djur i naturen funderar aldrig på hur många kalorier eller vilka näringsvärden det får i sig av det djuret väljer att äta. Det struntar glatt i ayurvediska, vegetariska, veganska eller andra regelverk. Djuret äter vad som faller det in eller vad som finns till hands under säsongen. Med väl utvecklade sinnen väljer djuret den bästa födan för stunden. Våra naturliga sinnen för val av mat har trubbats av genom generationers dåliga matvanor. Det vi människor därför behöver är grundläggande förståelse för vad det är vi äter och vad det får för effekter i våra liv. Då behöver vi inte komplicerade system eller dieter, vi kan mycket lätt välja det som är bäst för oss. 
    Amerikanska senatens särskilda kommitté för Näring och Mänskliga Behov kom i sin rapport “Kost och dödliga sjukdomar” 1978 fram till, att den genomsnittlige amerikanens kost (lagad mat baserad på kött) bär ansvaret för utvecklandet av kroniska degenerativa sjukdomar som hjärt-kärlsjukdomar, cancer, diabetes, slag, åderförkalkning osv. Dr Francis M. Pottenger har visat att ett regelbundet intag av konserverade och lagade livsmedel leder till utvecklandet av kroniska degenerativa sjukdomar och förtidig död. Idag dör ungefär hälften av befolkningen i olika sorters cancer. Kronisk trötthet finns hos ca 40 procent av alla under 35 års ålder. Vi borde egentligen leva mycket längre än vad som är normalt idag. Idag är det normalt att bli omkring 74 år. Vi borde leva sju gånger vår mognadsålder, alltså 7 x 20 = 140 år! Det är många olika faktorer som har ihjäl oss i förtid. Vad är det som orsakar våra vällevnadssjukdomar?

Lagad mat eller rå?

    Tillagning av mat är en förstörelseprocess som inleds i det ögonblick maten utsätts för hetta. Långt innan olika slags aska bildas har allt med näringsvärde totalförstörts. Det är enkelt att förstå herrans dödande effekt genom att själv bara för ett ögonblick komma i kontakt med kokande vatten eller en het ugn. Att utsätta mat för detta i flera minuter framstår då som mycket destruktivt. Det som lever dör mycket snabbt i så höga temperaturer. Proteiner koagulerar och delaminerar, vilket tydligt kan konstateras med ägg eller ost redan vid relativt låga temperaturer. Vid de temperaturer som normalt används vid matlagning förstörs alla eventuella näringsvärden. Upphettade proteiner utsätts snabbt i tarmarna för förruttnelsebakterier, vilkas biprodukter är mycket giftiga och tränger in i blodet. Några sådana gifter är likgift, leukomainer, merkaptaner, indoler, skatoler, ammoniakföreningar, vätesulfider, putrescin, kadaverin och många fler. Dessa tränger igenom blodkärlsväggarna och vållar otaliga sjukdomstillstånd. 
    Att tillaga maten gör den alltså giftig! Giftigheten bemöts i kroppen genom att antalet vita blodkroppar i blodet fördubblas eller trefaldigas efter det att lagad mat intagits. Detta sker ej om man äter levande föda eller råkost. De vita blodkropparna är de första krigare som rycker ut till vårt försvar och utgör det som i dagligt tal kallas vårt immunförsvar. Hundratals rapporter, publicerade i Diet, näring och cancer, den ansedda amerikanska Nationella vetenskapsakademins forskningsråds bok, visar entydigt att all tillagning av mat snabbt skapar mutagener och cancerogener. När du äter lagade kolhydrater, proteiner och fetter, äter du en mångfald av cancerogena ämnen som uppstått vid matlagningen. Upphettade fetter är speciellt skadliga, eftersom de blir till akroleiner, fria radikaler, mutagener och cancerogener (publicerat i samma skrift). 
    De allra flesta sjukdomar i väst är överskottssjukdomar, inte underskottssjukdomar. Att upphettad, lagad mat är en grundläggande orsak till de allra flesta sjukdomar blir allt tydligare. Det välkända Pottenger-experimentet med katter kan tjäna som exempel. 
    Detta experiment har publicerats i många böcker och även blivit en film för att det så tydligt visade råkostens fullständiga överlägsenhet. Experimentet varade i tio år, och man följde över 900 katter i fyra generationer. Katterna delades upp i två grupper. Den första fick äta endast lagad mat och pastöriserad mjölk, medan den andra fick rå mat och opastöriserad mjölk. De katter som fick den lagade maten utvecklade snabbt alla de vanliga degenerativa sjukdomar vi människor har, och det blev värre för varje generation. 
    Tredje generationen kunde inte längre fortplanta sig. Under tiden producerade den andra gruppen massor med friska, sjukdomsfria kattungar i fyra generationer, varefter experimentet avslutades. Den grupp som fick lagad mat visade även svåra psykiska störningar och aggressivitet. Mer information om detta mycket talande experiment kan man få hos: Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, La Mesa, Kalifornien. 
    Lagad mat tar inte bara längre tid att smälta utan har ofta visat sig vara både omöjlig att bryta ned och ta upp i kroppen. Detta gäller även upphettade proteiner. Lagad mat börjar genast jäsa och ruttna i kroppens värme så att den förgiftar hela tarmkanalen. Levande föda tas upp nästan helt innan oxidationen gått så långt att svampar och bakterier bryter ned resterna. Detta bevisas av att den genomsnittlige köttätaren har ungefär ett helt kilo olika sorters förruttnelsebakterier i tarmarna, medan en råkostare endast har ett halvt hekto. Ungefär 20 procent av avföringen hos en köttätare består av döda bakterier, medan endast en bråkdel gör det hos en råkostare. Om man kokar en potatis och sedan låter den stå i rumstemperatur vid sidan av en rå, ser man att den kokta potatisen börjar ruttna redan efter en till två dagar, medan den råa potatisen står i veckor och till och med börjar gro. Om man sedan förstår att det som sker i rumstemperatur på en till två dagar går på en till två timmar i matsmältningskanalen, är det helt tydligt hur skadligt det är att äta lagad, död mat. Att det man äter inte kan smältas är ofta ett tecken på att jäsning och/eller förruttnelse inträtt. 
    Lagad mat är död mat. Det går inte att revitalisera levande celler med död mat. Eld dödar och förstör, även mat. Lagad mat täpper igen kroppens olika system med början i tarmarna. Den skadar och irriterar alla inre organ och får dig därför att uppträda förvirrat. Dina organ degenererar i förtid, och detta orsakar otaliga sjukdomar. I princip alla civilisationssjukdomar har sin grund i lagad mat. Många sjukdomar eller störningar, som blivit så vanligt förekommande att de anses helt normala, är egentligen patologiska tillstånd orsakade av ätandet av lagad mat. Snuva, förkylningar, febertillstånd, olika diffusa smärtor, allergier etc. är tidiga tecken på överbelastning. Människor tror att de är friska för att de inte har akuta sjukdomssymtom men har oftast aldrig upplevt riktig hälsa. Den lagade maten har liksom dess konsekvenser blivit en del av vår civilisation. 
    Att tillaga maten med värme förändrar maten till något annat. Mineraler förlorar sina organiska egenskaper och återgår till det tillstånd man finner dem i havsvatten, bergarter, metaller och så vidare. I detta tillstånd är de helt oanvändbara för kroppen, så de förs undan och lagras på platser, där de ofta grupperar sig med mättade fetter och kolesterol i blodomloppet. Detta blir till en cementliknande plackbeläggning. Denna plack är så vanlig att den konstateras hos 90 procent av de individer som undersöks. Dessutom är oorganiska mineraler mycket giftiga. Som exempel kan nämnas jod som vi alla lärt oss är livsnödvändigt. Oorganiskt jod är ett dödande gift. Samma sak med järn, i sin oorganiska form ger det hepatit och hemakromatos. Andra ställen där kroppen skuffar undan skräp är njurar, lever, galla och lederna. Njursten och gallsten är avlagringar som kroppen skapat som en sista utväg. Även vitaminer förstörs mycket snabbt vid tillagning, de flesta helt och hållet. Alla enzymer förstörs helt. 
    Professor Jackson vid avdelningen för anatomi vid Minnesotauniversitetet har visat att råttor, som matats i 135 dagar med 80 procent lagad mat, fick sin bukspottkörtelvikt ökad med 20-30 procent. Detta visar att bukspottkörteln tvingas arbeta betydligt hårdare då lagad mat ätes. Bukspottkörteln skapar enzymer bland annat för matsmältning. Enligt esoterisk tradition anses mjälten vara det organ som fördelar livsenergin i kroppens eterhölje. Mjälten och bukspottkörteln ligger varandra nära och deras funktioner samverkar. 
Kroppens olika fortplantningssystem bryts ned och försämras efter ett par generationers ätande av enbart lagad mat. Detta kan vara orsak till en ökad obalanserad sexdrift som ett naturens sätt att säkra framtida generationer. Forskare förundras idag över hur mäns sperma har så oerhört låg kvalitet och att försämringen skett på förhållandevis kort tid. 
    Fouad Dini, medförfattare till Den första naturlagen: Råkost, säger i en intervju följande:
    “- Lagad mat är gift. Jag ser denna förgiftning i ansiktet på alla jag möter. Vem du än är och hur ‘frisk’ du än är kommer skillnaderna du upplever med en diet bestående av råkost att vara helt förbluffande. När du börjar med råkost, kommer du snabbt att inse att det inte finns några begränsningar för hur frisk du kan bli. De enda skälen att inte vilja börja med råkost är att man är för beroende, förgiftad och sjuk för att kunna tänka logiskt, förnuftigt och verkligen greppa sin situation. Råkost ger lätt fyrtio extra år till vem som helst oberoende av deras utgångssituation. Själv har jag gått ner 70 kilo, halva min tidigare kroppsvikt! Lagad mat tillför inget som helst liv till kroppen, den är helt död. Man blir ju vad man äter: Död mat ger en död kropp. 
    Lagad mat är för kroppen ett gift som kroppen måste bekämpa på olika sätt. Att människor förökar sig i så stor takt beror på att kroppen håller på att dö och att den kämpar för att hålla släktet vid liv. Om alla finge gå över till rå mat, skulle vi se slutet på alika beroenden, föroreningar och sjukdomar. Nästan alla föroreningar har med förstörandet av mat att göra. Råkostfolket kommer att överleva alla andra och dessutom leva med en helt enastående livskvalitet jämfört med alla andra .”
    En person med låga pH-nivåer är bokstavligen talat sur som ett resultat av ätandet av animaliska proteiner, raffinerat socker och upphettade fetter. Dessa födoämnen smälts dåligt eller inte alls och förgiftar kroppen. Hjärnans storlek minskas (se NEXUS Nya Tider, nr 2, 1998) och dess funktion försämras (lägre intelligens) av den sura miljön. Ökat ätande av levande föda skapar en alkalisk pH-nivå i kroppen. Kroppen blir lätt basisk, vilket krävs för bästa möjliga hälsa. 
    Råkostare mår faktiskt mycket bättre och befinner sig ofta i tillstånd av lätthet och eufori. De har också mycket mer livskraft och uthållighet. De blir mer utvilade på kortare tid, sover djupare, är mer alerta, tänker klarare, skarpare och mer logiskt. Kroppens alla vätskor blir klarare och kroppens alla funktioner förbättras. Även motoriken blir exaktare liksom hela rörelseschemat. Tankarna blir exaktare och klarare. De som lever på levande föda, upplever drastiska viktminskningar (ifall de varit överviktiga tidigare), och att övergå till levande föda och råkost är det enda naturliga, riskfria sättet att garanterat nä sin idealvikt. Detta inom endast 1-12 månader! Efter att man nått sin “idealvikt” är det faktiskt svårt att gå upp i vikt! Kroppens eget “apotek” och dess egen läkande förmåga ges möjlighet att fungera som avsett, vilket gör att man sällan eller aldrig blir sjuk! 
    Att äta levande föda skapar många mycket positiva förändringar. Vi äter mindre, då maten vi äter innehåller mer av lättsmält näring av högre kvalitet och mindre av död massa. Sjukdomar och olika symtom försvinner den naturliga vägen: kroppen tar hand om dem. Det finns uppgifter om hur hela cancertumörer forslats ut med avföringen efter det att patienten börjat med levande föda. Den bästa läkaren är kroppen själv, vilken kan läka allt, bara den får tillfälle därtill. Att människor med s.k. dödliga sjukdomar blir friska är därför inget som förvånar andra än dem som är blint troende på gängse föreställningar om kosten och genom denna sin tro blivit oemottagliga för fakta. Till denna kategori hör även många högutbildade, såsom läkare och andra akademiker. Cancer, HIV, AIDS och många andra “hopplösa sjukdomar” botas, läks inifrån av kroppen själv, och sådana naturliga läkningar är inget ovanligt vid de många instituten för levande föda runt om i världen. Självklart måste ofta även olika former av terapi eller liknande utföras i samband därmed. Många sjukdomstillstånd har sina orsaker i det psykiska, och en omläggning av kosten kommer visserligen att förbättra hälsan, men endast ett avlägsnande av orsakerna kan ge möjlighet till full läkning. 
    Att äta maten utan att tillaga den kan verka underligt, men den som har studerat vad man idag vet om skillnaderna mellan lagad mat och rå, finner det självklart. Att hetta upp maten är att förstöra den, att ta bort det enskilt viktigaste elementet: livet. Vilket slöseri med att så, odla och skörda för att sedan döda maten genom tillagning.

