About Konstantin

Konstantin Schönros C.V 1970-72 studied art history at Stockholm University. Took lessons in sculpture (most abstract) by prof. Albert Jusui at the Art Academy of Stockholm. 1970-73 In parallel studies, attended lectures at the School's Key, ABF, Arts and the school's advertising Beckman. 1974-80 Spent most of those years in Indonessia to study art, practice of various batik techniques, and woodcarving (Java Solo, Yo-Jakarta & Bali); these parallel with Wushu (and other Asian martial arts, sorinji kempo, muai-taj plus QiGong ( several different types of QiGong: Some of the: Xing Sheng Zuang,BU-jung, Iron Shirt, Tao Healing, Six Healing Sounds, Fusion of the FiveElements, Ba Gua Zhan). (including the: Fumie Tanaka, Mantak Chia, WangJi, David Sheng in Asia - Lui Linn in Stockholm) - Ashtanga, Raja, HathaYoga. 1980-82 sold their own creations (mostly prototypes), in both jewelry ("artitan")and clothing (WEARABLE ART). Since he was mostly in southeast Asia, he advanced in the esoteric martial arts (Tai Chi, Pa-qua and Tao healing,Qigong). 1982 Started the "Bird of Paradise" both, as show-room, shop and businesswith his talented designer and life partner Rose Marie Samuelsson Schönros., The volcanic island of Santorini in the Greek Archipelago. Both landscape and ruins (Ia & Akrotiri), has been the major source of inspiration for the creation of the warm earth colors of the batik & pressure, which was later engraved for some years to come, most of the "Bird of Paradise” profile. 1988 "Artitan" Exhibition in Oslo Norway at "Norway Designs' Gallery. 1989 "Art on Silk & Titan" Exhibition on ("Kulture Huset") in Stockholm, along with some other Swedish-Greek artists. 1990 Various arts and crafts mission abroad and Qi Gong instructor until 2004 1986-93. Rose-Marie and Constantine opens his own business inc. atelier in Stockholm (Södermalm) 1993-now Wushu Academy, with legendary SIFU Lui Linn 1991-95 Training in CAD design, information line, marketing. organized by theCulture AF. 1991-1997 Kompedium "The Tao of Green Gourmet" and cooperation with the Swedish Veg.Society and Health Promotion 1994-95 Single Mission on Textile & Batik (Nitor). 1995-2002 A): Renovation & Style Called "Interiorigin" (paintings, decco,gilding, marbling, carpentry, mosaic etc), apartments, houses, museums, only organic paints and solvents options! B) Silk Screen suitable for individual motives for roads, cabinets, etc. 2002 Special Education in Medical Boards (massage) 2002 Development of "HYDROBICS" & "HYDRODYNAMICS"; research Hydrotherapia, Dolphin & Vibration therapy from Asclepios doctrine, which was taught in various cities: Cos (Head Quarter), Samos, Cnidus, , Effesos). Asklipios School was estbl. At 12.th century BC). Hippocrates studied 435 f Kr. at Asclepios School. Since 2003 main subject, for Konstantin was to studie & research more about Asklipios & Hipocrates, - the whole knowledge - integrating T.C.M, with Western medicine & nutrition, as a part of the quantum physics together with Dolphin therapy, parallel with physical exercises mainly Hydrobics, QiGong, TaiJi quen, Yoga etc, depending individually. Innovations into the "Green Gourmet" To eat wholesome is not enough! To enjoy, is very important, as well (By R-M Schönros)

Non Dairy Roquefort Cheese



Ingredients (All organic):
A) Cashew nuts, pili-pili nuts, one L.of Coconut milk, one Dl.cocnut oil(Cold pressed), three Dl. of extra virgine olive oil, two Dl. umeshu vinegar, 1/2 table spoon fresh horseradish, 1/2 fresh ginger, 50 gr. fresh shitake mushrooms, one tea spoon oregano, four clovevs grated garlic, little chili.

B) one and a half cups of PROBIFORM juice, one table spoon pump seeds, one spoon of spirulina powder, two tea spoons of Maldon sea salt, one table spoon chia seed, one tsp.
of psylium seeds.

C) walnuts


1) First rinse in a colander the cashew & pilipli nuts. (500 Gr.).
Then let them be soaked into the coconut milk & the PROBIFORM for two days.
2) Put all ingredients of part A) into the food prcessor and let it go untill is very
3) Put half of it , as the FIRST layer on the baking paper.
4) After you finish ready in your blender with the ingr. of the number: B)., then you
add in form of stripes on the FIRST layer, together with the walnuts.
5) Cover with rest of nr.A).
Let it into the drying oven (37C.) for 14 hours..enjoy!