Enzymerna: bärare av liv(fr.Grekiskan: ΕΝΖΥΜON – En+zymon; från Zymosis. 

Enzymerna är – kort sagt – Specifika proteiner eller proteinbaserade komplexa organiska föreningar, vilka innefattar polymerer av aminosyror, vilka verkar som katalysatorer i kemiska reaktioner som sker i metabolismen av organismer, därav namnet synonyma biokatalysatorer.

    När vi föds, har kroppen en begränsad enzymbildande potential. Kroppen tvingas använda en stor del av denna till att bryta ned enzymfattig mat. Om vi levde på mat innehållande enzymer, skulle kroppens egna enzymer få sköta det de var avsedda för: regenerering och läkning. Lagad mat innehåller inga enzymer. Enzymbrist är den fundamentala orsaken till åldrande. Tärandet på kroppens enzymförråd. minskar livskraften i varje enskild cell. När cellens livskraft avtar, kan den inte reproducera sig lika snabbt. Samtidigt blir cellen mer mottaglig, eller mindre motståndskraftig. för skador från fria radikaler och andra giftiga substanser. Det är kroppens enzymbrist och den åtföljande sämre cellreproduktionen som direkt ger upphov till åldrande och ökad mottaglighet för olika sjukdomar. 
    Enzymerna är mycket känsliga, då de helt förstörs i temperaturer över 48°C (vissa i så låga temperaturer som 40°C, en temperatur kroppen kan alstra i extrema fall).
    Även om våra enzymproducerande organ fortsätter att fungera genom ett helt hälsosamt liv, kommer de så småningom att mattas, särskilt med det slags kost de flesta av oss idag lever på. ” Även om kroppen själv kan producera enzymer, så kommer din enzymproduktionspotential att ta slut.” Detta skriver dr Edward Howell som utfört banbrytande forskning om fördelarna med födoenzymer. En 18-åring kan producera 30 gånger mer amylas än en 80-åring. ” Enzymer kan vara en nyckelfaktor när det gäller att förhindra uppkomsten av kroniska sjukdomar och att förlänga människans livslängd.
   Enzymer är substanser vilka möjliggör liv. De behövs för varje funktion i vår kropp. Utan enzymer skulle all aktivitet upphöra. Varken vitaminer, mineraler eller hormoner kan utföra något utan enzymer. Enzymer är dock mycket mer än katalysatorer; de ger ifrån sig mätbar strålning när de arbetar, vilket inte katalysatorer gör. De har dock det gemensamt med katalysatorer att de inte förbrukas utan bibehåller sin funktion även efter sin insats. Ett nobelpris gavs i början av detta århundrade för upptäckten att enzymernas elektriska laddning möjliggör matsmältningen. 
    Trots att man vet att enzymer innehåller protein – och några innehåller vitaminer – har man aldrig lyckats syntetisera enzymer. Det finns ingen kombination av proteiner eller av aminosyror eller någon annan substans som kan ge enzymaktivitet. Det finns visserligen proteiner i enzymer, men de fungerar som bärare av enzymens aktiva faktorer. Det verkar som om vi ärvde en viss enzymbildande potential. Denna begränsade mängd faktorer för livskraftens aktivitet skall räcka hela livet. Ju snabbare man förbrukar sina enzymer desto snabbare tar de slut. Många studier visar att ju snabbare en arts ämnesomsättning är desto kortare livslängd har den. Om alla andra faktorer är lika, så lever man så länge kroppen har enzymaktivitetsfaktorer att bilda enzymer med. När det gått så långt att vissa enzymer inte längre kan bildas, dör man. Om vi såg till att det fanns enzymer i vår föda, skulle dessa hjälpa till med eller helt sköta nedbrytningen av maten på egen hand. Om man däremot äter lagad enzymlös mat, tvingas kroppen att tillverka enzymer för att bryta ned det som äts. Detta tömmer kroppens begränsade enzymkapacitet. Detta slösande med enzymer verkar vara den underliggande orsaken till snabbt åldrande och förtidig död. Dr Howell menar dessutom att det är den underliggande orsaken till nästan alla degenerativa sjukdomar. 
    Bristen på enzymer ger upphov till att kroppens olika organsystem och vävnader kämpar inbördes om att ha tillräckligt med enzymer. Denna obalans verkar vara en direkt orsak till sjukdomar i hjärtats kranskärl, diabetes och många andra obotliga kroniska sjukdomar. De allra flesta västerlänningar som idag äter enzymlös död, mat lider av akut enzymbriststress. 
    Enligt Howell infann sig människans degenerativa sjukdomar då hon började laga sin mat över eld. Vi kan konstatera likadana sjukdomar hos grottfolk, som för länge sedan använde elden vid matlagning. Däremot kan vi inte se samma sjukdomar hos lika gamla eskimålämningar. Eskimåer har enligt gamla traditioner ätit det mesta av sin mat helt rå, och ordet eskimå kommer av ett indianuttryck som betyder “han som äter det rått”. Kanske är det därför eskimåerna inte hade medicinmän bland sig som de nordamerikanska indianerna hade och där medicinmannen hade en framstående position i stammen. 
    Bevisen för att människor lider av enzymbrist är överväldigande och omfattande. Av alla varelser har människor de lägsta nivåerna av stärkelsenedbrytande enzymer i blodet. Vi har samtidigt de högsta nivåerna av dessa enzymer i urinen, vilket visar att de förbrukas snabbare. Dessa enzymnivåer tycks inte vara normala för människan utan bero på de enorma mängder lagad stärkelse vi äter. Vi vet också att låga enzymnivåer uppmäts vid de flesta kroniska sjukdomar som allergier, hudåkommor och även allvarligare sjukdomar som diabetes och cancer. 
    Undersökningar visar entydigt att intagandet av enzymlös lagad mat bidrar till en sjuklig förstoring av hypofysen, som reglerar alla andra körtlar och våra hormoner.
    Howell anser dessutom att enzymbrist är det som skapar den förtidiga könsmognad vi ser hos dagens barn och ungdomar. Många djurförsök visar att en enzymlös diet skapar en betydligt snabbare könsmognad än normalt. Detta vållar dessutom fetma och övervikt både hos barn och vuxna. Även här visar djurförsök samma sak: djur som får äta död mat går upp i vikt markant jämfört med djur som får äta råkost. Så brukade bönder mata grisarna med kokt potatis för att de skulle bli extra feta innan de såldes på marknaden. 
    Detta bevisar att det är avgörande skillnader mellan lagade och råa kalorier, “-faktiskt visade det sig omöjligt att få folk att gå upp i vikt när de åt enbart råkost, oavsett hur mycket och ofta de åt. Detta erfor jag själv, då jag arbetade på ett hälsohem under lång tid,” säger Dr Howell.
    Vi vet dessutom att en annan effekt av enzymbrist är att hjärnans storlek minskar, samtidigt som sköldkörteln ökar i storlek, även om tillräckliga mängder jod finns. Detta har man sett hos flera arter, och det gäller sannolikt även för människor, även om det givetvis är mycket svårt att bevisa med undersökningar. Den mänskliga bukspottkörteln är överlastad med produktion av enzymer. 
    I förhållande till kroppsvikt är människans bukspottkörtel mer än dubbelt så tung som kon. Kor äter i huvudsak gräs (ges idag dock allehanda konstgjorda foder), medan människan äter lagad mat. Djurförsök visar att råttor som tvingas äta lagad mat har en dubbelt så tung bukspottkörtel som de kontrollgrupper som lever på en normal rå diet. Det är faktiskt så att människans bukspottkörtel är den tyngsta i förhållande till kroppsvikt jämfört med alla djur, En förstorad bukspottkörtel är en lika allvarlig störning som förstorad lever, hjärta och sköldkörtel. Förstoringen är en sjuklig anpassning kroppen tvingas göra för att kompensera den enzymlösa kosten. Inte bara bukspottkörteln tvingas producera onormala kvantiteter enzymer, även spottkörtlarna tvingas producera stora mängder enzymer, betydligt mer än vilda djurarter som äter rå mat. Vissa djurarter producerar inga enzymer alls i saliven. Kor och får utsöndrar mängder av saliv utan enzymer. Hundar producerar inga enzymer i saliven när de äter råkost, men om man börjar mata dem med lagad stärkelserik mat börjar spottkörtlarna producera stärkelsenedbrytande enzymer inom 10 dagar. Eftersom de enzymer som produceras i munnen inte kan bryta ned rå stärkelse, kan man dra slutsatsen att det rör sig om en speciell produktion enbart för lagad mat, en produktion som normalt inte skulle vara nödvändig men som hela tiden tår på kroppens enzympotential. De enzymer som finns i saliven bryter bara ned lagad stärkelse, och kroppen bildar de enzymerna bara om den tvingas därtill. 
    Howell utförde ett experiment med råttor för att se om de som fick lagad mat skulle leva lika länge som de som fick rå mat. Den ena gruppen fick en kombination av rått kött, råa vegetabilier och säd. Den andra gruppen fick samma diet fast lagad (kokad) och därför enzymlös. Han skötte om råttorna 
tills de alla dog, vilket tog c:a tre år. När han analyserade resultaten blev han förvånad, eftersom det inte var så stor skillnad i livslängd mellan de två grupperna. Orsaken visade sig snart. De som inte fick enzymer via maten, fick ändå enzymer! De hade ätit sin egen avföring, som innehöll de enzymer deras egna kroppar producerat. All avföring, även människans, innehåller enzymer som använts vid nedbrytningen av det som ätits. Hans råttor hade återanvänt sina egna enzymer! Det var därför inga större skillnader i livslängd kunde noteras. Det är mycket vanligt att laboratoriedjur äter sin avföring. Trots att de matas med “vetenskapligt framtagna dieter”, som innehåller alla möjliga vitaminer och mineraler, känner de instinktivt att de behöver enzymer. Därför äter de sin egen avföring. Djur, som äter som Människor, utvecklar de flesta av de kroniska degenerativa sjukdomar som människan gör, om de ges tillfälle att leva länge nog. Detta visar tydligt att mineraler och vitaminer har en relativt liten betydelse jämfört med enzymer. Senare försök och erfarenheter från många andra laboratorier visar att råttor som får råkost lever i tre år, medan råttor,, som ges lagad enzymlös föda lever som längst i två år. Det innebär en förkortning av livslängden med 30 procent. Ofta brukar försök med råttor användas som mall för människor, eftersom det finns vissa likheter i organismerna. Det är därför råttor ofta används i olika djurförsök, där resultaten skall vara ledande för hur människan kommer att reagera. Om dessa resultat tillämpas på människan, skulle det innebära att hon kan öka sin livslängd med mer än 20 år enbart genom att äta enzymrik föda. 
    När en person börjar fasta, slutar kroppen genast att producera matsmältningsenzymer. Enzymerna i saliven, magsäcken och de som utsöndras av bukspottkörteln minskar till mycket låga nivåer. Under en fasta kan därför kroppens enzymer användas till reparationer och utbytande samt bortförande av sjuk eller död vävnad. I vår civiliserade värld äter vi så mycket lagad mat att kroppens enzymsystem ständigt tvingas vara upptaget med denna döda mat. Resultatet blir brist på enzymer i övriga organ och vävnader, enzymer som behövs för underhåll i en frisk och fungerande kropp. De flesta som fastar går igenom vad som kallas en läkekris. De kan må illa, kräkas och bli yra. Det som sker är att enzymerna nu sätter igång med att förändra de ohälsosamma delarna i kroppen. De attackerar sjuk vävnad och bryter ned depåer av osmälta och icke bearbetade substanser, som sedan förs ut snabbaste vägen via antingen avföring, kräkningar, andningen eller huden. Kroppen kan använda samtliga kroppsöppningar för denna rensning. 
    Någon kritiker har hävdat att enzymerna inte klarar av den extremt sura miljön i magsäcken, men forskning visar att de första 30 minuterna utsöndrar magsäcken minimalt med syra. Under denna tid sätter födans egna enzymer igång med nedbrytningen. ju mer denna nedbrytning utför, desto mindre måste kroppen skjuta till i arbetande enzymer för fullständig nedbrytning. När den första lugna perioden om ca 30-40 minuter är över, börjar kroppens egen produktion av syra och enzymer. Även efter detta arbetar matens egna enzymer länge, tills syranivån blir alltför hög. Enzymerna tål dock sura miljöer mycket bättre än neutrala. 
    Många djurarter har till och med speciella magar, där maten börjar smälta sig själv. Apor har kindsäckar liksom gnagare, krävan hos många fågelarter och de första magarna hos valar, delfiner och tumlare. När fåglar till exempel sväljer hela frön eller korn, ligger dessa i krävan mellan 8 och 12 timmar. Där tar de upp fuktighet, sväller och börjar gro. Under groddningen bildas i fröet enzymer, som kommer att ta hand om nedbrytningen av fröer och korn. Valar, delfiner och tumlare har en första mage, där inga enzymer utsöndras. Valar sväljer stora mängder mat utan att tugga den. Maten bryter helt enkelt ned sig själv, I fiskars kött finns ett enzym som kallas katepsin som bryter ned fisken när den dör. Detta enzym finns i nästan alla varelser i djurriket. Många forskare är idag fortfarande förbryllade över hur den mat valen äter sedan kan passera genom en mycket liten öppning till den andra magen. De har ingen förståelse för enzymerna och dessas arbete. 
    Varje vegetabilie innehåller den mängd enzymer som krävs för att smälta den. Det är naturens fantastiska ordning, vilken håller kretsloppen igång. Enzymer är det som får frön att gro. Groddar är i själva verket en av de absolut rikaste enzymkällor man känner. Andra utmärkta källor är papaya, ananas och mögelsvamp. Vegetabilier och frukter innehåller varierande nivåer av enzymer. Under mognadsprocessen finns mängder av enzymer för att framkalla mognaden, men när väl mognaden är uppnådd, drar växten in dessa enzymer i stammen och fröna. När man t.ex. vill utvinna enzymer ur papaya, använder man saften av omogna frukter. Mogen papaya har inte alls lika höga nivåer av enzymer. Var hittar man då mest enzymer? Bananer, avokados och mango är rika källor. Som regel kan man säga att allt med höga kalorivärden är bra enzymkällor. 
    Inga försök att skapa enzymer på konstgjord väg har lyckats, eftersom de tydligen är ren livskraft. Detta förklarar ointresset hos läkemedelsindustri och livsmedelsindustri. Det går inte att tjäna pengar på enzymer. Endast råkost har fungerande “levande” enzymer. Därför måste levern, bukspottkörteln, magsäcken och tarmarna rycka in och tillhandahålla de erforderliga matsmältningsenzymerna till den som lever uteslutande på lagad, död mat. 
    De som äter lagad mat undrar Ofta, när de lär sig mer om enzymer, om de kan kompensera de enorma enzymförluster deras kost vållar. Enligt Howell räcker det inte att tillföra enzymer genom att vid sidan om äta mer rå mat. Förlusterna är så stora att intagandet av lagad mat måste upphöra, innan en balans kan nås. 
    Enzymerna kan vara nyckeln till att hindra uppkomsten av alla kroniska sjukdomar och att öka livslängden radikalt. Givetvis handlar det också om livskvalitetsförhöjningar, något allt fler inser och även strävar efter idag. 
    Det finns även enzymhämmare i det vi äter. Dessa finns bland annat i säd och nötter (som inte groddats). Enzymhämmarna finns i sädeskornen som ett skydd, då naturen inte vill att kornet skall gro i förtid och dö. Istället skall fröet först hamna i gynnsam miljö med fukt och jord för att arten skall fortleva. Hämmarna hindrar enzymerna från att verka och gör det svårare även för kroppens egenproducerade enzymer att bryta ned föda. Äter man nötter och ogroddad säd (mjöl, bröd mm) som innehåller enzymhämmare, så sväller genast bukspottkörteln upp. Alla ogroddade råa nötter och sädesslag innehåller enzymhämmare; speciellt mycket finns det i jordnötter. Även vetegroddar, ärtor, bönor, potatis (som är ett frö) och linser innehåller enzymhämmare. I ägg finns de framförallt i äggvitan. Som regel finns enzymhämmarna i frödelarna av växten. De köttiga delarna, bladen eller stammarna, innehåller inga hämmare. 
    Det finns två sätt att förstöra enzymhämmarna. Ett är att koka dem, men detta tar livet även av enzymerna. Vissa ogroddade växter, som till exempel sojabönan, måste hettas upp kraftigt för att enzymhämmarna skall försvinna. Många av de sojabönsprodukter som idag finns på marknaden (ostar, köttsubstitut, mjölker mm), har inte hettats upp tillräckligt, vilket innebär att de hämmar enzymer. Det andra sättet att bli av med hämmarna är groddning. Groddning tar bort dem helt och ökar dessutom enzyminnehållet med 3 till 6 gånger. Det existerar enzymkosttillskott i form av extraherade koncentrerade växtenzymer, vilka till viss del kan motverka hämmarna. Dessa kapslar skall då intagas vid varje måltid. Om kapseln har ett felaktigt överdrag, kommer den att lösas upp först efter det att den passerat magsäcken, vilket gör den verkningslös. Dessa enzymtillskott är att föredraga framför de bukspottenzymkapslar som nu även går att köpa. Bukspottenzymerna kan nämligen inte fungera i den sura magmiljön, då de hör hemma i den basiska tunntarmen. 
    Att se till att den egna enzymbanken håller en hög nivå framstår som än viktigare, då man numera vet att enzymer förbrukas snabbare i extrem värme och kyla samt vid fysisk ansträngning och träning. Låga enzymnivåer är som sagt kopplade till kroniska sjukdomar och hög ålder. Enbart möjligheten att förlänga den egna organismens liv med 20 år borde vara skäl nog, alldeles bortsett från de övriga närmast fantastiska effekter på livskvaliteten som levande föda och råkost innebär. 
Enzymer är tydligen en fysisk form av livsenergi. Den enda vettiga energikällan är därför levande råkost. Råsaft måste drickas alldeles färsk – kyld eller frusen råsaft skall undvikas då livsenergin i denna är lägre eller helt borta. 
    Den extraaktivitet smältningen av en diet av lagad mat kräver kan vara förödande för hälsan, eftersom den hela tiden stjäl energi från våra organ. Dessutom passerar lagad mat betydligt långsammare genom matsmältningskanalen än råkost och tenderar att ruttna, vilket alstrar gifter mitt inne i kroppen. Att ständigt gå med dessa gifter sipprande från tarmsystemet ger bland andra dessa symtom: trötthet, utmattning, nervositet, återkommande infektioner, hudutslag och -irritationer, eksem, hormonstörningar, huvudvärk, ledgångsinflammation, ischias, ländryggssmärtor, allergier, astma, öron-näsa-hals-störningar, hjärtsvikt, patologiska förändringar i brösten hos kvinnor, buksmärtor mm mm. Alla dessa symtom förbättras om man gör ansträngningar att avhjälpa självförgiftningen. De flesta vet redan hur viktigt det är att få i sig tillräckligt med fibrer i maten för att denna skall bistå tarmarna i detta viktiga utrensningsarbete. Kött innehåller inga fibrer. Rester av ruttnad mat ger en mängd olika parasiter en plats att leva på och förökas i. Att arbeta med sin hälsa utan att först genomgå en rejäl och omfattande tarmrening ger sällan bestående resultat. Rening och utrensning är nödvändig. Därefter är det oerhört viktigt att äta föda med enzymer, vilka ser till att matsmältningen och upptaget av vital näring fungerar så bra som möjligt. 
    Lagad mars molekyler tränger ofta in i blodomloppet odelade och deponeras som avfall på olika ställen i kroppen. Om det är en fettmolekyl, känner vi den som kolesterolplack; om det är kalcium som åderförkalkning; om det är socker som diabetes. Antalet vita blodkroppar i blodet ökar dramatiskt, då man äter lagad eller konserverad mat. Detta sker normalt bara om kroppen hotas, som vid bakteriella infektioner, inflammationer och nedsatt immunförsvar. Detta sker dock aldrig när man äter råkost. All råkost innehåller exakt de enzymer som krävs i exakt rätt mängd för att dela upp varenda molekyl i de grundbyggstenar kroppen behöver: aminosyror (från protein), glukos (från komplexa kolhydrater) och essentiella fettsyror (från omättade vegetabiliska fetter). Ett överskott kan tydligen tas upp av kroppen för senare användning. Dr Howell menar att det är fullt möjligt att vår kropp använder den energi som finns i de enzymer vi äter i råkost och lagrar den eller lägger den till de egna reserverna. Han har identifierat lymfsystemet som kroppens enzymreservoar, speciellt i de vita blodkropparna. Detta förklarar varför vita blodkroppar sänds att kämpa mot inkräktare i kroppen, då de har den bästa förmågan att smälta dessa. Det förklarar också det välkända fenomenet med leukocytosis digestiva, vilket uppträder i tunntarmen då man äter lagad mat: kroppens normala resurser att ta hand om denna mat räcker inte till, så reserverna kallas in för att hjälpa till. 
    Dr Howell har mycket utförligt beskrivit enzymerna och deras arbete i sin bok Enzymnäring. Han anser att det är enzymerna som är bärare av det som kallas qi, prana, eter eller nervenergi. Varje persons medfödda enzymproduktionskapacitet producerar över 100 000 olika enzymer, en kapacitet som har en medfödd begränsning. Åldrandet är helt enkelt ett gradvis uttömmande av denna potential. Kroppen har flera olika lager av enzymer och kan vid behov förändra enzymer från en sort till en annan, metaboliska till matsmältningsenzymer till exempel. Dr Howell har visat att enzymbristen i kroppen uppstår som ett resultat av överproduktion av koncentrerade matsmältningsenzymer. Det är helt uppenbart och vetenskapligt fastställt att kroppen borde leva på rå, levande föda. Vi borde äta mycket mer av denna naturliga mat och helst sluta äta lagad mat helt. Många nöjer sig idag inte enbart med att överleva, utan känner att det finns en enorm potential i att leva fullt ut. Genom att hela tiden tillföra nya enzymer har vi vår fulla potential inom räckhåll; annars handlar det enbart om överlevnad. Mycket tyder på att ett stadigt enzymtillskott dagligen ger möjlighet att åldras mycket långsammare och uppnå en ålder av 140 år eller mer. 
    Åldrandet innebär brist på enzymer, enzymer som krävs för att få mer näring. Åldrande är en negativ spiral av brist som vållar brist tills förråden är tömda och döden inträder. Ålderssjukdomar är ofta kostrelaterade eller drabbar de system i kroppen som har med matsmältningen att göra. 
Enzymernas betydelse har bara börjat att uppmärksammas. Efter den enorma fixeringen vid vitaminer kommer nästa våg att bli mineraler. Först därefter kommer man att uppmärksamma enzymerna.

    Att ta del av en grundläggande argumentation för levande föda leder till stora förändringar i ens sätt att se på mat och näring. Många som hört av sig efter den första artikeln i serien har berättat om omvälvande förändringar i deras syn på mat. I dessa samtal har också de vanligaste frågorna kommit upp och de gemensamma problem man möter när man bestämmer sig för att pröva en ny diet. Denna av utrymmeskäl korta del i serien om levande flöda ägnas därför åt de frågeställningar som uppkommit efter de första två delarna.

    Nyttan med att leva på råkost är så självklar att en längtan att genast sätta igång bryter fram hos de flesta. Det är först då som du konfronteras med problemen, de faktiska svårigheterna med en övergång från annan diet. Dessa problem har visat sig kunnat bli för stora även för dem med stark vilja, främst då man överskattat sin förmåga eller underskattat problemen. Vad hindrar oss att leva sundare? Vad gör det så svårt? 
    Bara en av nedanstående faktorer räcker för att hålla dig kvar vid det gamla.

Brytandet av vanor och mönster

    Detta kan vara oerhört ansträngande och kräver uthållighet. Att pröva nåt nytt kan vara svårt i sig för vissa men i detta fall handlar det om att byta livsstil och att orka förändra sig och sina vanor bestående. Påminn dig ofta om varför du gör förändringen. Läs ofta t ex den första artikeln om Levande föda som publicerades i NEXUS Nya Tider årgång 2 nr 3.

Att möta de positiva effekterna.

    Vissa positiva effekter upplevs som negativa, till exempel utrensningar som kroppen får möjlighet till. Illamående, hudbesvär, dålig kroppslukt, svettningar och andra reaktioner. Kroppen får möjlighet att äntligen rensa ut depåer av gifter och skräp. Denna fas är övergående men så länge vi får i oss skräpet skall man vara glad över att kroppen kan göra sig fri från det. Dessa problem går oftast över relativt snart och det går fortare om man hjälper till med tarmrening och torrborstning. Lägre vikt (närmare idealvikten), finare hy, bättre kroppsdoft och många andra märkbara förändringar är bestående. Även detta kan för vissa paradoxalt nog vara svårt att leva med i jantelagens Sverige. Även positiva förändringar hotar tingens ordning.

Att brottas med motståndare till ens förändring

    Vanligt är att din omgivning blir fundersam och till och med rädd. Detta är en kombination av olika psykologiska mekanismer. Din nya livsstil är annorlunda. “Har du gått med i en sekt? Det går ju inte att leva utan kött! Vad mager du har blivit! Vad blek du är! Skall du inte ha en bit kassler i alla fall? Det är livsfarligt att inte äta kött!” Kommentarer som dessa blir ett nytt inte särskilt roligt inslag i ditt liv. Då måste du förstå att du utgör ett hot. Du hotar andras uppfattningar om vad som är rätt och fel. Dessutom framstår andras diet som det barbari den är och detta väcker det dåliga samvetet. Tro inte att människor med dåligt samvete ändrar sina liv, de försöken istället ändra ditt. Du kommer förstås också att möta mycket positiva reaktioner och dessa hjälper dig att leva med de sämre.

Att finna lämpliga redskap och tekniker som underlättar

    Plötsligt finner du att ditt kök och dess utrustning kretsar kring lagad mat. Du måste nu se till att ha de redskap som krävs för att äta råkost. Vissa saker i köket kommer från och med nu aldrig mer att användas. Några av de saker du behöver skaffa är svåra att fä tag på och du måste därför söka på egen hand. Du kommer att behöva en bra och rejäl juicepress, en rejäl mixer och rent vatten. SUNFOOD i Göteborg specialiserar sig på utrustning för att leva på levande föda. Den juicepress de säljer kan pressa saft av både vetegräs och groddar! Se annons på sidan 71.

Att finna lämplig mat

    När du blir mer noggrann med maten blir du mer kräsen med vad du handlar. Det är inte ovanligt att hamna i en situation där till slut inget duger. Du vill ha “ekologiskt, biodynamiskt, absolut färskt, fläckfritt och skördat klockan 8 av en oskuld som var vänd mot solen”. Så länge du inte odlar din egen mat kan du faktiskt nöja dig med vad som finns att köpa. Visst har maten vi köper brister men jämfört med lagad mat och en diet på kött så lever du oerhört mycket mer hälsosamt. Kompensera bristerna i dagens odlade frukter och grönsaker med att äta mer. Din kropp kommer att tycka att dessa mindre problem är löjliga jämfört med dem som uppstått tidigare. Att “laga” denna nya diet till varierade rätter blir snabbt viktigt. Det finns hundratals smaskiga och underbara recept i olika böcker. Med tiden märker du att du själv minsann är kreativ nog att skapa egna rätter som passar dig. 
    Endast en av ovanstående faktorer räcker för att knäcka dina ansträngningar. Därför kräver din övergång en handlingsplan, med utgångspunkt och mål, samt ett översiktligt tidsschema. Planera på den nivå som passar dig, mer eller mindre detaljerat. Sätt alltid realistiska mål. Det är lättare att gradvis öka andelen levande föda under en period än att plötsligt gå över helt. Följ din planering. Du gör det för din egen skull. Notera framsteg och belöna dig själv när du närmar dig dina mål. 
    Se till att de fysiska möjligheterna finns, som rätt redskap och annat som sparar tid och kraft. Med rätt verktyg och redskap är ett av de större problemen löst. Du kommer att använda redskapen varje dag! Ordna ditt kök så att det blir lätt att göra iordning din mat. 
    Läs på. Se till att hämta information från många olika håll. Kunnigast i Europa är Living Food Global Center i Valdemarsvik tel 0493-414 25. De har över elva års erfarenhet av att hjälpa människor att välja en bättre livsstil innehållande levande föda. Gå en kurs hos dem! Det är verkligen att lära för livet.

Var beredd på kroppsliga reaktioner

    Med bättre mat kommer kroppen att sätta igång med att rensa ut skräp och annat överflödigt samtidigt som den kan börja byta ut och ersätta skadade delar. Vissa får en svår tid med kraftiga utrensningar med förgiftningsliknande symtom. Andra märker inget alls. Skräp och gifter avsöndras i lymf- och blodomlopp för att forslas ut via tjocktarmen, lungor, och hud. Även om utrensningar kan vara obehagliga eller obekväma är det skönt att veta att kroppen kommer fungera mycket bättre utan skräpet. Utrensningen är egentligen ett helt eget kapitel där man aktivt kan hjälpa till genom att rena sin matsmältningskanal från intorkade avlagringar av förruttnade matrester. Dessa finns både i tunntarmen och tjocktarmen och kan i torr vikt väga flera kilo. När detta intorkade slem löses upp kan dess vikt uppgå till 10-tals kilon och fylla en vanlig hink. En man i USA fick sin tjocktarm vägd vid obduktionen av hans kropp. Normalt skall denna väga något eller några hekto. Den vägde 25 kilogram. Alla som ätit lagad mat, framför allt kött, bär på sådant intorkat slem. Det hindrar upptag av näring då det blockerar en del av tarmen och det är en grogrund för olika parasiter. Under tiden slemmet torkar in avger dess föruttnelse kraftiga gifter som går ut i blodbanan med olika förgiftningssymtom som följd. 
    En effekt av övergången till levande föda är att de allra flesta går ned i vikt – ofta hastigt och dramatiskt. Kroppen rensar helt enkelt ut allt byggmaterial som den helst vill slippa. De kraftigaste viktminskningarna kommer dock om man helt går över till levande föda. Vikten går ner till strax under din “idealvikt” för att sedan långsamt (under ett par månader) gå upp och stabilisera sig vid din idealvikt. Det är helt underbart att bli av med sina värsta kilon; gifter, slem, avfall, parasiter, tvångslagrade fetter, förruttnelse och annan dödvikt. Med sådan extra belastning ute ur kroppen kommer dina olika system för att motstå ohälsa vara betydligt starkare och effektivare. Du blir mycket starkare, friskare, lättare, vackrare och mår mycket bättre. Humöret påverkas till att bli lättsamt och glatt, samtidigt som det blir mer stabilt. 
    För er som möter kritiskt motstånd till ert val av föda finns det enorma mängder vetenskapligt material som stöder ätandet av levande föda. Problemet är att detta sällan eller aldrig lyfts fram. Ett exempel är den enorma studie som presenterats i Journal of the American Medical Association där över 100 000 hälsospecialister deltog. Det visade sig att de som åt frukt och grönsaker fem gånger om dagen minskade sin risk för hjärnblödning med 31 procent. Speciellt bra verkade gröna växtdelar vara (broccoli mm) och citrusfruktjuicer. De forskare som presenterade resultatet av undersökningen betonade starkt att det visat sig vara viktigt att äta växtdelarna i sitt naturliga skick. En annan mycket omfattande undersökning utfördes under 12 års tid av dr Caldwell Esselstyn, kirurg och forskare på Cleveland Clinic. Han fann att en diet innehållande växtbaserad föda med lågt fettinnehåll var det mest lyckosamma och effektiva sättet att bromsa kranskärlssjukdomar. Hans forskningsresultat publicerades i American journal of Cardiology. De 18 deltagande patienterna uteslöt allt slags kött och dessutom alla mjölkprodukter utom fettfri yoghurt och skummjölk. De åt mer av grönsaker, frukter, bladgrönt och säd. “Vi åstadkom dessa fantastiska resultat utan speciella träningsscheman, meditation, stresshantering eller andra livsstilsförändringar som andra studier ansett vara nödvändiga,” säger dr Esselstyn och tillägger att det troligen var lättare att fokusera sin energi på bara en sak: att äta mer växter, istället för att splittra sin energi på många olika förändringar. De patienter som deltog i studien var alla i dåligt skick vid dess början och deltog som ett sista desperat försök att bli bättre. Före studierna hade de haft sammanlagt 48 allvarliga incidenter med kranskärlen inblandade men under de 12 år studien pågick hade endast en patient en incident och det berodde på att han inte följde dietinstruktionerna. En av patienterna hade genomgått tre “bypass”-operationer för att få beskedet att “gå hem och vänta på att dö” då den sista operationen blev misslyckad. Det var 15 år sedan och hon mår idag “bättre än någonsin”. 
    Bevisen för levande födas överlägsenhet är överväldigande, men det är klart: känner man inte till dem är man i händerna på alla okunniga läkare och dietister. De allra flesta läkare uppdaterar inte sin kunskap utan kan arbeta efter 10-20 år gammal kunskap de fick i sin grundutbildning. Om de ändå anstränger sig att vara uppdaterade blir de ändå bara serverade det som är “politiskt korrekt”. Få är de läkare som själva gräver efter kunskap i vetenskapliga undersökningar eller som läser de forskningsresultat som inte publiceras i de av vetenskapliga etablissemanget erkända tidskrifterna. De vill väl men vet för lite. Lita inte på din läkare. Ta reda på fakta själv. Läkare av idag har blivit kemister och knarklangare. Det är tragiskt och många läkare lider svårt av dagens sjukvård. Du behöver inte mer piller med “kemisk kreativitet”, du behöver återskapa kroppens rena hälsosamma egna apotek. 
    Som förkämpe för levande föda och råkost får du stå ensam mot ett enormt tryck av fördomar och okunnighet. Detta är ett allt för stort hinder för många. Tänk då på att dagens sjukvård endast är 300 år gammal. Hur levde vi före den? Hur klarade vi oss utan piller? Svaret är att vi klarade oss fantastiskt bra. Visst försöker man av politiska, religiösa och medicinska skäl få oss att tro att det förflutna var misär och elände medan man idag minsann har det så bra. Men sanningen är en annan. Aldrig har det funnits så många olika sjukdomar som nu. Det borde ju vara tvärtom! 
    Dagens sjukvård har inte svaren på frågan om människans hälsa. Vi kommer att se hur 90 procent av det som idag är “sanning” inom skolmedicinen snart förpassas till arkiven och glöms bort så som alltid har skett.

Enkla tips och råd

    Ät mycket mer än vanligt! Trots att det du nu börjar äta mer av innehåller mer och bättre näring finns det anledningar att se till att få i dig mer mat än annars. Din kropps matsmältningssystem har anpassat sig att bryta ned den tröga och tunga lagade maten. Hungerkänslor uppstår om kroppen inte får i sig den vanliga mängden tung mat. Dagens industriella odling har gett skördar fattigare på komplett näring men kanske sötare och med längre hållbarhet i kylrum. Kompensera därför dagens näringsfattigare växter genom att äta mer. Har du tillgång till ekologiskt odlat eller till och med biodynamiskt odlat får du äkta mat så som det var tänkt i naturen. I framtiden kan du kanske till och med handla mat odlad med hjälp av SONIC BLOOM vilket ger betydligt näringsrikare och hållbarare råvaror. 
    För att få i dig tillräcklig mängd kalorier (energi) måste du äta ordentligt. Så istället för att minska kaloriintaget, vilket de flesta behöver, måste du se till att öka ditt. Ät ofta, ät mycket.
    Mixa maten så att du får i dig större mängder utan att tröttna på tuggandet. Genom att mixa (hacka, riva, mala, mixa och pressa osv.) får du i dig mer än om du tuggade allt själv. Se till att skaffa ordentlig, praktisk och rejäl utrustning. 
    Skapa en ordning i köket som gör det enkelt att göra måltider. Ha alla redskap framme som du använder varje dag. Skölj och ställ redskapen på tork så fort du använt dem.
    Håll rent! I restauranger får man inte ens hantera kött och rotfrukter på samma diskbänk! Har du fortfarande köttprodukter hemma skall dessa hanteras helt separat. Om kött du äter får kontakt med vissa bakterier som finns i jord kan det leda till allvarliga matförgiftningar och till och med dödsfall. Kött måste hållas kallt tills det tillreds för att sedan hettas upp så mycket att parasiter och bakterier dör. Ät aldrig kött som inte hettats upp, ät därför inte kött alls. 
    Groddar måste sköljas ofta, ju oftare desto bättre. Själv använder jag en hemmagjord groddmaskin som sprejar kallt vatten i tjugo sekunder var tjugonde minut över groddarna. Vattnet får rinna av så att groddarna aldrig står i vatten. På detta sätt växer groddarna utan uppsikt i fyra fem dagar och har hållits fräscha av det kalla vattnet. Om vatten blir stående bland groddar blir de dåliga inom något dygn. Flera fall av salmonellasmitta har rapporterats i media de senaste åren och har då gällt alfa-alfagroddar som sålts i butiker. Skölj allt du skall äta ordentligt innan, gärna i levande, aktiverat vatten eller källvatten. 
    Krydda och smaksätt ifall du saknar vissa smaker. Låt inte längtan efter en viss smak leda dig till sämre diet igen.
    Småät! Förutom att äta rejäla måltider när du känner för det (minst tre om dan) skall du småäta och dricka olika juicer. Tjockare juicer du gör i mixern, ofta med banan i, kallas i USA för “smoothies” eller mjukisar. Dessa är otroligt näringsrika och kan smaksättas med bär och frukter eller få lite extra tillskott av t ex spirulina eller vetegrässaft. Ibland kan man leva i dagar på mjukisar, det blir som fasta men med riktig mat! Juicer blir din viktigaste källa till vätska. Du behöver ganska snart inte dricka vatten längre, du är helt enkelt inte törstig! Det vatten som finns i färskpressade juicer är det renaste du kan få och dessutom energirikt! 
    Tillåt dig att pendla! Med det menas att du bör tillåta dig att äta lagad mat när suget blir för stort. Detta är viktigt för att du skall kunna uppfatta skillnaderna i hur du mår och hur din kropp fungerar. Om du efter ett par veckor på levande föda äter t ex en pizza får du nog en chock. För det första smakar allt mycket starkare nu. Dina smaklökar har balanserats att känna mycket mer subtila och finare smaker med levande föda. Pizzan kanske ger en stark och spännande smakupplevelse men väl i magen känner du kanske för första gången på riktigt vad lagad mat ställer till med. Prova själv, det är det bästa sättet att övertygas om levande födas förträfflighet. Se dock till att du inte går från den ena ytterligheten till den andra. Ha som mål att i alla fall äta minst 50% råkost. Reglera sedan detta procenttal efter omständigheterna. Runt 75-85% är ett bra mål och ger dig märkbara positiva resultat. 100% är mycket bra och ger de allra bästa resultaten. Håll 100% så länge du kan! 
    Rensa tarmarna. Det finns idag många olika preparat på marknaden. Eftersom vi alla är olika rekommenderar jag att du läser på ordentligt och sedan provar dig fram. Utan rena tarmar uteblir många positiva effekter även om tarmarna renas något med tiden om du går över till råkost. Mycket av skräpet i tarmarna måste dock “tvättas” bort, annars blir det kvar. Tarmreningsprodukter löser upp intorkat slem och andra rester så att tarmen kan återgå till normal funktion. Ofta beror näringsbrist på att tarmen helt enkelt inte tar upp ämnet oberoende av vad du stoppar i dig. Det har visat sig att olika delar av tarmen tar upp olika ämnen. Om ett parti av tunntarmen blivit tilltäppt av skräp kan kroppen få specifika brister på det ämne som skulle tas upp där. Omvänt gäller kanske med utsöndringen av skräp men detta har jag inte sett stöd för ännu. Genom att rensa kroppen från intorkat skräp blir du lättare av med olika tarmparasiter som håller sig fast i skräpet. Att rensa kroppen från parasiter är givetvis bra, prova dr Hulda Clarks antiparasitprogram. Enligt dr Clark har parasiternas härjningar i vår kropp direkta samband med några av våra svåraste sjukdomstillstånd. 
    Festa och frossa! Råkost med alla frukter och bär är rena festmaten. Inget går upp mot naturens kockar när det gäller smaker och dofter. Visst kan man på kemisk väg få fram starkare och råare smaker men är det bra för kroppens känsliga signalsystem? Med läpparna skall vi kunna avgöra om det är bra eller dåligt för oss, med smaken och doften skall kroppen kunna ställa in matsmältningen. Att sätta dessa känsliga system ur spel gör det mycket svårt för kroppen att fungera normalt. Ät och var glad över alla de fantastiska smaker som växtriket ger oss naturligt. Ät så mycket du vill. Är du överviktig skall du veta att du inte kan gå upp i vikt med råkost! Äter du råkost försvinner överflödigt fett och upplagrat skräp fortare än på något annat sätt. Du kommer att minska i vikt tills du kommer strax under din idealvikt, sedan klättrar du långsamt upp till din idealvikt. Du kan gå ned mer än 5 kilo per vecka när det går som snabbast. Om du är underviktig kommer du att långsamt öka i vikt tills du når din idealvikt. 
    Använd så bra och färska matvaror du kan. Att leva på råkost blir billigare än att äta köttbaserad lagad mat. Du kan gott lägga pengarna på lite bättre kvalitet. Köp gärna ekologiskt odlat, det är bevisat att sådan mat är överlägset mer balanserad och komplett när det gäller t ex mineralinnehåll. Om du inte får tag på ekologiskt odlat, ät mer av det du har och komplettera med tillskott som alger, spirulina eller andra torkade produkter. Din terapeut, som arbetar med modern diagnostik som tex irisdiagnostik, kinesiologi, pendel, pekare eller liknande, kan lätt ge besked om det finns något i maten du saknar eller får för mycket av.
    Låt magen bestämma vad du skall äta, inte munnen! Munnen är alltför lättsinnig för att kunna hålla en seriös diet. Magen ger raka besked om den vill ha eller ej. Lyd magen, oftast i alla fall, men inte om den vill ha nåt du vet är skadligt för dig. 

Att förstå vad hälsa och sjukdom är

    Hur uppstår sjukdomar och varför? Vad är de egentliga orsakerna? Dessa frågor har länge upptagit läkarvetenskapen, och kampen mot alla våra olika sjukdomar är idag en enorm industri. Men att enbart kämpa mot sjukdomarna är fel väg att gå för att nå hälsa. 
    För att kunna leva ett friskt och långt liv fri från sjukdomar måste man förstå och leva efter en grundläggande princip.
    I naturen finns två grundläggande balanserande krafter, den ena uppbyggande och den andra nedbrytande. Den uppbyggande ser man nu under våren som en enormt stark, expansiv frambrytande livsvåg. Kraften är så stor att man häpnar. Vi kan ana att den pressas fram som en del av evolutionen på vår planet. 
    Förstå då också att naturens nedbrytande kraft är lika stor. Den nedbrytande kraftens uppgift är bland annat att lösa upp icke livsdugliga former. Detta för att ge material och plats för livsdugligare former. I naturen används alla destruktiva krafter på ett mycket intelligent sätt i detta arbete. Det är ett kretslopp eller en cykel som är helt naturlig och nödvändig. Om vissa organismer av olika anledningar breder ut sig för mycket utan att ha motsvarande livskraft kommer den nedbrytande kraften att balansera detta genom sina agenter. Dessa agenter kan vara olika mikroorganismer, insekter, andra mindre och större djur, väder och vind samt andra för oss okända faktorer. De nedbrytande krafterna verkar på alla nivåer, från den fysiska till den mentala. Ibland får människor, utan att veta om det, agera nedbrytande krafter. 
    När en växt eller ett djur i naturen blir svagt, när den uppbyggande livskraften inte längre är starkare än den nedbrytande börjar agenterna genast sitt arbete. Växten uppsöks nu av olika bakterier, virus, insekter och andra djur, vilka alla gör sitt arbete: de försöker bryta ned det som inte längre är livsdugligt. Valet av vad som skall brytas ned är helt mekaniskt och skoningslöst. Det är naturlagar som reglerar detta, naturlagar vi ännu endast delvis upptäckt eller beskrivit. Så fort organismens egen livskraft sjunker under en viss nivå, sätter den nedbrytande kraften in, och den börjar oftast sitt arbete i de svagaste delarna. Det är helt enkelt en naturlag, som är ofrånkomlig. Vilka agenter som väljs varierar kraftigt. Alltifrån virus och bakterier till insekter och parasiter är vanliga i människoriket. Förmodligen sätts även andra mekanismer, av oss ännu oupptäckta och okända, in i arbetet att bryta ned och lösa upp. 
    Om en människa utsätts för dessa attacker, ser man det ofta i form av sjukdom. Men det finns kanske andra former av nedbrytande faktorer. som verkar på helt andra sätt och på andra nivåer. Kanske är olyckor, krig, och farsoter en större form av nedbrytande faktorer. Hur skall vi kunna veta vilka lagar som gäller, om vi inte utforskar detta nogrant? 
    Den spontana reaktionen då man blir sjuk har hittills varit att försöka försvara sig mot det man uppfattar som orsaken till sjukdomen – agenten. Dagens sjukvård inriktar sig dock nästan uteslutande på att dämpa eller motverka olika sjukdomssymtom. Men även om man tillfälligt lyckas motarbeta agentens arbete, finner naturen andra vägar, och en sak är säker: naturen vinner alltid! Nya agenter strömmar till tills arbetet är slutfört. Detta är ofrånkomligt och något man måste förstå. Vi kan inte lura naturen. Naturen finner alltid vägar. Vår fokus borde i stället flyttas till ansträngningarna att bli mer livsdugliga, och detta arbete är enklare än man kan tro.

Eter eller chi – kroppens energi

    Ända fram till början av 1900-talet var etern en realitet för vetenskapen. Etern, ansåg man, var en osynlig materia som fyllde universum och var bärare av olika slags energivågor som ljus och gravitation. Etermaterien har många olika namn i olika kulturer. På sanskrit kallas den prana och på kinesiska chi. Den kallas vanligen för chi när den strömmar i vår kropp. Denna form av energi har varit känd i de flesta olika kulturer men är idag inte erkänd av den moderna vetenskapen. Chi är den livsenergi som gör det möjligt för våra enzymer att arbeta. Utan chi kan inga system i kroppen fungera, utan chi kan man inte leva. Enligt esoteriska traditioner är det till och med så att denna materia utgör en egen kropp i oss, en energimall som visar kroppens celler vilka funktioner som skall utföras och var. Etern och chi “avskaffades” dock, då vetenskapsmännen slutade studera verkligheten för att i stället filosofera och beräkna. Kvantfysiken är en sådan pseudovetenskap med endast ytliga beröringspunkter med verkligheten, vilket kommer att visa sig inom en snar framtid. 
    Trots att vetenskapsmännen slutade “tro på etern eller chi, finns den givetvis ändå, och det är halten av chi i oss som avgör om naturen väljer att bryta ner eller bygga upp oss.
    I tusentals år har detta varit känt i asiatiska kulturer. Fokus har där varit att se till att denna energi finns i tillräcklig mängd och balans för att hälsa skall upprätthållas. Blir någon sjuk, arbetar man genast på att balansera och öka denna energis korrekta flöde i kroppen. Man vet att det är lönlöst att bara bekämpa agenterna.

Felet med sjukvården i vårt nuvarande samhälle

    Den största bristen i dagens sjukvård är okunnigheten om denna vår eterkropp. Benämningen sjukvård och sjukhus visar att fokus ligger på de nedbrytande faktorerna, och faktum är att dagens sjukvård till stora delar fungerar som agent för naturens nedbrytande kraft! 
    Det har förstås alltid funnits de som vetat hur hälsa skall uppnås och sjukdom undvikas, men dagens samhälle ger inget utrymme för något som inte är fysikaliskt konstaterbart. Etern får därför inte finnas. Hela politiska system och maktstrukturer bygger på att “inget annat än det fysiska existerar”. Dessa verklighetsförnekande strukturer och system kan sägas ingå i arsenalen av nedbrytande krafter. Är det då meningsfullt att bekämpa de nedbrytande krafterna på planeten?

Lösningen på en mängd problem

    Du har två huvudsakliga vägar att gå förutsatt att du avsiktligt vill stödja mänsklighetens och din egna utveckling – kampen mot det nedbrytande eller kampen för det uppbyggande. Självklart utesluter dessa inte varandra, men tonvikten kommer alltid att ligga på antingen det ena eller det andra. 
    Kampen mot det nedbrytande kan inte vinnas, då det nedbrytande bara utför sitt arbete! De nedbrytande krafterna i stort och smått på vår planet har stöd av naturen eller gud om du så vill. Kan du vinna en kamp mot gud? Det nedbrytande är en enorm naturkraft, lika viktig som det uppbyggande. Låt vara att det verkar finnas väl mycket nedbrytande kraft i mänskligheten just nu. Det är idag motiverat att ge dessa krafter mindre utrymme. 
    Arbetar du dock istället för de uppbyggande krafterna, gör du faktiskt två arbeten samtidigt.
    – Du stärker det livskraftiga, ökar nivån och kvaliteten av etermateria i dig själv. Du blir “en arbetare i vingården”, som deltar i planetens evolutionsarbete. Du följer med i den positiva kraftens flöde. Flödet flödar genom dig. 
    – Du blir en av dem som lämnas ifred av de nedbrytande krafterna och ger dessa därför mindre utrymme att existera.
    Fundera en stund på detta, så att betydelsen verkligen sjunker in i dig. Utan förståelse för denna grundläggande princip kommer du ständigt att möta motstånd i ditt liv på alla plan. Antingen är du för eller emot evolutionen, och naturen behandlar dig därefter. I vissa fall är det motiverat att bekämpa de nedbrytande krafterna, i andra fall kan du vara skyldig att göra det. Din fokus bör dock hela tiden vara där du vill att den skall vara. 
    I livet gör vi hela tiden val, som placerar oss i någon av dessa huvudkategorier, och det är viktigt att du blir medveten om var du placerar dig själv. (I det ovanstående antyder jag en lösning för alla dem som oroar sig för framtida globala katastrofer.)

Levande födas roll i ditt liv

    Från att enbart vara en fråga om diet eller välmående och hälsa, växer råkostens roll i ditt liv, om du förstår samspelet mellan uppbyggande och nedbrytande krafter. Din kropp är ditt tempel, en bas du utgår ifrån ‘ för att kunna leva ditt liv och uppleva allt som skall upplevas. Om denna bas, denna grund inte håller, kan du inte bygga något. Livet blir då i stället en kamp för att överleva. Hur viktig kroppens hälsa är känner vi nog alla till, men effekterna av råkostätandet sträcker sig betydligt längre än så! Lever du som asätare, blir du en agent för de nedbrytande krafterna. Dessutom tömmer du snabbt dina förråd av livskraft, då enzymerna förbrukas snabbare än de skapas. Din nivå av chi eller livskraft minskar, och snart kommer naturen att välja ut dig för nedbrytning. Ditt liv blir till en kamp för att överleva, och din organism drabbas av den ena sjukdomen efter den andra, tills den inte längre orkar leva. Dina övriga kroppar (den emotionala och mentala) mister då sin bas och fick kanske ingen riktig chans till lärdomar i detta liv. Att sköta sin organism borde vara något av det väsentligaste i våra liv då den är nödvändig för att få erfarenheter och förmågor. Sköter du din organism, kan du få möjlighet att leva i 140 år eller mer, och detta utan en massa sjukdomar eller hälsobesvär. Ditt liv blir lättare att leva, och du får realistiska möjligheter att uppnå dina mål på olika plan i ditt liv. 
    Min personliga erfarenhet är att levande föda eller råkost är betydligt viktigare än jag först kunde ana. De uppenbara fördelarna gentemot tillagad, upphettad mat är lätta att förstå från dietsynpunkt. Rent fysiologiskt är levande föda ojämförligt bättre än lagad mat för ens organism. (Se första delen av denna artikelserie). Jag började forska i ämnet och lade även om min diet, så att den innehöll till största delen levande föda, mest för de positiva effekterna på min organism. Vad jag dock snabbt lade märke till var de förhöjda nivåerna av chi eller etermateria och de rent fysiologiska effekterna av detta. Detta var egentligen ingen överraskning, men jag blev ändå förvånad över hur fantastiskt bra kroppen mådde. 
    Mitt humör påverkades också, så att det stabiliserades på en jämnare och högre nivå. I stället för att vara lite seg och halvdeppig emellanåt är jag nu nästan alltid lugn, glad och positiv Efter måltiderna blev jag inte längre däst och trött utan stark och pigg. Att börja äta levande föda är som att ladda upp batterierna. Det är som att plötsligt finna hur det egentligen skall kännas att äta. Tankarna klarnar, känslorna balanseras och höjs till betydligt gladare nivåer. Att sluta äta lagad mat var svårt, men bara efter ett par dagar märker man en otrolig skillnad. Det är som om en stor börda lättats, som att kränga av sig en tung ryggsäck fylld med sten. Känslomässigt upplever jag oftast en sällhet på gränsen till eufori, inte bara tillfälligt utan hela tiden. Och det är inte eufori på grund av näringsbrist! Känslor av depression, ångest och rädsla har visat sig kunna bero på dålig, livsfattig kost. Att slippa detta är underbart. 
    Som om detta inte vore nog, började andra områden i mitt liv plötsligt att förändras till det bättre. Det så välbekanta motståndet på områden, som jag absolut inte trodde hade med min diet att göra försvann. Som exempel kan jag nämna min ekonomi. Hur sjutton kan levande föda påverkar min ekonomi? Efter att jag haft det svårt i många år gick faktiskt allt plötsligt mycket lätt och min ekonomiska situation förbättrades drastiskt. Det var inte så att jag plötsligt fick mycket mer av tillvaron, det var mer så att det välbekanta motståndet försvann! Nåja, tänkte jag, kanske hade detta med min känslomässiga förbättring och inställning att göra. Men det var inte bara områden jag själv styrde över som plötsligt förändrades. Människor började bete sig annorlunda mot mig, och mina kontakter med olika myndigheter och företag var plötsligt så enkla och problemfria. Hela min omgivning började agera annorlunda gentemot mig. Jag vet att det är ovetenskapligt och magstarkt att hävda men jag gör det ändå: Ätandet av levande föda förändrar inte bara din organism och din hälsa utan hela ditt liv. Tillskottet av chi påverkar inte bara din organism och din eterkropp. Det får effekter även i din emotionala och mentala kropp. Dessa effekter blir faktorer som naturen “ser” och tar hänsyn till. Din relation med tillvaron förändras! Du väljer sida. 
    I perioder har det varit mycket svårt att leva på råkost, så jag har ätit lagad vegetarisk mat, och se, de “magiska” förändringarna försvinner. När jag så återupptar ätandet av levande föda, infinner sig de positiva förändringarna åter. Jag är inte ensam om att uppfatta detta, flera andra som prövat råkost har samma erfarenheter. I USA finns flera olika grupper av råkostätare som rapporterar samma “magiska” effekt.

Att leva i flödet eller inte

    På något sätt påverkar levande föda inte bara din organism utan även andra faktorer i ditt liv. Jag vet inte hur, men min förklaring är att du samarbetar med naturen och därför inte möter motstånd. Att äta levande föda är tydligen att följa den uppbyggande kraften. Du infogar dig i det uppbyggande flödet. Visst har du haft dagar, då allt tycks ha gått vägen för dig, allt har varit så lätt och fallit så enkelt på plats. Dessa dagar har varit exempel på tillfällen då du levt i flödet! 
    Vi äter varje dag. Varje dag har vi möjlighet att välja om vi vill leva i naturens flöde eller ej. Flera gånger om dagen! Det är tydligt att valet av levande föda eller råkost är viktigt för alla kropparna. Äter du råkost, lever du i flödet, i alla fall i den aspekten. Du får friska hälsosamma nivåer av chi eller eter och naturen ser dig som livsduglig. De nedbrytande krafterna arbetar inte längre mot dig utan lämnar dig ifred. Detta har en enorm inverkan på hela livssituationen. Erfarenheter gjorda av många människor visar att det påverkar plan och nivåer som normalt inte alls verkar ha med val av diet att göra. Säkert finns det andra faktorer på emotionala och mentala plan som kan vara antingen med eller emot flödet, och dessa har säkert stor inverkan på hur livet artar sig. Det är dock förvånansvärt mycket som påverkas av valet av mat, och är du det minsta intresserad av att utvecklas och leva, råder jag dig att begrunda din diet. Att infoga sig i den utvecklande, uppbyggande kraftens flöde verkar vara en grundläggande princip med mycket kraftig effekt i våra liv. Effekten sträcker sig långt utanför vad man normalt kan vänta sig. 
    Detta sätt att se på hälsa förklarar till exempel varför växter som behandlats med Sonic Bloom inte drabbas av sjukdomar och skadeinsekter i samma grad som obehandlade växter. Sonic Bloom hjälper växterna att få en högre vitalitet och därmed mer chi. Livskraften ökar dramatiskt. 
    Andra företeelser kan också få en förklaring, som tex virus, vilka finns lagrade i våra celler men bryter fram endast då vi blir försvagade på olika sätt. Cancersjuka kan må förhållandevis bra, tills de svåra behandlingarna sätts in, behandlingar som skall “döda” cancern men som samtidigt försvagar den sjuke ännu mer. De flesta som dör i cancer idag dör inte av sjukdomen utan av behandlingen mot sjukdomen. Nivån av chi eller livskraft är avgörande för hur naturens olika krafter förhåller sig till organismen. Framtidens läkare kommer att öka denna livskraft, tills sjukdomar som vi känner dem upphör att existera. 
    Mänskligheten av idag lever i mångt och mycket mot naturen och naturens mekaniska respons är att bryta ned det livsodugliga. Se dig om i vår civilisation och fråga dig vad som är med och vad som är mot naturen. Är du ärlig, finner du att vår civilisation till gott och väl 80 procent är en nedbrytande kraft. Är det då underligt att vår situation ser ut som den gör? 
    Eftersom den nedbrytande kraften är i samklang med hela tillvaron och den outgrundliga intelligens som styr livet på vår planet, kan man tänka sig att människor bryts ned med krig och farsoter, konstruerade av oss själva. Ett sätt att kliva av detta tåg mot en säker katastrof är att börja söka flödet och leva i det. Enbart övergången till levande föda skulle förändra hela vår civilisation i grunden.

Fakta om djuruppfödningen och köttindustrin

    Följande mycket talande uppgifter hittade jag på internet, och jag uppmuntrar alla som har möjlighet att surfa in på de många faktaspäckade sidorna för vegetarianer, veganer och råkostätare. Där finns mängder av information, så mycket att det skulle fylla hela nummer av NEXUS flera gånger om. Jag har här valt ut en liten bråkdel, men nog för att visa hur illa vi lever idag.

    Världens mest underskattade miljöproblem är förmodligen de oerhörda ekologiska konsekvenser som den massiva djuruppfödningen och köttproduktionen är ansvariga för. Den främsta orsaken till att det än så länge talas tyst om dessa frågor är att även de flesta miljöaktivister äter kött. Några som däremot tagit sitt ansvar är medlemmarna i organisationen EarthSave, grundad av den kände veganen och författaren John Robbins. Den information som återges på denna sida är huvudsakligen hämtad ur broschyren Realities for the 90’s, vilken i sin tur bygger på Robbins bästsäljande bok Diet for a New America. Statistiken utgår förstås från amerikanska förhållanden, men de grundläggande problemen är desamma även i Sverige.


– Andel av all majs som odlas i USA som konsumeras av människor: 20%
– Andel av all majs som odlas i USA som konsumeras av boskap: 80%
– Andel av all soja som odlas i USA som konsumeras av boskap: 90% 
– Hur ofta ett barn på jorden dör av undernäring: var 2,3:e sekund
– Antal kilo spannmål och soja som går åt för att producera I kilo ätbar produkt av följande: nötkött 16, griskött 6, kalkon 4, kyckling/ägg 3
– Den mängd näring som går förlorad när man utfodrar boskap med spannmål: protein 90%, kolhydrater 99%, fibrer 100% 
– Det antal människor som kommer att dö till följd av undernäring i år: 20 000 000
– Antal kilo ätbar produkt som kan produceras på ett tunnland god odlingsmark: körsbär 2270, äpplen 9080, morötter 13620, potatis 18160, tomater 22700, selleri 27240, nötkött 114 
– Det antal människor, vilkas näringsbehov skulle kunna tillgodoses med den soja och spannmål som går åt för att producera den mängd kött-, fågel-, ägg- och mjölkprodukter som ii genomsnittlig amerikan konsumerar varje ar: 7 
– Den andel av USA: s åkermark som producerar boskapsfoder: 04%
– Den andel av USA:s åkermark som producerar frukt och grönsaker: 2%
– Det antal människor, vilkas näringsbehov skulle kunna tillgodoses, om man använde den mark, det vatten och den energi som skulle frigöras från boskapsuppfödningen, om amerikanarna minskade sin köttproduktion med 10% 100 000 000 (etthundra miljoner) 
– Historisk orsak till många stora civilisationers undergång: utarmning av matjorden
– Den andel ursprunglig åkermark i USA som blivit permanent improduktiv på grund av utarmning av matjorden: 1/3
– Ärlig förlust av matjord på åkermark i USA: över 5 miljarder ton 
– Den andel av förlorad/utarmad matjord som kan sättas i direkt samband med boskapsuppfödning: 85%
– Antal tunnland skog i USA som har kalhuggits för att skapa åkermark och betesmark för köttboskap: 260 000 000 (tvåhundrasextio miljoner) 
– Antal tunnland kalhyggen i USA som åter skulle kunna bli till skog, om amerikanerna övergick till en köttfri kost och slutade exportera djurfoder: 204 000 000 (tvåhundrafyra miljoner)
– Det antal kalorier från fossila bränslen som går åt för att producera I kalori protein från nötkött: 78 
– Det antal kalorier från fossila bränslen som går åt för att producera 1 kalori protein från sojabönor: 2
– Den andel av USA:s totala årliga vattenförbrukning som djuruppfödningen står för: mer än hälften
– Den mängd vatten (i liter, i Kalifornien) som går åt för att producera I kilo ätbar produkt av : tomater 192, sallat 192, potatis 200, vete 209, morötter 275, äpplen 409, apelsiner 543, vindruvor 584, mjölk 1086, ägg 4542, kyckling 6805, fläsk 13610, nötkött 43537


– En drivande kraft bakom förödelsen av de tropiska regnskogarna: västvärldens köttätande
– Den mängd kött USA importerade från Central- och Sydamerika 1987: 1 360 000 kilo 
– Andel av i dag tillgängliga mediciner som existerar på grund av tillgång till olika växtarter: 25%
– Den hastighet med vilken arter utrotas på grund av regnskogsskövling: 1,000 per år


– Den mängd exkrementer som produceras av boskap i USA: 105 000 kilo per sekund
– Den mängd vattenföroreningar som orsakas av USA:s jordbruk: Större än alla samhälleliga och industriella källor tillsammans

Medicin och hälsa

– Den vanligaste dödsorsaken i USA: Hjärtsjukdom och hjärt-kärlsjukdom
– Hur ofta en amerikan drabbas av en hjärtattack: var 25:e sekund
– Hur ofta en hjärtattack dödar i USA: var 45:e sekund
– Procentuell risk att för att en genomsnittlig amerikansk man ska dö av en hjärtattack: 50%
– Procentuell risk att för att en amerikansk man som inte äter kött ska dö av en hjärtattack: 14% 
– Procentuell risk att för att en amerikansk man som inte äter kött, mjölkprodukter eller ägg ska dö av en hjärtattack. 4%
– Ökning av mängden blodkolesterol till följd av konsumtion av I ägg per dag: 12%
– Höjning av den procentuella risken för hjärtattack om blodkolesterolnivån höjts med 12% 24% 
– Genomsnittlig kolesterolnivå hos personer som lever på en köttbaserad kost (i USA): 210 mg/dl
– Risk att dö av en hjärtattack om du är man och din blodkolesterolnivå är 210 mg/dl: över 50%
– De främsta källorna till mättat fett och kolesterol i amerikansk kost: kött, mjölkprodukter och ägg 
– Mängd kolesterol man finner i levande föda dvs alla sädesslag, baljväxter, frukter, grönsaker, nötter och frön: noll
– Risk att dö av en hjärtattack om du inte konsumerar kolesterol: 4%


– Befolkningsgrupper med ett litet köttintag som inte har motsvarande låg frekvens av tjocktarmscancer: inga 
– Ökad risk för bröstcancer för kvinnor som äter ägg dagligen, jämfört med en gång i veckan: 2,8 gånger högre
– Ökad risk för bröstcancer för kvinnor som äter kött dagligen, jämfört med mindre än en gång i veckan: 3,8 gånger högre 
– Ökad risk för dödlig livmodercancer för kvinnor som äter ägg 3 dagar eller mer i veckan, jämfört med mindre än en gång i veckan: 3 gånger högre
– Ökad risk för bröstcancer för kvinnor som äter smör och ost 2-4 gånger i veckan .jämfört med en gång i veckan: 3,2 gånger högre 
– Ökad risk för dödlig prostatacancer för män som äter kött, mjölkprodukter och ägg dagligen, jämfört med endast i undantagsfall: 3.6 gånger högre
– I USA dödas och äts 45 miljoner kalkoner varje Thanksgiving.
– Antal kilowattimmar som går åt för framställningen av ett kilo fläskkött: 179 och ett kilo vitt bröd: 50 
– Varje år transporteras över 250 miljoner (250 000 000) djur över gränserna i Europa för att slaktas.
– Vår köttkonsumtion har ökat drastiskt bara under 1900-talet. Vi har aldrig någonsin i historien ätit så mycket kött som nu. 1989 åt vi svenskar i genomsnitt 48 kilo kött, 1999 var siffran uppe i 60 kilo. 
– I Sverige sköts 220 000 rådjur under 1998. 1 genomsnitt gav varje rådjur 10 kilo kött.
– När människan äter kött, omvandlas det kväve som äts till 6 gånger så mycket kväve i naturen, vilket i sin tur leder till den övergödning vi har i bl.a Östersjön.
– Produktion och slakt av nötkreatur kräver ca 50% av vårt dricksvatten. Det är 100 gånger mer än vad som går åt till samma mängd (kg) vete.
– Kemikalier som används vid hanteringen av kött rinner rakt nr i grundvattnet. Varje minut försvinner 100 hektar tropisk regnskog på grund av människan behov av lagad mat. Ungefär hälften används till betesmarker för nötkreatur. Detta medför att tusentals växt- och djurarter utrotas varje ar. 
– Att mata slaktdjur med odlad föda är inte ett bra sätt att använda människans resurser. Att u-länderna svälter beror på att vi “civiliserade” människor äter 2/3 delar av jordens naturtillgångar.
– Vi i västvärlden stoppar i oss c:a 30 till 40 procent mer proteiner än vad kroppen kan förbruka. 
– Den spannmål som USAs nötkreatur matas med varje år skulle räcka till hela världens befolkning i fem år.
– Skar amerikanerna ner sin köttkonsumtion med 10%, skulle den spannmål som blev över räcka till att föda alla som annars kommer att svälta ihjäl.

Mer om komjölk

Mjölkkor görs årligen dräktiga för att producera tillräckligt med mjölk. I naturen skulle kalven dia i nästan ett år, men många kalvar skiljs från modern redan livets första dag; andra får vara kvar ett par dagar.  De minst friska kalvarna sänds iväg för att slaktas och bli till djurfoder; för att förse köttföretagen med kalvkött; eller för att löpe ska utvinnas ur deras magar vilket används till ostproduktion. Vissa av honkön kommer att födas upp på mjölksubstitut för att bli en ersättare i mjölkproduktionen, och vid 18 -24 månaders ålder startar cykeln med återkommande graviditeter. En del kalvar kommer att säljas vid 1-2 veckors ålder för att födas upp för nötköttets skull och slaktas efter 11 månader, ofta utan att ha sett skymten av betesmark. 

    Upp till 80 procent av nötproduktionen i Storbritannien är en sidoverksamhet för mejeriindustrin. Över 170 000 kalvar dör varje ar i Storbritannien innan de är tre månader gamla på grund av den alltför vårdslösa skötseln och den förfärliga behandlingen. Konstgjord insemination svarar nu för 65-75 procent av alla befruktningar av mjölkkor. I USA uppföds den stora majoriteten av oönskade kalvar till att bli kalvkött. Avsiktligen får de för litet järn och fibrer som annars skulle göra deras vita kött rött, de kommer alltså att lida av subklinisk blodbrist och gnager på spjällådan och sitt eget hår för att få de växtfibrer som de längtar efter. 
    De ges stora doser hormoner och antibiotika för att gynna tillväxten och förhindra utbrott av infektioner orsakade av den stressande fångenskapen och felnäring. De kommer att lida av diarré, lunginflammation, vitaminbrist, revorm, rötsår eller blodförgiftning. Efter 14 veckor har de knappt förmågan att gå, då de fraktas över långa distanser för att slaktas. År 1905 vanns Lord Mayor’s Cup i London Dairy Show (en mjölkkoutställning) av en 24 år gammal ko. Idag är det omöjligt att hitta en mjölkko i den åldern. 
    Kon skickas vanligtvis till slakt efter fem till sex år, mindre än en fjärdedel av dess förväntade livslängd. Ketos, laminit, rumen-acidos, bse, mastit, mjölkfeber, levermask, lungmask och lunginflammationer är några sjukdomar som mjölkkon kan vänta sig under sitt korta liv. Var tredje kalv måste behandlas för inflammationer i andningsorganen. Nästan var tredje svensk mjölkko måste behandlas för juverinflammationer hur mycket inflammations-var som finns i ett paket mjölk vägrar Arla att svara på. EU-kommissionen betalade 8 miljoner euro för en “trendig och modern mjölkimage”-kampanj. Hur länge skall detta perversa barbari pågå?

Levande föda och din framtid

    Kan det verkligen vara så att levande föda, en så enkel och självklar tanke kan få så många positiva effekter på vår planet? ja, om fler av oss åt råkost, skulle den ekologiska katastrofen vi just nu upplever mildras. I sig kanske levande föda är något helt normalt, men kontrasten mot det idag rådande onormala och dettas följdverkningar är så stor att man kan tala om en smärre revolution ifall fler valde råkost. Sök fakta! Basera din diet på fakta, inte propaganda! Skaffa information! Det är din kropp, ditt liv och ditt ansvar. Du kan inte skylla på myndigheterna, storfinansen, illuminaterna eller några andra utanför dig själv. Låter du dig luras, är det fortfarande ditt ansvar. Tänk bara att kunna undvika veckor, månader eller år l smärtsamma sjukdomar! Tänk att slippa denna ständiga trötthet och allt som känns så segt i livet! ju fler som lever sunt, desto lättare för andra att fatta bättre beslut. 
    Om fler människor frigör sig och lever i flödet, kan faktiskt hela mänsklighetens framtid påverkas. Helt klarlagt är att din hälsa blir betydligt bättre, och är du redan frisk, kommer du att nå nya höjder av vitalitet och välmående, tillstånd du inte ens kunnat tänka dig. Övriga mer “magiska” effekter återstår för dig själv att upptäcka. Vad kommer frigörelsen och flödet innebära i ditt liv? era kan man få INFO på: Hippocrates & Asklipios på samma sida

Bysantinsk handskrift med den Hippokratiska eden i form av ett kors.

Jag svär vid Apollo, läkaren, och Aesculapius, och Hygieia och Panakeia och vid alla gudar och gudinnor, att jag, så långt mina krafter och mitt omdöme det tillåter, kommer att hålla denna Ed och de bestämmelser som där ingår.

De som lärt mig läkekonsten skall jag ära lika mycket som mina föräldrar, jag skall dela allt jag har med honom och se till att han har allt han behöver. Hans söner skall jag betrakta som mina bröder, och om de vill lära sig läkekonsten, skall jag undervisa dem utan lön eller avtal. Jag kommer att sprida kunskapen om läkekonsten till mina och min lärares barn, och till de lärlingar, som avlagt skriftlig ed enligt lagen om läkekonsten, men inte till någon annan.

Jag skall följa de regler, som enligt mitt omdöme och bedömning är till nytta för mina patienter, och jag skall undvika att orsaka skada eller oförrätt. Jag skall aldrig ge någon dödlig medicin åt någon ens ifall han begär sådan, eller ens föreslå något sådant. Ej heller skall jag ge en kvinna fosterfördrivande medel. Jag skall leva mitt liv och utöva min läkekonst i renhet och fromhet.

Jag skall inte befatta mig med stenar i blåsan, utan överläma detta åt män, som kan detta arbete.

Vart än jag går, gör jag detta för de sjukas bästa. Jag skall avstå från alla medvetna orättfärdiga handlingar, och inte idka intimt umgänge med kvinna eller man, slav eller fri.

Allt jag erfar, ser eller hör, i mitt verk inom läkekonsten och i mitt umgänge med medmänniskorna, som bör hemlighållas, kommer jag att förtiga, som om det alldrig hade sagts.

Om jag fortsätter att hålla denna ed utan att bryta mot denna, kommer jag att få njuta av mitt liv och min läkekonst, och alltid vara respekterad och hedrad av alla män. Men om jag bryter mot denna Ed, blir motsatsen min ödeslott!Vem var Apollo, Aesculapius och Hygieia?”

Statue of Asklipios - Epidauros

Asklipeio på Epidauros

Asklipeio at Epidauros

(ca. 460-377 fKr)

Också kallad “Läkekonstens fader”, Hippokrates föddes på ön Kos. Vi vet inte mycket om honom förutom att han sändes i exil från sitt hem, att han var en exceptionell läkare och att han dog i Larisa, där det står ett monument till hans ära.

Han studerade på Asklipios(Asclepius på Latinska) Skola, som grundades 1200 år före Kr. på Kos och det fanns minst fyra Medicinska skolor över hela Antika Grekland – (Thessalia, Epidavros, Kos Knidos och Effesos) både i väst fast landet och Ionia (Minor Asien), (där fanns det Ephesos, Alikarnassos, Pergamos, Knidos, Smyrna etc med både Dorisk men mest Ionisk dialekt).

En anekdot berättar att han var så skarpsinnig att han en dag mötte en flicka på gatan och han hälsade henne med orden “god morgon, jungfru”, men då han mötte henne igen på eftermiddagen sade han “god kväll, kvinna”.

Hippokrates var nästan fri från vidskepelse, och han ansåg att sjukdom kom ifrån naturen och inte gudarna. Han sade till och med att epilepsi orsakade av en blockad i hjärnan. Han var den förste läkaren som faktiskt undersökte sina patienter.

En revolutionerande aspekt som uppfanns av Hippokrates var iden om renlighet. När pesten bröt ut rekommenderade han att folk brände sina kläder och kokade vattnet innan de drack det. Det skulle ta 2000 år innan detta återupptäcktes.

Han skrev om diagnostiska metoder, dieter, hygienens vikt, hut man förebygger sjukdomar, kirurgi, kvinnosjukdomar, hur städer och hus bör konstrueras så att människans omgivningar är hälsosamma, massage et.c.

Hippokrates ansåg att hälsan är god när blod, gul galla, svart galla och flegma är i balans. När vi kräks, hostar eller svettas, till exempel, försöker kroppen bli av med en eller flera av dessa ämnena,

Den Hippokratiska eden, som han möjligvis inte själv skrev, svärs fortfarande av nya läkare i många delar av världen. Denna ed är grunden för Världshälsoorganisationens (WHO) etik. Hippokrates introducerade också läkarens tystnadsplikt som alla läkare tillämpar idag.